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"物质的量"概念本身的特点和学生的认知特点决定了学生学习该概念的困难。美国教材《化学:概念与应用》以故事开篇,从迷你实验、类比教学、样例展示、适量习题四个角度帮助学生主动建构"物质的量"的概念系统,为我们提供了一个核心概念建构的典型范例。  相似文献   

美国研究者对于教师质量的概念界定一般采取外延性描述的方式,倾向于将其划分为若干个维度。基于历史的视角和文献的梳理发现,美国研究者关于教师质量概念界定的维度主要有"二维度说"、"三维度说"、"四维度说"、"五维度说"和"罗列说",实质上体现了美国研究者从教师资格、教师课堂实践、学生学业成绩和教师支持系统等四个维度界定教师质量概念的基本取向。  相似文献   

教材建设是提高我国高等教育质量的一个重要内容.本文以近年来出版的3部具有一定代表性的美国<机械零件设计>教材为对象,阐明了这些教材以人为本的理念和注重启发性,工程实践性,学科之间的关联性,学科新发展等特色,为我国编写出更多有中国特色、符合我国高等机械工程教育特点的优秀教材提供借鉴.  相似文献   

"科学概念"是当今科学教育界关注的焦点问题之一,美国FOSS教材在《美国国家科学教育标准》和《科学素养的基准》两大文件的指导下,宏观上以"理解性地学习科学概念"作为教材编写的指导思想,具体构建了有层次的科学概念的内容体系,并通过观察和实验落实学生科学概念的获得,最后,以符合学生认知水平的表述方式帮助学生理解所学的科学概念。以上这些,都值得我国在编写科学教材时借鉴。  相似文献   

李振东  关兴莹 《物理教师》2021,(2):74-77,84
2018年全球第三大教育集团霍顿·米夫林·哈考特出版了美国最新的科学教育教材《科学的维度》.文章以“物质科学”内容为例,从教材内容选择、内容编排、栏目设置3方面归纳教材编写特色.研究发现,该教材内容选择显化了科学观念;教材编排方式聚焦了核心概念;教材栏目体系支撑了“教”与“学”.深入分析美国《科学的维度》编写特色对我国科学教材建设具有重要参考价值:一是科学教育内容选择应关注科学观念;二是科学教材的内容表达应密切围绕核心概念;三是科学教材编写应注重教材栏目的开发.  相似文献   

美国小学科学教材SCIENCE以主题形式融入生物、物理、地理等学科的知识,通过提出问题和讲故事的形式呈现,激发学生的学习兴趣和求知欲,促使学生形成科学的认知方式和科学态度,旨在培养学生的科学素养。美国小学科学教材的特色与技巧,对我国小学科学教材的编写及教学具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

自上个世纪60年代起,科学教育就被许多国家所重视,并被列为国家核心课程,美国"2061计划"甚至提出了"科学素养"的概念。随着人们认识的不断深入,"科学素养"概念的内涵也日益丰富。《科学(3~6年级)课程标准解读》对"科学素养"的界定是:指对在日常生活、社会事务以及个人决策中所需要的科学概念和科学方法的认识和理解,并在此基础上所形成的稳定的心理品质。  相似文献   

王玲玲 《化学教学》2006,33(6):35-36,13
通过对美国高中《现代化学》教材中概念“相异构想”、“类比模型”、“概念图”和“知识空间理论”四个方面的编排分析,给我国现行教材的编制有一定的启示.  相似文献   

3.五年级的各类科学概念的具体表述(1)关于昼夜变化的概念发现太阳和月亮的东升西落,知道太阳在不同季节升起与落下的方位不同。知道太阳的升落使一天分为白天和黑夜。发现太阳移动有规律,影子会跟着改变。发现不同季节昼夜长短不同  相似文献   

从英国中学的许多世纪以来的自由设课到今日的十大法定主课的确立,是一个意义深远的重大变革.这一变革还在继续而已不可逆转.英国中学教材多元化的传统不仅至今未变,且还在发展.它既有其优越的一面,也在实践中存在着一些问题.  相似文献   

