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多种路径推动中华文化走出去是实现"文化强国"战略的关键。中华文化走出去应改变路径过于单一的现状,找准对外文化交流的切入点,建立文化外交和文化贸易的长效机制,把握文化产品的创意性特点,掌握全球文化市场运营规则,重视文化人才队伍建设,积极培育外向型文化企业,架构起推动中华文化走出去的立体化战略构架。  相似文献   

Inclusive physical education (PE) for students with disability (SWD) evolved in line with ethical requirements and stakeholder morality. While inclusive PE is embraced at a conceptual level and desired at the classroom level, the complexity of successful implementation often remains overlooked in policy and curriculum guidelines. Qualitative studies on inclusive PE are generally small-scale, context-specific and limited in applicability to other settings, while current narrative reviews may indiscriminately select qualitative findings. To overcome existing limitations and extend understanding of world-wide teaching and learning experiences within inclusive PE, we conducted qualitative meta-analysis to systematically synthesise primary qualitative findings into secondary interpretations. First, 7 electronic databases were systematically searched to identify peer-reviewed articles published between 2000 and 2016. Of 672 identified records, 12 met pre-set inclusion criteria. Second, an inductive-deductive hybrid analysis approach revealed two major and eight minor themes. Overall, themes indicated physical educators conceptually embraced inclusive PE with a creative outlook for collaboration, knowledge and support. Cooperative and supportive efforts between physical educators, SWD, parents and teacher aides are valued in creating PE environments that effectively respond to learner diversity. While access to practical teaching guidance remains scarce, this study may contribute to physical educator practice.  相似文献   

在培智数学教学中 ,笔者应用生活化教学法进行以下五方面内容的教学 :用生活化教学法进行式题、应用题、图形表象的教学 ;对教材中本来就生活化的内容进行教学 ;用生活化教学方法进行主题教学 ,使数学贴近弱智学生的生活实际 ,从而提高数学教学的效果。  相似文献   

走向全球:开放与远程教育所面临的危险与前景   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
过去十年以来,电子学习、远程学习技术,以及精细化的教学设计、方法和支持服务等的发展表明,这些创新革新了高等教育的国际化阶段.而且,全球化正在驱动国际经济、社会、政治、文化、政治生活等相互关联的方方面面,这又进一步表明电子学习(或者是远程、混合学习、分布式学习或过几周又会有新的术语)已经创造了一个新的世界.确实,这只是刚刚开始(Olcott,2008,2008a).本文将探讨国际化、跨境高等教育、远程学习等一系列问题,有些评论可能会引起争论、有争议的.但生活就是这样!而且,这些评论直接针对学院和大学的校长.这又是为什么呢?就像杜鲁门所说的"责任到此,不能再推."  相似文献   


When the Salamanca Statement called upon States to recognise the ‘necessity and urgency’ of providing students with a disability access to the regular education system (UNESCO 1994, viii), both Australia and the United States of America had existing legislative and policy documents articulating the rights of students with a disability to access regular education. Since that time both countries have clarified and amended their respective laws and policies, and signed the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UN 2006) which urges States to reallocate resourcing to inclusive education, and to reduce segregation. In this article, I examine the policy reforms in each country and analyse aggregated and disaggregated student placement data within each context to consider the impact of these reforms for different groups of students. Results show that the different reform journeys in each context produced different outcomes for students in each country, with segregation increasing in Australia and decreasing in the USA. The results also suggest that the impact of these policies has not been proportionate across categories as students on the Autism Spectrum are more likely to experience educational segregation or exclusion in both countries.  相似文献   

Transition from high school to postsecondary education (PSE) and employment can be challenging for all youth, and particularly for youth with intellectual disability (ID). Promoting equity and access to PSE for students with ID is a social justice mandate, and high school counselors are uniquely positioned to assist youth with ID in accessing appropriate PSE options. This article describes how high school counselors can effectively support the postsecondary transition needs of students with ID through applying a framework of advocacy and social justice, using the Multicultural and Social Justice Counseling Competencies.  相似文献   

We investigated the influence of teacher feedback on the social acceptance of peers with intellectual disabilities and peers without disabilities. A computer task was administered to 601 students in grades 3 and 4. Twenty-six per cent of the students attend an inclusive school; the others are in regular schools without students with special educational needs. Participants are introduced to ‘new’ virtual classmates, one student with Down syndrome (DS), and one control student with no obvious disability. Additionally, teacher feedback and feedback about fun playing with the new classmates is given. Social acceptance is evaluated by asking if one would like to sit next to him/her. Both feedbacks showed a strong effect. The child with DS was less socially accepted than the child without disability. No difference regarding the social acceptance of the students with DS was found between students from inclusive and regular classes. Students from regular classes rate the social acceptance of the student without disabilities significantly higher than students from inclusive classrooms.  相似文献   

This article presents a self-efficacy model of achievement that comprises entry characteristics, self-efficacy for learning, task engagement variables, and efficacy cues. Students' sense of self-efficacy for learning is influenced as they work on tasks by cues that signal how well they are learning. Research is summarized on the effects of social and instructional variables on self-efficacy and achievement behaviors. Empirical evidence supports the idea that self-efficacy predicts student motivation and learning. Future research directions are provided, along with educational implications for students with learning problems.  相似文献   

The authors review the reactive patterns of adjustment by the families of the severely disabled as proposed by Bray (1977, 1978). The model is critiqued in light of evidence gained from a phenomenological study of 10 women married to spinal cord injured males. Implications and ramifications for the field of counseling are noted.  相似文献   

