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The recent and continuing evolution of computer technology promises to have a substantial impact upon the field of gerontology. This paper reviews the potential applications for computer methods in geronto‐logical research. Some types of research in gerontology are already dependent upon computerization, but it is highly probable that many types of research endeavors not currently employing computer methods will do so in the near future. The paper develops the rationale for this argument and then considers the issue of how graduate curricula for training research gerontologists might be revised to incorporate training of computer methods on a more systematic and detailed basis. Useful principles for these curriculum modifications are illustrated by proposing changes in the author's graduate training program. The basis of the proposed changes is the development of a microcomputer laboratory specifically dedicated to research training.  相似文献   

Although the use of mindfulness is increasing in other areas of applied psychology, school psychology has yet to embrace it in practice. This article introduces school psychologists to the burgeoning field of mindfulness psychology and to the possibilities that it offers to their discipline. A background on the Western scientific study and application of mindfulness provides a theoretical foundation to those unfamiliar with the topic. We then discuss the application of mindfulness technologies to various forms of service provision in the professional practice of school psychology. The innovative and novel avenues that mindfulness psychology offers to psychological science  相似文献   

Involvement in a mentor-student relationship is an invaluable experience for new graduate students. These students frequently have opportunities and experiences provided to them by their mentor that may be otherwise unattainable. Mentoring can help new graduate students develop academically, personally, and professionally. This article describes mentoring in gerontology education from the perspectives and personal experiences of new graduate students in sociology and gerontology. Discussed in this article are types and phases of mentoring, the need for a mentor in gerontology education, selection a mentor, and issues related to mentoring and career advancement.  相似文献   

A great number of specialists in the fields of education and science are being trained in the USSR due to the developments taking place in science and the economy, as well as to the creation of new scientific cadres and educational establishments. We give below information on recent developments in this context.  相似文献   

Social networking and social media have undoubtedly proliferated within the past decade, allowing widespread communication and dissemination of user‐generated content and information. Some psychology graduate programs, including school psychology, have started to embrace social networking and media for instructional and training purposes; however, there have not been any consistent ethical guidelines or standards among training programs relating to how trainers, graduate students, and practitioners should use social networking and social media professionally. This article draws on the current yet limited research on social networking and social media, and addresses the ethical challenges when managing both professional and personal online identities in school psychology. Two relevant case scenarios are discussed, along with suggested guidelines for developing technological policies for school psychologists. Future directions in research and practical implications for trainers, graduate students, and practitioners are explored.  相似文献   

The Austrian Federal Ministry for Science and Research, in cooperation with the Institute of Social Development Studies of the Austrian Academy of Science, elaborated a model of the future development of education in Austria. Elements of this model were taken into consideration in the formulation of the forecast of higher education development in Austria. This forecast constitutes a part of the recent report, published by the Federal Ministry for Science and Research, entitled “Hochschulbericht 1978”.

The following article is based on the part of this report which deals with future numbers of students and higher education graduates in Austria.  相似文献   

A questionnaire concerning graduate offerings in the psychology of aging was mailed to 238 departments of psychology throughout the United States. Of the 191 responses (a return rate of 80%), 16 departments were found to offer a formal program of graduate study in ger‐ontological psychology. An additional 11 departments reported new or planned programs in this specialty area. Of the remaining respondents, 22% reported one or more course offerings in the psychology of aging or one or more faculty with interests in this topic. However, approximately one‐half of the departments of psychology in American universities provided no opportunity for the study of adult development and aging. Information concerning postdoctoral study, programs of study in Canadian universities, and specialization in the clinical psychology of aging was also obtained. Such opportunities do not appear to be plentiful, especially in clinical gerontology.  相似文献   

Major changes are taking place within the health care system that have important implications for health professions education in geriatrics. The forces driving these changes are also affecting academic settings, where trends supporting the development of community-academic partnerships, service-learning models, and interdisciplinary education are all evident. These trends have major implications for health professions educators working to develop academic programs to prepare students for future practice with older adults. This article explores the impacts of these changes, in particular, on the design of interdisciplinary or collaborative education programming, including the following dimensions: assessment and definition of the problem, emphasis on functioning and quality of life, professional identity, changing roles of faculty and students, and institutional-organizational implications. General recommendations on how to respond to the challenges represented in these trends are also explored.  相似文献   

Affecting more than 1 million youth, student homelessness is growing at an unprecedented rate in the United States. This is alarming because homeless students face significant barriers to their academic success and positive life outcomes. Unfortunately, despite the significant risks and challenges they face, homeless students often are overlooked and not provided with important educational and social‐emotional supports. In addition, information on student homelessness is relatively limited in the school psychology literature and practice guidelines, which can forestall efforts to help these students. To date, only a few empirical articles have been published on student homelessness in school psychology journals and in practitioner‐related literature. To help address this paucity, this article discusses barriers to the academic success of homeless students, as well as ways to reduce these barriers. Additionally, important protective factors, resilience, and ways to overcome homelessness‐related stigma are reviewed. Lastly, ways that school psychologists can become key stakeholders in efforts to help support the academic and life success of homeless students are discussed. The overall goal for this article is to encourage school psychologists to redouble their efforts to support a highly at‐risk yet often neglected student population.  相似文献   

