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This article reviews two examples of ethical codes produced to provide a set of standards, principles, or guidelines for professional conduct relating to educational assessment. Both codes classify professional responsibilities under key functions of assessment described in the article. The commentary identifies as important uses of the Codes self‐regulation of ethical standards within the profession and facilitation of teaching about ethical conduct. Although institutions and bureaucracies are increasingly regulating professional and research practice through ethics committees, it is argued that ethical behaviour is likely to be more effective and more pervasive when developed through education, reflection and deliberate modelling. Similarly, such behaviour is more likely to be sustained through peer scrutiny and professional self‐regulation than through monitoring via bureaucratic control. Such a stance implies the need for ready access to ethics codes widely known and endorsed within the profession.  相似文献   

Involvement in a mentor-student relationship is an invaluable experience for new graduate students. These students frequently have opportunities and experiences provided to them by their mentor that may be otherwise unattainable. Mentoring can help new graduate students develop academically, personally, and professionally. This article describes mentoring in gerontology education from the perspectives and personal experiences of new graduate students in sociology and gerontology. Discussed in this article are types and phases of mentoring, the need for a mentor in gerontology education, selection a mentor, and issues related to mentoring and career advancement.  相似文献   

市场经济是一把指向职业道德建设的双刃剑。市场经济的自主性、开放性、竞争性和公平性对职业道德建设起着积极的、有益的促进作用。市场经济的自发性、盲目性、投机性和滞后性会导致人们急功近利、损人利己,有碍职业道德建设。市场经济条件下加强职业道德建设应当重视“经济人假设”,反对把经济人与自私自利,追求利益最大化与损人利己、唯利是图等同起来的做法。市场经济条件下职业道德规范和职业道德实践要两手抓,且两个都要硬。我们应言利而不忘德,倡德而不拒利,坚持经济人假设和职业道德建设的辩证统一,切实加强职业道德建设,推进社会主义市场经济健康有序发展。  相似文献   

高校青年教师导师制的现实困境和解决之道   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
高校青年教师导师制对于促进青年教师专业成长,增强青年教师的责任感、使命感和职业意识具有积极作用,也有利于促进教师之间的沟通与协调.然而,高校青年教师导师制在实施过程中仍面临不少问题,面解决的关键在于建构平等对话的语境和文化,以及确立多向交互式指导关系,强化监督、考评工作,并落实相关配套措施.  相似文献   

This paper presents a general case for the teaching of ethics in the contemporary Australian university, both across the curriculum generally and within a range of professional preparations specifically. It claims that social ethics has a central place in the mission of the university. Furthermore, recent developments in the Australian community and its universities have created a context which gives the teaching of ethics enhanced priority. Current initiatives in applied ethics are discussed. Vexed questions of implementation (such as who should teach these courses and how they should teach) are also examined.

The author claims that applied ethics courses require interdisciplinary expertise, but demand a sufficient basis in moral philosophy to allow for the critical appraisal essential to ethics, and to go beyond a narrow discourse about professional codes of conduct. The argument supporting this perspective is informed by Habermasian critical theory, which maintains that the ethical should engage the technical and professional reality.  相似文献   

In this article, we argue that mentoring of technical communication students must occur within the classroom. In our survey of students, we found that most students felt they had not been mentored. In our ethnography, we found that although students could define the term “mentor”, many were conflicted about its value. This confusion made students less likely to seek out or recognize mentoring opportunities. Students recognized mentoring practices that teachers implemented; however, they did not necessarily identify those practices as “mentoring”. We conclude that confusion arose from students' ambiguous views about mentoring and the lack of standard mentoring practices in the humanities. Therefore, teachers who intend to mentor in the classroom must (a) be more explicit in implementing elements that distinguish mentoring from teaching (e.g., intent and involvement), (b) extend an invitation to students to be mentored, and (c) help students develop a professional identity.  相似文献   


As part of an ongoing research design, we wished to examine how mentors behave whilst in the mentoring role. The starting point for this was a study to examine how mentors felt they were expected to behave in context; that is, an organised educational mentoring situation, as we recognised the importance of situation‐specificity. Prior to empirical study, we theorised that the mentor may be androgynous; or more precisely are able to display high levels of expressive and instrumental behaviour. Seven suppositions were examined. Our findings were that whilst in the role, mentors do indeed feel expected to blend and display high levels of both instrumentality and expressiveness. Further, the levels of expressive behaviour they perceived they were expected to display were significantly higher. The higher levels of expected expressive behaviour is not congruent with the androgyny literature: our samples proved an exception to the ‘masculine supremacy effect’. Also, that mentoring may require high levels of stereotypically feminine behaviour is something that the mass of mentoring literature has not discussed and may warrant further attention. We concluded that the diverse, complex and complicated nature of mentoring is met with expectations to display flexibility and versatility across situations — to take a proactive approach to coping with mentoring situational demands — such is not mitigated by gender. Their reported high expected levels of both expressive and instrumental behaviour are congruent with our theory of the androgynous mentor.  相似文献   

