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We discuss what document types account for the calculation of the journal impact factor (JIF) as published in the Journal Citation Reports (JCR). Based on a brief review of articles discussing how to predict JIFs and taking data differences between the Web of Science (WoS) and the JCR into account, we make our own predictions. Using data by cited-reference searching for Thomson Scientific's WoS, we predict 2007 impact factors (IFs) for several journals, such as Nature, Science,Learned Publishing and some Library and Information Sciences journals. Based on our colleagues' experiences we expect our predictions to be lower bounds for the official journal impact factors. We explain why it is useful to derive one's own journal impact factor.  相似文献   

Scientific journals are the primary mode of formal communication in science. The ISI Impact factor, a bibliometric indicator that measures the citation rate of the “average” article in a journal, has been widely used for the assessment of the quality of scientific production of individuals, research teams or institutions. The purpose of this paper was to present the impact factor, examine the main limitations in its calculation and applications and to give a general overview of the impact factor of education journals for the period 2000–2005. Several problems related to the calculation of the impact factor have raised serious concerns about its validity and usefulness. Our findings suggest that education journals included in the Journal Citation Reports (JCR) represent about 11% of the active, referred, academic journals. Education journals have relative low impact factors, in absolute values and in comparison to other Social Science categories. Application of the intraclass correlation coefficient showed that journals belonging to the “Education and Educational Research” category had relative stable impact factor values for the examined 6 years. This was not the case for the journals from the “Education, Special” category. It was concluded that the use of impact factor for the evaluation of journals, articles and researchers should be done with considerable care.  相似文献   

2001-2010年《数学教育学报》施引期刊计量分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2001-2010年,在CJFD数据库中,《学报》共有5449篇施引文献,来自947种施引期刊.《学报》在2001—2010年自引709次,占总被引5449次的13%左右,根据《中国科技期刊引证报告》2001—2010年的记录,《学报》影响因子的均值为0.7左右.根据上述研究结论所给出的判定标准,《学报》可视为高质量期刊.在947种施引期刊中,数学教育类专门期刊主要有27种,而且27种期刊也是国内数学教育领域的代表期刊.27种期刊10年内施引文献总计1724篇,占总施引文献数的31.6%.《学报》在数学与数学教育领域的受众面主要集中于中等数学研究群体.中国数学教育领域形成了一个联系紧密的期刊网络.位于核心位置的期刊除《学报》外,还有《数学通报》、《中学数学教学》、《高等数学研究》等期刊.  相似文献   

Increasingly, academics have to demonstrate that their research has academic impact. Universities normally use journal rankings and journal impact factors to assess the research impact of individual academics. More recently, citation counts for individual articles and the h-index have also been used to measure the academic impact of academics. There are, however, several serious problems with relying on journal rankings, journal impact factors and citation counts. For example, articles without any impact may be published in highly ranked journals or journals with high impact factor, whereas articles with high impact could be published in lower ranked journals or journals with low impact factor. Citation counts can also be easily gamed and manipulated, and the h-index disadvantages early career academics. This paper discusses these and several other problems and suggests alternatives such as post-publication peer review and open-access journals.  相似文献   

尽管高职院校学报在办刊宗旨和服务地方经济建设上都有不同于本科院校学报之处,但是影响因子这一国际上通行的期刊评价指标仍然对提高高职院校学报质量有一定的促进作用。透视高职院校学报影响因子的影响因素,可以帮助高职院校学报在科学发展的同时据此改进工作措施,更加突出高职特色。《青岛职业技术学院学报》在改为双月刊后,顺应高校学报发展的大趋势,参照影响因子的评价指标,研究改进工作方式,在提高高职院校学报质量方面闯出了自己的特色之路,对其他高职院校学报亦有一定的参考作用。  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to start a debate about the inclusiveness/exclusiveness of the field of gender and education, and what change might be possible. While we focus on the field of gender and education as a whole (including its journals and academic practices), our main sources of evidence are our own experiences as gender researchers on different sides of the Anglophone divide, and a small survey of articles in this journal, Gender and Education, chosen because it is the main journal of choice for those hoping to make a contribution to the field. We examined articles published in three years, 1990, 1998 and 2007, in order to identify if and how the journal (and hence the field) has changed in orientation over time. Following a discussion of the survey outcomes, we draw attention in particular to the journal’s Anglophone orientation and the implications this has for the field as a whole. We further argue for greater reflexivity about our and other’s practices as feminist academics, and propose some strategies for action with the aim of making the field more inclusive.  相似文献   

