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This article focuses on education in developing countries in the context of globalization and with specific reference to the Caribbean. It examines the concept of globalization and related concepts and positions developing countries within this context. It explores the possibility of the creation of a third space where the local and the global can co-mingle and new understandings can emerge. The article argues that although the global/local interface constitutes a zone of tension, it can, in the realm of education, become an area of creative opportunity. It outlines some parameters that can guide the way in which the third space can be shaped when Caribbean and other developing countries are faced with the challenge of accommodating external ideas into local education.  相似文献   

环顾全球,择校在一些国家表现为一种社会现象,而在另一些国家则体现为一项变革政策。近年来,国外择校研究继续向着广与深的方向发展,这既拓宽了我们观察全球择校现象的视野,也深化了我们对西方国家择校政策的认识。本文基于近三年来国外择校研究的最新文献,从择校现象的动因、择校政策的设计和成效方面,描绘本研究领域的前沿图景,并思考相关启示。  相似文献   

传承、创新与个性化: 美国一流大学跨越式发展道路   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在全球化竞争时代,中国大学要实现跨越式发展,需充分借鉴国外的先进教育理念和办学经验。本文探讨了美国大学在较短时期内走向一流水平的理念根源和个性化办学经验。分析了当前我国高水平大学发展进程中所面临的主要制度问题。指出中国大学进行跨越式发展的关键是要实行大学制度的中国本土化创新和完善。  相似文献   

This article provides a comparative analysis of citizenship education in the Philippines and Singapore. Through an analysis of historical contexts, citizenship education policy and curriculum, it examines Makabayan in the Philippines and National Education in Singapore. It identifies particular policy and curriculum trajectories as responses to national and global imperatives to demonstrate how countries are redefining the kinds of knowledge, skills and values deemed necessary for national citizenship in global contexts. This comparative case study illustrates some of the tensions and contradictions facing citizenship education in new global contexts and highlights the different ways countries try to manage these tensions through citizenship education policies and curricula. Findings point to different factors that shape and constrain the implementation of citizenship education programmes in both countries.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes UNESCO as an institutional carrier of civics education information throughout the world. The first section of the paper presents a brief history of civics education in UNESCO, illustrating the central role of UNESCO in civics education development. The second section presents findings from a cross-national analysis of UNESCO's effect on civics education material from 1955 to 1995 in 42 countries. Findings from this analysis indicate that UNESCO significantly influenced the extent to which these countries emphasize global civics content in their educational material. Results also suggest that wealthier countries in the analysis are more likely to emphasize civics content that is global in orientation. In addition, it appears that among these wealthier countries, Western European countries are less likely to emphasize global civics content.  相似文献   

全球化加速发展成为世界上最引人瞩目的现象,与之相伴随的是,全球性问题日益凸显.这些问题无法依赖各行其是的民族国家得到解决,而是需要国家间以新形式的超国家、多层次的治理为基础通过多方面合作加以应对.但是,在全球层面上,还没有一个能够与全球公民社会对话的世界政府.如此要实现有效的全球治理,无疑困难重重.  相似文献   

在全球化语境下,华语电影开始在世界市场上被选择和接受,实现了中国电影与世界电影的对话和接轨。然而,中西方对华语电影两极化解读现象依然普遍存在。鉴于各国电影通过达到国际性而实现民族性的成功经验,华语电影的"民族性"特质的强调需要被重新审视和反思。  相似文献   

我国企业反倾销应诉中的会计问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近年来在中国对外贸易进入扩张期的同时,中国开始成为全球贸易争端的最大受害国,每年因国外的反倾销与倾销所造成的损失较大,问题的严重性不言而喻。应对国际反倾销需要有一个会计举证的诉讼支持系统和一个反倾销会计的信息平台,以解决反倾销应诉中遇到的会计问题,提出正解的解决方案。  相似文献   

自由和保护在国际贸易中时刻都存在着,其中技术壁垒是我国遭受贸易障碍的主要因素之一,发达国家往往采用贸易技术壁垒来合理合法地限制我国产品的出口,同时也能起到贸易保护的作用。最近全球都在经历重大的金融危机,许多国家为了保护国内的产业,纷纷提出一些贸易保护措施,而贸易技术壁垒也必然会再次成为主要方法之一。本文通过定义四个基本变量来分析贸易技术壁垒带来的坏处和好处,以对贸易技术壁垒有比较客观的认识,从而使我们能较好地规避贸易技术壁垒带来的弊端,同时有利于用好它带来的创新机会。  相似文献   

全球性问题的增多使得国家行为主体之间的国际合作理论与实践都遭遇着全球化时代的挑战。在这一背景下应运而生的全球公民社会,从合作主体、合作层次、合作形式、合作理念等方面展示了一种适应和体现着全球化时代权力多元化、价值多样化、权利民主化等发展需求的新国际合作观。纵使面临着相互关联的独立性、代表性、合法性困境,全球公民社会的国际影响已日渐增强。特别是公共外交理念的兴起和实践的发展,体现出一些国家在全球化背景下实现国家目标和利益的多元化策略调整。因此必须抛弃"国家中心"主义的藩篱,注重全球公民社会的发展在当今国际合作、全球治理中的影响。  相似文献   


In documenting educational reforms in the science curriculum of developing countries, a number of tensions become apparent as a result of struggles to preserve local values while incorporating global trends. This article describes and analyses these tensions and paradoxes, and discusses the intersections of cultural, economic, administrative and educational history of elementary school science curriculum development in Cyprus since its independence from the British in 1960. Using a combination of methodological tools that range from document analysis, historical research and ethnographic methods of collecting data, it is argued that the global and the local can be viewed spatially in terms of linking people, spaces and diverse knowledges. In order to ensure that local values in science curriculum development can be sustained without being absorbed by globalization curriculum developers in developing countries need to create spaces in which the local can be performed together with the global.  相似文献   

