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The first university-based degree programme in public relations in the Russian Federation was organized at the St. Petersburg State Electrotechnical University. It is currently in the process of developing increased curriculum emphasis on integrated communications. To meet the requirements of the Twenty-First Century, public relations educators and practitioners must be prepared to teach and practice integrated communications. The primary mission of universities and colleges is the teaching of students, but there are other equally important tasks to be integrated into public relations education, such as the preparation of students for careers in a profession. Ongoing contact and involvement with professional practitioners and organizations is a vital for university programmes that prepare public relations specialists.  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to demonstrate the key role of public relations in increasing the competitive advantages of higher education institutions. It identifies and describes the mechanism of the shift in interest from advertising to public relations that results from the increasing complexity of the environment of a private higher education institution. Moreover, the authors conduct an analysis of the main target groups of public relations activities, referring to the conceptual model of the “two markets” according to which a private higher education institution “sells” access to education to potential candidates and then “sells” its graduates on the labour market. The practical example of the marketing and public relations activities undertaken by the authors at the School of Banking in Poznan´ since 1994 are presented and elucidated.  相似文献   

上海震旦大学是与圣约翰大学齐名的西方教会大学。在发展演变过程中,震旦大学从天主教大学逐步转变为一所世俗性的高等教育机构,而且具有鲜明的法国教育特色,反映了法兰西民族对文化教育事业的一贯重视。震旦大学在学科设置上与法国传统学科的呼应、对本国语言的重视,政府和工商界对文化活动的参与和支持,是法国从古至今一以贯之的传统,充分体现了植根于法兰西民族的一种文化禀性。震旦大学是近代中法教育交流史上的一项重要合作案例。  相似文献   

The concept of the urban university attuned to the needs of the metropolitan area in which it lives and dedicated to serving that population has existed for some time. Yet, many unresolved feeling and issues about affiliation with this type of institution still exist for some university officials and faculty members. To fulfill its mission as an urban university, an institution must be willing to evaluate its existing operational procedures and programs. Special emphasis in the evaluation process needs to focus upon instructional activities, faculty concerns, student services, and public service to the community. Special attention to these areas will produce an urban university with the potential of exerting a tremendous positive impact on both the student and the community it serves.  相似文献   

由于章程的制定是为了合法成立、合法存续,而并非是为了改革与发展,因此,民办高校的章程多流于形式,缺乏现代大学制度的核心要素。完善大学章程是民办高校守正创新、科学发展的保障。相对于公办高校,民办高校因办学资金来源的私人性与单一化决定了市场化因素对其影响更大,而民办体制的制度环境及因此形成的特殊性,也使得民办高校在办学活动中会遭遇到更多的困扰,更需要有一个承载着现代大学制度的章程。明确的办学方向和发展原则,清晰的办学定位和稳定的发展路径,科学的内部治理结构和严谨的程序,正是大学章程的价值所在。基于章程的法律地位和作用,民办高校的章程建设应该遵循合法性原则,体现改革原则,力求自主原则。  相似文献   

The system of university‐industry relations of the Technological University of Compiègne (UTC) is described. Since the founding of this institution in 1972, its provision of know‐how, services, and goods to the surrounding community has evolved into a very structured system. Representatives of the business community hold membership in all the decision‐making bodies of the University. Some of its components have formed a Law‐of‐1901 ‐type organization and others, a limited liability company, to provide services on either a non‐profit or a profit basis. The whole university and its components have formed the UTC Group. The result is described as a very successful symbiosis of a public institution and privatized components.  相似文献   

胡延新 《培训与研究》2007,24(12):112-113
尽管俄罗斯社会经历了苏联解体以后艰难的转型期,但是俄罗斯高等教育的质量,凭借着教育强国雄厚的基础,并没有因此走下坡路,而是努力适应社会发展,探索着走向创新发展之路。如莫斯科国立大学以及俄罗斯最古老的圣彼得堡大学,都依旧是国际知名的高校。有些专业教学、科研仍具有较高水平或领先于欧美国家,或与其并驾齐驱,居世界一流水平。当然,俄罗斯的高等教育在本国的政治经济体制变革和世界教育一体化的进程中也发生了新的变化,迎接着新的挑战。  相似文献   

Martin Lawn 《欧洲教育》2015,47(3):215-225
Through a study of a privately funded and ambitious inquiry into the education system of the United States, the relations between the development of comparative education as an activity and the governing of education systems in the early 20th century can be illuminated. The relations and interests of early comparativists were mobilized and enhanced by private funding and significant numbers of public actors in education were involved in comparative inquiry. The 1903 Mosely Commission was a philanthropic intervention to reengineer the patchwork of English education, and an attempt to modernize it and influence its government on a large scale. Its innovation was in its methods of influence as well as its scientific reports. The Commission was a hybrid, transnational institution, using comparison to modernize the government of education, mainly involving policy actors and finally, claimed neither by the history or comparative study of education. Consequently, its significance has been lost.  相似文献   

何谓大学--西方大学概念透视   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
在西方大学史上,有许多关于大学的命题影响了而且仍在影响教大学的发展,如大学是学者的社团、大学是探索和传播普遍学问的场所、大学是探索和传播高深学问的机构、大学是独立思想和批判的中心、大学是社会服务站、大学是一个有机体、大学是由多种杜群组成的多元化巨型大学等。这些命题有些反映了大学的实质,有些则涵义模糊,容易引起误解,导致大学理念的混乱。  相似文献   

