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本研究从情绪调节策略的角度研究弱智儿童的情绪调节特征,对北京市4所培智学校228名7-14岁学生进行问卷调查,调查对象包括唐氏综合征、低功能自闭症和一般性弱智(无明显可报告病因)3类儿童.结果发现:情绪调节策略的运用呈现出年龄差异,积极情绪调节策略的运用会随着年龄的增高而显著增多;情绪调节策略的运用呈现出类别差异,唐氏综合征儿童和一般性弱智儿童在积极策略的运用上显著高于低功能自闭症儿童;弱智儿童的情绪调节策略无显著性别差异.  相似文献   

亲社会行为是弱智儿童适应行为中的一个重要方面,对弱智儿童教育十分重要。弱智儿童的亲社会行为与正常儿童、自闭症儿童相比表现不同,其中唐氏综合征儿童又是弱智儿童的一个特殊类型,影响弱智儿童亲社会行为的因素主要有年龄、性别、病因、智力等。  相似文献   

本研究以88名智力障碍儿童为被试,旨在考察其心理理论、执行功能与为自我和为他人说谎行为之间的关系。结果发现:在控制年龄和性别后,智力障碍儿童的心理理论、抑制控制与其为自我说谎行为及为他人说谎行为均正相关,而工作记忆和为他人说谎行为正相关;此外,将心理理论和执行功能一起纳入回归分析后发现,抑制控制显著预测了智力障碍儿童为自我和为他人的说谎行为,而工作记忆、心理理论对为自我和为他人说谎行为的预测作用均不显著。这些结果表明心理理论和执行功能可能是智力障碍儿童说谎行为的认知机制,抑制控制在智力障碍儿童为自我和为他人说谎行为上起着更强的预测作用。本研究结果有助于丰富和完善智力障碍儿童说谎行为的认知理论,同时也为家长和广大教育工作者积极应对智力障碍儿童的说谎行为提供了指导。  相似文献   

本研究使用《儿童适应行为评定量表》及《自闭症儿童父母教养观念调查问卷》,分别对深圳市、武汉市各一所特殊学校的6—12岁中度智力缺损自闭症儿童及其父母进行调查,以探讨父母教养观念与自闭症儿童适应行为间的关系。结果表明,自闭症儿童的父母整体上持积极教养观念;自闭症儿童的适应行为存在不同程度缺陷;父母教养观念对自闭症儿童适应行为的整体水平有显著预测作用,父母自我效能感对自闭症儿童的独立功能有显著预测作用,父母成就期望对自闭症儿童的社会/自制功能有显著预测作用。最后,就如何通过改善父母教养观念来提升自闭症儿童的适应行为提出了建议。  相似文献   

二十世纪末期,特殊教育的主体是听觉障碍儿童,然而进入到二十一世纪后,听觉障碍儿童的数量逐渐减少,取而代之的是越来越多的智力障碍儿童。智力障碍只是一个笼统的概念词,智力障碍又称智力缺陷,一般指的是由于大脑受到器质性的损害或由于脑发育不完全从而造成认识活动的持续障碍以及整个心理活动的障碍,最直观的表现就是表达能力缺陷。智力障碍又分精神障碍、自闭症(孤独症)、唐氏综合症、脑瘫等多种类型。单就自闭症儿童的症状来说,专家们在研究自闭症儿童的过程中发现,一百个自闭症患儿就有一百个样。虽然每一个智力障碍的孩子都有不同于其他孩子的地方,但在他们身上还是可以找到一些共性问题的。比如,智力缺陷导致他们构建高级心理活动比较困难,反过来又影响低级心理活动的主动性,尤其影响语言表达能力的发展。由此可见,对于特殊教育学校的教师来说,提高全体智障儿童的语言表达能力是一件非常艰巨的任务。  相似文献   

自闭症是一种由脑神经功能发展异常而引起的在思维、社交、智力等方面严重不足的发展障碍。社交障碍是自闭症儿童的主要特征之一。由于他们缺乏与他人交往的能力,无法与他人进行有效的沟通交往,严重影响了自身的学习与生活,同时也严重影响了其社会适应能力的发展。为了探讨提高自闭症儿童的社会交往能力的有效方法与策略,笔者对一名自闭症儿童进行了追踪调查和康复训练研究。  相似文献   