Doctoral graduate research performance (DRP) is recognized as one of the most critical indices for evaluation of the success of doctoral education. Doctoral graduates with high research performance directly reflect a higher ability in academic research and academic achievement. Consequently, identifying which factors influence DRP is potentially of great value. This topic is also challenging because of difficulties in identifying the impact factors on research performance and the feasibility of the relative data collection. This paper first examines the relationships between the indicators and DRP. After a review of previous literature, the focus is on the doctoral graduates’ individual factors, advisor factors and learning performance. Data is collected from graduated doctors from the Science Schools of University of Science and Technology of China (USTC). Contrary to expectations, our findings indicate that, based on the Chinese context, learning performance does not appear to be strongly associated with research performance. Individual factors (status of academic origin) do have significant effect on DRP. The advisor factors (including academic status, academic experience and allocation of energy) show a relatively strong association with DRP, in terms of both the number of publications and the impact factor of Science Citation Index (SCI) cited journals.  相似文献   

高职院校的学报是本校的学术传媒,它既要遵循办刊工作的一般要求,又要遵从学报类期刊的特殊要求;既要体现高校学报的办刊特征,又要表现高职院校的特殊性.高职院校学报应坚持"学术性"、"应用性"、"地方性"并重,以为提高教学质量服务为根本的办刊定位,立足自身特色,走出有特色的办刊之路.  相似文献   

利用1992-2011版《中文核心期刊要目总览》和《2014版中国科技期刊引证报告》(扩刊版)对贵州省学术期刊入选核心期刊的情况和总被引频次及影响因子进行统计分析,结果显示贵州省学术期刊的整体影响力低于全国平均水平,期刊之间发展极为不平衡;并从优化学术期刊结构,加强特色期刊建设;搭建贵州省学术期刊数字化出版平台,拓展新媒体技术在期刊领域的应用;建立跨省市对口支援协同发展机制,促进贵州学术期刊跨越式发展;健全贵州省期刊评价机制,打造贵州的精品期刊等4个方面阐述了贵州学术期刊影响力的提升策略.  相似文献   

利用期刊引文数据库,采用文献计量学方法,对13种计算机核心期刊分别从载文、被引年代、基金资助论文、影响因子等方面进行统计分析。  相似文献   

利用中国引文数据库和中国学术期刊网络出版总库,对2011年版《中文核心期刊要目总览》中的15种综合性大学学报自然科学版2004—2013年的载文及引文情况进行调研,并对各刊该段时间内高频被引论文进行统计分析。结果表明,15种学报载文量增减不一,复合影响因子变化规律不尽相同,高被引论文呈现发表时间越长被引用次数越多的态势。从期刊的长远发展角度看,应着重打破地域限制,向热点和重点领域的稿源倾斜,以保持和提升期刊的影响力。  相似文献   

Over the past years, the European Journal of Engineering Education (EJEE), the journal of the European Society for Engineering Education (SEFI) developed as a more research oriented journal. Bibliometric analyses show that EJEE keeps pace with other leading journals in the field of Engineering Education in most respects. EJEE serves a worldwide audience with about as many contributions from Europe as from other parts of the world. Yet, the impact factor of the journal calculated according to the formula of Thomson's ISI Web of Science seems to be lagging behind. As an explanation for this phenomenon, it is argued that EJEE keeps on publishing papers that are appreciated by practitioners in the field, even if they do not generate a lot of citations in scientific journals.  相似文献   

姚翔 《复旦教育论坛》2023,21(2):103-111
本研究以美国排名前十教育学院2009年至2019年取得博士学位的青年教师为例,分析跨学科研究的学科知识整合度对其在WoS索引期刊发表论文的数量和影响力的作用关系。多元线性回归模型分析结果显示,跨学科研究的学科知识整合度对学者在WoS索引期刊发表论文的数量以及高被引数量具有显著的正面促进作用,即高跨学科知识整合度带来高产量和高影响力。本研究认为,提升以扩展学科跨度和广度为要点的跨学科研究整合能力是提高青年学者科研产出与效果的重要策略。同时,也要从组织层面进行优化,打破学科壁垒,基于以问题为导向的社会需求逻辑建构跨学科研究组织;改革人才培养模式,优化课程设计体系,保障跨学科人才供给。  相似文献   

