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从股票市场产生以来,股价波动的原因一直是经济学家关注的重点。人们试图通过研究和论证找出其规律性,但几代经济学家们所提出的理论模型都与实际情况存在一定的差异。从经典计量模型的前提条件出发,认识该模型的缺陷,可以推断出我国有价证券市场上股票价格波动的原因所在。  相似文献   

Individual learning differences under competitive and co‐operative methods of instruction were investigated. It was hypothesised that: (a) students would learn more when the method was matched to the student's preference and that (b) the co‐operative (and tutorial) methods would promote more favourable attitudes toward peer students. One hundred and thirty‐two female students participated in the experiment. In the first part of the experiment they were asked to state their preferences and in the second part, half of the students received their preferred method of instruction. Both hypotheses were confirmed. In addition, it was found that students who preferred competition had better initial knowledge of the material, learned more during the learning experience and held somewhat less favourable attitudes toward their peers. The analysis of the results suggests that the interaction between goal, individual, subject‐matter and learning methods needs to be taken into account when determining an optimal method of instruction.  相似文献   

通过对湖南某幼儿园8名2至4岁的儿童进行新物体名词习得的研究表明:2-4岁的儿童都会依据整体假设原则来学习一个不熟悉物体的新名称,其中女孩比男孩更依赖整体假设原则。此外,比起可数名词来,儿童更倾向于依据整体假设原则来习得不可数名词。  相似文献   

非良构问题解决教学——高效学习的有效途径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
时代和社会的发展使传统教学变得越来越低效,甚至无效。在新技术支持的背景下,革新教学模式,实施高效学习以确保学习的有效性变得至关重要。非良构问题解决教学是实现高效学习、发展高阶思维的有效途径。非良构问题解决教学的设计步骤为:明确问题情境,列出知识清单;说明问题的具体要求,提供相宜的学习指导;呈现有针对性的案例,促进学习者的知识迁移;帮助学习者收集信息,开发结构性的知识库平台;构建交流对话平台,引导学习者合作学习;启发学习者反思和自我评价,制定科学的评价标准。  相似文献   

语综合性学习在突出学生“自主活动”的同时,并未弱化教师的作用,而是对教师的教学方式提出了变革要求,主要体现在4个方面:更低控制度、更具参与性、更重个别化、更需协同力。  相似文献   

Attracting significant attention from the media and policymakers, international student assessments are serving as pressures on and challenges for individual countries. Even so, paying attention only to publicly released rankings in international student assessments may lead to superficial interpretations of the assessment results. Simply equating the rankings with educational outcomes can be a questionable perspective because the assessment results can be interpreted differently. In this context, this article has explored student achievement in the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) tests in comparison with civic knowledge achievement in the IEA Civic Education Study across 17 countries. This article has also evaluated efficiency in educational processes by assessing outputs (student performance in PISA) against inputs (educational spending and learning time) directly used in the education system. These two approaches clarify that publicly released rankings in PISA change to some extent when the rankings are reevaluated by taking other factors into consideration. This implication should be allowed for in interpreting the results of international assessment and the relative rankings of participating countries.  相似文献   

试析高校扩招后面临的教育教学质量的挑战   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
目前,我国的高等教育正在从"精英型高等教育"向"大众化高等教育"阶段迈进,在绝大多数学子皆大欢喜地跨进高校的同时,高等教育教学质量问题逐渐浮出水面,成为一个牵动人心的热点问题。为了提高教育教学质量,应建立新的教学质量评估和监控体系。  相似文献   

There is a growing national recognition that teachers and teaching are at the heart of successful educational reform. However, few tools exist for measuring classroom instruction. The primary purpose of this article is to describe methods we developed to measure and study teaching, specifically while teachers were using a multimedia intervention for promoting scientific problem solving. Lessons were videotaped, and coding schemes were developed to measure 2 aspects of teaching: (a) the lesson's organization, particularly whole-class instruction used to introduce problems and share students' work; and (b) the nature of tasks and questions given to students. Results showed that the coding schemes were reliable and that they detected differences in instruction across teachers. Qualitative analyses were consistent with the quantitative findings. The codes also captured features of teaching that would have been difficult to detect or verify with qualitative observations alone. Finally, we explored how these measures could be used with student outcome data to examine the relationship between teaching and learning in future studies. We argue that quantitative measures of instruction serve many purposes, not the least of which is allowing researchers to explore the relationship between teaching and student learning at a high degree of granularity.  相似文献   

求真务实是我们党和毛泽东、邓小平同志一贯倡导的思想作风和工作作风。我们党的思想路线是一切从实际出发,实事求是。求真务实就是实事求是思想路线在实际工作中的具体化。所谓求真,就是不唯书,不唯上,只唯实,坚持科学性;所谓务实,就是说实话,办实事,求实效,追求务实精神。学习邓小平理论,最根本的就是要掌握其精神实质,并把它贯彻到实际工作中去,努力在全党造成一种求真务实的风气,使它真正成为我们党的思想作风和工作作风。  相似文献   

