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Our study contributes to the research on computer-mediated communication in higher education by experimenting a modern communication tool called Slack. In particular, we consider using Slack to support students’ peer interactions during Master’s thesis work. For this purpose, we designed a case study that was executed in a Master’s thesis seminar course. During the course, all out-of-class communication was carried out by using Slack, instead of e-mails or learning management systems. After the course, we used a questionnaire to investigate how the students perceived Slack for asking for assistance, their intention to use Slack, and Slack’s ease of use. Furthermore, the questionnaire asked feedback about challenges that the students found in slack. To examine the students’ peer support in Slack, we analysed the messages in the course’s public discussion channels. We investigated opportunities and challenges of Slack from instructional perspective by conducting an auto-ethnographic data collection. Our analysis revealed that the students perceived Slack as an easy-to-use communication tool with a low threshold of asking questions. The students also expressed high intentions to use Slack in the future. However, the students were worried of information overload in Slack, frustrated with decentralisation of communication tools in higher education, and cautious of using communication tools that are not officially supported by the university. The students’ interactions were assigned to three categories: practical, technical, and thesis-related. Analysis of these categories revealed that the students were able to explicate and solve issues in Slack, but the issues were only related to practical and technical problems, instead of actual Master’s thesis writing. The teacher perceived that Slack enhanced bi-directional communication with the students, but faced issues related to file management and user authentication. The results implicate that developing an alternative for Slack from educational premises could be more useful than a product that is not originally developed for pedagogical needs. Finally, we present recommendations that help educators to use Slack in their educational practices.  相似文献   

高速光纤通信技术正在向每通道100 Gbit/s及以上速率发展,相干检测和数字信号处理将成为下一代光纤通信系统的关键技术.以实验室科研平台为基础,设计并实现了相干检测光纤通信实验教学系统.该实验教学系统的运行使研究生对相干光传输技术有了更深刻的理解,增强了研究生分析问题、解决问题的能力,提高了教学质量,研究生在完成实验的同时,还能体验真实的科研活动,为研究生未来的科研工作打下了坚实的基础.  相似文献   

Over the past several decades, the use of simulated or standardized clients has been an important area of pedagogy for social work education in training students to work with individuals, families, and groups in practice settings, often in preparation for a practicum placement. Little in the extant literature, however, has focused on the possible utilization of this pedagogical tool in preparing students for engagement at the macro level, such as community development, organizing, policy practice, or other types of involvement with large systems. This article considers the possible strengths and benefits of simulated clients within macro-level courses—especially relative to experiential activities that don’t involve simulated clients—as well as important logistical considerations related to such use.  相似文献   

高职院校中班主任与学生沟通方法的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着高职教育的飞速发展,目前高职院校学生的特殊性给班主任工作提出了更高的要求。针对高职院校的特点,如何做好班主任与学生的沟通已成为高职院校教育工作者亟待探讨解决的问题。高职院校的班主任必须具备较强的沟通能力,掌握良好的沟通方法,才能顺利开展各项工作。结合自己的实际工作,提出班主任与学生沟通的方法。  相似文献   

The integrity of Career and Technical programs in Mississippi has increased in large part due to the implementation of research-based practices in both the curriculum and assessment processes. The use of standard measures has increased the likelihood that postsecondary instructors and administrators accept articulated credit, and secondary instructors are more comfortable using a standard for students across the state. Beginning with only a handful of courses has been positive because problems and other issues can be addressed quickly and easily. Both secondary and postsecondary instructors are included on the curriculum writing and revision teams, which has improved communication. Another benefit of this process has been the ease of transition for students from secondary to postsecondary in program areas. Although articulation is still a “work in progress” in Mississippi, consistency and communication has improved the development process and the benefits to students.  相似文献   

Collaborative learning has been used in anatomy courses to support students’ learning of challenging topics but the success of group work depends significantly on the students’ ability to communicate in a professional manner. Veterinary students’ experiences with tasks related to collaborative learning and professional conduct were studied by comparing learning collaborative competences and pedagogy, as well as perceived positive and challenging aspects, in two gross anatomy courses. Both qualitative and quantitative data were collected from students’ experiences of course assignments and collaboration, as well as from self-evaluated collaboration competence development. Trying things out oneself, practical application and professional conduct were positively highlighted particularly in the first-year course (myology and arthrology) group work and learning from others more in the second year (topographical anatomy). Various group work challenges, often relating to practical matters or communication, were the key concerns for students. The main difference between the two courses in learning of collaborative knowledge work competencies appeared to relate to the nature of the group work assignment. The topography course included the element of collaboration in preparing a presentation and teaching session for the rest of the class. Interestingly, students on the myology and arthrology course gave more positive comments on professional conduct than the students on the topography course despite the fact that the latter course included more practical elements relating to their future profession.  相似文献   