In this article, we argue that mentoring of technical communication students must occur within the classroom. In our survey of students, we found that most students felt they had not been mentored. In our ethnography, we found that although students could define the term “mentor”, many were conflicted about its value. This confusion made students less likely to seek out or recognize mentoring opportunities. Students recognized mentoring practices that teachers implemented; however, they did not necessarily identify those practices as “mentoring”. We conclude that confusion arose from students' ambiguous views about mentoring and the lack of standard mentoring practices in the humanities. Therefore, teachers who intend to mentor in the classroom must (a) be more explicit in implementing elements that distinguish mentoring from teaching (e.g., intent and involvement), (b) extend an invitation to students to be mentored, and (c) help students develop a professional identity.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the extent to which mentoring relationships played a role in creating changes in the professional identity of seven preservice teachers. Semi-structured interviews, observations and reflective journals were used to document the changes experienced by participants as they went through their two placements during their one-year teacher education course. The data indicated that when the mentoring relationships were positive and expectations were met, preservice teachers felt more confident as a teacher. However, for some participants, who experienced a partially negative mentoring relationship, their confidence declined and they felt they did not improve. Implications for practice are discussed.  相似文献   

Effective communication is the core of every helping relationship. Trained and experienced gerontology counselors bring skillful listening, the gift of reframing, the ability to suspend judgment, experience with confidentiality and ethics, and the ability to seek solutions and think of possibilities to the evolving field of life coach. Therefore, whether the older client is seeking psychological counseling or a personal evolution and ways to live their life more fully, the gerontologist is the most suitable professional to address their concerns. If practitioners are to meet the rapidly increasing needs of Baby Boomers, academic programs need to train them to fill the role of both counselor and coach. Clients will make the determination of who is the best fit for their current concern.  相似文献   

Most studies of school-based mentoring practice have put their key focus on discussions of the professional growth of novice teachers rather than of their mentors. Mentoring practice, however, is also a platform from which mentors can build or enhance their professional competency and capitalize their leadership role as they interact with novice teachers and their colleagues. This is an area which deserves further research attention. Drawing on the concept of social capital, this small-scale qualitative study investigates how mentors can develop or revise their mentoring skills and knowledge while they engage in school-based mentoring practice. Semi-structured interviews and documents were collected from 31 mentors from primary and secondary schools in Hong Kong from 2014 to 2015. Findings of this study firstly show that both bonding social capital and bridging social capital can help mentors develop their mentoring knowledge in different ways. Secondly, bridging social capital can help mentors act as boundary brokers who develop transformative learning by interacting with outside experts. Providing more off-site or cluster-based mentor training programs and mentoring partnership schemes with outside experts could be the way forward to maximize the professional competency of mentors aiming at improving school capacity.  相似文献   

Internships have been explored as potentially valuable routes for extending teacher education. However, the ways in which the beliefs, values and attitudes (platform) of the mentor interacting with that of the associate teacher shape the internship, have not been investigated. Even though particular emphasis here is on the role of the mentor, because mentors are in the situation of working with many associate teachers, the platforms of both mentors and associates were considered as important in constructing the professional learning environment and the outcomes of professional development achieved. The platform, which is the basis of practice, is therefore also nominated here as a mindset. As the mentoring mindset is rarely explicit then the mentoring practice often is a revelation. These concepts are illustrated through the use of cases and conclusions drawn regarding the constructivist perspective of the mentoring mindset.  相似文献   

This study describes the peer mentoring experience from doctoral student mentors?? point of view. Twelve science and engineering doctoral students participated in this phenomenology study. The findings suggest doctoral peer mentors served instrumental, psychosocial, buffering, and liaison roles; they passed on their social, professional, and academic knowledge to their mentees and tried to assist them in adapting to the culture of the lab and academia. The study identified a variety of factors that influenced their attitudes and behaviors as peer mentors and concluded this system would be beneficial to the learning and development of both individual students and lab teams. The aims of this study were threefold: first, to identify the importance and necessity of peer mentoring systems as part of the experience of working in labs in graduate school; second, to ascertain which interactions and factors in the peer mentoring relationship benefitted both peer mentors and peer mentees; and third, to explore what might constitute best practices in the peer mentoring relationship.  相似文献   

