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Assessment can be conducted in various ways in school, and has also different purposes. In this paper the focus is on pupil assessment during project work. The article touches on the aim of assessment that has ranking and certificating purposes, but its main focus is on assessment as a learning device. Dialogues from the classroom are used as illustrations of authentic assessment that takes place during the work processes. These dialogues show that assessment is conducted by the teacher, by the pupils of each other and the pupils of themselves. The paper ends with a discussion bringing the assessment discussion further by focusing on criteria and goals as important ingredients in the assessment processes.  相似文献   


Feedback is an important part of design education. To better understand how feedback is provided to students on their engineering design work, we characterised and compared first-year engineering students’, undergraduate teaching assistants’, and educators’ written feedback on sample student design work. We created a coding scheme including two domains: Substance and Focus of feedback. Educators made more and longer comments than undergraduate teaching assistants, and undergraduate teaching assistants made more and longer comments than first-year students. The first-year students focused on giving specific directions in their feedback while educators and undergraduate teaching assistants asked thought-provoking questions. Students tended to make more comments about the ways that their peers had communicated their design work while educators and undergraduate teaching assistants made more comments about the design ideas presented in the sample work. This study offers implications for practice for supporting educators, undergraduate teaching assistants, and first-year engineering students to be able to provide feedback on design work.  相似文献   

The problem of presenting advanced project work in distance teaching is discussed and criteria established for its success. An evaluation of empirical research projects involved in an advanced course on research methods in education and social science is described and some principles put forward for sound project design in distance teaching. Finally, three models suggesting different combinations of distance teaching and conventional institution-based teaching are proposed which incorporate advanced project work. It is suggested that conventional teaching institutions working in isolation can all benefit from a distance teaching element in their programmes.  相似文献   

建筑业企业要实现合同所规定的质量、工期、费用和安全等目标 ,必须改变低效管理的现状 ,提高管理效率。可以从树立现代化的项目管理理念、选用素质全面的项目经理、建立精干高效的项目管理组织、采用科学有效的项目管理方法等方面 ,实现工程项目的高效管理。  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to give an overview of the interdisciplinary project programme implemented by the Faculty of Technology at Plymouth University teamed with three Royal Academy of Engineering Visiting Professors in Principles of Engineering Design. We examine the challenges encountered in developing such a scheme and identify the processes that were put in place to ensure the quality of the course and to support and maximize student performance. Prior to commencement of the programme the Dean and Vice Chancellor had developed clear objectives and expectations for building upon the significant achievements of the six schools comprising the Faculty of Technology. These objectives were: (a) For the Faculty: ? Provide a focus and impetus for the development of multidisciplinary design in a new portfolio of Masters-level (4 year) engineering courses. ? Enhance the teaching of design in all engineering courses. ? Strengthen a design-oriented approach to all teaching in engineering courses. ? Enhance students' enthusiasm and awareness through greater contact with senior practitioners. ? Improve the understanding of both staff and students concerning the principles of modern engineering design and manufacturing/construction in contemporary professional practice. ? Provide experience and an understanding of the value of interdisciplinary working. (b) For the students: ? Give students the opportunity to tackle problems outside their disciplines. ? Help students understand the relationships between different disciplines. ? Develop innovative and creative solutions to open-ended problems. ? Develop management skills. ? Develop personal and interpersonal skills. ? Focus on developing team-working skills. ? Develop communications and presentation skills. In addition to providing students with a significant intellectual challenge the interdisciplinary project is designed to help them gain a broader insight into problem-solving and in dealing with uncertainty--the essences of engineering. Our experience leads us to believe that both undergraduate and postgraduate engineering students would benefit from working in interdisciplinary teams whilst at university and that having done so they would leave university better fitted for careers in engineering.  相似文献   

深入分析了当前电子信息工程专业课堂教学现状,提出了自主式课题教学法即将课题制作与课堂上理论知识讲授融合在一起,通过制作课题激发学生自主学习的积极性,从而做到理论联系实际,提高学生的综合设计能力。  相似文献   

Assessment of practical work   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In recent years, much attention has been focused on the need to develop effective and efficient strategies and procedures for the assessment of laboratory work. Increasingly, the emphasis has moved towards a skills-based approach. The paper addresses a number of philosophical issues concerning this orientation and argues that the skills-based approach is philosophically unsound (because it isn't based on a valid model of science), educationally worthless (because it trivializes learning) and pedagogically dangerous (because it encourages bad teaching). An alternative, more holistic approach to assessment, based on a more valid model of scientific practice, is proposed.  相似文献   

不同功能冲突的合同治理方案不同,提出正向和负向功能冲突的合同治理过程。项目冲突的合同治理方式可分为预防类、补充类和预测类等几个类别。项目冲突的关系治理包括信任、沟通、承诺、合作以及行业贯例等几个方面。冲突治理可以采取合同治理、关系治理以及两种治理手段并用的综合治理方式,明确各个治理方案的特点及冲突治理的适用范围。最后,通过两个案例分析冲突治理的实施策略。  相似文献   

This paper presents a teaching strategy of the scheduling and developmental phase of an Industrial Engineering computer project. It is based on a real project which has been carried out by our department in collaboration with a local company. The classroom setting provides an environment where students can experience firsthand all phases of the development of an electronic product: design, development and implementation of a prototype board to the final commercial product.  相似文献   