表达与交流能力是人的基本技能,影响着人一生的学习、工作和生活,是人思维发展、思维进阶的一种外显.科学学科中表达与交流能力的培养是学生科学素养发展的重要基础,但相关研究较少.在分析科学课程中学生表达与交流能力内涵基础上,本文对中美日三国科学课标中表达与交流能力的要求和目标进行梳理,提炼科学课程中学生表达与交流能力的指标,...  相似文献   

As part of a longitudinal study, the conversational skills of 67 deaf adolescents were assessed in spoken English, simultaneous communication (SimCom) and American Sign Language (ASL). Two groups of students were identified on the basis of the communication used in their current educational program: a small group of 16 students in programs using spoken English (oral) and a larger group of 51 students in programs using sign communication (bimodal). Students in spoken English programs had good spoken English skills and limited ASL skills, whereas the reverse was true for students in bimodal programs. Most students demonstrated sufficient skill in one or more systems to meet basic interpersonal communications needs, but not those required for advanced academic discourse. In neither group was spoken English related to ASL skill. SimCom skills were strongly related to spoken English in the oral program group and to ASL in the bimodal program group. Spoken English in adolescence was highly predictable from spoken English in early childhood. Within the bimodal program group, students with deaf parents had better SimCom and ASL skills than those with hearing parents. Among bimodal program students with hearing parents, better SimCom skills (but not ASL skills) were associated with earlier introduction to sign communication in school and to mothers' use of sign communication.  相似文献   

博客在思想政治教育中的应用初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
博客,作为一种新的生活和学习方式,已经被越来越多的人所接受并应用。文章认识和发掘了博客在大学生思想政治教育过程中思想导向功能、师生交流功能和渗透覆盖功能等重要作用。分析了博客的兴起对大学生思想政治教育带来的挑战,进而对博客在思想政治教育中应用途径进行了初步的探讨。  相似文献   

In the past, medical museums played a significant role in anatomy and pathology training. The attraction of medical museums has declined recently due to the emergence of information technology and innovative medical curricula. An innovative mobile learning platform has been developed using quick response (QR) codes for the museum specimens at the Lee Kong Chain School of Medicine, Singapore. High-quality images of the potted specimens were captured and combined into an album and a video using Adobe Acrobat Pro 9 and Windows Movie Maker, respectively. Subsequently, QR codes were generated linking to PDF documents with annotations, pathology, and clinical history concerning the specimens. Quick response codes were piloted in gastrointestinal teaching module for Year 2 medical students. Survey responses were obtained from students to verify the efficacy of QR as a learning tool. The majority of students either agreed or strongly agreed that it was easy to access the information about the specimen with QR codes (4.47 ± 0.84), while 96% of students agreed that they are able to correlate the specimen with the annotated images (4.56 ± 0.56). The majority of students (78%) agreed that QR codes are useful for their learning (4.22 ± 0.87), while 75% of students felt QR codes motivate them to visit Anatomy Resource Centre. Most of the students agreed that QR codes are useful for revision of materials (4.13 ± 1.07) and independent learning (4.38 ± 0.87). These findings suggest that QR codes are not only effective for students learning but also enhance their exploration experience with the museum specimens.  相似文献   

新媒体时代背景下社交软件在辅导员工作中的运用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
借用百度百科的定义,新媒体是新的技术支撑体系下出现的媒体形态。高校辅导员是学生思想政治工作的骨干力量,专职从事学生思想教育和行为管理工作,在新媒体时代的大背景下,以个人电脑和智能手机在学生中的高持有率为基础,社交软件的使用在当今已经得到很大普及。如何合理的运用它们与学生进行高效率的沟通,是辅导员工作中遇到的重要的新课题。  相似文献   


