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In contrast to subjects such as mathematics and the sciences, it has been argued that technology education lacks a clear definition and a clearly defined knowledge base. This discursive article seeks to inform the debate by highlighting the matter of subject definition and in addition to examine the key issue of the knowledge which underpins technology education. The nature of the knowledge involved in technology education is explored by focusing on the types of knowledge (declarative/conceptual, procedural and conditional/strategic) that are required to secure full engagement with this subject. Drawing on extant literature on knowledge, the article takes technology as its focus and highlights the challenges this presents for teachers. A conceptual framework based on the presented evidence is included to show the relationships between knowledge and the skills, the problem‐solving and the values that are integral to technology education. This article concludes that to be effective, technology teaching must be based upon an appropriate subject definition indicating what it is endeavouring to achieve. In addition the existence of such a specialist subject knowledge base must be fully acknowledged, and at the same time there must be full recognition of the need to draw upon relevant knowledge from other subject areas in an appropriate manner in order to inform classroom teaching of the subject.  相似文献   

社会经济的发展带动了科技在体育运动中的广泛运用.科技在促进体育运动发展的同时也带来了很大的弊端。近几年,兴奋剂不但在竞技体育中频繁出现也像毒瘤一样迅速深入到了中小学体育运动中,使人们对体育精神产生了怀疑。为了使青少年远离兴奋剂的毒害,本文从兴奋剂的定义,中小学生对兴奋剂的认识以及兴奋剂对中小学生的危害进行分析,希望从中可以找到兴奋剂在中小学体育运动中存在的根源,并采取一些相应措施,使中小学生远离兴奋剂,还校园一片净土。  相似文献   

复乐段是由两个乐段以重复关系组合起来的特殊形式的乐段,许多学习者在分析此类结构的音乐时都会遇到困难。在音乐分析中要很好地把握其曲式特征,除了必须全面掌握其定义之外,还应充分了解它与相近曲式的异同之处。  相似文献   

文学是个非常古老的精神活动、精神形式,但人们对它既熟悉又陌生,熟知却未必真知。加上西方20世纪80年代发生了文学的"文化转向"后,文学的疆界变得无限开阔,而其自身的界定也面临空前的危机。因此,对"文学是什么"的回答就成了一个迫切的学术问题。而此前的"形象论"、"表现论"和"审美意识形态论"文学观都存在着严重不足,故而需要另辟蹊径,再进行新的界定。新的结论是:从其本源上看,文学是一种高级的魅态文化形式;从其历史面貌上看,文学是个历史性的家族,表现为文学观、特征论、形式定位、流派形态,同时还呈现为杂化和纯化的周期性变奏;从本质的抽象定义看,文学则是象征性的语言艺术,它不以科学和实用为目的,而以想象性超越和诗性的解放为旨归。中国当代文学的致命危机就是"象征性"传统谱系的断裂。  相似文献   

在中国古代学史研究中,名的“一代有一代之学’’观影响了几代研究的思考路向,对这一观点的历史梳理、对它不足之处的质疑都有不少的成果,但是对它系统的、可信的阐释至今仍没有。经过尽可能细致的考察,章在定义了学为一种“诗意的形式’’后,从崭新的角度贯通了旧有的“一代有一代之学”。  相似文献   

首先简要介绍3G技术的相关知识,然后在分析移动学习现有定义的基础上提出新定义,接着对移动学习的特征和国内外研究现状进行分析,最后提出基于3G技术的移动学习应用模式和应用框架。  相似文献   

国力和文明的强盛程度在操作性定义上分为三种资本第一为文化和灵魂资本;第二为金融与经济资本;第三为科技和知识资本.其中第一资本不仅是第二和第三资本的发展基础,也是其第二和第三资本的发展动力.21世纪的中国在全球化中急需第一资本,并要积极着手民族灵魂工程的建设.  相似文献   

A brief review of the history of pedagogical content knowledge reveals various definitions and conceptualizations of the construct, as well as some conceptual problems. A new conceptualization—teacher pedagogical constructions—is offered to address some of the problems associated with PCK. Seven assertions that comprise the new conceptualization are presented, explained and defended. These are: (1) PCK represents personal and private knowledge; (2) PCK is a collection of basic units called teacher pedagogical constructions; (3) teacher pedagogical constructions result mainly from planning, but also from the interactive and post‐active phases of teaching; (4) pedagogical constructions result from an inventive process that is influenced by the interaction of knowledge and beliefs from different categories; (5) pedagogical constructions constitute both a generalized event‐based and a story‐based kind of memory; (6) pedagogical constructions are topic specific; and (7) pedagogical constructions are (or should ideally be) labeled in multiple interesting ways that connect them to other categories and subcategories of teacher knowledge and beliefs. The proposed definition results from a reconceptualization of the nature of PCK as originally proposed, taking the results of major later studies and conceptualizations of PCK into consideration, appropriating new ideas about the structure of memory, and undertaking a reanalysis and presentation of data from a previous study. The article calls for viewing PCK as neither a subcategory of subject matter (subject matter knowledge for teaching) nor as a general generic form of knowledge. It presents a view of PCK as a collection of teacher professional constructions, as a form of knowledge that preserves the planning and wisdom of practice that the teacher acquires when repeatedly teaching a certain topic. Viewing PCK as a collection of TPCs, more precisely defining it, clarifying its relations to other knowledge and beliefs entities, and speculating about its development should facilitate future investigations of PCK.  相似文献   