充分发挥审前准备程序的特有功能已成为当今世界各国民事司法改革的一大趋势。我国在司法中尚未有严格意义上的审前准备程序。简要分析主要国家的民事审前准备程序,检讨我国当前民事审前准备程序的现状及其弊端,并结合我国实际以及借鉴吸收西方各国有益经验和成功做法,对如何重构审前准备程序提出设想是十分有意义的。  相似文献   

Talk of the rise of a global war for talent and emergence of a new global meritocracy has spread from the literature on human resource management to shape nation‐state discourse on managed migration and immigration reform. This article examines the implications that the global war for talent have for education policy. Given that this talent war is a product of neoliberalism, it raises many of the same concerns for educators as neoliberalism in general: the embrace and promotion of social, economic and educational inequality; and a narrow, market‐based conception of education, skill and talent. This article argues, however, that the global war for talent represents a new phase in neoliberalism, as it seeks to liberalise the global movement not just of capital and commodities, but of high skill labour as well. In this, it threatens to undercut some of the founding assumptions and goals that have shaped national education policy in OECD countries throughout the post‐World War II period, and raises serious concerns for how we are to think about and pursue equality, inclusion and fairness in and through education in the future.  相似文献   

While technical and vocational education and training (TVET) is re-emerging on the agenda of many development agencies and governments of developing countries alike, there remains a serious lack of theoretically grounded literature on how skills formation systems in developing countries change over time, and how these transformations are interrelated with global trends. This article is an attempt to address this shortfall by way of analysing the historical trajectories of TVET in Sri Lanka and Bangladesh from the perspective of ‘historical institutionalism’. The analysis finds that, contrary to major assumptions of ‘neo-institutionalist world culture’ perspectives, TVET institutions and policies in both countries have developed to some extent in opposition to the priorities of international donor organisations. It is argued that more generally these developments are strongly related to the path-dependent structural elaboration of the two education systems. As a conclusion it is pointed out that the fact that in both countries TVET became a political priority well before the recent reformulation of donor priorities may raise doubts about the validity and dominance of world culture models for explanations of educational change.  相似文献   

晏阳初的教育历程与西方在华创办的近代基督教教会学校相联系,在此过程中,晏阳初逐渐成为一个融有"三C力量"(孔子Confucius、基督Christ、苦力Coolies)的基督教信仰者。而正是这一独具内涵的信仰作为其内在的精神力量,才支撑着晏阳初为全球乡村平民教育事业奋斗终身。  相似文献   

中国农业支持政策的原因及其实施效果分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
农业支持和补贴是全球性的问题,发达国家大都对农业提供相当的支持,相比之下中国对农业的支持还很不够.本文论述了中国支持农业的特殊原因,比较中国和部分发达国家农业支持水平的差异,表明中国的农业支持水平还是相当低的.2002年开始实施种粮直接补贴,但由于补贴数额有限、制度体制束缚等原因,直接补贴的效果十分有限.因此中国必须加大农业支持力度,调整农业补贴结构,促进农业的发展和农民生活水平的提高.  相似文献   

随着全球贸易的飞速发展和世界经济一体化趋势的不断加强,会计国际化已成为世界各国普遍关注的现实问题.本文从会计国际化已成为世界经济发展的必然趋势入手展开论述,分析了中国会计准则与国际准则接轨的必然趋势,并对中国会计的国际化发展提出了建议.  相似文献   

In this forum article, I reflect on issues related to the implementation of inquiry-based science education (IBSE) in different countries. Regarding education within the European Union (EU), the Bologna system has in later years provided extended coordination and comparability at an organizational level. However, the possibility of the EU to influence the member countries regarding the actual teaching and learning in the classrooms is more limited. In later years, several EU-projects focusing on IBSE have been funded in order to make science education in Europe better, and more motivating for students. Highlighting what Heinz and her colleagues call the policy of ‘soft governance’ of the EU regarding how to improve science education in Europe, I discuss the focus on IBSE in the seventh framework projects, and how it is possible to maintain more long-lasting results in schools through well-designed teacher professional development programs. Another aspect highlighted by Heinz and her colleagues is how global pressures on convergence in education interact with educational structures and traditions in the individual countries. The rise of science and science education as a global culture, encompassing contributions from all around the world, is a phenomenon of great potential and value to humankind. However, it is important to bear in mind that if science and science education is going to become a truly global culture, local variation and differences regarding foci and applications of science in different cultures must be acknowledged.  相似文献   

在西方。媒介与政治的关系十分暧昧。新闻媒体已经成为与立法、司法、行政相制衡的“第四权力”。在媒体迅猛发展、国际政治风云剧变的全球化背景下,研究西方新闻媒介与民主政治的互动关系具有深刻的现实意义。本文旨在探讨西方新闻媒介与政治的关系。特别着重研究新闻媒体如何影响并作用于政治。并在此过程中,提出了“媒体参与影响政治的模型”。最后从批判的视角。指出了西方新闻媒介与政治互动过程中的薄弱环节。  相似文献   

碳税是应对全球气候变化问题的重要手段之一,因其经济刺激的明显性和实施的便利,被许多国家适用.美国早在上个世纪90年代初开始研究并拟采用碳税,但直至今日,尚只有个别地区适用碳税,其缓慢的发展历程、碳税的具体政策及其实施效果,对我国制定相关的法律、政策有借鉴意义.  相似文献   

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