按照非时政类报刊出版单位体制改革的战略部署,高校科技期刊体制改革已进入宣传动员和途径探索阶段。科技期刊的“小、散、滥”局面决定了改革的必要性和艰巨性;就期刊的内涵而言,高校精品期刊应具备“原创性、创新性和启发性”的特征;摒弃影响因子评价期刊的单一模式,倡导“读者评价、同行评议和影响因子三位一体”的期刊评价标准;依据国外科技期刊的经验,期刊规模化建设应避免行业垄断,加强期刊管理职能转变。强化依法管理为主,政府和行业协会的监督作用,以及出版基金的扶持功能。建议现阶段高校科技期刊改革采取政策鼓励引导、因刊制宜、自然淘汰的市场化进程,以摆脱我国科技期刊发展与经济发展、科技进步不适应的困境。  相似文献   

采用神经网络方法建立了评估期刊影响因子与相关影响因素之间非线性对应关系的分析模型,模型以刊期、总被引频次、即年指标、载文量、被引半衰期、引用半衰期、他引比、基金论文比、Web即年下载率等为网络的输入,以影响因子作为网络的输出,根据中国期刊综合引证报告提供的数据进行了网络训练和测试。分析表明,影响因子受刊期影响最大,受他引比、载文量影响较大,受基金论文比、即年指标影响较小,而与Web即年下载率几乎无关。  相似文献   

影响因子是一个相对量,它是评价期刊的重要参考指标,可公平地评价和处理大、小期刊由于发文量不同所带来的偏差,期刊影响因子值越大,则它的影响力和学术作用也越大;由于我院学报受学院整体学术水平和社会影响力不高,教科研成果及学术论文水平不尽人意等因素的影响,学报被引频次、影响因子值很低;指出通过获得学院相关政策的扶持,采取办特色栏目、约专家稿、提高编辑人员业务素质等方式,提高学报质量,增加学报影响因子值。  相似文献   

Interdisciplinary research is being promoted in many quarters as the way forward, but “research islands” still persist. Taking computer‐assisted learning (CAL) within health sciences as a case in point, this paper describes a detailed study of the references to source material within papers published in general medical, specific nursing and general information and communications technology journals as pointing to papers published either in the same category of journal or journals of other categories. The results show that research within this area exhibits a disquieting inbred approach. Furthermore, there is clear evidence of a tendency amongst the papers examined to cite research published in journals with broadly the same impact factors as the journal in which the papers themselves are published. A discussion of the value of journal impact factors, which are a crude but useful index of the quality of journal, and their possible effect on the future of research in CAL within health sciences is embedded in the paper.  相似文献   

In recent years journal writing as a tool for reflective practice has gained prominence in teacher education programs. This paper reports the investigation of journal writing as a means for student teachers and university to better understand the process of learning to teach. The aims of the study were to examine how journals are used; to explore what students learn and what university teachers learn; and to identify which strategies work best. Survey and interview data were collected from the student authors of the journals. Analysis of the data contributed to our understanding of the process of interactive journal writing and the strategies we used as university teachers. Students used the journals in a number of ways. They used the journals to get direction on practice and planning, as a tool for analysis, as an emotion release, and as a way of 'sorting things out'. Students identified a number of strategies used by the university teachers as journal respondents which contributed to students' learning about teaching. This research focused our attention on interactive journal writing as a strategy that has the potential to promote reflective practice.  相似文献   

采用文献计量学方法,以中国学术期刊评价统计分析系统的网络传播统计数据为依据,统计我国内地出版的3种主要旅游学术期刊《旅游学刊》、《旅游科学》和《旅游论坛》网络下载和浏览的文献学科所属分布。这些数据表明,当前我国主要旅游学术期刊在旅游学科研究中有非常强的传播优势。针对我国旅游学术期刊学科影响力现状,认为我国主要旅游学术期刊应依托其在旅游学科的优势,坚持走专业办刊、特色办刊的道路,不断提高中国旅游学术期刊的办刊水平。  相似文献   

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