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冲击压实机冲击力及冲击能量的计算   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
冲击压实机广泛用于建筑行业.目前对具有特殊外形的冲击压实机冲击轮的动力特性研究的不多.根据冲量定理和动能定理,对冲击压实机的冲击力和冲击能进行研究.利用冲击轮的特殊外形,对地面产生大的冲击力和冲击能,通过理论计算,其结果与同吨位的振动压实机相比,冲击力提高十倍,冲击能效果明显,为压实机的设计及改进提供可靠的理论依据。  相似文献   

交通影响分析影响范围的确定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过分析土地开发对交通的影响,提出进行交通影响分析的必要性.在分析现行确定交通影响范围方法的基础上,指出定性研究方法的不足.探讨了确定影响范围应考虑的用地开发强度、项目周边路网的状况、公交可达性、项目本身四项因素,提出确定影响范围的定量方法,给出计算公式,并指出了公式的不足之处.  相似文献   

词语具有鲜明的文化特色,在翻译中,文化因素起着重要的作用,了解英汉两种语言之间的文化背景差异对克服文化障碍具有重要意义。通过对英汉文化因素的分析对比,找出差异,体现文化因素在翻译中的重要作用。  相似文献   

With funding from MetLife Foundation, the League for Innovation in the Community College engaged in a yearlong study in 2009 of the nature of innovation in the community college. Using recipients of the League's Innovation of the Year Award at 19 community colleges during the period from 1999 through 2008 as a data set, the authors used document analysis, focus groups, surveys, and interviews to study the kinds of innovations awarded, the characteristics of a community college culture that support and encourage innovation, and the perspectives of the award winners regarding the impact of innovation and the impact of the award itself on the winners. This article focuses on the findings regarding the professional and personal impact of the innovation and the award on the award-winners, as well as the impact of the innovation and the award on various populations and the institution itself. Findings support that (a) innovations are acknowledged by college leaders as valuable and have changed the behavior of individuals for whom they were created; (b) award recipients were highly satisfied with the recognition they received from the League and from their colleagues, and were motivated to champion the innovation and to create more innovations; and (c) innovations in this study are evidence of highly creative use of resources and effective and efficient implementation practices, including, where warranted, improved student learning.  相似文献   

在人类活动对气候变化的影响越来越大的今天,气候变化已经成为全球最大的环境问题和发展问题.国际社会都在探讨如何携手应对气候变化,在2009年哥本哈根的世界气候大会召开的前夕,爆发了部分科学家操纵科学数据的"气候门"事件.这给气候变化怀疑论者以可乘之机来反对气候谈判,也给IPCC评估报告的可信度带来了影响,并相继引发了"冰川门"和"亚马逊门"事件,最终这些事件没有改变气候变暖人为因素影响的科学事实,但是引起了科学界对科学研究态度的思考.  相似文献   

This article summarizes research findings of a study that examined the effects of a sales management training program conducted at Digital Equipment Corporation. The authors used a typology of training outcomes developed by Kirkpatrick (1959a, 1959b, 1960a, and 1960b) to assess students' satisfaction, learning, and field implementation of skills taught in the class. In addition, they estimated the costs of the program and the actual increase in sales that can be attributed to the implementation of the skills in the workplace. The results indicate that properly conceived and carefully implemented programs have a positive net effect on the corporation's financial position.  相似文献   

Disparate Impact and Teacher Certification   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
To date, African–American teacher candidates certification rate has been significantly below that of non-Hispanic white candidates, and this differential has been consistent across all field tests and operational assessments. At issue is the source of the disparate impact observed. The article first discusses the distinction between disparate impact and bias in assessment. This is followed by a discussion of the five broad categories of sources of disparate impact (substantially differential rates of certification by subgroup): (1) demographic differences (such as candidates years of teaching experience or the number of advanced degrees earned), (2) recruitment differences (the system of incentives to volunteer for certification and other factors related to recruitment) that may have resulted in samples of African–American and non-Hispanic white candidates who differ systematically in teaching performance, (3) contextual differences in the conditions under which candidates teach (for example, the level of administrative, technical, or collegial support or other contextual factors that distinguish urban schools (where the majority of African–American teachers teach) from rural and suburban schools, (4) biases or deficiencies in the assessment process itself (for example, a standard of practice that privileges certain forms of teaching over others, exercises that contain biases that either disadvantage African–American candidates or, advantage white candidates, and deficiencies in training materials and the training of scorers), differential and (5) actual differences in teaching performance that have resulted from unequal educational opportunity, discrimination, and other social and historical forces. The evidence collected and analyzed to date by the National Boards Technical Analysis Group is reported, and other studies and analyses planned for the future are mentioned.  相似文献   

