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In this article, the work of three international governmental organisations (IGOs) dealing with human rights will be discussed, namely the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)1 and the Council of Europe (CoE). In the first section, the main characteristics of the three IGOs in terms of similarities and differences will be elaborated. Then, their human rights approach to education will be described, dealing with the legal foundations. In the final section, the different strategies of implementation based on both their official mission statements and their present strategy papers will be evaluated under the heading ‘competition vs. cooperation’.  相似文献   

“人权”作为欧洲资产阶级反对封建专制制度的一面旗帜,在20世纪下半叶东西方两种社会制度的对抗中又成为西方手中的“意识形态武器”,这就是“人权外交”。回顾美国“人权外交”的历史,从威尔逊最初提出“人权外交”的主张,到卡特政府正式提出推行“人权外交”政策,及至当前的布什政府的外交主张,我们不难看出,“人权外交”说到底是为美国的国家利益服务的,是美国在国际事务中谋求霸权地位的工具。  相似文献   

This article describes the application of the Research and Development in Organisations (RADIO) model to five action research projects carried out in schools around transition processes. The RADIO model is mapped onto all five studies, and adapting the model in order to include greater stakeholder participation is suggested. Reflections are made on the focus group methodology used in these schools within the RADIO model. An evaluation of the factors influencing the effectiveness of these five studies in bringing about positive change suggests that the preparation and context for carrying out action research using the RADIO model are key.  相似文献   

信息的存储在整个信息处理系统中都占有至关重要的地位。为此,就计算机系统中的信息存储系统的发展以及其中所涉及的存储介质HDD、Flash Memory、SSD及光盘存储系统作相应介绍,并对存储系统的发展作一展望。  相似文献   

教师主动发展是促进教师的专业成长的关键,是学校的始终思考与追求。邀请课能激励教师把课堂教学的研究与提高当作自己主动发展的目标,激发教师在专业发展中的主动追求,自觉地承担起专业发展的主要责任。在推进邀请课建设的过程中,应该健全机制,重视专家的作用,同时还要区分不同层次的教师,分别予以重视。此外还应该注重校际之间的合作。  相似文献   

阅读和写作课是普师语课的重要组成部分。语学科内容的广泛包容性、人性、开放性等特点,为教师紧密结合阅读和写作课教学,培养学生的创新能力提供了契机。本着重从五个方面阐述了如何在阅读写作教学中,培养学生的创新意识、创新精神和创新能力。  相似文献   

采取宏“观”与微“视”相结合、学理探究与实践观照相统一的研究方法,从主体、内容、受众、渠道、表达5个维度,对当前我国主流意识形态话语传播的发展指向进行研究,提出要通过多元共在的话语主体打造、价值共鸣的话语内容供给、精准有效的话语受众对接、立体多样的话语渠道构筑、与时俱进的话语形式转换,以进一步提升主流话语传播扩散的实效性。  相似文献   

黄宝榴 《教育导刊》2003,(10):15-17
一、课题的构建(一)课题的提出《“主动发展”教育模式》课题提出与形成于20世纪90年代末期。这期间,学校“学会负责,做责任小公民”课题的研究已结题,“责任感教育”的意识已经在全校师生中逐渐得到树立。而在教育要“面向现代化,面向世界,面向未来”的方针指引下,把握好这个良好的开端,将责任感教育拓展并赋予新的内涵,强化学生对自己、对家庭、对集体、对社会负责的道德观念和行为,树立为祖国繁荣和发展而奋斗的使命感,推进素质教育在学校的全面实施,以适应21世纪社会对人才的需求和对儿童自身发展的需要。经过多方面征询和论证,我们确立…  相似文献   

Previous research shows that key parties involved in children's drawing perceive the value and benefits of art and drawing very differently. However such research has been restricted to the examination of children attending mainstream schooling across the UK. The present study therefore compared the views and practices of key parties involved in mainstream and performing arts educational contexts. Teachers and children were interviewed and parents completed a postal survey. Some 225 children, 115 of their teachers and 176 of their parents and carers formed the mainstream school group whilst 180 children, 42 of their teachers and 145 of their parents and carers formed the performing arts school group. Main findings indicated that pupils', parents' and teachers' views about the benefits, and how to support drawing behaviour at school and at home, varied across contrasting educational contexts. In particular, pupils attending arts‐based schools and their teachers valued expressivity over technical support, pupils reported enjoying drawing more, had higher self efficacy and foresaw engaging in the activity beyond their school years more than their mainstream counterparts. The results suggest that mainstream educational contexts could foster drawing behaviour and the related emotional benefits to a greater extent.  相似文献   

Monitoring fidelity of implementation is a critical task when initiating evidence-based programs. This pilot study sought to identify best practices in a fidelity monitoring process and determine the feasibility of continuing a fidelity monitoring process with a multisite, multiprogram initiative. A fidelity log was created for each of 11 curricula, and data were entered online directly by educators. Analysis included 173 fidelity logs representing five curricula; qualitative and quantitative data were analyzed. Overall fidelity scores were promising and results indicate that fidelity monitoring in such a large program is feasible and was generally well-received by participants.  相似文献   

