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随着我国国家经济实力的不断提升,国家形象已经成为我国对外传播的重要方面。文章以国家形象对外传播为写作对象,首先从政治、经济、文化三个领域介绍了我国当前国家形象传播现状,接着分析了我国国家形象传播中出现的问题,例如公信力问题等等;最后分析了我国国家形象传播对策,从政府建设、政府发言人制度完善、加强媒体建设三个方面进行阐述。  相似文献   

世界经济纷繁复杂,对国际财经报道提出了更高要求,其中涉及到的国家形象问题不可忽视.国家形象是一个国家综合实力的体现,随着中国在世界经济领域发挥越来越重要的作用,对中国的媒体来说,在国际财经报道中国家形象传播的策略也成为新的课题.中国媒体在进行国际财经新闻的报道时要遵循新闻传播规律,努力提升中国国家形象,从而为中国的经济发展营造良好的国际舆论环境.  相似文献   

培训外国军事人员已日益成为我军新时期外交活动的重要组成部分,是传播国家形象的重要窗口。笔者以解放军后勤工程学院军事外训实践为例,根据适量的相关传播理论分析当前军事外训中主要运用的国家形象传播手段,包括积极开展对象国国情研究,设置中国国情介绍课程,组织中国国情体验活动等;同时揭示了当前军事外训中国家形象传播实践的薄弱环节,如缺乏国家形象传播的主动性,专业课教学中的国家形象传播不足,基于不同传播对象的传播策略针对性不强等;提出了军事外训中主动、全面和动态的国家形象传播策略,以建立培训对象乃至培训对象国心目中正面、真实的中国形象。  相似文献   

传播技术的每一次进步,都会对社会的发展带来革命性的影响。从口头传播到文字传播再到电子传播,人类的生活已被媒体层层包裹,媒介的触角已经深入到我们的思维领域。麦克卢汉就此提出了“媒介即是讯息”的理念,这对于把媒介理解为传递讯息的载体的观点来说,无疑是一次翻天覆地的革命。随着互联网时代的来临,网络传播的技术手段日益更新,整个世界都被小小的电脑芯片和细细的网线连接在一起,  相似文献   

国家形象一般指国家在国际社会中的认知与评价。鉴于对国家形象问题及其重要性的认识,世界上绝大多数国家都力图在激烈的国际竞争中拥有一个良好的国家形象。但是,由于各方面的原因,他国公众对本国形象的认识并不总是如本国形象设计者所希望的那样,而总是有误差存在。这就是国家形象误读问题。  相似文献   

以影像制作为基础的国家形象宣传片是推广和介绍一个国家形象最为直接和直观的途径.在跨文化传播的过程中,国家形象宣传片的传播要受到来自文化及心理因素等方面的影响.要提高国家形象宣传片的传播效果,减少误读,则需要结合跨文化传播的规律,在宣传片的视角、叙事结构、布局安排、内容选材等各方面都需要按照“民族化的内容,国际化的叙事”来把握.  相似文献   

王璐 《新闻世界》2014,(8):425-426
国家形象的传播是一国吸引国内外受众关注的重要手段,也是国家发展战略的重要组成部分。而当今媒介环境正发生着根本性的变革,国家形象传播所要面临的,实际上是成长在新媒体变革基础上的全球传播环境。本文正是在这一背景下,探讨中国国家形象的传播策略。  相似文献   

李均 《新闻战线》2022,(6):111-114
在新时代,以跨国界、跨文化方式讲好中国故事,传播中华民族形象,成为时代命题。要通过创新对外宣传方式、创新叙事视角和叙事方式,运用典型人物、新闻事件作为载体,在对立认同的辩证关系中把握好人、事、物三者关系,向世界展示真实、立体、全面的中国,形成同我国综合国力和国际地位相匹配的国际话语权。  相似文献   

随着以互联网为代表的新媒体的影响逐步扩大,全媒体时代已经到来,不管是对传播者、受众还是传播过程而言,都已经发生巨大的改变。在新的媒介环境下,国家形象传播必须进行改变和调整,其策略或基本原则可以归纳为:“亲民”传播,由小见大;新旧媒体相互联互通;在多声部音乐中演奏主旋律等三个方面。  相似文献   

在欧债危机的影响下,英国经济持续低迷,本届伦敦奥运会的国家形象构建的目标就自然被设定为振奋经济、凝聚民心以及重塑政府威信,伦敦奥运的筹备工作也围绕此目的展开,本文分别阐释英国政府在奥运筹备期间运用影像、品牌、奥运理念等传播策略提升英国国家形象,以及在奥运会期间的应用创意、民心、媒介、旅游等策略等来进一步展示、提高英国国家形象,并指出在奥运英国国家形象构建中所暴露出来的一些问题,为中国国家形象的传播提供借鉴.  相似文献   