弱中央统合理论是近年来用于解释自闭症个体认知特点的重要理论之一。本研究采用积木测验和镶嵌图形测验对10名自闭症儿童和10名智力发展障碍儿童实施测验,以验证自闭症儿童在视觉加工任务上是否存在弱中央统合倾向。研究结果表明:自闭症儿童和智力发展障碍儿童在这两个测验任务上的表现并未存在显著差异;实验材料的难度可能使得两类儿童在测验任务上出现了"地板效应";在镶嵌图形测验中,自闭症儿童从阴影型图片中识别出目标图形的能力高于智力发展障碍儿童。  相似文献   

高娟 《宁夏教育》2011,(10):72-73
自闭症是一种广泛性发育障碍,它的核心特征是社会功能障碍、交流障碍和想象障碍,同时还伴有刻板的重复行为。此外,自闭症患者还会出现诸如狭隘的兴趣、强迫性的愿望、优异的机械记忆、学习困难、智力低下等行为特征。Happe(2001)指出,有关自闭症在心理学界有两种不同的理论解释方向,一种解释认为自闭症是社会性缺损,属于领域特殊性的障碍;另一种解释认为自闭症是非社会性缺损,属于领域一般性障碍。  相似文献   

自我刺激行为是自闭症谱系障碍儿童典型发展的问题行为之一,常常表现为啃咬自己、撞击物品或他人、反复摇晃身体等。这些问题行为不仅有可能威胁到他们自身或者其他人的身体安全,同时也会影响他们与其他人保持良好的社会交往关系,阻碍他们学习新的知识和技能,因此,对自闭症谱系障碍儿童的自我刺激行为进行干预十分必要。目前常用的自我刺激行为的干预方法主要有:感觉消退、匹配性刺激替代法、过度矫正、积极行为支持、强化、感觉统合训练和早期预防7种。对自闭症谱系障碍儿童的自我刺激行为进行有效干预,可以帮助自闭症谱系障碍儿童学会用恰当的行为方式表达需求,从而更好地适应学习和生活。  相似文献   

从全国幼儿园大班儿童入学成熟水平标准化测量数据库中的四万多个样本中随机抽取100名普通儿童,同时选取47名自闭症谱系障碍儿童入学成熟水平的有效数据,探究自闭症谱系障碍儿童与普通儿童在入学成熟水平方面的差异。结果表明,自闭症谱系障碍儿童在视知觉能力、听知觉能力、运动协调能力、知觉转换能力、数学准备能力、语言沟通能力、社会适应能力、学习品质八个入学成熟水平维度上均显著低于普通儿童。参照本研究结果,可为随班就读的自闭症谱系障碍儿童做好全面科学的入学准备提出合理建议。  相似文献   

This is an exploratory study of the emotional and social functioning of young children with a manic-depressive parent. Seminaturalistic observations and experimental manipulations of the affective environment were used to assess 2-year-old children's regulation of emotion, as well as their aggression, altruism, and affiliative interactions. Children with a bipolar parent sometimes showed heightened distress and preoccupation with the conflicts and suffering of others, especially disturbances in adults. These children had difficulty in maintaining friendly social interactions, in sharing, and in helping their playmates. They also had difficulty modulating hostile impulses; they showed more maladaptive patterns of aggression toward peers and adults. These interpersonal and emotional problems of offspring of manic-depressives were often similar to those problems of manic-depressives that have been implicated in the clinical literature as possibly associated with the transmission of the disorder. This apparent congruence of findings obtained from different disciplines employing very different research strategies and studying people of different ages, attests to the utility of an explicit interdisciplinary approach in the area of developmental psychopathology.  相似文献   

The performance of a sample of moderately mentally retarded children on the McCarthy Scales of Children's Abilities (MSCA) was investigated by comparing their obtained mental age (MA) scores with their Stanford-Binet MAs and Minnesota Child Development Inventory (MCDI) developmental ages (DAs). All three MA estimates correlated significantly, and there were no significant differences among mean MAs. However, valid MSCA Index scores could not be obtained for these moderately retarded children, using the current normative tables. Therefore, the MSCA cannot be recommended for measuring the intellectual level of retarded children for educational classification purposes.  相似文献   

