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教育是人类文明的产物,教育水平是国家兴衰的标志。我国现在基本上普及了九年义务教育。但现实中依然有大量适龄儿童失学辍学,这一状况引起了各界的普遍关注。但我国近几年人们对贫困生救助问题的关注更多的是集中在大学贫困生救助上,对义务教育阶段贫困生问题的普遍性和严峻性没有充分的认识。文章从义务教育的性质和意义、教育公平、义务教育阶段贫困生救助增进社会整体利益的最大化采探讨我国义务教育阶段的贫困生救助问题。  相似文献   

郭崚 《闽江学院学报》2013,34(1):120-124
随着高校大学生就业形势的日益严峻,贫困生的就业形势也更加艰难,为更好地开展高校贫团生就业指导工作,进行适合贫困生的创业教育,从贫困生创业素质的调查数据出发,分析贫困生的创业意向、创业知识、创业品质及创业环境的现状,从中得到相应的建议与对策。  相似文献   

信息社会对教师的信息素养提出了更高的要求,信息素养越来越受到教育界的关注和重视,被放到与读、写、算同等重要的位置,并逐渐加入到教育目标与评价体系之中,成为评价人才综合素质的一项重要指标,师范院校学生,应该具备什么样的信息素养,师范院校如何对学生进行信息素养的教育,章进行了探讨。  相似文献   

我国目前有超过一千所高校设立设计专业,年招生总数更多达三万余人。随高校扩招以来,很多问题也随之而来。师生比例发生严重变化,学生质量与教育质量下滑,就业难等问题愈演愈烈。一直以来,高等院校的专业艺术教育都在探索其发展道路。从政府宏观调控,到学校的招生制度、学科建设、课程设置、教师素质的培养提高等,各方面的讨论层出不穷。但老师、学生和就业的矛盾依然突出。如何改革创新?本文从招生制度和课程设置入手,立足于"以人为本",提出对高校设计专业教育创新的思考和对策。  相似文献   

At several schools of West Berlin, a project of compensatory education has been instituted to assist underprivileged children in completing their home assignments, in developing their linguistic and perceptual skills, and in raising their educational motivation. University students were the initiators of this project and are carrying out its programs, which show certain parallels to the work done by community centers in American cities.  相似文献   

This paper introduces a new measure of educational inequalities based on cognitive achievement data, and uses it to examine achievement inequalities in mathematics between groups of students enrolled in basic education in Brazil. The groups of students are defined by their race, sex, socioeconomic status (SES), and region of residence. The Brazilian system of basic education currently produces poor results with respect to both quality and equity. The paper recommends that Brazil should work, concomitantly, to improve the achievement levels of its students and to close the cognitive gaps observed among different groups of students. Placing emphasis on just one of these goals is not an adequate public policy at this time. Proposals for carrying out these reforms can be classified as input or management strategies and are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

诚信是华夏民族最崇尚的品质,已传承数千年。但是当代大学生在诚信上不断出现不良现象,引起社会的广泛关注。现在高校诚信教育存在着诚信教育观念缺失、教育体制机制滞后等问题。为此,从培育高校诚信教育观念,丰富诚信教育内容与手段等方面建构完善的高校诚信教育体系显得至关重要。  相似文献   

基础文明教育是职业素质教育的基础,直接关系到学生职业素质的高低。调查发现,高职院校学生对基础文明的认识与实践存在诸多问题。于是,有必要从社会、家庭、学校、教师、个人等多个层面,剖析学生基础文明认识程度不高的具体原因,并通过树立目标、加强保障、把握原则与方向、制定规范、搭建平台等措施,构建符合高职院校特点、体现职业素质教育目标的基础文明养成教育体系,以促进高职院校基础文明养成教育的开展,从而促进学生职业素质的提升,  相似文献   

The modernization of the educational process in the ungraded schools of the Republic of Kazakhstan requires the provision of affordable quality education for students in rural areas on information technology, the creation of e-learning. It was important to consider two points: how does e-learning influence the educational process in ungraded schools, and directly on the quality of teaching, and what results can thus be achieved. The significance of the work is also to explore innovative approaches to e-learning system of ungraded schools. Each student in any country has the constitutional right to a quality education. We asked the question: Are these rights implemented for students of rural areas, whether they get the same amount of knowledge like in innovative schools in the big city, whether there is the same access to advanced information technology in education? Having based on the differences in the level of knowledge, skills and competences in general, we have found that children have different levels of knowledge when they finish the secondary school and unequal starting level for admission to higher education. This led us to the need to develop a set of measures to promote the implementation of quality education for students in ungraded schools of the countryside. In this article, we presented the results of work on the creation of e-learning for ungraded schools of the Republic of Kazakhstan. We have tried to show how information and communication technologies, multimedia educational products (digital resources) influence the quality of education in rural schools, how to improve the quality of teaching in these types of schools.  相似文献   

从建国初期开始,我国一直在加大对农村地区义务教育的投入,各项政策都非常有利于贫困家庭子女入学。但是,由于没有制定明确的义务教育财政分担体制,中央和地方各级政府的责任不明确等各种原因,在很长的一段时期里,义务教育贫困学生资助制度没有建立起来。从21世纪初开始,“两免一补”政策逐步完善,2008年“两免一补”政策在全国义务教育阶段普及,实现了农村贫困地区学生教育机会的公平,此时,将贫困学生与非贫困学生划在了同一起点上,都拥有了相同的教育机会。但是,我们发现“两免一补”政策仍然存在一些问题,针对这些问题文中提出相应的建议和对策。  相似文献   

