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Multimedia cases intend to bring about fundamental changes in teacher education by bridging the gap between theory and practice. The use of information and communication technology in multimedia cases is expected to create a powerful and flexible learning environment. Such a learning environment is in line with a constructivist vision of teaching and learning. This paper focuses on the rationale behind case-based instruction by describing the design and development of a prototype and addressing the justification of underlying design decisions. Moreover, the prototype is briefly outlined and formative evaluation results are presented.  相似文献   

This paper describes the development of a model for integrating student evaluation of teaching results with academic development opportunities, in new ways that take into account theoretical and practical developments in both fields. The model is described in terms of five phases or components: (1) the basic student evaluation system; (2) an interpretive guidance system that helps lecturers understand and interpret their results; (3) a longitudinal reporting system that initiates opportunities for staff to engage in personal and professional development in the context of a learning community; (4) a structured professional development programme that builds a faculty learning community, in which the members utilise extended cycles of evaluation based on (5) a comprehensive evaluation model designed to develop and encourage the collection of evaluation data from a variety of sources concerning the quality and impact of teaching: the teacher; student learning outcomes; student experience; and the teacher’s peers.  相似文献   

Usability is critical to the development of a user-friendly digital textbook platform interface, yet thorough research on interface development based on usability principles is in short supply. This study addresses that need by looking at usability attributes and corresponding design elements from a learning perspective. The researchers used a student survey, log files, and an expert heuristic evaluation to analyze needs for revision in the user interface of the existing Korea Education Research Information Service digital textbook platform. After using suggestions derived from this analysis to develop a new platform prototype, they tested its user interface for usability through a cognitive walkthrough and a formative evaluation. The results show that the usability design elements identified through the use of this iterative design and evaluation model were essential to improving the usability of the user interface and thus facilitating users’ actions and learning processes.  相似文献   

设计思维是当代学生应具备的适应社会发展需要的一种思维能力。如何培养学生的设计思维以及提升学生的设计能力,成为我国当前需要重点关注的重要教育问题。作为一种新的教育理念,STEAM教育在培养学生创新思维能力方面具有重要作用。首先,阐述了设计思维与STEAM教育的内涵,分析了设计思维对STEAM教育的指导作用;其次,在STEAM教育理念的基础上融入设计思维,构建符合创新教育要求的STEAM教学模式,融入设计思维的STEAM教学模式包含学习环境、课程目标、课程活动和课程评价;最后,依据该模式开发并实施了课程案例,分析了融入设计思维的STEAM课程对小学生知识学习与能力培养方面的作用。  相似文献   

为了完善移动学习绩效评价理论,梳理移动学习概念及特性,以及学习绩效评价在移动学习领域发展现状,通过借鉴美国 Kirkpatrick 评估模式与教学系统设计理论,探索性地提出移动学习绩效评价模式设计原则及五层次绩效评价模式,并提出绩效评价还需进一步研究的问题。该绩效评价模式与传统评价方式相比,具有两大特点:一是关注学习者动态学习过程,包括学习者知识、技能、潜能、态度、行为和实践能力的改变|二是关注学习对学习者未来长期潜在影响以及学习者完成学习后对组织和社会的影响。  相似文献   

This study addresses the learning of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) concepts by physical education and sport science students through a computer game. Its aims are: (a) the design of the prototype of a computer game aimed at supporting the development of an appropriate mental model about how a computer works by the students, and (b) the evaluation of the impact of the use of this prototype on students as to appeal, basic usability issues and learning outcomes. The most significant elements of the game prototype (narrative, characters, interface, scenarios, puzzles, gameplay) are presented in connection with the constructivist learning principles that guided the game design. A hundred and three (103) physical education and sport science students participated in the evaluation of the game prototype, which was conducted through pretest and posttest written questionnaires that elicited both quantitative and qualitative data. The data analysis showed that the game prototype was well-accepted as an alternative learning tool for ICT, compared to traditional learning tools, and that most game elements elicited average to positive responses from the students. It was also found that the game prototype had a significant positive effect on students’ knowledge regarding the concepts of input, program, output and their interplay, and that it helped certain students overcome their misconceptions and form more scientifically acceptable and elaborate mental conceptions about basic functions of a computer. Future improvements and extensions to the game as well as future research perspectives are discussed on the basis of the findings.  相似文献   

Although there are numerous models to practive instructional design (ID), few instructional models to teach instructional design have been documented. This article documents a five-year study of two instructors who collaborated on formally studying their teaching of a master's level instructional design course. A reflexive instructional approach was used, in which the teachers examined their teaching while students were being prompted to reflect on their learning of instructional design through a course-long ID project. In this article we summarize our views on learning, teaching, and instructional design. A design and development framework from developmental research (Richey & Nelson, 1996) was used to describe our teaching in terms of the design decisions, model implementation, and model evaluation across six deliveries of the ID course from 1994–1998.  相似文献   