对认识的真正清晰的认识,必须从定义与诠释两个方面着手。从定义方面而言,认识不只是简单的反映,而是在生活中通过获取信息,对信息进行理性为主的加工改造,达到对对象的形象、观念性把握,以及更进一步通过一系列复杂的思维创新、再造出一个未知的形象———观念世界,并在生活中加以运用与验证的整个活动过程。同样,对认识的诠释也需要从生活的角度来进行。认识是生活的意识表现之一,生活是认识的基础、起源、全部的内容和最终的目的。认识论就是认识的生活论。  相似文献   

数据驱动学习--英语教学模式的新动向   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
数据驱动学习充分利用了网络和语料库资源,改变了以往传统的结论式的单向灌输的教学模式,为学习者营造了真实的语言环境,减少了在过程教学法中容易产生的中介语石化的现象。能够有效激发学习者的学习兴趣,培养他们自主学习和自我解决问题的能力,达到辅助英语教学的最终目的。  相似文献   

通过研究网格技术在知识管理中的应用,提出知识网格的概念,并在知识网格的研究中加入传统的格理论,完成了知识格的定义,并研究了知识格的性质,以及如何根据知识格为人们提供预备知识或基础知识。  相似文献   

逻辑起点的概念定义及相关观点诠释   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
知识是对实践问题和理论问题进行研究获得的结论,理论是按照内在逻辑联系对知识进行整合形成的体系,是由概念、命题和命题的推论构建的知识结构。逻辑起点是对理论体系的基本问题进行回答所依赖的关键概念,直接影响到基本问题的回答,并进而影响整个理论体系。逻辑起点因其对基本问题的回答最为简单,表现为体系内部的“不可分割性”,从而是内涵高度简化、最为抽象的概念。逻辑起点贯穿理论体系的始终,因而和终点具有统一性,并在历史起点上往往得到直接显现,是认识角度在理论中的概念显现。  相似文献   

办公自动化(Office Automation,简称OA)是现代技术发展的必然趋势,也是社会发展的必由之路。办公自动化于20世纪70年代首先在工业发达国家兴起,20世纪80年代在我国开始创建并初见成效。本文介绍到办公自动化的基本概念和基础知识、办公自动化系统模式、系统开发原则、方法、及对今后的展望。  相似文献   

课程体系设置是高等学校保证培养目标和形成办学特色的重要手段,根据桂林电子科技大学计算机科学与技术卓越工程师教育培养方案,以培养目标为出发点,论述了课程体系建设思路和对学生知识、能力、素质的培养以及课程体系的设置和特色。  相似文献   

语言学习是一个不断掌握新知识的过程,学生对新知识的理解和掌握是建立在原有知识和经验的基础之上的。然而,有时候由于原有知识的局限性,会与新知识产生;中突,从而阻碍学习者理解和接受新知识。相异构想就是学生原有的知识与科学知识不一致的认识,它对学生学习英语产生较大的负面影响。本文阐述了什么是相异构想、它的成因和特点,在此基础上提出了纠正学生相异构想的建议,以提高教师教和学生学的质量和效果。  相似文献   

In this reconsideration of social knowledge, an attempt is made to resolve ambiguities related to the original project. Three regions of dispute fostered by the initial essay are examined and explained: first, the definition of social knowledge; second, the issue of form; third, the problem of normative impact.  相似文献   

技术社会角色依照角色载体,可区分为技术人工社会角色、技术实体社会角色和技术工艺社会角色。经过一定科学理论和专门技能训练的“技术人”,属于技术人工社会角色;以某种实物形态存在,具有特定功能的技术性“人工物”,属于技术实体角色;以知识、理论、方法的形式存在的技术,属于技术工艺社会角色。不同的技术社会角色展现出各自独特的角色形象、作用和影响,具有不同的社会地位、权利、责任和行为模式。  相似文献   

多媒体技术教学与传统教学相比,由于其具有融合性、非线性、无结构性、相互交涉性、可编辑性和可存储性等特点,在外语教学中发挥着重要作用。但是,多媒体技术仅仅是教学的辅助工具,在外语教学活动中,师生之间课堂上的互动性交流才是提高教学质量最有效的手段。  相似文献   

The concepts of tacit knowledge and tacit knowing have been of interest to philosophers and epistemologists as well as behavioral and social scientists. The tacit dimension can be found in both individual and collective practices in versatile, implicit, informal, and unintentional ways. There is no clear, broadly accepted definition of tacit knowledge, but rather its complexity and ambiguity are generally acknowledged. In this essay, Auli Toom begins by presenting some general definitions of tacit knowledge and knowing, and she then draws on four perspectives to construct a more thorough understanding of these concepts. According to Toom, tacit knowledge can be considered using either its philosophical foundations or psychological foundations. In addition, tacit knowledge can be understood as an accumulated product of thinking and action, and also as a process during action. Toom observes further that while tacit knowledge is perceived as an individual and personally accumulated knowledge base, its collective and organizational characteristics are widely recognized. Toom concludes by considering the situational and contextual nature of tacit knowledge.  相似文献   

促进技术转移和应用的政产学研合作机制研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在技术创新的地位越来越重要、创新活动越来越复杂的今天,政产学研合作这一有效的形式日益受到重视。为了有效地建立和管理政产学研合作,就必须要了解其内在作用机制。本研究分析了政产学研合作的产生、知识溢出与转移、治理与协调、利益分配等机制及其各自的地位,并讨论了其对于政府以及各类合作主体的启示。  相似文献   

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