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通过对学术道德失范原因分析入手,提出了当前加强学术道德规范建设的措施建议,即着力加强学术道德教育和提高自律能力的长效机制;完善学术道德制度建设,净化学术环境;坚持学术打假,德法兼治;强化舆论监督机制的建设以达到净化学术环境的目的。  相似文献   

本文强调高校教师既要搞好教学又要搞好科研 ,二者不可偏废。同时就教学和科研中必须注意的一些问题作了简略的议论。  相似文献   

The National Grid for Learning (NGfL) not only represents the most ambitious educational computing initiative to date but also heralds one of the largest public/private education policy partnerships the UK has even seen. In reflecting the growing influence of market and technological forces the NGfL should, therefore, be treated as a significant education signpost for the new century. Before the initiative reaches full operation a major step in the 'construction' of the Learning Grid has been its formation within government and official discourse. This discursive construction is important inasmuch as it makes an 'ethereal' initiative a tangible concern, shaping expectations among both the education and business communities and consequently influencing the future effectiveness of the NGfL. From this basis, the present article examines how the National Grid for Learning is being discursively constructed by government and official actors at a macro level through policy and advisory documents, official statements and other rhetoric. In doing so the article highlights how the NGfL is being shaped within a restrictive technocratic and determinist discourse, thus conforming to traditional narratives of society and technology. The paper then aims to show how such construction negates crucial social and economic elements of the initiative and threatens, ultimately, to restrict the eventual educational effectiveness of the Grid.  相似文献   

学术构建、学术汉语与学术翻译   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文在对中西翻译史与语言学深切把握的基础上,分析了学术翻译对中国构建现代学术体系的重要作用,分析了古汉语对提升、改良现代汉语,进而创建发展能够表述西方式的精细事物与逻辑的学术语言即学术汉语的可行性与重要作用。  相似文献   

按照语言经济学的观点,汉语国际传播标准属于公共产品。作为公共产品,汉语国际传播标准不能靠建立技术壁垒来提高竞争力,而需要借助于标准的外部性和开放性,提高标准的学术竞争力来实现最大效用。然而,我国在汉语国际传播标准的建设上面临一些问题和挑战。因此,汉语国际传播需要进一步加强标准设计的战略规划,建立标准联盟和标准兼容机制,提高汉语国际传播标准的学术竞争力。只有这样,汉语才能真正走出国门,走向世界。  相似文献   

Concerns about identity in educational research and theory have understandably focused on politically salient identity categories, especially class, race/ethnicity, and sex/gender. This focus contributes to political discourse, but offers a simplistic if not totally misleading picture of which identities are observably relevant in educational settings and practice. Politically salient categories are not always relevant in particular educational contexts, and even when they are, their relevance cannot properly be understood without an appreciation for the multiplicity and diversity of identities which become relevant in particular contexts and courses of action. These arguments are illustrated with reference to the case of Mary Daly, the feminist professor who refused to integrate male students into her women's studies courses. A detailed analysis of a news interview excerpt, drawing upon ethnomethodological conversation analysis, suggests how identity can be respecified more widely and more finely by situating identity within natural language use and social interaction.  相似文献   

The Dearing Report has given the responsibility for maintaining standards and quality in British higher education to the Quality Assurance Agency (QAA). While this quango may be able to ensure 'threshold' standards, it is more doubtful whether it can help institutions to sustain high academic quality. Nonetheless, the Report has three potentially very significant consequences: it represents another move towards the creation of a national curriculum in higher education, it offers a more restrictive interpretation of university autonomy, and – despite its protestations – represents a threat to the growing diversity of British higher education. The thrust of the article is that the Report has charted an uneasy 'middle way'between market forces and statism in the quest for quality control in higher education. It remains to be seen whether the academic corporatism represented by the QAA can resist the pressures of the state and the market.  相似文献   

The paper discusses strategies for internationalisation in Norwegian research and higher educational institutions in terms of understanding them in relation to the organisations’ relation to environments and/or in relation to the organisations basic values and identities. The empirical material consists of six case studies (3 universities, 2 university colleges and 1 research institute). Points of departure are observed through increasing competition, normative transformations in terms of increasing economic justifications of internationalisation and impetus to coherent strategic actions. To what extent does the Norwegian landscape of responses to internationalisation fit such interpretations? Based on this case study we may safely conclude that increased competition as a major driver of internationalisation policies and practices in these organisations is still to come. An economic justification of policies and practices is not the major reason to internationalise, given the perceptions of these organisations. They are currently deeply embedded in academic rationales for internationalisation.  相似文献   

论学术生态环境建设与学术期刊的责任   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
学术生态环境与学术期刊的发展有着必然的因果逻辑关系.当前我国学术生态环境的部分恶化制约了学术期刊的可持续发展,而学术期刊作为整个学术生态系统的一部分也起着调节学术生态环境的作用.优化学术生态环境是一个系统工程,学术期刊的责任是改革管理机制,自我更新,实现优胜劣汰.  相似文献   