A survey of 289 pastors from, three major denominations found that clergy demonstrate a relatively high level of gerontological knowledge in comparison with other reference groups, but that their concepts of aging are affected by a number of consistent stereotypes and inaccuracies that may negatively influence their ministry among older adults. This study addresses the major stereotypes identified by the Facts on Aging Quiz, summarizes gerontological education needs described by the respondents, and draws implications for gerontological training as part of seminary education.  相似文献   

心理学在体育教学中的运用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由于长期以来存在的轻教育重比赛的偏见,导致心理学在体育教学中的运用的研究薄弱,本文仅就此问题发表看法、阐明了在体育教学中运用心理学知识的意义,并从分析体育教学过程中学生的心理特点入手,提出了如何在体育教学中准确把握学生心理活动特点、改进教学方法,提高教学效果。  相似文献   

Many school psychology faculty are required to publish for purposes of retention and promotion. It is useful to have an understanding of the different outlets for scholarly publications. In the present study, we investigated the peer‐reviewed journals in which school psychology faculty were published between 2010 and 2015, the number of articles in each journal, and the acceptance rates and impact estimates for each journal. We identified school psychology faculty using the National Association of School Psychologists website and conducted a search of the publications using EBSCO databases. Results indicated that there were a total of 3,675 articles and a total of 832 peer‐reviewed journals in which school psychology faculty were published during the 6‐year span. Among the peer‐reviewed journals, Psychology in the Schools, School Psychology Quarterly, School Psychology Review, and Journal of School Psychology were the journals in which school psychology faculty members most frequently published. Acceptance rates ranged from less than 5% to 98%, with an average of 29.7%. H‐indexes ranged from 1 to 890, with an average of 52. These results illustrate the variety of journals that publish works from school psychology faculty and the need for school psychology faculty and other authors to consider a variety of options when seeking publication.  相似文献   

本文针对中学生的身心特点,论述了田径训练中加强意志品质训练的必要性,并从意志品质训练的目标、手段、方法及评估等几个方面阐述了意志品质训练的过程。  相似文献   

Student behavioral concerns are a top priority for school psychologists. This project took an ecological systems perspective by examining the contribution of students’ initial externalizing and internalizing behaviors and the quality of their classroom environments to their behavioral outcomes across one school year. Participants included 322 elementary students and their 32 teachers. Results suggested that externalizing and internalizing behaviors were stable over time. However, the correlation between fall and spring internalizing behavior was accentuated if students also had high externalizing behavior in the fall. Poor spring behavioral engagement was predicted by students’ fall internalizing (but not externalizing) behavior. Importantly, classrooms high in emotional support attenuated the stability of students’ internalizing behavior. In addition, students’ fall externalizing behavior appeared to be associated with reduced spring internalizing behavior in classrooms high in emotional support or classroom organization. Findings underscore the importance of considering both student‐ and classroom‐level factors when predicting elementary students’ behavioral outcomes.  相似文献   

Changes occurring in both health care and higher education systems in the U.S. suggest the need for the development of innovative model programs for interdisciplinary team training. This article reports on the development and evaluation of one such program: an interdisciplinary team training institute in geriatrics and primary care sponsored by the Rhode Island Geriatric Education Center in 1999. Key principles underlying the design of program content are summarized. Evaluation data analyzed include information on attendees' backgrounds and teamwork experience, and an assessment of the most important and least important insights gained from participation. Specific ratings for each session include relevance and knowledge attainment. Major observations and recommendations include the combination of theory and practice, a focus on current and cutting edge issues, the importance of educational marketing research, and implications for program evaluation.  相似文献   

This paper reports the findings of a study investigating the clothing preferences and problems of older women. The sample consisted of thirty women age 65 years and over who were members of two clubs in Tallahassee, Florida. Personal interviews were conducted by the researcher in the home of each respondent.

Style features discovered to be preferred were A‐line skirts; princess, A‐line, and shift dresses; V‐necklines; convertible collars; long with cuff, three‐quarter length, and short sleeve styles. Color preferences revealed blue as the most popular color for clothing. Implications of the research for gerontologists in higher education and for the American clothing industry are cited and discussed.  相似文献   

Traditional gerontological instruction uses an expertise‐based model. Such an approach can be counterproductive for gerontologists serving the elderly in rural areas. To meet the needs of both the rural elderly who need services and the professionals who wish to provide those services, educators in gerontology need to instruct students interested in a rural gerontology practice on the issues that face a professional who is entering a rural area: the diversity of rural areas; the influx of urbanites and what it means to locals; the slow acceptance of the need for human services in rural areas; and, most important, the fact that in rural areas, authority is based on trust, not on expertise. Rather than encouraging the development of expertise and professional authority, gerontological instruction for students interested in serving the rural elderly should emphasize the need for the professional to “stay low” in the client‐clinician relationship, learn the local language and culture, and accept the lack of separation between professional and personal roles in rural areas. These practices will help the professional who is new to the rural area gain the trust of the elderly residents.  相似文献   

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