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从哈佛学院到社区学院--美国高等教育模式演进历程浅析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
相对欧洲而言,美国高等教育的演进历程较为短暂,但在移植与借鉴欧洲高等教育模式的基础上,美国高等教育始终坚持其服务社会的世俗化倾向并不断加以革新,从而建构起自社区学院到本科大学直至高水平研究型大学的高等教育体系,在契合社会发展要求的基础上为美国经济社会的发展做出了巨大贡献,其成功经验可资我国高等教育改革之借鉴。  相似文献   

大学与城市的关系可以追溯到中世纪的欧洲。深受欧洲和美国影响的日本大学与其所在城市也有着千丝万缕的联系。本文从经济发展、环境构建这两个层面对日本研究型大学与其所在城市互动关系进行尝试性探讨与分析,以期对我国当下的高等教育改革有所助益。  相似文献   

欧美高等教育的行政干预模式及其启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
欧美国家对高等教育的行政干预主要是通过立法和财政拨款进行的,其高等教育行政管理的共同特点在于学校或教授的权力比较大,适应市场经济的发展要求.而中国高等教育管理中政府本位和行政本位的方式已难适应市场经济的不断发展,因此有必要借鉴欧美国家高等教育的行政干预方式,以推动本国高等教育管理体制的改革.  相似文献   

A form of internationalization of higher education that is very much worth pursuing is regionalization, because, frequently, in Europe the political borders of nation-states fail to coincide with ethno-linguistic realities. As border areas are frequently neglected by the political centres of various nation-states, the education of minority group peoples in such areas may also be neglected. Two solutions to the specific problems of higher education for ethno-linguistic minority group members are, on the one hand, multilingual universities and, on the other hand, regional co-operation in higher education in border areas.  相似文献   

以简.柯里为主所著的《全球化与大学的回应》是一部研究全球化实践对高等教育影响的力作。它通过对欧美4所大学的131位教师和行政人员进行采访,考察了高等教育私有化、大学管理、责任机制、聘任机制和新技术应用等问题,并预测了未来大学的两种发展前景。该书具有较强的时代性与前瞻性、合作性与典型性、理论性与实践性,但在研究范围、对象及方法等方面存在一定的不足。  相似文献   

Traditionally in Arab public universities, presidents are appointed by government authorities. Recently, in uprising Arab countries universities' presidents have been elected by universities' faculty members. Neither traditional nor self-governance pattern succeeded to modernise Arab universities. Reforming patterns of governance is critical for improved productivity and accountability in Arab universities. Applying the modern pattern of university governance depends on the country's political system and extent of democracy. Arab countries need to establish an improved process of searching for leadership candidates. Improving patterns of universities' governance in Arab countries can lead to improving higher education and research and enhancing competitiveness among faculty members.  相似文献   

The intention of this article is to assesss developments which have occurred in the universities of western Europe and North America in the twenty‐year period since UNESCO began work on a long‐term programme to promote the concept of universities as centres of lifelong learning. After describing ways in which universities and other higher education institutions have pursued the goal in question, citing cases drawn from Europe and North America, the author presents a number of conclusions with regard to how well traditional universities have wholly or partially adopted this new role. He concludes that much remains to be done before universities have fully accepted their roles as centres of lifelong learning but that they will be greatly stimulated and aided by the increased availability and use of the new information technologies.  相似文献   

高等教育自学考试的发展模式按办学主体及受教育对象不同分为办学模式和人才培养模式。在办学模式方面,主要有以普通高等教育为依托、企业与大学和科研机构合作、职业院校与主考学校合作、以整合社会力量为主、作为开放大学中重要组成部分等主要的办学模式;在人才培养模式方面,主要有以青年学生为主要对象、以在职人员或打算转岗为主要对象、以农村地区考生(包括农民工考生)为主要对象以及以其他人员为主要对象等的人才培养模式。我们应注意根据各地区及各考生群体的具体情况,选择使用不同的办学模式和培养模式,并注意使各模式之间取长补短,以取得最好的效果。  相似文献   

The paper examines the importance of global and local factors in the current development of universities in Western countries. Globalisation is a fashionable theoretical stance but care needs to be taken in applying it to education, not least because social theorists cannot agree on definitions and implications. Three concepts dealing with recent changes to universities--new managerialism, academic capitalism and entrepreneurial universities--are examined for their usefulness in explaining what is happening to universities in Europe and North America. Following a critical analysis of the theoretical and empirical basis of Slaughter & Leslie's 'Academic Capitalism' and Clark's 'Creating Entrepreneurial Universities', it is suggested that, in searching for similarities and convergence in universities in different countries, more localised factors affecting higher education institutions may be under-emphasised. Furthermore, some of the data used in the comparative case-studies of universities analysed in the paper do not provide methodologically robust evidence to support all of the claims being made. It is suggested that in future comparative work on trends in higher education, more attention should be paid both to methodological matters and to the local-global axis.  相似文献   

随着全球化进程的加速,海外办学成为德国高等教育国际化的重要内容,而处在经济社会转型期的阿拉伯国家对高等教育有着迫切的需求,这为双方的教育合作打下了基础,阿拉伯国家因此成为德国海外办学的重点区域。德国大学在该地区设立海外分校、开设联合专业、联合开办大学,其中联合开办大学是德国在该地区海外办学最重要的形式。德国在阿拉伯地区的海外办学有着不同于其他国家的特色,体现出强烈的政治化倾向、分布在经济欠发达国家及新兴市场、带有发展援助性质、专业以工科自然科学为主、并提供海外交流机会。  相似文献   