Attention has been given to the revised National Association of Social Workers (NASW) Code of Ethics that guides social worker use of technology. The revision of the NASW Code of Ethics has signaled a transition in the profession toward ethical online practice using modern techniques and contemporary tools. Practicing social workers are applying these new ethical standards, and many social work educators are doing so when using information and communication technologies with students. However, little research focuses on teaching social work students about digital ethics and professional online conduct. This paper explores the importance of preparing social work students for ethical online behavior.  相似文献   

新媒体技术的迅速发展及应用对高职学生获取信息、交往、学习、个性展现等产生了深远的影响,也给高职院校团学工作带来了机遇与挑战。根据对高职学生使用新媒体的现状调查和高职学生的新特点,提出拓展高职院校团学工作的新模式:打造团学工作的核心队伍,拓展团学工作的宣传阵地,构建互动、平等、自主的团学工作网,营造阳光朝气的校园文化。  相似文献   

In the context of widening participation, large classes and increased diversity, assessment of student learning is becoming increasingly problematic in that providing formative feedback aimed at developing student writing proves to be particularly laborious. Although the potential value of peer assessment has been well documented in the literature, the associated administrative burden, also in relation to managing anonymity and intellectual ownership, makes this option less attractive, particularly in large classes. A potential solution involves the use of information and communication technologies to automate the logistics associated with peer assessment in a time-efficient way. However, uptake of such systems in the higher education community is limited, and research in this area is only beginning. This case study reports on the use of the Moodle Workshop module for formative peer assessment of students’ individual work in a first-year introductory macro-economics class of over 800 students. Data were collected through an end-of-course evaluation survey of students. The study found that using the feature-rich Workshop module not only addressed many of the practical challenges associated with paper-based peer assessments, but also provided a range of additional options for enhancing validity and reliability of peer assessments that would not be possible with paper-based systems.  相似文献   

通信原理实验教学改革探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对DSP原理与应用课程的特点,从教学内容、教学方法、教学手段和实践教学方面对DSP原理与应用课程的教学改革进行了探索与实践。通过改革,提升了教学效果,激发了学生的创新能力,提高了学生的实际动手能力,为学生毕业后从事DSP相关的工作奠定了良好的基础。  相似文献   

非语言行为在外语教学中的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文讨论了非语言交际在以学生为中心的交际英语教学中的积极作用。基于第二语言习得与第二语言教学间的关系,作者希望外语教师有学生更加关注外语教学中的非语言信息,实践跨文化交际。  相似文献   

随着网络通讯技术的迅猛发展,各类网络新媒体日益成为不可忽视的网络信息传播渠道,各种搭载智能操作系统的移动终端逐渐成为大量网络信息的集散平台。高校辅导员要解放思想、加强学习,将网络新媒体打造成为学生思想政治教育工作的新利器。  相似文献   

失语原指患有语言障碍,本文的“失语”是指具备语言能力,但由于不善沟通或疏于沟通而导致的不能有效表达自己思想和见解的现象。大学生人际交往中的“失语”现象与大学生自身的性格和心理状态有关,应从培养积极心态、创设交流机会、构建社会支持系统等方面帮助学生克服“失语”及其带来的负面影响。  相似文献   

天线技术是通信及其相关专业学生所必修的一门课程。但天线理论往往需要大量的电磁场知识为基础,同时又与工程实践联系十分紧密。而目前大中专院校对于天线课程的教学实践开设不足,造成学生学习困难。本文利用基于矩量法的电磁场仿真软件IE3D,针对天线技术中研究热点的微带天线,用计算机仿真代替实物天线教学实验,这一方法的应用使学生能很好的理解天线的理论,提高学习兴趣与效率。  相似文献   

Abstract: One of the core competencies in the Institute of Food Technologists (IFT) education standards is for students to achieve competency in communication skills (that is, oral and written communication, listening, interviewing, and so on). According to the IFT guidelines, by the time students graduate, they should not only be able to search for and condense information, but also be able to “communicate technical information to a nontechnical audience.” The Education Division of IFT sponsors a writing competition for undergraduate students to bring attention to and promote the development of communication skills. It has been shown that employees/entry‐level scientists who can communicate technical and nontechnical concepts succinctly will be in a better position to achieve management status after entering the work force. Monetary prizes are awarded to the authors of the top three papers. A revised version of the winning entry is published in the Journal of Food Science Education for dissemination to a world‐wide audience.  相似文献   

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