英国高等教育状况、发展趋势与借鉴   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍英国高等教育的基本情况与现状,大学的类型,发展阶段,发展趋势,涉及高校办学自主权、高教管理、质量监控机构与机制、科研与教学评估、教育拨款机制,学校收入与贫困学生收费、海外招生、对非正规教育机构的清理整顿等方面,观察当前英国社会争论与关注的热点问题,提出我国高教值得注意和思考的若干问题。  相似文献   

浅析面临挑战与机遇的美国研究型大学本科教育   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
存在于美国研究型大学中由来已久的教学与科研的紧张关系直接导致本科教育的削弱和水平下降。文章分别从本科教育的五项内容--课程、学生、教学、校园文化和师资所存在的问题与应该达到要求出发,探寻了研究型大学本科教育的定位及优势;并指出了今后研究型大学本科教育的发展趋势;利用优势重构系统,树立以学生为中心的观念,走与工业企业结构、提高学生创造能力的途径。  相似文献   


The outcomes of educational assessments undoubtedly have real implications for students, teachers, schools and education in the widest sense. Assessment results are, for example, used to award qualifications that determine future educational or vocational pathways of students. The results obtained by students in assessments are also used to gauge individual teacher quality, to hold schools to account for the standards achieved by their students, and to compare international education systems. Given the current high-stakes nature of educational assessment, it is imperative that the measurement practices involved have stable philosophical foundations. However, this article casts doubt on the theoretical underpinnings of contemporary educational measurement models. Aspects of Wittgenstein’s later philosophy and Bohr’s philosophy of quantum theory are used to argue that a quantum theoretical rather than a Newtonian model is appropriate for educational measurement, and the associated implications for the concept of validity are elucidated. Whilst it is acknowledged that the transition to a quantum theoretical framework would not lead to the demise of educational assessment, it is argued that, where practical, current high-stakes assessments should be reformed to become as ‘low-stakes’ as possible. This article also undermines some of the pro high-stakes testing rhetoric that has a tendency to afflict education.  相似文献   

怎样创新党校的函授教育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
党校函授教育存在着办学指导思想滞后、办学模式单一、教学质量下滑、生源流失严重、管理体制不尽合理等问题。而当前经济和社会发展的形势,对党校函授教育的发展提出了新的要求,因此转变旧有的办学理念和办学模式,更新教学内容,改进教学方法,完善管理体制,创新党校函授教育,走可持续发展的办学道路已势在必行。  相似文献   

The QEM Network was established to serve as a focal point for the implementation of strategies designed to achieve the six goals and 58 recommendations of the QEM Project report,Education That Works: An Action Plan for the Education of Minorities. InEducation That Works, we lay out a vision of a restructured education system that would ensure quality education for, and sustained educational achievement by, minority Americans. We discuss what some of the obstacles are that stand in the way of educational equity in our nation and why it is crucial from both moral and practical perspectives to overcome these obstacles. In a second publication,Together We Can Make It Work: A National Agenda to Provide Quality Education for Minorities in Mathematics, Science, and Engineering, issued in April 1992 by QEM's MSE Network, we lay out a plan for achieving specific goals for minorities in mathematics, science, and engineering. Achieving the goals ofEducation That Works and of Together We Can Make It Work requires that the current K-12 education system be totally restructured. The system we have in place produces only an educational elite that does not include significant numbers of minority students.  相似文献   

新时代背景下,高职院校在开展思想政治教育的过程中容易忽视对学生廉洁品质的培育,存在廉洁教育的误区.概述高职"产教融合"的教育要求及廉洁品质的内涵特征,分析"产教融合"背景下高职院校学生廉洁品质培育的意义,指出高职院校廉洁品质培育直接关系到学生个人品质和职业道德素养的提升,最后分析高职院校学生廉洁品质培育路径.高职院校有...  相似文献   

随着知识经济时代的来临,国家闻的竞争愈演愈烈,而竞争的核心是人才素质.当代中学生作为社会发展的后备军,对社会的未来发展起到决定性作用.因此,加强当代中学生的素质教育刻不容缓.本文介绍了素质教育的内涵,指出实施素质教育的重大意义,最后,从转变教育理念的角度出发,探讨了提高中学生素质教育的措施.  相似文献   

高校贫困生问题的伦理思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高校贫困生问题是教育公平的重要内容,而教育公平是构建和谐社会的基本要求.本文从政治伦理的角度,分析了高校贫困生问题,指出问题产生的根源在于当前我国经济和教育等社会制度安排存在缺陷.同时提出了解决高校贫困生问题的"政府主导型"模式,以及引导贫困生追求美好生活,给贫困生以尊严和力量的设想.  相似文献   

文章从分析当前我国师范生招生的录取分数线,院校的评价及录取标准入手,认为当前我国师范专业的招生质量不高,影响到教师教育的质量。文章提出,提高教师社会经济地位;重建师范生的免费制度和教育服务制度———如采取与教育服务挂钩的费用支付制度;建立师范生的招生标准,严格招生程序是提高师范专业招生质量的关键性因素。  相似文献   

高职院校大学生心理健康教育是高职院校德育工作的重要组成部分,也是实施素质教育的重要措施。高职院校贫困生存在的心理问题表现在以下三个方面:自尊与自卑并存;意志坚强与焦虑忧郁并存;自立与依赖心理并存。建立有效的心理健康教育工作的新模式和运行机制,是解决贫困生心理问题的有效途径。  相似文献   

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