我国高校招生方法的改革与启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对国内两家高校进行招生方法的改革进行了介绍和评价,国内一些高校大类招生的改革虽初见成效,但还需进一步改进和完善,从长远来看,我国高校借鉴欧美大学的做法,按文、理两大类招生应是发展方向。  相似文献   

In a globalized world, universities face challenges adapting to changing environmental pressures and expectations of legitimacy. Studies on the topic have tended to focus on universities in North America and Europe, while Chinese universities have received less attention, perhaps due to their status as latecomers to global higher education. Based on institutional theory and resource dependence theory, this study examines the development process of two schools with different characteristics in a prestigious public Chinese university. Based on document and interview analyses, the findings indicate that both schools advocate internationalization as a development strategy but for different reasons. In response to the changing environment, one school continues to conform to the institutional environment; meanwhile, the other is competing in the task environment while also adhering to the university’s and the state’s norms, beliefs, demands and expectations. Based on the analysis, this article recommends that Chinese policymakers allow proactive schools willing to further their positioning in national and global higher education systems to have more autonomy and leeway in developing themselves.  相似文献   

Organizational collaboration is “en vogue”, especially in higher education. So far, little is known about the mechanisms that explain co-operation formation and their impact on the social structure of the research systems. By examining co-authored research papers written at South African universities between 1966 and 2006, co-operation structures are visualized and analyzed from a social network perspective. Regression analysis indicates that status homophily and geographical proximity help to explain attachment processes among universities. Policy makers looking to overcome the steep status hierarchies among South African institutions of higher education need to provide incentives for establishing a stronger research culture in previously disadvantaged institutions. This will enhance their attractiveness for co-operation with reputable organizations and contribute to more equality among institutions.  相似文献   

为了应对欧洲高等教育财政紧缩政策以及大学间日趋激烈竞争的严酷生存环境,欧洲部分大学通过一系列的组织转型和内部变革,造就了一种全新的大学发展模式:创业型大学。欧洲创业型大学的兴起,为当前我国面临同样处境的高职院校培育创业型院校提供了有益的启示。  相似文献   

The term linkage is used to indicate co-operation between an institution in the North and an institution in the South. Donor organisations have generally used linkages to support the development of higher education and research in developing countries. Over time, there has been a trend away from co-operation on individual academic projects towards broader development co- operation and concentration on selected institutions. This shift raises questions about organisation, procedures and support mechanisms, and about the mandate and capabilities of universities in the North, given the frequently asymmetrical relationship between Northern institutions with their own research agendas and Southern beneficiaries. The recent restructuring of Canadian, Dutch, Norwegian and Swedish support for higher education and research is the result of a search for new, more appropriate models of co-operation. This paper examines the evolution of key issues of policy and organisation within the international donor community.  相似文献   

杨红  李松艳  金疆 《成人教育》2012,32(5):127-128
培养一批既掌握实践技能又懂科技知识的高级应用型人才,是保证和促进一个国家经济社会可持续发展的重要因素。欧美发达国家在高等职业技术教育方面采取的相关措施,为整个国家经济的快速发展提供了丰富的高级应用型技术人才,也为我国高等职业技术教育改革提供了参考经验。基于此,在探讨欧美发达国家高等职业技术教育方面的共同特点的基础上,深入分析其对我国高等职业技术教育的启示,以期促进我国高等职业技术教育持续发展。  相似文献   

美国高等教育经历了一个由私立高校一统天下到公立高校逐步兴起,再到两者并驾齐驱,并最终公立高校占主流地位的历史发展过程。美国能够最早实现高等教育大众化,靠的就是私立高校和公立高校的共同努力来实现的。在这个过程中,美国政府通过立法和财政资助等途径,不断协调公立与私立高校的关系,推进教育和谐发展。  相似文献   

分析我国老年护理人才存在教育体系和培训制度不完善及护理服务水平不高等问题,学习欧美等国老年护理教育理念,结合开放大学的实际,探讨基于远程教育的老年护理人才培养措施,以期高效快捷的培养各类型各层次老年护理人才,推进老年护理教育的发展。  相似文献   

校企合作模式下地方高师院校非师范生创业实践教育体系的研究与建立具有无可替代的战略意义。如何根据当前社会发展的需要构建与之相适应的教育体系是地方高师院校发展的重要课题。以校企合作这一研究视角,来积极探索地方高师院校非师范生创业实践教育体系完善与发展的新路径,以期能对地方高师院校教育发展有所裨益。  相似文献   

There is now an extensive literature about internationalisation in higher education. However, much of the research relates to North America and Europe. This paper is concerned with internationalisation in Latin America and seeks to consider perceptions and experiences in Colombia and Mexico, and to compare practice in the public and private sectors. Based on detailed analysis of interviews with senior managers in six universities, the paper shows a growing level of activity, with some increasing levels of planning and strategy. Important differences are identified in the response of public and private universities, reflecting funding differences and freedom to determine institutional priorities.  相似文献   

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