新型纯硬件多媒体教学网的设计与实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
该文介绍了一种新型纯硬件多媒体教学网的组网技术和方法,给出了纯硬件多媒体教学网的网络布局和教学流程图。该教学网能够方便地实现广播教学、个别辅导和自由练习等多种教学方式,具有经济实用、组网简单、操作方便等特点。该技术还特别适合将老机房改造为多媒体网络教室。  相似文献   

Readiness, Instruction, and Learning to be a Kindergartner   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
As children enter school they learn to take on the role of student. This qualitative study describes how the children in one classroom learned what it meant to be a kindergartner in the context of a community meaning of readiness for school. Analysis of classroom observations and parent, teacher, and student interviews indicate that this school community held a coherent meaning of readiness. This meaning provided the framework for instructional activities and served to help parents understand their children as students. Finally, it helped to frame students' interpretations of their first public school experience through their involvement in classroom tasks.  相似文献   

This study examined how midterm student ratings feedback provided to teaching assistants via a theory-based ratings instrument, combined with consultation on instructional practices, would affect teaching practices, ratings of teaching effectiveness, and student learning and motivation. The student ratings instrument that was employed focused on a series of instructional activities derived from Gagné's theory of instruction and Reiser and Dick's instructional model. Thirty-seven teaching assistants in undergraduate computer science and chemistry courses were randomly assigned to either a feedback + consultation group or a no-feedback group. Results of this study indicated that the feedback and consultation process had a significant impact on instructional practices and ratings of teaching effectiveness. Student learning and student motivation were positively correlated with the frequency with which the various instructional activities examined in this study were utilized. Implications of these findings and suggestions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

全程跟踪法是一种适应于高职教育特点、效果较好的一种论文指导方法。高职会计专业毕业论文指导中运用全程跟踪法是一种行之有效的方法。全程跟踪法可以分三个阶段进行,即写作前辅导、写作中跟踪指导、写作后总结提高。实践证明,运用全程跟踪法,培养了学生综合运用所学知识独立地分析问题和解决问题的能力,从而使学生在毕业实习的同时能够较好地完成毕业论文。  相似文献   

As children enter school they learn to take on the role of student. This qualitative study describes how the children in one classroom learned what it meant to be a kindergartner in the context of a community meaning of readiness for school. Analysis of classroom observations and parent, teacher, and student interviews indicate that this school community held a coherent meaning of readiness. This meaning provided the framework for instructional activities and served to help parents understand their children as students. Finally, it helped to frame students' interpretations of their first public school experience through their involvement in classroom tasks.  相似文献   

1840年的鸦片战争,中国国门被打开,为近代中国农民学习西方提供了历史条件。洪秀全通过学习利用和改造西方基督教教义,掀起了太平天国农民起义。而洪仁轩的《资政新篇》则成为太平军领袖学习西方思想的最高理论成就,推动了中国近代思想的发展。  相似文献   

研究性学习:搭建基础教育与高师教育的桥梁   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究性学习是我国基础教育新课程体系中规定开设的一门综合实践活动课程,其意义不仅在于开发了一种新的课程形态,更在于从根本上改变了学生在教育生活中的存在状态甚至生存方式。高等师范教育在承担一般高等教育任务和遵循其一般性原则的同时,还必须依据基础教育的现象和发展需要不断调整其发展的方向和策略,研究性学习以其体验性、完整性、开放性成为搭建基础教育与高等师范教育课程改革的桥梁。研究性学习与高等师范教育的融合不仅弥合了基础教育与高师教育之间的种种疏离,并使学生在研究性学习中成长。  相似文献   

奥苏伯尔的有意义学习理论对教学的指导意义   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
奥苏伯尔的有意义学习理论是以确认学生学习的特点为前提,强调学生的认知结构和有意义学习在知识获得中的重要作用;阐明了有意义学习的实质、机制、原则和策略,澄清了长期以来对传统的讲授教学和接受学习的偏见;为课程与教学改革的理论和实践提供了充分的心理学依据,对教学具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

奥苏贝尔的学习动机理论对数学教学的启示   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
学生的学习动机集中反映在成就动机上。奥苏贝尔对其提出了与众不同的看法 ,他认为成就动机是由认知内驱力、自我提高内驱力和附属内驱力三个方面组成。通过对奥苏贝尔学习动机理论的分析和理解 ,最后提出关于数学教学的若干建议  相似文献   

"存在难题"指的是所有肯定的存在语句都是永真的,所有否定的存在语句都是自相矛盾的。首先区分两种"存在"谓词,并指出只有当"存在"谓述个体的时候才会出现存在难题,造成难题的原因并不在于"存在"是逻辑谓词,而是因为预设了所有被谓述的东西必须存在。通过论证解答存在难题,不应该将"存在"处理为与可能世界相关的特殊谓词,也不需要否认"存在"是逻辑谓词,而仅仅需要区分对象在论域中的出现和存在。真正不是逻辑谓词的是"出现",而非"存在"。  相似文献   

Research in Science Education - This study investigated the effect of the metacognitive instruction in which students’ epistemic cognitions were explicitly addressed, on tenth-grade...  相似文献   

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