The Cattell–Horn–Carroll (CHC) factors of the Woodcock–Johnson (WJ) Arabic Tests of Cognitive Abilities were studied with a group of students at risk of Math Disability (MD) (n50) and average students (n50) between second and fourth grades. Specifically, several statistical analyses were conducted using the seven CHC factors identified by the WJ Arabic Tests and the level of math calculation skills. The two groups were matched on grade, gender, age, and father’s level of education. The findings indicated that average students had higher scores in all tests, but no statistical difference exists between at risk of MD and average groups in terms of Visual-Spatial Thinking or Auditory Processing scores. In addition, the best model for predicting math calculation skills was based on a combined measure of Processing Speed and Short-Term Working Memory factors. Implications of the findings are also discussed.  相似文献   

Online education is widely regarded as increasing accessibility to higher education to individuals with disadvantage and disability, including those with a mental health disability. However, the learning challenges these students experience within the online learning environment are not well understood. The purpose of this qualitative case study was to better understand the barriers to learning that these students face in this environment. A qualitative content analysis of semi-structured interviews conducted with 12 students revealed three major learning barriers: (a) impact of impairment, (b) personal and situational circumstances, and (c) learning environment. These barriers were found to have wide-ranging consequences for the students’ ability to fully engage in study and their overall wellbeing. The findings lend insight into the low retention rates for this cohort of students and the learning barriers that need to be addressed by online education providers to better enhance the educational experience of these students.  相似文献   

The author briefly reviews studies on the math teaching of secondary school students with mild intellectual disabilities. Then, the author demonstrates ways to teach secondary-level mathematics to students with mild intellectual disabilities. In this article, readers will learn about how to use manipulatives, diagrams, and gestures to support students' thinking. Readers will also learn how to make connections between new and challenging math content to students' experiences inside and outside of school to support them as they think through mathematics.  相似文献   


This article describes a collaborative research project by the institutional research group and a team of faculty members at a Canadian university. In response to an increasingly diverse mix of students, the researchers set out to develop an understanding of relationships between student characteristics, categorized as demographic differences, personal attributes and academic preparedness, and student outcomes measured by both grades and student perceptions. Significant differences were found in grades outcomes based on characteristics such as international status, secondary school grades, study habits and writing skills. However, these differences were not evident in student perceptions of course value or learning achievement. This study has important implications for university administrators (recruiting, intake assessment and student support), instructors (understanding of diversity characteristics and how students perceive learning experience) and for students, who can be given an opportunity to better understand how their own personal characteristics might affect their learning experiences and outcomes.


We explored teachers’ views and students’ experiences of going beyond the syllabus in Advanced (A) level Mathematics. Questionnaires were sent to teachers and students in a sample of 200 schools and colleges. Teachers were asked about the necessity, importance and benefits of additional teaching. Students were asked about the extra activities they undertook. Forty-seven teacher questionnaires and 299 student questionnaires were completed. Over half of the students claimed to undertake at least some extra activities. Although a few teachers thought teaching beyond the syllabus was unimportant and unnecessary, over 70% felt it should be undertaken if time allowed. Teaching efficacy was measured by comparing each teacher’s students’ Mathematics results with those students’ results in other A level subjects. Significantly more teachers with relatively high Mathematics results than with relatively low results believed teaching beyond the syllabus strengthens and expands students’ existing knowledge and adds interest to the course.  相似文献   

This article describes a collaborative research project by the institutional research group and a team of faculty members at a Canadian university. In response to an increasingly diverse mix of students, the researchers set out to develop an understanding of relationships between student characteristics, categorized as demographic differences, personal attributes and academic preparedness, and student outcomes measured by both grades and student perceptions. Significant differences were found in grades outcomes based on characteristics such as international status, secondary school grades, study habits and writing skills. However, these differences were not evident in student perceptions of course value or learning achievement. This study has important implications for university administrators (recruiting, intake assessment and student support), instructors (understanding of diversity characteristics and how students perceive learning experience) and for students, who can be given an opportunity to better understand how their own personal characteristics might affect their learning experiences and outcomes.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the issues raised when delivering professional doctorate programmes to students at a distance. It explores the importance in doctoral study of engagement with a research community, what a "community of practice" might mean within the academic context and the problematic nature of working with students already operating within their own professional context and engaging with another community of practice—that of the researcher. It uses the example of a Doctor in Education (EdD) programme to explore the implications of using virtual learning environments to enable students at a distance to participate in the programme. It draws the conclusions that, far from being a new form of delivery, creating opportunities for students to engage with an academic community of practice requires tutors to use tried and tested pedagogical strategies in a new context. In doing so we use Moore's (1993, in Jung, British Journal of Educational Technology, 32(5), 525–534, 2001) concept of transactional distance to develop a new model of delivery, arguing that whilst dialogue needs to be increased, rather than loosening the structure, it is better achieved by tightening the structure to allow greater adaptability of content through careful moderation by tutors.  相似文献   

Designing appropriate content area instruction for secondary students with learning disabilities is a challenging endeavor. Even if these students are mainstreamed into algebra, history, or science classes, special educators are likely to expect only a minimal grasp of the material. To go beyond this, to teach higher order thinking through these subjects, would be regarded by most practitioners as too labor-intensive. The authors of this article argue that, through a comprehensive revision of traditional materials, secondary students with learning disabilities can learn content area subjects--earth science and introductory chemistry, particularly--in an integrated manner. These students can achieve a firm understanding of the subject, as well as learn how to solve complex, domain-specific problems. For this kind of integrated instruction to be feasible, the curriculum must be designed and field-tested by professional curriculum developers.  相似文献   

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