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论我国硕士研究生教育学制及其改革   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
别敦荣  陈亚玲 《教育研究》2005,26(11):49-54
我国硕士研究生教育实行的是长学制,它是一个相对独立的教育层次,为我国各类高校和科研机构高层次人才培养和高水平科学研究输送了数十万生力军,在未来一个时期仍然是影响我国高校教师队伍建设的主要教育层次和教育形式。与此同时, 短学制硕士研究生教育的需求日益增强,这是我国经济和社会发展水平不断提高的必然结果。因此,硕士研究生教育应当积极探索长短学制并存的、多样化的人才培养模式,在改革学制的同时,加强教育观念创新,深化培养和管理工作改革,建立中国特色的硕士研究生教育新体系。  相似文献   

改革开放40年来,我国的研究生教育实现了跨越式发展。运用文献计量学方法,对CNKI数据库中1978-2018年核心期刊6988篇文献的关键词、发文机构、发文作者等进行知识图谱可视化分析,结果显示:改革开放40年来,研究生教育研究的热点领域聚焦于研究生课程设置、研究生培养质量监控、专业学位认证、学位授权点建设等方面;王战军、王传毅、袁本涛、张文修、廖湘阳等学者的研究在该领域主题演进中颇具影响力;研究生教育研究的前沿趋势主要集中于研究生培养机制改革、研究生质量保障体系完善、研究生国际化水平提升和研究生创新能力的培养等方面。已有研究主要呈现出以下四个特点:研究主题较为多元化;研究整体呈现出明显的政策导向性;逐步聚焦实现研究生教育内涵式发展;学术共同体逐步形成,研究生教育学成为将来的可能趋势。  相似文献   

专业学位硕士教育以培养具有一定实践能力的应用型人才为主导,其培养模式越来越受到教育界及社会的关注。针对我校目前专业学位研究生培养模式,以土木、材料、机械学科专业学位研究生为对象,通过改革分析检测中心培养专业学位研究生的实践能力的措施,使研究生在掌握测试技术基本原理的基础上,培养学生的创新能力和综合应用基础知识解决实际工程问题的能力。  相似文献   

With the rapid progress of modern civilization, creativity and innovation within a techno-economic perspective are becoming the major driving forces behind the sustainability of economic growth and competitive achievements. The current paper will focus on developing a clear concept of the terms creativity and innovation, and investigate their possible relation with engineering education. The parameters that could be essential for the enhancement of creativity or innovation are discussed from the perspective of the individual and the community. An engineering creativity enterprise diagram (ECED) is introduced to be reflective of the industrialization and technological level of any community as correlated to creativity and innovation. A systematic approach is designed to help developing the possible courses and activities that would enhance creativity and innovative skills and capabilities of a graduate engineer.  相似文献   

孙成禹 《高等理科教育》2014,(2):123-125,108
文章从理学教育和工学教育的界定出发,提出我国重点大学本科层面工学教育的目标定位应是培养掌握学科核心知识和基本技能、具备开放性思维和技术创新能力的"未来人才"。结合目前正在实施的"卓越工程师培养计划",分析了工学本科教育的培养策略。认为面向社会发展现状、学生知识结构现状和人才需求现状,综合解决教师和学生面对的"3d"问题,即"应该做""能够做"和"愿意做"的问题,是本科层面工学教育的核心和关键。  相似文献   

随着国家经济社会发展战略的调整,我国对高层次人才的需求迅速增长,高等教育尤其是研究生招生规模也随之逐年扩大,2012年全国招收硕士研究生达到51.7万,研究生的培养也因此面临着前所未有的挑战。本文简要分析了研究生培养中存在的问题以及改革措施。着重讨论了导师在研究生创新能力和科研培养中的作用。  相似文献   

当今,社会已进入知识经济时代,发展迅速、竞争激烈。研究生心理冲击和影响也在急剧增大,心理健康问题日益凸现。因此,我国高等学校要做好新形势下的研究生思想政治教育工作,就必须重视和切实开展心理健康教育,使心理健康教育成为研究生思想政治教育的关键一环,培养研究生具备健全的人格和良好的社会适应能力。本文笔者从湖南宁乡法院首倡心态建设谈研究生的心理健康是研究生思想政治教育的前提,希望引起高校研究生思想政治教育加强对心理健康教育的重视。  相似文献   