This article provides an updated review of recent empirical research on the potential impact of private school vouchers. It addresses 3 questions: (a) do students that use vouchers to attend a private school obtain better outcomes than would be obtained in a public school? (b) Do vouchers encourage student sorting and how does sorting affect student outcomes? (c) Does the offer of vouchers promote competition, improving outcomes of students who remain in public schools? Conclusions are that African American students who are offered vouchers experience small achievement gains. The results are highly sensitive to analytical assumptions and are not evident for other racial or ethnic groups. The evidence further indicates that large-scale voucher plans encourage sorting that could lower the achievement of public school students. There is no compelling evidence that such losses are outweighed by competitive gains in public schools. The conclusions on sorting and competition are most applicable to unrestricted choice plans in which flat-rate vouchers are offered to a large number of students with few eligibility restrictions. Some emerging evidence indicates that alternate approaches to policy design could yield more promising results.  相似文献   

化妆品乳化过程中引入微波作用可以有效地细化乳化液滴颗粒,改善产品的外观,提高乳化体的稳定性。微波作用可以改变及降低乳化液滴表面的电性,降低体系粘度使得液滴界面膜的机械强度变低从而加快液滴的破裂,与机械均质乳化结合可以将液滴分散形成更小的颗粒。  相似文献   

随着全球化的推进,英语的控制地位已经很明显的表现在社会生活的方方面面。英语霸权的产生主要取决于历史及社会文化的原因以及其他语言输入国所赋予它的重要地位,英语霸权产生了一系列的影响。对这一现象我们应持审慎、冷静及客观的态度。  相似文献   

现代经济高速发展,城市高层建筑对集聚城市人口、集约城市经济、利用城市空间等方面起到积极作用,然而高层建筑对城市环境的影响也日益突出。高层在建筑物当地气候、高层建筑地下环境、居民心理和疾病控制四个方面对环境产生不利影响,而在节约土地、节能新风和部分视觉三方面对环境产生积极影响。  相似文献   

原始宗教思想深刻地影响着原始人的生活。原始宗教思想对“习惯法”起了造模定型的作用。无论是古代印度、古希伯来,或且封建社会的伊斯兰国家宗教经典《摩奴法典》、《摩西律法》和《古兰经》都成为治国安邦的法律典籍,宗教经典成了法律的依据和基础。纵观历史,古代受宗教思想影响而产生的法律,在法理思想上不完全健全,甚至有些扭曲与变形。表现在:集立法与执法于一身,人治大于法治;缺乏平等原则,法律不公。宗教法规反映法律的初级性特点。随着生产力与科学技术的高度发展,物质文明与精神文明大幅提升,宗教对法制的影响也必然弱化。从历史角度看,政教分离是进步现象,也有利于法律文化的健康发展。加强法制建设应当崇尚科学精神。  相似文献   

本文介绍了网络电子期刊的类型,论述了网络电子期刊存在的优缺点,分析了网络电子期刊的发展对图书馆期刊工作的影响,提出了图书馆期刊工作应采取的对策。  相似文献   

QFⅡ是我国加入WTO后,借鉴成功经验,稳健开放资本市场的重要举措。QFⅡ制度将强化资金供给面,优化我国证券市场投资结构及更新投资投资理念等,以逐步实现我国资本市场与国际资本市场的接轨。但是作为发展中国家,我国资本市场的不完善决定了即使是这样一种过渡性的制度安排,也会对资本市场造成冲击,章试图提出一些对策与建议。  相似文献   

讨论了从洛克之前的唯物主义哲学家关于认识来源的理论及其内在矛盾;对二重经验论的理解以及二重经验论的提出在哲学史领域和心理学领域的影响;对洛克二重经验论进行再认识。  相似文献   

本文从传统英语教学的现状分析入手。依据Swain的输出假说,论述了语言输出在语言习得中的重要性;并提出在教学实践中加强有效输出的可行途径。  相似文献   

随着信息技术的快速发展,信息技术的应用渗透到经济的各个方面。在此背景下,我国也相应提出了信息技术的发展战略。  相似文献   

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