We discuss the development of an instructional design model, WisCom (Wisdom Communities), based on socio‐constructivist and sociocultural learning philosophies and distance education principles for the development of online wisdom communities, and the application and evaluation of the model in an online graduate course in the USA. The WisCom model aims to facilitate transformational learning by fostering the development of a wisdom community, knowledge innovation, and mentoring and learner support in an online learning environment, based on a “Cycle of Inquiry” module design, and a “Spiral of Inquiry” program design. Extending beyond current instructional design practice, WisCom provides both a new model for teaching that builds upon the inherent capacity of networked communication to support the growth and intellectual development of communities of practice, and a new model of learning where learners engage in the process of scholarly inquiry that supports individual and collective learning. Evaluation and research data support the WisCom model's ability to design a learning community engaged in the collaborative construction of knowledge.  相似文献   

This paper puts forward a prototype process for the development of educational multimedia materials, which can help educational multimedia software developers produce more coherent and effective learning resources by making explicit the value/belief system on which the project is founded. The prototype is presented as an object and stimulus for debate and discussion, around the many issues it raises.
The paper critically reviews some current models of educational multimedia software development with regard to the role of "values/beliefs" and discusses why there is a need for these factors to be taken into account. It particularly focuses on environmental issues and is more widely applicable to those subject areas which involve the teaching of "controversial issues".
The basic process put forward involves three steps: 1) identifying and agreeing a prioritized list of the core values and beliefs on which the project is based 2) using these to inform the specification/design process 3) using them as part of the evaluation/quality control process. The process is illustrated using a small number of examples and the paper ends by looking forward to a full trial of the prototype and suggestions for further work.  相似文献   

文章论述了信息技术教学应用有效性评价指标体系构建的过程与方法。以促进学生高阶思维能力发展为信息技术应用的价值取向,文章将高阶学习作为信息技术有效应用的主要标准参照,依据活动理论和高阶思维、高阶学习相关理论,构建出学习活动设计和学习活动实施两个维度下包含学习目标、活动任务、资源工具、操作交互、活动规则、学习成果等六个一级指标和十三个二级指标的评价指标体系理论模型,并在此基础上以初中物理课堂教学为例,采用分析教学案例的方法,获取评价量规设计的实践依据,为指标项的具体描述提供参考,从而进一步设计出信息技术在初中物理课堂教学中有效应用的评价量规。  相似文献   

当前应用型高校仍然广泛存在"重理论、轻实践"的教学模式和"以考代评"的学习评价模式,在信管专业教学改革实践的基础上,通过设计以项目任务实践为主线的"虚拟企业"教学模式和以能力评价为核心的"团队式"多样化学习评价体系,创新教学范式和学习评价模式,引导和激励学生提高理论水平、专业技能和综合素质,进而在应用型专业人才培养中形成良好的教学氛围、学习习惯和实践积极性。  相似文献   

打破以往书本式教授模式,研究基于工作过程导向的《网站规划与设计》课程开发与实施,探讨如何将课程的教学活动从开发网站的工作过程的角度分解,以典型工作任务和完整工作过程为主线,以真实项目为载体设计学习情境;采用项目驱动教学模式,通过教师导学和项目小组等教学方法培养学生自主学习、交流合作、解决实际问题能力;加强校企合作,体现工学结合,企业专家参与课程开发和实施;建立过程评价和项目验收相结合考核机制.  相似文献   

An enormous challenge is presented to engineering educators by the rapidly changing world of information and communication technologies (ICT). It is essential that students acquire high-quality ICT experience before emerging into the real world of employment. The overall impact of ICT on teaching and learning at the current time, however, is largely through the conversion of conventional lecture notes to static documents, which are made available to students on the web. Project-based learning, by comparison, can provide students with the opportunity to work with emerging technologies and also gain important industrial experience. The first part of this paper presents a summary of the challenges that ICT presents third-level institutions through an examination of the pedagogical issues (and solutions) that arise from a move from traditional lectures to projectbased teaching. This introductory material is followed by the main bulk of the paper, i.e. two case studies. The first is an account of a short project, which involved the evaluation of commercially available undergraduate teaching material provided on CD-ROM. The second case study describes a more substantial project that began life at undergraduate level in collaboration with an indigenous Irish company involved in software development. This project involved the design and development of an online retailing prototype, which was subsequently developed further and launched as a commercial venture.  相似文献   

