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Intervention researchers often use curriculum‐based measurement of reading fluency (CBM‐R) with a brief experimental analysis (BEA) to identify an effective intervention for individual students. The current study synthesized data from 22 studies that used CBM‐R data within a BEA by computing the standard error of measure (SEM) for the median data point from the baseline and intervention data. The median CBM‐R score from the intervention that the authors of each study identified as most effective fell within the SEM (68% confidence interval) of the baseline data approximately 30% of the time, but the ranges for the two author‐identified most effective interventions overlapped over 75% of the time. Extended analyses were consistent with the BEA results for approximately three‐fourths of the instances after considering the SEM of the baseline and intervention phases. Using matched passages did not improve the overlap of the ranges, but there was less overlap when the study used three data points per condition. Results emphasize the importance of considering SEM of CBM‐R data when comparing interventions within a BEA. Further implications for practice and future research are included.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine whether using a multiple‐measure framework yielded better classification accuracy than oral reading fluency (ORF) or maze alone in predicting pass/fail rates for middle‐school students on a large‐scale reading assessment. Participants were 178 students in Grades 7 and 8 from a Midwestern school district. The multiple‐measure framework yielded classification accuracy rates that were either similar to, or better than, the individual predictors. Specificity was improved using a combined measure of ORF and maze versus individual predictors alone. Educational implications for identifying students in need of reading intervention are discussed.  相似文献   

The current study evaluated the effectiveness of individualized math‐to‐mastery (MTM) interventions, selected though brief experimental analysis (BEA), at increasing math fluency skills for three elementary‐aged females. As MTM has only been investigated as a multicomponent intervention, the present study utilized BEA to identify those specific components that led to math skills gains in the most efficient manner possible. BEA results indicated that for two of three participants only a partial MTM intervention was necessary to prompt fluency gains, while the entire intervention was the most effective for the third. During extended analysis all three participants displayed math skills gains above those seen during repeated baseline assessments. Results are discussed in terms of further refining MTM through BEA procedures so as to individually target math skill deficits by considering both intervention effectiveness and efficiency.  相似文献   

This study assessed aspects of construct validity of the School‐wide Universal Behavior Sustainability Index–School Teams (SUBSIST), a measure evaluating critical features of the school context related to sustainability of school‐wide interventions. Participants at 217 schools implementing School‐wide Positive Behavior Support (SWPBS) were administered the measure. A two‐step cluster analysis was performed to classify schools based on responses to the 39 SUBSIST items. A two‐cluster solution was obtained, with schools in one cluster (n = 139) obtaining significantly higher scores on SUBSIST items than schools in the other cluster (n = 78). The most critical item that contributed to cluster formation was the use of data for decision making. Results also showed that higher sustainability scores were associated with increased frequency of school team meetings, presentation of data to school staff, access to an external coach/consultant, and greater number of years implementing SWPBS. These results are discussed with regard to implications for sustaining school‐wide interventions.  相似文献   

本文运用灰色系统理论中系统的关联度分析法,对我院九二级7个班级213名学生的分析化学期终考试成绩进行分析。把考试命题划分为基本概念和原理、计算能力、综合分析运用能力等三个方面来加以分析,结果可看出各个班级学生对这三个方面以及课程综合掌握情况,同时为授课教师改进教学提供参考。  相似文献   

本文提出关于隐血化学实验原理的新见解。实验证明:血红素能催化H_2O_2分解释放[O],使受体(色原)氧化成有色产物。无论亚铁血红素或高铁血红素都具有这种催化性能。其催化性质不同于过氧化酶的酶促反应。当实验温度升高至100—120℃时,催化活性无明显下降。  相似文献   

随着我国社会经济的快速发展,在现行的基本医疗保障体系下不断出现一些问题与矛盾.医疗保险是我国社会保障体系的重要构成部分.它直接关系到全体国民的医疗健康问题.文章对新农合与城镇医保制度在实施过程中出现新问题做出研究.通过对新农合与城镇居民基本医疗保险两种制度并轨的可行性和目前部分地区并轨试点现状的分析基础上,提出并轨新型农村合作医疗和城镇居民医疗保险两种制度的一些个人建议.  相似文献   

A comprehensive self‐management intervention was utilized to increase the on‐task behavior of three African American students within an urban middle‐school setting. The intervention was designed to necessitate minimal management on the part of the general education classroom teacher by utilizing an electronic prompting device, as well as a centralized intervention coordinator for the management of training, implementation, and progress monitoring. Results suggested that implementation of the intervention resulted in improvement in on‐task behavior across all three students; however, problems with inconsistent implementation necessitated that modifications be made to the intervention procedures. Implications for the design and implementation of self‐management interventions within general education secondary‐level settings are discussed.  相似文献   

This study presents an analysis of the attitudes of elderly active and inactive readers that relate to preferences in reading. It was hypothesized that no differences would be found between the readers’ attitudes toward reading. Findings indicated that there are differences between elderly active and inactive readers and that elderly active readers seem to have a more positive attitude toward reading than elderly inactive readers.  相似文献   

In this study, 188 master‐level students received training through a distance education course to conduct functional behavioral assessments (FBAs) and behavior support plans with 68 boys and six girls (aged 3–20 years) displaying persistent behavior problems in inclusive preschools, elementary, and secondary schools. In the course, master‐level students’ scores on an FBA knowledge test increased from 13.2% to 68.8% correct. Changes in pupils’ target behaviors were evaluated with a total of 114 AB single‐subject designs and combined data with one‐group pretest–posttest designs. Comparing medians of means, disruptive behaviors decreased by 77.8% and aggressive behaviors by 88.7%, whereas task engagement increased by 91.5% after intervention. Nonparametric Wilcoxon signed‐ranks tests for related samples showed that changes were statistically significant for all groups with sufficient sample sizes. Adjusted effect sizes ranged from d = .5 to 1.6. Results indicate that positive changes in student behavior problems can be attained with function‐based interventions conducted by teams trained through a distance education course.  相似文献   

试析教练员激励方式的运用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文针对我国现行运动队的体制,从管理心理学角度分析了激励过程的一般模式以及促使或影响运动员努力工作的诸因素,并就“激励因素”,着重探析了若干“激励方式”的运用,供教练员参考。  相似文献   

This article describes an approach to the teaching and examining of systems analysis as a final year and MSc subject in a university department of computing mathematics.