This paper analyses why the highly developed Japanese system ofschool and undergraduate education seems inversely proportional to studentnumbers proceeding to graduate education. Only a few do proceed. Traditionalattitudes, which are not supportive of graduate education, are shown to stemfrom the view generally taken by the world of business and industry thatgraduate education is not of significance when recruiting staff. Adistinction is, however, drawn between the humanities (in which graduateeducation is seen as appropriate only for those planning an academic career)and more recent developments in the fields of engineering and the naturalsciences indicating a growing recognition of the value of post-graduatetraining. The work of the government University Chartering Commission– the body which authorises the establishment of graduate schools, isdescribed – focusing on its measure to maintain the quality ofgraduate education. The author shows that university-based doctoral studentsmay be at a disadvantage in terms of job-prospects, financial provision andlaboratory-funding in comparison with industry-based students.The paper concludes by reviewing recent innovations aimed at tackling theproblems described. Programs of continuing and professional education havebeen established with part-time attendance or a mixture of full-time(sometimes on leave from the company) and part-time attendance as well asspecially designed inter-disciplinary programs with a focus on applied areassuch as development in developing countries. The government is promotingrefresher programs and cooperation between universities and businessenterprises including joint research projects involving company-basedengineers.  相似文献   

《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要(2010-2020年)》提出了加快发展专业学位研究生教育的战略。按照教育部先期提出的硕士研究生从学术型向应用型转变的要求,依托高校学科特色优势和校企长期友好合作关系,建立了多学科研究生教育创新基地。在分析掌握企业科技创新和人才需求计划的基础上,采取多种形式强化了专业学位研究生的工程实践环节,探索并形成了管理保障机制,达到了全日制专业学位研究生培养要求,并为地方教育主管部门政策制定和研究生培养机制改革提供了决策依据。  相似文献   

This paper offers ideas for graduate study in physical education teacher education (PETE). It discusses professional versus scientific degree options, and argues that pedagokinetics (the art and science of teaching movement) should be the central focus of the curriculum for both practitioners and researchers. To overcome major obstacles to academic excellence, a problem-solving agenda is outlined for the PETE professorate, with emphasis on critical issues such as (a) governance and control of teacher education, (b) the proper location of PETE units at educational institutions, (c) regional networks of research universities, undergraduate colleges, and local school districts, (d) faculty competence and differential graduate orientations, (e) the shortage of exemplary teachers and teaching in physical education, (f) recruitment of bright graduate students for PETE, and (g) cultivation of a knowledge base to support practice and research in pedagogical physical education. In addition, the paper reports on a new generation of scholars at work, for over a decade, to increase PETE'S credibility with other physical education disciplines as well as the generic teacher education enterprise.  相似文献   

The article scrutinizes the currently strong movement in sponsoring teachers stories and narratives. At precisely the time the teachers voices are being enthusiastically pursued and promoted, the teachers work is being technisized and narrowed. As the movement grows to celebrate the teachers knowledge, it is becoming less and less promising as a focus of research and reflection. The teachers work intensifies, as more and more central edicts and demands impinge on the teachers world leaving the space for reflection and research progressively squeezed. Stories and narratives therefore, can form an unintended coalition with those forces which would divorce the teacher from knowledge of political and micro-political perspectives, from theory and from broader cognitive maps of influence and power. Hence new modalities using teachers stories and narratives as a starting point need to embrace wider historical and political discourses.  相似文献   

制药工程人才培养的目标是创新和实用。为适应社会发展,人才培养模式要由注重理论知识传输向理论联系实际转变。跟随科技前沿,更新教学内容,创立从理论到实践,从课堂到社会,从表面到本质的教学思路,更新和完善制药工程人才培养的途径。对制药工程专业的学生设计科研小课题是关系到该专业教学效果的重要环节,本文从设计的目的、设计思路的创新、设计的侧重点与特色三个方面,对该专业科研小课题的设计内容和方法进行了探讨。  相似文献   

The growing frustration of developing countries with their relatively slow rate of economic progress, their increasing dependence on imports of technology despite genuine efforts for endogenous developemt, and the flight of their skilled manpower for employment in developed countries have combined to focus attention of their educational planners on the ‘appropriateness’ of their engineering education programmes. Since technology is nation- and culture-specific, it is argued that all educational programmes in the field of engineering and technology should be specifically designed to meet the needs of the country concerned. Formulation of such programmes may, however, inhibit mobility of engineers across national boundaries, hamper transferof technology and decelerate global economic and technological development. The paper examines the observable differences in the characteristics of developing and developed countries, the technological framework and projections of economic growth of developing countries and the special features of the engineering educational system needed to respond to their needs. Implications of recent advances in information technology, biotechnology and manufacturing technology on engineering education planning are analysed. The compatibility of socially relevant engineering education with that of internationally comparable standards is examined in detail. It is shown that it is possible to develop programmes in developing countries which are intellectually challenging, meet international standards of achievement and at the same tiem equip students with competence in technology assessment, with awareness of pitfalls of technology transfer and with experience in use of technological solutions for current social and economic problems. It is argued that such programmes while essential for developing countries will be equally useful to developed countries and would accelerate international appreciation of problems of development. The reversal of brain-drain is proposed through the creation of challenging opportunities at home coupled with the utiltisation of intellectual and financial resources of emigré nationals abroad.  相似文献   