儿童问题行为的评估及其对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
儿童问题行为是国内外心理学和教育工作者共同关注的热点问题,其发生率仍在逐年上升.儿童问题行为不仅影响儿童身心的健康发展,而且影响我国素质教育的进程.在教育过程中,教育者只有对儿童的各种行为表现做出合理的评估,才能够有针对性地实施教育计划.本文对儿童问题行为的评估标准、注意问题和对策等方面作了初步探讨.  相似文献   

Student growth patterns in Web-enhanced and on-line courses lead the University of Central Florida (UCF) to expect large populations for both categories. The authors describe the UCF process for implementing and evaluating Web-based instruction. The office of Course Development and Web Services supports faculty in preparing and delivering their on-line courses. Additionally, faculties are given support for the transition through a semester-long course in Web-based teaching. The Center for Distributed Learning provides administrative and registration services in addition to coordinating and marketing interactive television, video, and Web-based courses. The Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning provides additional support for faculty as they work with the new technologies. Finally, UCF is conducting a comprehensive impact evaluation of distributed learning including differential success, demographic trends, impact on teaching, and impact on students with differing learni ng styles. The model used at UCF is compared with the Twente TeleTOP method (De Boer, 1999) and the generalizability of this model to other institutions is discussed.  相似文献   

虚拟课堂与教师的能动性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
虚拟课堂是在互联网条件下采用实时性、交互性的多功能网上授课平台.虚拟课堂的出现必然会导致传统教育体系的进一步革新.虚拟课堂具有自身的特点和优越性,与现实课堂相比,在教学场所、学生来源、授课时间、互动方式等方面,存在巨大差异.然而,以网络技术为代表的虚拟课堂代表着现代教育生产力的发展方向.教师在虚拟课堂中的作用、地位不是被削弱,而是应该得到加强.教师的能动性体现在与学生的平等互动之中,使阅读、表达、讨论、交流、质疑、争辩、赞同、支持、查考、创作,成为虚拟课堂改变教师和学生日常学习生活的基本方式.虚拟课堂与现实课程的整合,不仅改变着学生的学习状态,也使教师的能动性地位得到不同形式的体现和发展.  相似文献   

心理发展中的遗传和环境效应问题是发展心理学中的一个重要理论问题。笔者从行为遗传学的角度对心理发展进行了解释,并提供了目前行为遗传学方面的研究证据。在此基础上重申,遗传和环境相互作用共同决定个体心理发展,遗传是发展的基石,环境的决定作用是在这一基石所确定的潜在范围内有选择地进行着;不能因为行为遗传学的研究成果就简单抹杀了环境的作用,而应正确对待基因和环境的效应,在对个体行为进行干预时必须首先考虑到个体的遗传特性,在其遗传特性的基础上施以相应的环境影响,力求在个体遗传特性与环境影响之间达到最佳的拟合。  相似文献   

The benefits of breastfeeding for infant, mother, family, and community are well recognized, and increasing breastfeeding rates is considered an important health-promotion strategy. Improving breastfeeding knowledge and practice among individuals caring for breastfeeding women is considered an important aspect of this strategy. The practice-development initiative described in this article aimed to improve hospital-based breastfeeding rates through the implementation of The Ten Steps to Successful Breastfeeding. The initiative included the development and implementation of an education program aimed at changing and improving breastfeeding practices. The program was evaluated in three ways: changes in breastfeeding rates at hospital discharge; client preparation for breastfeeding and satisfaction during the postnatal period; and staff knowledge and skills.  相似文献   

张静 《历史教学》2003,(8):43-50
评价与考试改革是基础教育课程改革的重要组成部分.近年来,国外历史学业评价的研究和发展体现出重视统一考试和表现性评价的特点和趋势,并形成了较为成熟的历史学科学业评价范式.本文参考美国、英国、加拿大历史学业评价的材料,并提供了研究的案例.  相似文献   

评价与考试改革是基础教育课程改革的重要组成部分。近年来,国外历史学业评价的研究和发展体现出重视统一考试和表现性评价的特点和趋势,并形成了较为成熟的历史学科学业评价范式。本文参考美国、英国、加拿大历史学业评价的材料,并提供了研究的案例。  相似文献   

Decades of reading research have improved our understanding of the ways that young children learn how to read and of the component skills that support the ongoing development of reading and reading comprehension. However, while these investments have transformed reading instruction and reading outcomes for many learners, too many children are not reading at the basic level nor are they reading with understanding. The Institute of Education Sciences created the Reading for Understanding Research Initiative in 2010 to fund a set of connected projects that would enrich the theoretical frameworks that undergird efforts to improve deep comprehension and to design and test new interventions and assessments to improve reading for understanding across all grades in US schools. This article describes the central themes that guided the design of the Reading for Understanding Initiative and the work underway by the six research teams funded under this program.  相似文献   

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