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When they graduate I want them to feel, “I went through a real thing, not an approximation of college, but I went through college and that means something!” (Adjunct Instructor)

This article explores the complexity of providing an academically rigorous college education to adult students enrolled in a union-supported worker education program affiliated with a large urban public university. The author examines differences in student and faculty perspectives on academic rigor and considers how students' lack of academic preparation intersects with institutional constraints to impact academic standards. She examines the role of race, ethnicity, class, and gender in determining academic expectations and outcomes and explores the complex and, at times, conflicting relationship between care and academic rigor. She highlights the crucial role of institutional constraints in hindering the implementation of rigorous education for academically under-prepared students. The author argues that high academic standards are an issue of educational equity for working class students of color and are integral to the social justice mission of the worker education program.  相似文献   

高校教师课程设计能力之研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
为了给社会提供更多、更好的高等教育 ,高校教师需要成为成功的课程设计者。本文从讨论当前高校教学的状况入手 ,分析了课程设计的要素体系 ,评述了三种不同类型的课程设计模式 :经典的Dick模式、针对网络教学的Kuan模式及易于为大学教师使用的Fink整合模式  相似文献   

Gender discrimination in academia was examined by means of a climate survey at a research university, which asked faculty about their experiences, observations, and satisfaction within their work environment. Overall, responses indicated that most faculty felt satisfied with key aspects of their environment, and many felt they had experienced, or observed, little or no discrimination. However, among those who did report personally experiencing discrimination, there were consistent gender differences across all areas. Specifically, women were more likely than men to report that they had experienced exclusion by colleagues, inappropriate sexual attention from colleagues or administrators, demeaning or intimidating behaviors from students, colleagues, or administrators, and unfair treatment in processes of hiring, reappointment, promotion, or tenure.  相似文献   

An occupational inventory was developed by the Pennsylvania Department of Education for consideration as part of the state assessment project. This instrument measures 7tb grade student knowledge of the world of work. The summary phase of field testing involving 255 students revealed a reliability of .828 and a standard error of measurement of 2.60.  相似文献   

In a time of declining resources and restricted faculty mobility, faculty mobility, faculty development has become increasingly important. This study addressed faculty development activities, their evaluation, and their perceived impact on the improvement of instruction in the community colleges of Illinois. Data gathered through the use of a questionnaire mailed to the chief academic officer of each of the state's community colleges were analyzed and interpreted. It was found that a wide variety of activities — orientation, inservice, professional, individual, and group — are available to faculty members. Orientation activities were viewed as being moderately useful for the improvement of instruction. Respondents saw professional activities as somewhat more useful than inservice activities. With some qualifications, group activities were perceived as being more useful than individual activities. Evaluation efforts, for the most part, are as yet sporadic and unsophisticated.

The results of this study suggest that perhaps the traditional inservice‐type activities may not be the “one best way” to deliver quality faculty development aimed at the improvement of instruction. Faculty‐development planners may want to examine more closely the needs of their faculty in relation to the activities available. In addition to continuing the most useful of the group and inservice activities, attention should be directed toward those individual and professional activities not frequently offered but rated as highly effective in improving instruction.  相似文献   

教师发展学校之工作哲学   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在教师发展学校的建设中要重视教育自身的生命和生活,重视教师发展学校建设之共有属性的探索,重视教师发展学校的工作哲学。这种工作哲学包括把握方向、回归实践、合作发展、赋权教师、倚重制度、沟通教学研、文化互动、和而不同、着眼具体、操作多元等话语。  相似文献   

To discover the organizational components that nurture good teaching in Texas two-year colleges, I undertook the task of replicating a study of Ohio two-year colleges. A review of the literature uncovered several variables for assessing faculty development. The most important of these appears to be an institutional climate that encourages faculty development. To assess faculty development, a 65-item survey was sent to all Texas two-year colleges. Although the results of the Texas study are more encouraging than those of the Ohio study, Texas community colleges could be doing more to support faculty development.  相似文献   

Shared governance plays an important role in institutional decision making. The extent to which faculty are involved in governance, though, has largely been ignored within community colleges. The current study was designed to profile faculty governance units, such as senates, in community, junior, and technical colleges in order to initiate a constructive dialogue about how best to build structures that allow faculty input into decision making. An exploratory survey of faculty governance in community colleges was mailed to a apurposive national sample of community colleges to provide geographic representation. Findings reveal that governance bodies are less common that perhaps previously thought, and that these structures tend to be more informal than in their 4-year college counterparts.  相似文献   