This study explored the role of guilt and shame in early prosocial behavior by extending previous findings that guilt‐ and shame‐like responses can be distinguished in toddlers and, for the first time, examining their associations with helping. Toddlers (n = 32; Mage = 28.9 months) were led to believe they broke an adult's toy, after which they exhibited either a guilt‐like response that included frequently confessing their behavior and trying to repair the toy; or a shame‐like response that included frequently avoiding the adult and seldom confessing or attempting to repair the toy. In subsequent prosocial tasks, children showing a guilt‐like response helped an adult in emotional distress significantly faster and more frequently than did children showing a shame‐like response.  相似文献   

本研究通过对北京市所有培智学校的在校学生进行的SSBS问卷调查研究发现(1)智力落后男生的反社会行为水平显著高于女生,女生的自我管理能力显著高于男生;(2)随着智力落后程度的加重,社会能力得分显著降低,而在反社会行为的反社会攻击维度,轻度智力落后学生的得分显著低于中、重度智力落后学生;(3)入学前教育机构的智力落后学生的学业成就水平显著高于未入过的智力落后学生,但对反社会行为水平及社会能力的其它维度没有显著影响;(4)在智力落后群体中,孤独症、21-三体学生的社会能力发展处于较低水平;21-三体学生的社会能力好于孤独症学生,并表现在社会能力分量表的各维度;孤独症学生的反社会攻击水平高于21-三体的学生。  相似文献   

BackgroundChildren in out-of-home care are consistently found to have poor mental health compared to children in the general population. However, UK research has so far failed to disentangle the impact of the care system on children’s mental health outcomes from the effects of the adverse circumstances that led to their admission to care.ObjectiveThis research investigated the association between care placement and the presence of child mental health problems after controlling for children’s pre-care experiences. It also identified factors associated with mental health problems among children in care.Participants and SettingThe sample comprised three groups of children involved with child welfare services due to maltreatment, including children in out-of-home care (n = 122), reunified children (n = 82) and those who had never been in care (n = 159).MethodsThe mental health of the children in the three groups was compared, using information collected from their parents/foster carers and social workers.ResultsThe odds of a child in out-of-home care having a mental health problem were not significantly higher than those of a child who had never been in care (AOR = 1.24; p = 0.462). However, the odds of a child in out-of-home care having reactive attachment disorder (RAD) were significantly higher than those of a child who had never been in care (AOR=1.92; p = 0.032).ConclusionsThese findings make an important contribution to international debates about whether placing children in care is beneficial or detrimental to their wellbeing, and highlight a range of inter-linking factors associated with the mental health of children in out-of-home care.  相似文献   

本文对上海市5所辅读学校的1 0 0名智力落后儿童家长的心理健康水平与其子女的行为问题进行了问卷调查和回归分析。发现弱智儿童家长的心理健康程度对其子女的行为问题有较好的预测力,家长所感受到的心理压力对其子女行为问题的影响力较大。本文还探讨了弱智儿童家长心理健康的内涵,提出了几点提高家长心理健康水平的途径。  相似文献   

本研究以自编的两个测验故事为测量工具,考察了同是9岁的3名不同类型儿童(高功能孤独症儿童、轻度智力障碍儿童和正常儿童)心理推测能力的水平及异同。结果表明:这三名儿童都能对自我和他人行为进行预期,但他们都没能通过错误信念测试。其中,轻度智力障碍儿童朱某很难理解自我和他人愿望,他和高功能孤独症儿童王某又在理解他人消极性情绪上存在缺陷。相比较而言,正常儿童的心理推测能力最好,其次是高功能孤独症儿童,再次是轻度智力障碍儿童。  相似文献   

Attention, facial affect, and behavioral responses to adults showing distress, fear, and discomfort were compared for autistic, mentally retarded, and normal children. The normal and mentally retarded children were very attentive to adults in all 3 situations. In contrast, many of the autistic children appeared to ignore or not notice the adults showing these negative affects. As a group, the autistic children looked at the adults less and were much more engaged in toy play than the other children during periods when an adult pretended to be hurt. The autistic children were also less attentive to adults showing fear, although their behavior was not different from the normal children. Few of the children in any group showed much facial affect in response to these situations. The results are discussed in terms of the importance of affect in the social learning experiences of the young child.  相似文献   

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