受新冠肺炎疫情影响,在线教学方式首次在全国得到广泛应用。在线教育平台作为开展线上教学的载体,学生对平台的评价以及使用意愿,对在线教学效果产生显著影响。因此,以H大学本学期选修“财务管理”课程的学生为研究对象,以调整后的技术接受模型为理论基础,对教师在线课程设计及在线教育平台进行评价,以了解学生对在线教育平台的评价以及使用意愿,发现在线教育平台存在的问题,并据此提出相应的对策。通过研究,有助于改善在线教育平台的设计与开发,以提升学习者的使用意愿,保障教学效果。  相似文献   

建构主义理论在大学计算机课程教学中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文从建构主义的教学模式与教学方法入手,改进了传统的计算机课程教学设计的方法与步骤,并提出在建构主义学习环境下如何进行教学目标分析、情境创设、信息资源设计、自主学习设计、协作学习环境设计、学习效果评价设计和强化练习设计.  相似文献   

线上学习蓬勃发展,科研和教学法有效结合,教学品质就能进一步提升。以皇家大学的教学模式为例,深入探讨4项线上教学的原则:学习成果、经验性真实性之学习、学习社区、小组学习。在天津电大开办培训课程,引导教师们深思个人的教学哲理和教学方法,以设计思考的方式,为线上教学挑战寻求解决方案。70名教师参与度高,制作设计蓝图,分享经验,做中求知,创意十足,充分展现中西双方的教学精髓,使之紧密结合,增加教学成效。未来培训的方向是以面授、线上混合之方式,实行小班制,为中国和加拿大线上教学的创新与合作做出更有意义之贡献。  相似文献   

BOPPPS模型将教学过程分为导言、学习目标、前测、参与式学习、后测和总结六个环节,可以充分调动学生的主观能动性,增强教学效果.以性医学中勃起功能障碍为例,基于BOPPPS模型,对该知识点进行教学设计,并对教学效果进行应用评价.实践结果表明,BOPPPS教学教学模式改变了传统的教学方式,提高了教学质量.  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to advance a framework for understanding and teaching game design in higher education, in order to address complexities inherent in teaching game design courses. Everyday teaching and learning game design often deviate from the standard textbook model of game design. In reality everyday teaching and learning operate with handling game design curriculum, how to think games, and how to organise the development process. The presented framework merge curriculum, thinking, and process guided by the game design concept of juiciness. The framework will be presented by dismantling the standard textbook model of game design into three; game design (curriculum), game design thinking (thinking), and game development (organisation). In this perspective game design is concerned with game mechanics, game design thinking preoccupied with paper prototyping, metaphor, and framing, while game developments addresses player experience including play and game testing. This article will coin vertical design as juiciness as opposed to horizontal design understood as expanding system layout. Juiciness will be placed as a guiding principle in the relationship between designers and designed content as an aspect of designer intentions and motivations. Lastly, the content centric framework will be presented by merging game design, game design thinking, game development, vertical design with selected aspects of accepted software development strategies as an approach to teaching and learning game design in higher education.  相似文献   

A major issue confronting educators is the extent to which they wish to conform to so-called paradigm shifts in teaching and learning. In the contemporary world of tertiary education these shifts embrace both pedagogy (from instructivist to constructivist) and technology (from classroom to online). As teachers and learners are faced with the potential of these new learning environments, the extent to which learning outcomes are achieved remains a high priority and subject to a wide range of evaluation strategies. Conventionally, evaluation has been positioned at the end of the instructional development cycle, to assess first whether or not the creative effort achieved the original product goals and second whether or not the desired learning outcomes were realized. In the context of online teaching and learning environments, however, the level of understanding teachers, learners and developers have of the medium can impact the ultimate effectiveness of the product. This paper articulates an additional dimension to post-development evaluation processes in proposing proactive evaluation, a framework that identifies critical online learning factors and influences that will better inform the planning, design and development of learning resources. This notion of proactive evaluation advocates resource development being undertaken where all planning activities are assessed against the evaluation criteria that would normally be applied during formative assessment. By performing these evaluation checks proactively, online learning resources will, in principle, work first time as all relevant factors and issues will have been considered and resolved. More importantly, for those participants who are new to online environments, proactive evaluation will perform a scaffolding and professional development role by enhancing online teaching or learning competencies.  相似文献   

An increased need for self-paced, online professional development opportunities in higher education has emerged from a variety of factors including dispersed geographic locations of faculty, full teaching loads, and institutional evaluation requirements. This article is a report of ?the examination of the design and evaluation of a self-paced online faculty development course about rubrics. A mixed-methods research design was implemented to collect quantitative and qualitative data from faculty members upon completion. Data obtained from an evaluation questionnaire, rubric artifact, self-reflections, and teaching improvement plan revealed that faculty viewed the course as a positive and useful experience. Specific design recommendations for instructional designers and faculty developers of self-paced online courses are provided. These design recommendations emphasize adult learning principles and transformative learning through self-reflection.  相似文献   

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