论大学之维   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大学作为一种社会机构,既是一个自产生至今被持续赋予意义的历史产物,也是在继承与嬗变中逐步确立其制度框架与运行规则的社会结果。而且,大学自身所秉持的理念的变化和丰富使大学日益成为一个具备多种维度的社会实体。因此,从多种维度识读大学不仅可以更加清晰地理解大学,把握大学理念在整个历史过程中的衍变,也可以为当下如何发展大学提供参照。  相似文献   

北京师范大学通识教育制度的建构与变迁   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过梳理北京师范大学通识教育制度建构与变迁的历程,可将其分为大学预科制度时期、高师教育转变与师范大学改制时期、师范大学时期的学分制与自由选修制、南京国民政府时期对大学课程的整理以及共同必修课程的加强、全校公共选修课的重构时期、通识教育模式的当今探索时期6个阶段。外来移植与本土化是北师大通识教育制度产生的路径,政府强制性制度变迁是通识教育制度变迁的主要动力.学青、国家和大学的共识诉求是通识教育制度重构的主要方式。  相似文献   

Honors colleges housed in public universities began only in the last half century, but have become nearly ubiquitous over the last 20?years. This paper, using recent data from the oldest stand-alone honors college in the country, is the first to study how the application and enrollment decisions of honors college students differ from the general population of students considering a large public university. Overall, the empirical results suggest that honors college applicants and enrollees are drawn from the right-tail of its host institution??s ability distribution, independent of residency status. Nonetheless, honors-college applicants are still more likely to enroll in selective and liberal arts institutions than the general pool of admits to a large public university, which is only partially offset by the effect of honors-college admission. It follows that honors colleges enroll academically stronger, but not the strongest, admits to a large public university.  相似文献   

本文论述了高校图书馆开展公共关系活动的目的和方法,认为只有把公共关系运用到高校图书馆工作中,才能进一步推动图书馆与其公众的沟通与合作,塑造高校图书馆良好形象,进而增进图书馆整体效益。  相似文献   

美国国家教师发展和多元化中心是一个独立于高校之外的服务于高校教师发展的机构,它为美国诸多学校的教职员、博士后及研究生提供专业的培训。对该中心的理念、服务对象、人员设置以及开展的项目活动进行介绍和分析,总结归纳其特点和优势,可以从中学习借鉴其发展经验,吸收其良性运营的精髓,为完善我国高校教师发展中心的建设提供有益启示。  相似文献   

院校合并、升格与发展中的更名问题   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
大学校名是一所大学的标志,是一所大学的代表符号。院校更名问题既牵涉到高等学校的层次定位、科类结构、区域布局等问题,也关系到许多高等学校历史渊源的追溯、稀缺“校名资源”的使用等问题。受中文表达习惯的影响,响亮的大学校名往往是四个汉字的校名。高等师范院校和农林院校的更名应具备一定条件。院校更名应遵循名实相符、稳定性、可持续发展、尊重历史兼顾现实、不使用当代人名作校名等原则。  相似文献   

学术与大学的逻辑构成   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
学术是大学的本质所在,是大学形成与发展的内在根据。大学是以人才培养为主线,将其他学术活动有机联系起来的学术机构。大学职能的演进是学术潜能与日益丰富的社会需要相互作用的结果。学术活动的特点与原则规定着大学的实存状态与行为规律。  相似文献   

长期以来我国政府主导了大学的定位。国家对于大学定位主要有法律定位、体制定位、功能定位和管理定位四类。国家在法律上将大学定为事业定位;在体制上将大学定为具有政治意味的党委领导下的校长负责制;在功能上先将大学定位于教学机构,后由教学机构向科研机构转移;在管理上有目的地将大学进行分层管理,并形成了一个结构相对稳定的大学层级体系。  相似文献   

克拉克.克尔提出的"多元巨型大学"是介于观念与理念之间模棱两可的一种哲学表达。克尔将"多元巨型大学观"的历史逻辑建立在大学发展史中的多元主义传统上,认为现代大学是多元巨型大学,即多元的、异质的、矛盾的机构,类似一座充满无穷变化的城市。这种以多元论为哲学基础的观念要求"内在的崩溃",对大学理念的传统分析作出了里程碑式的贡献。但是,无论作为观点本身的"多元巨型大学观",还是它所指向的作为机构的多元巨型大学,都有无法祛除的弱点。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The Instituto Tecnológico de Sonora (ITSON), a public and autonomous university in Cuidad Obregon, Sonora in Mexico has, since its inception, maintained a commitment to society and public service. To transform this commitment into valued results, it has used Mega Planning as its framework over the last eleven years. This article illustrates the impact an educational institution can have through a strategic planning and implementation approach that is focused on measurable objectives, the appropriate processes and activities, and the required resources for the development of its region (i.e., students and their environment). The article will begin with a brief background of the institution, its strategic approach, the subsequent curriculum and organization reform, and finally four key strategic programs that have had a positive social impact in the region: The Integrated Community Development Program; ITSON‐Consulting; Masters in Agribusiness; and the Software Factory.  相似文献   

俄罗斯作为与中国山水相连的亲密邻邦,历来重视对中国当代文学的译介和研究。苏联解体后,俄罗斯研究中国当代文学的热情与力度尽管不如当年,但依然把中国当代文学作为汉学——文学研究工作的重点。俄罗斯圣彼得堡2003年出版《上海人——中国作家作品集》、莫斯科2005年出版《中国文学史指南》,圣彼得堡大学东方系2004年编辑出版《纪念巴金诞辰100周年"远东文学问题"国际学术讨论会论文集》,从中可见近年来俄罗斯汉学界研究中国当代文学的最新情况。  相似文献   

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