“学术共同体”建设:学术规范、学术批评与学术创新   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
学术失范、学术不端与学术腐败的猖獗,严重地削弱了知识分子及学术共同体的话语权和公信力.通过学术规范化、加强学术批评、促进学术创新,推进"学术共同体"的建设以重振学术理性,遏制学术混乱与无序,改良学术制度与环境,维护学术尊严与品格,为学术发展提供强力的精神支持和组织保障,为学术创新提供积极的运行机制和生态环境.  相似文献   

路新民 《开放教育研究》2010,16(2):F0003-F0003
学术是没有国界的,除非倾向性很强烈的、政治的、意识形态的,一般来说,学术是绝对没有国界的。比如说,远程教育技术或教育技术领域,你能说社会主义制度下的教育技术就比资本主义制度的要优越?包括评价机制、体系、标准等等,应该说是绝对一致的,绝无二样。比如说,衡量学术质量的标准是什么?当然就是影响因子,就是近两年的被引用频次(分子)除以刊载量(分母)。  相似文献   

任何事物的存在都有它的客观必然性.从哲学的角度分析,事物的差异性和联系的普遍性是国际标准存在的客观基础和必要前提,但任何事物都是矛盾的统一体,矛盾的同一性和斗争性揭示出国际标准是一把"双刃剑",在貌似公平的"规则"背后隐匿着"非公平性",而发展的波浪式前进、循环往复式上升特性,预示着国际标准迈向公正合理之路漫长而艰辛.中国作为发展中贸易大国,要具有舍我其谁的精神,担当起争取与发达国家平等的话语权、国际标准制定权的重任.  相似文献   

The Dearing Report in the UK supported the use of benchmarking in higher education, taking as its stimulus the use of benchmarking in industrial and commercial contexts. The UK Government's concern regarding academic standards has raised the question of whether benchmarking could be applied to them.This article reports on a pilot study of the benchmarking of academic standards in the UK, and demonstrates -- with reference to empirical data -- that benchmarking in this context needs to be approached differently from benchmarking in industrial/commercial milieux, since it requires a combination of finely-drawn comparisons and professional judgements if valid conclusions are to be drawn. It is argued that the complexity which underpins academic standards is inimical to the production of statements about standards that will be applicable across the span of a diverse national system of higher education. The argument presented can be applied, mutatis mutandis, to systems of higher education beyond the UK.  相似文献   

从本质上说,《红楼梦》是一种话语。话语处在一个历时系统之中,历经变迁。有很多原因造成了话语变迁,如,社会的发展、不同文化之间的相互融合、意识形态的进步等。著名语言学家诺曼·费尔克拉夫在他的著作《话语与社会变迁》中提出了话语变迁的三维框架,即文本、话语实践、社会实践,在进行话语分析的时候,这三种因素很重要。因此,在论及《红楼梦》是怎样从正统文学的弃儿转变为世界文学中的瑰宝的时候,就涉及到了话语变迁。社会在变,人们的思维方式也在相应地发生变化,对《红楼梦》这部小说也会有新的更深刻的理解。《红楼梦》文学经典地位的话语建构是在历史的风云变幻中完成的。  相似文献   

This article discusses how political transition affected higher education in Taiwan between 1987 and 1996. The patterns of political transition were reflected in changes in higher education, and were mediated by the state and newly emerged actors who strove for university autonomy, such as university academics and students. However, the interactions among these state and non-state actors have been complicated by such issues in broader context as party politics, national identity and relations with mainland China.  相似文献   

论核心期刊与学术评价标准   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
核心期刊的认定是一项建立在文献数量分布基础上的应用研究成果.目前在使用上功能被过于夸大,成为普遍推行的学术评价标准,并由此引起学术界的较大论争.本文从核心期刊产生的理论依据、遴选指标及方法等方面,肯定其具有一定的学术评价功能,但尚不足以作为学术评价的标准;提出整合力量,协作攻关,深化核心期刊研究,建立和完善科学的学术评价标准,是核心期刊自身发展及满足社会期待的迫切需要.  相似文献   

以北京航空航天大学连续举办四届的航空航天国际研究生暑期学校为例,分析了国际化视域下研究生学术和文化交流平台建设的重点和难点、规划和实施、效果和反馈,并对未来工作提出了展望和建议,以期对同类型平台的建设提供有益的借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

学术期刊与学术生态的构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前的学术腐败和学术丑闻事件时有发生,学术生态危机已呈不争的事实。在学术生态的构建中,学术期刊具有重要作用。因此,学术期刊要加强编辑人员的自律,加大对编辑的学术道德教育;完善期刊学术评价制度,杜绝学术腐败的发生;强化著作权法意识,恪守学术规范;在当下不宜走“以刊养刊”之路。  相似文献   

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