Most research into religious education has concentrated upon older children, but this paper reports findings obtained from the teachers of junior (seven to II years old) school children. From the content of religious education lessons and the overall religious sub‐cultures of classroom and school, conclusions are drawn about the religious socialization process of the child. A distinction is made between the child's own religious quest for meaning and the Christian culture which is generally accepted in Britain and taught in school. The child's religion is divided into the cognitive and the emotive while the socialization process is treated as cognitive, explicit and implicit. The general conclusion reached is that religious education lessons do not respond to the child's own cognitive level and are thus likely to confuse, whereas the religious life of classroom and school leads to an emotive affinity with Christianity. Thus ambivalence towards the Christian religion is produced in the child.  相似文献   

This study surveyed Texas community colleges to assess the extent of faculty development programs and the means, the purpose, and degree to which they were evaluated. Ninety percent of the 62 community colleges responded to the Fall 1985 survey with 93% of the respondents indicating that they had organized faculty development programs. The data gathered revealed that most programs were group oriented, perceived as effective, and offered at higher rates than previous studies have indicated. However, the methods used to determine effectiveness were, on the whole, not measures of changes in teacher or student behavior. In addition, there is little evidence that the programs are being used as a major instrument for institutional change and improvement that is linked to the accomplishment of college goals and the establishment of accountability. It is suggested that faculty development programs can improve by being more diligent in the pursuit of opportunities to effectively evaluate outcomes and by focusing on more individual than group activities.  相似文献   

The demographic imperative for geriatric training and care is well documented and comes as no surprise to health care professionals working in the field (see National Institutes of Health, 1987). The dramatic increase in the numbers of elderly, particularly those age 75 and older, suggests that geriatric health care will grow in importance throughout the next decade. This article briefly examines strategies for geriatric education that may have relevance for attempts to formalize and institutionalize geriatric content in academic institutions, and suggests strategies for implementation.

The domains of geriatrics and gerontology have continued to overlap as models of training and health care delivery have evolved. Distinctions between these two perspectives remain important, particularly as they pertain to the emphasis on training related to normal versus pathological aging. For purposes of simplicity, the term geriatric is used in a broad context that includes gerontological education as well. The reality of our educational experiences suggests that a balance between normal and pathological aging content in our curriculum is one of the first crucial variables that needs to be addressed.  相似文献   

A comprehensive study of faculty development in community colleges was undertaken to identify the organizational components that nurture good teaching. A review of the literature revealed several variables for assessing the state of faculty development. The most important of these appears to be an institutional climate that encourages faculty development. This article reports the results of a survey of 130 community colleges regarding faculty development efforts. It also profiles those accountable for faculty development and summarizes the extent to which each development activity is available to faculty members. One significant finding is that faculty development in American community colleges lacks leadership and is not well connected to the colleges missions.  相似文献   

The educational needs of mentally handicapped children in the ‘new’ day special schools are examined from three major perspectives. First, as a result of the examination of questionnaires received from headteachers of 88 schools; second as a result of the examination of the skills of 151 mentally handicapped children in 44 of these schools, and third as a result of an examination of questionnaires completed for 52 parents of mentally handicapped children. The results of the investigation highlight the effect of these schools being in the ‘educational wilderness’ until April, 1st, 1971; the low level of achievement in certain social skills, and parental problems and attitudes.  相似文献   

Children who are ‘at risk’ of educational handicap, or who are likely to show a poor response to the experience of school require special help and care at the earliest opportunity. In order that the educational system can respond positively to the needs of such children, their early identification is a matter of priority. This may be achieved provided ‘risk’ factors in the child's environment have been established through experiment and that their effects, both singly and in combination, on various educational progress measures have been investigated. The present paper discusses the complex relationships observed between a wide range of conditions, personal and environmental, associated with a large group of children at school entry, and the subsequent educational development of these children three years later on. The analysis locates sub‐groups of children who have made a poor response to school and identifies them using different combinations of school entry factors. The analysis also defines a group of children who are on the whole somewhat above average in ability and attainment, but who nevertheless show a deterioration in their school work owing to emotional or social problems. The implication of these findings for the educational system is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Student attitudes toward mathematics play an important role in the teaching and learning processes of mathematics as positive attitudes correlate with higher student achievement. This paper aims to develop and explore the validity of a Chinese version of the short attitudes toward mathematics inventory (short ATMI) for Taiwanese undergraduates, and further to examine the measurement invariance across gender. The results suggest that, based on the Taiwanese sample, the model with some items excluded has better fit indices than the original model. The generalization of the four-factor construct was also confirmed. The Cronbach’s alpha for total and subscales of the modified short ATMI were satisfactory, and moreover, convergent and discriminant validity were shown. Finally, measurement invariance of the inventory across gender was also demonstrated. This study suggests that the Chinese version of the short ATMI is a reliable, valid, and compact instrument that quickly and efficiently measures student attitudes toward mathematics.  相似文献   

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