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By the time you make it to college,a computer isn’t simply an option,it’s a necessity.Your computer will be your most important tool,as well as your entertainment center during downtime.However,your decision should be based on your work style,school’s requirements and budget. Form Factor:Most students choose laptops for their portability with advances in graphics,storage and processors. The big plus to a laptop is the freedom to study and write wherever you want.Desktops are powerful and upgradeable with more comfort may help you to study better. Speed:Multicore processors are the norm,offering processing power similar to that of multiple(多重的) single-core  相似文献   

Don’t take for granted the things closest to your heart.Cling to them as you would cling toyour life,for without them,life is meaningless.Don’t give up when you still have something to give.Nothing is really over until the mo-ment you stop trying.Don’t be afraid to admit that you are less than perfect.It is this fragile thread that binds useach together.Don’t be afraid to encounter risks.It is by taking chances that we learn how to be brave.千万别小看最贴近你内心的东西。用你的一生去坚守…  相似文献   

I’m not the kind of girl to sit out on the sidelines[场外] The kind of girl who doesn’t say it straight from her mind You’re gonna know all that I’m feeling on the inside I ain’t into games I don’t wanna waste Any time and all the energy we could spend Being together boy forever you’re my best friend I got a little problem that I can’t mend You’ve been taking me for granted you  相似文献   

During the Beijing Olympic Games, t was witnessed that Chinese athlets put on a successful performance and broke many records.Meanwhile, it was the same as the past Games that there were many great pities we have to keep in mind. Because of the hated competition of athletics, the Games took on the performance of perfection, as well as greatness of Pity. In a sense, the pity is one of the indispensable attractions of athletics.Actually, it is the pity that allows us to fully appreciate what a successful life is,  相似文献   

As the pace of life continues to increase,we are fast losing the art of relaxation.1you are in thehabit of rushing through life,being on the go from morningtill night,it is hard to2down.But relaxationis3for a healthy mind and body.Stress is a4part of everydaylife and there is no way to5it.Infact,it is not the bad thing that it is oftensupposed to be.A6amount of stressis important to provide motivation and give7to life.It is only when the stressgets out of control8it can lead topoor performanc…  相似文献   

The old saying that you should live each day as though it'syour last is a nice sentiment,but it doesn't work.Takeit from me.I tried it once and here’s what I learned:if Ipursued only happiness and lived just for the moment,I’d be a poor husband and father,a waster with a perpetualthree—day growth on my chin.Cancer taught me that.Suf-fering,I learned,is as essential to a good life,and as inex-tricable,as bliss.  相似文献   

下面是外国人笔下的中国谚语,你能将它们还原吗?试试看。1.Add legs to the snake after you have finished drawing it. 2.A book holds a house of gold. 3.Crows everywhere are eqnally black. 4.Dream different dreams while on the same bed. 5.Even a hare will bite when it is cornered. 6.Have a mouth as sharp as a dagger,but a heart as soft astofu. 7.An inch of time is an inch of gold,but you can’t buy that inch of time with an inch of gold. 8.Looking for the ass on its very back.  相似文献   

You know you are starting to get on in years when somebody is filling out paperwork for you and asks your age. And you have to think about it for a moment.It' s not that I am ashamed of my age(53 or 54... something like that). There are times when I just cannot remember it.  相似文献   

"I used to freeze the time and said 'I love you' for thousand times when you didn't know. I feel it the way that if l say it in the river of time, it will flow as time flows and eventually vanishes. So instead, I said it when time was frozen. I love you, Cheon Song-yi. I love you." Spend less than one second to figure out its origin? Know exactly in which episode the line is? You must be a straight-A fan of the drama!  相似文献   

Gary Wu 《新高考》2015,(4):19-20
在所有的语言中,最令人伤感的莫过于“本来可以”。我不想用这样的字眼来描述自己的生活,或许你也不想。那么,在我们决定是不是要追逐新的梦想时,就别再用年龄做借口了。A common question I hear frequently asked is:“Am I too old to learn or do X?”where X is anything from programming to painting to starting a business.The weird thing is I’ve seen kids as young as 14 ask this.It’s an odd question,because it implies that past a certain age,we’re unable to learn new things,as if our brain becomes static and who we are is who we’ll be forever.This notion is supported by proverbs like“you can’t teach an old dog new tricks”and the idea that it’s impossible  相似文献   

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