The authors describe guidelines endorsed by the Association for Counselor Education and Supervision for research mentorship, including characteristics of mentors and mentees. Suggestions for implementing the guidelines at the individual, program, institution, and professional levels are focused on enhancing mentoring relationships as well as mentees’ research quality and productivity. Research on research mentoring, based on the guidelines, is encouraged.  相似文献   

To assure that gerontology students meet their educational objectives and are prepared to assume professional roles, gerontological program assessment is imperative. This paper situates gerontological academic program assessment within the framework of the American Association of Higher Education's principles of assessment. It presents clear guidelines for the assessment of gerontological programs and courses. These guidelines incorporate indirect and direct assessment methods to examine both processes and outcomes of gerontological education. Also presented are guidelines for the communication of results, recommendations, and plans for follow-up to stakeholders.  相似文献   

Immigrants with professional qualifications face unique challenges in adapting personally and professionally to new environments. This ‘double culture shock’ experience may result in disengagement from the professional community due to perceived barriers to integration, with subsequent negative impact on employment prospects and professional role identification. The role of mentors in facilitating professional engagement by foreign‐trained pharmacists within the pharmacy profession has not previously been described in detail. This qualitative study examined the different mentoring strategies used by mentors and foreign‐trained pharmacists negotiating the licensure process in Canada. Using a categorization scheme described previously by major researchers, activity logs of mentors and mentees were examined and coded based on use of mentoring strategies. Focus groups and interviews were also undertaken with separate groups of mentors and mentees to discuss the use of these mentoring strategies for foreign‐trained pharmacists. Results suggest pharmacist‐mentors relied most heavily upon situative‐apprenticeship and humanistic perspectives in their mentoring relationships, and infrequently used critical‐constructivist mentoring activities or techniques. While mentees reported a high level of satisfaction with their mentors and the mentoring experience, they also expressed a desire for more activities of a critical‐constructivist nature as a way of assisting them in mitigating the double culture shock they experience during the licensure process.  相似文献   

The Teacher Induction Scheme, introduced in Scotland in August 2002, guarantees beginning teachers a year’s structured support from a more experienced colleague, a reduced timetable and opportunities for professional development. This article places the Scheme in the wider context of recent policy developments in Scotland and reports on research carried out into the early implementation of the Scheme. The personal and professional characteristics sought by the probationers in their supporters and suggested by the supporters themselves are analysed both in terms of the literature on mentoring and of the guidelines accompanying the Scheme. The structures set up in schools to support beginning teachers are also described. The implications of the data are discussed and proposals made for the development of a more extended model of mentoring in Scotland than the one currently in operation.  相似文献   


Mentoring academics is an integral step in aiding their professional development. This commitment to mentoring is discussed by three criminal justice professors, each in a distinct phase of his career. Three distinct mentoring models are discussed: (1) continuing a mentoring relationship with a dissertation advisor or other mentor from graduate school, (2) developing a new mentoring relationship at an academic institution where one receives a position, and (3) developing a new mentoring relationship with an academic in the same field, but at a totally separate institution. The authors describe their advancement in the field of criminal justice as it relates to the existence of a mentoring model, focusing on identifying the strengths of each model.  相似文献   


This article provides a systematic analysis of the cognitive processes required for acquiring skill in practical ethical reasoning in a professional domain. We undertook this NSF-supported research project in part to study relationships between case-based instruction in professional ethics and cognitive analyses of ethical reasoning strategies. Using a web-based experimental design, we report striking differences in the students' and ethicists' use of knowledge and reasoning. Virtually all of the ethicists and some students' protocols made significant use of specialized professional knowledge and also used role-specific content in the ethical principles applied in their responses. In contrast, other student protocols made significantly more use of common knowledge and applied more general ethical principles or appealed to consequences in the justification of their responses. Our analyses show how certain strategies were superior to others in regard to identifying alternative moral issues, assessing the moral implications of actions, and providing alternative practical resolutions to conflicts. The findings point to the importance of professional knowledge and role-specific professional obligations in resolving professional ethical conflicts: the same knowledge and "middle-level" principles necessary to comprehend and apply professional codes of ethics.  相似文献   

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