This study examines if and when spokespersons of an organization in crisis can express their genuine emotions as opposed to appearing rational. The impact of emotional (sadness) versus rational message framing on perceptions of an organization in crisis is studied by means of a 2 (crisis timing strategy: ex-antecrisis timing strategy vs. ex-postcrisis timing strategy)×2 (message framing: rational vs. emotional) between-subjects factorial experimental design with 168 participants. The findings first show that organizations can restore their reputation in times of crisis better by means of an ex-antecrisis timing strategy than by means of an ex-postcrisis timing strategy. In addition, the study illustrates that an ex-antecrisis timing strategy leads to more effective use of organizational message framing. In the case of an organizational self-disclosure, expressing sadness as a discrete negative emotion results in a better postcrisis reputation than rational message framing, whereas no impact of message framing is found for an ex-postcrisis timing strategy. Finally, the results indicate that organizations can benefit from allowing their spokespersons to express sadness because consumers will consider them more sincere.  相似文献   

论“风险社会”危机的跨文化传播   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
世界已经进入“风险社会,”风险并非自然的风险,乃是“人造风险”。风险具有全球性、知识依赖性和“不确定性”等特征,对危机的跨文化传播研究显得尤为必要和紧迫。传媒具有风险认知和沟通功能,预测、凸现隐形的风险并对现实危机进行“定义”、“冠名,”以提高不同文化背景下的人们对同一危机的“在场感”以及经验、认知的相互交流。大众传媒要尽量减少传播的悖论和破除话语中心论,同时,对危机的跨文化传播研究应该从研究“误传”、“误读”转向研究如何协调合作与建构意义。  相似文献   

依据来源国效应,本研究选取索尼“问题相机”事件与柯达相机“质量门”事件,从形象修护的角度分析二者的危机回应策略,结果显示,与柯达相比,索尼更倾向于采取情感诉求性回应策略。  相似文献   

On November 17, 1998, three individuals were detained by local police in Lubbock, Texas for attempting a pigeon drop scam in a Wal Mart parking lot. The three suspects were the head coach, an assistant coach, and the husband of the head coach from the visiting Hampton University women's basketball team. The three were eventually proven innocent and released, but not before a crisis involving racial overtones had been initiated. The case study explores the crisis management responses of Texas Tech University and Lubbock, Texas and the implications for the study of crises involving race.  相似文献   

This study presents the IDEA (internalization, distribution, explanation, action) model as an easy-to-use and situationally generalizable framework for quickly developing effective messages instructing people on how to protect themselves before and during high-risk events, crises, disasters, and other emergencies. The model consists of four elements: helping message recipients internalize the potential impact of the risk or crisis event, identifying appropriate channels and strategies for distributing the risk or crisis event messages, offering a brief and intelligible explanation of the nature of the risk or crisis, and providing specific self-protective action steps for people to take. The model may be used to design messages in any risk, crisis, or emergency context. Through a posttest-only quasi-experimental cross-sectional research experiment, this study measured the perceived message effectiveness, cognitive understanding, and behavioral intentions of those viewing a television news story about a crisis situation employing the IDEA model compared to those viewing a similar story replicating typical crisis event news stories delivered to general publics. This comparative examination revealed that the message designed according to the IDEA model was significantly more effective than the status quo message and resulted in greater behavioral intentions to engage in appropriate self-protective actions in the event of an acute risk or crisis situation. Strategies for implementing the model are also provided.  相似文献   

This research examines the relationships between communication competence, communication anxiety, and five subdimensions of counseling self-efficacy. The sample consists of volunteers trained at two rape crisis centers (n = 63) over a one-year period. As hypothesized, communication anxiety was negatively related and communication competence positively related to the subdimensions of counseling self-efficacy. Results suggest that training programs need to be aware of how personality characteristics may affect a volunteer's ability to become an efficacious counselor. Implications for how rape crisis centers can integrate these communication issues into their training programs and improve the self-efficacy of their advocates are discussed.  相似文献   

On November 17, 1998, three individuals were detained by local police in Lubbock, Texas for attempting a pigeon drop scam in a Wal Mart parking lot. The three suspects were the head coach, an assistant coach, and the husband of the head coach from the visiting Hampton University women's basketball team. The three were eventually proven innocent and released, but not before a crisis involving racial overtones had been initiated. The case study explores the crisis management responses of Texas Tech University and Lubbock, Texas and the implications for the study of crises involving race.  相似文献   

对国家形象研究的反思   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文将通过引介西方的学术成果,对比分析国内与西方学术界对于国家形象及相关领域的研究,从而为国内的研究人员提供更多的研究信息。本文首先介绍了西方文献中关于国家形象以及相关概念的论述,之后对国家形象的概念、大众传媒的作用、构建国家形象的途径等问题进行了较为深入的讨论。  相似文献   

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