One of the chief functions, if not the chief function of our University, is to prepare young Men — partly by the personal influence of those who have charge of them, and partly by the influence they exercise on one another — for the business of life.

(This needs to be specially borne in mind in connection with the assumption, so constantly made in this controversy, that the sole meaning of the BA Degree is that it guarantees the possession of a large amount of knowledge.)

Charles L. Dodgson Christ Church College Oxford 7 March 1896(1)

Learners with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) often exhibit difficulty in the area of reading comprehension. Research connecting the learning needs of individuals with ASD, existing effective practices, teacher training, and teacher perceptions of their own ability to teach reading comprehension is scarce. Quantitative survey methodology and hierarchical regression analysis were utilized to investigate teacher preparedness to use effective practices, along with the job‐related factors of experience, administrator support, learner verbal ability, and instructional setting, as predictors of (1) teacher perceived self‐efficacy and (2) teacher perceived outcome expectancy teaching reading comprehension to learners with ASD. Study findings, based on 112 teacher participants, indicate that teachers with a higher confidence in using effective practices have both a higher perception of their own ability to teach comprehension (self‐efficacy), and a higher expectation of their own ability to increase instructional outcomes in learners with ASD (outcome expectancy). Implications for practice include professional development recommendations and provision of ongoing support from principals and administrators.  相似文献   

教育的场所-一种对教育现象时空特性的尝试性分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
教育现象具有两个重要的基本特性 :交互作用和连续性。针对这两个基本特性 ,本文尝试运用社会学和拓扑学的方法 ,对教育现象的时空特性进行了初步的分析。文章分别探讨了生活时空、学习时空、工作时空和公众时空中教育场所的特性 ,在更加深入细致地分析学校及学校以外教育现象的时空特性方面 ,作出了新的尝试  相似文献   

微课作为一种新型的教学资源,以其形式新颖、内容短小精悍、主题重点突出、使用方便等特点受到教育界的重视,它在英语各个教学环节都能发挥独特的作用.文章以大学英语教学为例,结合当前信息化的教育背景,浅析大学英语教学中的微课设计.  相似文献   

A new type of test item was developed which required Ss to recognize groups of words, i.e., chunks, whose meaning had been changed from that in the original reading or listening passage. In one study involving 52 Ss and 20 test variables, individual differences on the chunked reading test were found to correlate .68 with a multiple-choice alternate form. In another study, the decrease in listening comprehension due to increased speech rate as measured by the chunked items was roughly parallel to the decrease as measured by the multiple-choice questions. These data were interpreted as providing evidence for the validity of the chunked items as measures of comprehension. However, other results suggested that the chunked items may be less dependent upon grammatical and vocabulary knowledge and more sensitive to within individual changes in comprehension as compared to the traditional multiple-choice question.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the scale‐up of a Safe & Civil Schools Foundations: Establishing Positive Discipline Policies positive behavioral interventions and supports initiative through 4 years of “real‐world” implementation in a large urban school district. The study extends results from a previous randomized controlled trial that established the effectiveness of the Safe & Civil Schools program in 32 elementary schools in the same district. This study emphasizes the application and evaluation of the program in regular district schools. Four‐year results indicate that elementary, middle, and high schools experienced moderate but steady improvements in (a) school discipline, (b) student safety policy and training, (c) staff perceptions of student behavior, and (d) student suspension and chronic tardiness rates. With few exceptions, improvements occurred after schools began Safe & Civil Schools Foundations training, and more years of training were associated with larger cumulative improvements in school and student outcomes. Given that similar effects were observed in schools with and without random assignment of training, and only after training began, we concluded that the improvements stem from Safe & Civil School's Foundations training.  相似文献   

Trust is an important dimension of parent educational involvement and parent‐teacher relationships. Preliminary research suggests that parent trust in teachers and schools is associated with student learning and behavior. However, examinations of parent trust in children's education are limited. The present study investigated the influence of demographic variables on parent trust and relations among parent trust, student behavior, and parent involvement. Findings suggested that student eligibility for a free or reduced‐price lunch predicted parent trust of teachers and schools, parent trust was correlated with dimensions of student behavior, and parent trust of teachers predicted parent involvement. Implications for parent involvement and parent‐teacher relationships are discussed.  相似文献   

《汤姆?琼斯》是18世纪英国最重要的小说家亨利?菲尔丁的代表作。与当时其他小说不同,该小说以写实的手法,展现了各种人物形象,从而描绘出一副生动的英国18世纪的社会风貌。主人公汤姆?琼斯是个弃儿,而他所象征的人物意象从小说出版开始,就引发了学界的各种争议。文章从18世纪的英国社会环境,人物形象对比以及小说创作背景几方面来解读汤姆?琼斯这一弃儿形象。  相似文献   

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