The article is a partial result of a wider research project, in which the commodification of science is interpreted, from one point of view, as a facet of the rise of neoliberalism, and from another, as a set of processes, classified according to a three-category taxonomy. Only one of the taxonomy’s categories is dealt with in this article, the one that concerns the processes that affect the programme of scientific research. First a sketch is presented of the historical background and the periodization of the most relevant epoch for the study of the commodification of science, namely, the one from the end of World War II to the present. The periodization is expressed in the notions of Golden Years science and neoliberal science. The ensuing sections have the aims: to show that, in Golden Years science, the processes shaping research programmes did not include commodification; to characterize the period of transition of the 70 s; to describe the processes of commodification that have impact on the research programmes of neoliberal science; to discuss criticisms that have been levelled against them, as well as proposals for better ways of conducting scientific practices, and their implications for science education (which are of the same nature as that of Science & Education’s editorial line); and finally, to bring to light the differences between developed and emerging countries as far as the commodification of science is concerned.  相似文献   

中学生物学新教材生态学思想初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本以现行中学《生物学大纲》的内容体系与即将在新一轮基础教育改革中使用的《生物课程标准》的内容体系作比较,探讨新教材体系中的生态学思想以及在教学中贯彻这种思想的途径和方法。  相似文献   

The article shows methods and concepts of analysis of the nature of science in science curricula through an exemplary study made in Portugal. The study analyses the extent to which the message transmitted by the Natural Science curriculum for Portuguese middle school considers the nature of science. It is epistemologically and sociologically grounded with particular emphasis on Bernstein's theory of pedagogic discourse and Ziman's conceptualization of science construction. The study used a mixed methodology and followed a dialectical process between the theoretical and the empirical. The results show that the nature of science has a low status in the curriculum with the exception of the external sociological dimension of science. Intra-disciplinary relations between scientific and metascientific knowledge are mostly absent. Recontextualization processes occurred between the two main parts of the curriculum. These results are discussed and their consequences in terms of scientific learning are explored. The mode of analysis used in the study has the potential of highlighting the level of a science curriculum, in terms of specific aspects of the nature of science.  相似文献   

从学科理念、趣味性、能力培养和学科进展四个方面分析了新编人教版初中生物教材的特点,为初中生物教师更好地认识教材,使用教材提供借鉴。  相似文献   

把握核心概念 提高教学有效性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
围绕生物学教学中的核心概念,从界定到实施概念教学,再到巩固提高,分别以具体的教学实例加以解释说明,旨在通过促进三维教学目标中"知识"目标的落实,提高教学的有效性。  相似文献   

科学课程强调科学探究,探究活动作为科学探究的载体,它的设计的好坏将直接影响科学探究的程度和科学教育的效果。香港初中科学教材的探究活动颇具特色,文章从心理学、教学目标和学生的发展特点等方面对其中的特点进行分析,为我国科学教材的编写和修改提供借鉴。  相似文献   

Within the sphere of contemporary social sciences, the terms “modernity,” “post-modernity” and “globalization” have penetrated, as the core concepts, into various fields of social sciences in a logical way. In constituting the concept of “modernity,” sociology of education develops the educational theory, as sociological theory does, into a “grand narrative” and “foundationalist” theory; the contribution of post-modernity is pluralism and self-examination in an attempt to transcend modernity. Globalization, a kind of expanded modernity, makes education sociologists broaden their perspective from single and traditional “nationality,” “society” and “nation” to an international society and even to the global society, which has broken through the research paradigm of modernity with ethnocentrism, anthropocentrism and Euro-centrism. These changes have required urgent constitution of the conceptions and theoretical frameworks of sociology of education to be applied on a global level. __________ Translated from Peking University Education Review, 2006 (1)  相似文献   

学习策略是智力因素和非智力因素有机结合的产物。超级学习就是轻松愉快、调动主体积极性和激发潜能,有效运用学习策略,使学习效果最佳的快速学习。6S超级学习策略是指影响学习的最重要的六大因素及相关策略系统。在应用研究过程中,研究者对学习策略、6S超级学习策略等核心概念的深刻理解,以及学生的学习问题、应用6S超级学习策略解决问题等都是需要了解掌握和熟练操作,是每个研究者予以重视的。因此,对6S超级学习策略应用研究的核心概念和问题的分析阐述很有必要性和针对性。  相似文献   

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