The present study examined possible changes in the computer experience and attitudes of 11-12-year-old and 15-16-year-old students following a period in which ICT has become much more widely used in the school curriculum. In comparison with findings from a similar study undertaken in the early 1990s, there was some evidence of a reduced gender gap, particularly in the use of computers for applications such as word-processing, graphics, programming and maths. In addition, more recently introduced applications such as e-mail, accessing the internet and using CD-ROMs showed no overall gender difference in frequency of use. However, some gender differences remained, particularly in attitudes. Boys still liked computers more, were more self-confident in their use and, unlike previously, sex-typed them less than girls. They also used computers more frequently out of school, particularly for playing games. There was some evidence that, as found previously, older girls held the least positive attitudes, and it is suggested that their approach to computers may be influenced by the cultural pressures of gender stereotyping. More general age differences in use and attitudes were also found, and these may result from the different computing applications used by Year 7 and Year 11 pupils at school. In summary, although we found evidence of some change since the early 1990s, increased exposure to computes has not closed the gender gap.  相似文献   

The background of the work presented in this article is that for quite some time project work has been a method of working that is more theoretically described than it is put into practice. The aim of this text is to show how a teacher can function as a facilitator or a guide for the students within project‐directed teaching and how this setting can enhance the students’ learning. A qualitative method with a focus on dialogues in the classroom was used in the inquiry process. In this article a dialogue between the students in the realization phase of the work is analysed in depth to illustrate how student interaction framed by project work can enhance the students’ learning. In the study Dewey’s, Vygotsky’s and Bakhtin’s theories are used as a theoretical framework and the activity system is used to visualize the work processes in their intertwined context. The outcome of the study shows that learning is inherent in language, but concludes that it demands a great deal of the teacher to create such learning situations.  相似文献   

This study evaluated metacognitive changes of three groups of 160 engineering students working on 60 different design projects. Two metacognitive features, cognitive self‐appraisal and cognitive self‐management, were used to indicate students' metacognitive level. The Engineering Design Project Inventory was used to assess students' metacognition. Students were asked to complete the instrument at the early and final stages of the project. Statistical results revealed a significant change in mechanical engineering students' metacognition while engaged in the project. Eighteen themes of responses that described the influencing factors for the change in students' self‐appraisal and 23 themes of responses that described the influencing factors for their self‐management change were identified from two open‐ended questions.  相似文献   

A new approach to projects for undergraduate electronic engineering in an Australian university has been applied successfully for over 10 years. This approach has a number of projects running over three year period. Feedback from past graduates and their managers has confirmed that these projects train the students well, giving them the ability and confidence to work independently and collectively in the industrial world. Due to their importance to universities, staff and students alike, together with the potential heavy financial burden on the universities, careful planning has to be undertaken before implementing such projects. This paper presents some detailed suggestions on how such projects should be administered and operated as well as setting out possible criteria to assist supervisors in evaluating the final product from such projects.  相似文献   

工程项目施工阶段价值工程应用研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过价值工程的理论分析研究,结合工程项目的具体案例,提出在施工阶段应用价值工程进行分析的理念,强调采用这种理念对建设工程项目进行价值工程分析的经济效益和重要意义.  相似文献   

毕业设计工作在高等工程专科教育中占有十分重要的地位,它能培养大学生综合运用所学知识和技能独立分析和解决工程技术问题的能力,对高校办出特色,培养高水平、高质量人才起着重要的作用.本文从分析我国高等工程专科院校毕业设计现状入手,探讨了高工专毕业设计工作的目标和实现途径.  相似文献   

建设国家冬季项目文化,首先要创立"育人夺标,和谐世界,为国争光"的思想层文化;其次,要构建竞教结合的方式层文化;再次,要研究工具理性与价值理性统一的器物层文化,以促进其又快又好的发展。  相似文献   

The use of project work (PW) or project-based learning has escalated in Singapore since its inception by the Ministry of Education in the year 2000. There is however little information on students' motivation, and their experience of PW over time. This study sought to identify homogeneous groups of students with distinct perceived locus of causality (PLOC) profiles using a cluster analytic approach, and to examine group differences in their perceived psychological needs, emotions, metacognition, and perceived skills learned in PW over time. Four distinct clusters of students were identified. The “high self-determined/low controlled” group was the most adaptive cluster, and the “low self-determined/high controlled” group was the least adaptive cluster. The study affirms that the self-determination theory (SDT) can provide important insights into the motivational processes in PW. It establishes that students' motivational regulations and their perceived needs satisfaction at the start of PW are related to their experience of and learning in PW.  相似文献   

对工程投资管理失控的原因,即工程管理模式、工程投资的确定、工程管理人员素质及工程合同管理四大方面进行详细地分析,提出避免工程投资失控的具体管理措施。  相似文献   

针对我国高等工程训练所存在的普遍问题,顺应国际高等工程教育发展趋势,依托大学工程训练中心的实际,提出了"开发符合现代工程实际的工程训练课程是解决问题的关键"的论点,并就如何进行工程训练合作项目课程的开发建设做了详细的规划说明,为提高我国大学生的工程实践创新能力作了有益的探索。  相似文献   

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