在教育学一百多年的发展中,教育学者们一直在为教育学的科学化和规范化而求索。在大多数情况下,教育活动是人们在比较、鉴别、协调、平衡的基础上进行价值选择的结果,因此,教育学不应追求那种现实中一般并不存在的假设的东西,而应揭示貌似自然的事实背后的利益关系以及由此而产生的一系列价值选择活动。这种价值选择有多种价值取向,为此,教育学注定会成为一个边界不断扩大的专门化的多学科研究领域。实际上,多学科的话语已经体现了教育学知识体系正在向开放的和多元的方向发展的趋势。在这一发展过程中,公共教育政策正成为研究者关注的重要对象,并由此产生了一系列新的学术领域和研究课题。  相似文献   

随着社会的发展,知识的重要性越来越凸显。全国各个院校在做好本科生教育的同时,也在积极的致力于研究生教育的研究与发展。研究生教育作为高层次的学校教育,它担负着培养知识创新、技术尖端的高级人才的重任。在这个科技迅速发展,知识日新月异的时代,研究生的教育与培养关系到一个国家的竞争力和发展。国家对于高层次人才的需求导致研究生的招生规模不断扩大,也引起了人们对研究生培养问题的关注和探讨。本文从实际出发,在做好研究生理论知识培养的基础上,着重探讨研究生实践能力的培养方式,锻炼他们分析问题与解决问题的能力。结合目前多数大学的现状,提出充分利用学校现有的实验室资源和导师的项目资源,投身科研工作,于实践中培养科研能力。  相似文献   

Global problems of development of modern civilization and the perspective of the post-modern future increase the role of ethical factors as regulators of actions in modern technology. This challenges the philosophy of technology from the 1960s, which was connected with the so called ‘normative turn’. The traditional philosophy of technology (e.g. A Gehlen's, O. Spengler's and others) interprets the role of technology differently from modern philosophy of technology. ‘The normative turn’ concentrates mainly on social conditions of technological development with the view that technology is not neutral and technological devices are not ‘innocent’. It is also connected with the new role of responsibility in engineering, namely with a subject, object and instance of responsibility in this area. The new requirements are important for education in engineering. The aim of education is the formation of a technological culture which is connected with the transmission of knowledge and the forming of skills and attitudes. The formation of a technological culture means aspiration to the unity of those three elements. The modern challenges mean the new requirements in these three areas; their unity will be expressed in responsible decisions and actions of engineers. The process of education should give foundations for proper and effective practice of the ethics of engineering.  相似文献   

基于就业视角——中外研究生教育取向探究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从就业视角探讨各国研究生教育在满足少数研究生从事基础理论研究,重点培养国家重要部门所需要的精英人才外,大多数都要转向适应本国社会经济、科技发展需要的应用型研究及开发的高层次人才培养发展趋势下,我国应借鉴国外研究生职业教育有益经验,并根据我国社会经济、科技发展的特色,从国家宏观需求和研究生培养单位适应高层次就业行业来培养应用型、复合型研究生高层次人才需要出发,探索了研究生教育今后的就业取向。  相似文献   

创新能力的培养是研究生教育的核心,建设以科学研究为主要任务的研究生学术共同体,是培养研究生创新能力和提升科学研究水平的有效组织模式。研究生学术共同体建设不仅是学科交叉研究的需要,也是研究生团队意识培育的需要,其建设应该遵循目标一致性、知识互补性、稳定性与可持续发展性的原则,从团队结构、学术情境、服务体系和激励考核机制等方面来加以构建。  相似文献   

地方综合性大学硕士研究生培养管理的现状调查与建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对地方综合性大学硕士研究生培养管理的现状进行调查,并针对存在的问题提出建议:一是以围绕学生个性发展需求和地方社会经济发展需求为中心,加快对现行研究生培养制度的改革;二是以合作发展为核心,优化科研环境。从而探索出一条富有地方特色又适合地方综合性大学教育实际的研究生教育发展之路。  相似文献   

In the seventeen years since the establishment of New China, the education of engineering universities has been greatly developed. Before the liberation, there were only eighteen engineering colleges in the whole country. Up to 1966, there were 127 established engineering colleges or departments with 315 specialities. There were 240,000 college students, and several thousand graduate students completed their studies. The academic standard of education was close or equal to that of developed countries in the world. At present, these students have become the scientific and technological backbone of production, research and education branches. During the cultural revolution, the education of engineering universities suffered serious damage. The academic standard of education and the level of scientific research dropped sharply. The gap between China and the advanced world level was widened. After the downfall of the Gang of Four, the education at engineering universities gradually recovered. At present, it is undergoing adjustment and consolidation. Based upon the new conditions and the new task of socialist modernization and construction of our country, the education of engineering universities will be reformed steadily on the foundation of the seventeen years practical experience before the cultural revolution, and with reference to the successful experience of foreign engineering education. We should work hard to raise the standard of training of qualified engineers to serve the modernization of agriculture, industry, defence and science and technology.  相似文献   

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