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英国教师评价制度的启示   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
近20年来英国教师评价制度的发展变革启示我们,在评价改革中应当正确处理奖惩与发展的关系;重视教师的积极参与和确立教师的评价主体地位;以课堂为本,全面收集信息,注重过程和表现;充分准备、有力保障,积极稳妥推行教师评价制度。  相似文献   

一、对情感态度与价值观的评价 1.运用激励语言评价 为使学生在课堂学习过程中愉快地学习,我们设计了小学科学课评价激励语一百句,让教师在课堂上及平时日常观察中以丰富的、发自内心的激励语及时表扬学生。教师常常表扬的学生有:勇于尝试动手动脑学科学的学生,不管他们是否{导到出色的成果;能够克服困难动手动脑学科学的学生,尤其是在克服困难时采用了有创意的方法和策略的学生;  相似文献   

区别于传统讲授式课堂,STEM课堂具有学科融合性、真实情境性、项目承载性,然而如何对其展开评价一直是个难题。作为循证评价的重要方式,课堂观察可为STEM教育质量评估提供可靠的教学实践证据与衡量标准。本文通过分析和比较国际典型的六套STEM课堂观察协议(RTOP、OTOP、UTOP、TDOP、COPUS、PORTAAL)发现:在构成要素上,各协议均体现了基于科学探究、先验知识、沟通合作、学科融合的教学方法,发展学生概念思维、批判思维、创新思维与元认知能力的认知目标,倡导自主、民主、互动的课堂文化氛围;在应用情境上,虽然所选协议能够从教学策略、课堂动态、师生互动等方面改善教学,但普遍存在观测学生学习行为不足、忽视技术作用、难以表征实践操作等问题。据此,本文基于探究共同体理论和TPACK框架将STEM课堂解构为教学存在、社会存在、技术存在三个维度,统摄STEM课堂观察的教师行为与学生行为,以学生为中心构建STEM课堂观察的L-PST双罗盘模型;基于评价设计、证据收集、评价实施三环节构建STEM课堂观察评价的三维矩阵,为教师和研究人员理解STEM课堂、选取适切的观察视角与评价工具、实施STEM...  相似文献   

本文探讨以课堂观察为主要教学评价手段,如何从三个维度编写与教学设计相匹配的《课堂教学评价表》,尝试改进区域范围内以教研为目的的听评课教学评价机制,寻求授课教师的主导初中物理课堂教学评价的可能性,力图形成以课堂学习成效作为教学有效性评价重心的、为研究或推介具体课堂问题解决方案的、满足授课教师专业化发展需要的课堂教学评价方案。  相似文献   

刘虹 《英语学习》2023,(10):65-68
中国基础教育已迈入培养核心素养的新时代。当前教师需进一步探究核心素养在课堂落地的具体路径和评价方式,在此基础上,本文立足英语学习活动观,以促进学生发展为目标,从教师和学生双重视角开展听说课课堂行为分析,探究指向学科核心素养目标达成的听说课堂观察量表的建构方式。  相似文献   

李玉山 《教育文汇》2005,(11):39-40
课堂教学的进行不能没有提问。通过提问,教师可以观察和启发学生的思维,引导学生有效地学习;可以吸引学生注意力,给学生更多的参与机会;还可以有效地获得课堂上的信息反馈,发挥教师的评价功能。  相似文献   

吴瑶环 《考试周刊》2023,(38):83-88
课堂学习评价将教学活动与评价活动有机结合,是英语课程教学的重要活动。然而,目前初中英语教师在课堂上采用的学习评价仍然停留在内容单一,教师为主,没有具体、可操作、可检测的教学活动上。文章以人教版九年级Unit 1为例,从教学内容分析、教学目标设计、教学评价活动设计等方面,探索基于单元立意的课堂学习评价活动设计的新思路,以期达成落实立德树人根本任务的目的。  相似文献   

李晖 《机械职业教育》2023,(3):41-45+50
师生互动评价对职业院校教学质量评价的研究具有重要意义,基于当前职业教育课堂评价的现实诉求,以CLASS-S互动分析系统为基础,围绕情感支持、管理支持和教学支持三大领域,结合职业院校课堂教学的特色,有针对性地优化课堂互动评价的具体维度,细化职业院校课堂师生互动观察评价的具体观察点,为后续职业教育开展课堂互动观察评价提供理论工具,施评者的观察资质培训及其具体的应用仍是未来需要继续研究的难题。  相似文献   

本文在观察的基础上概括提出两类不同性质的幼儿教师的课堂教学行为,通过对比,归纳出它们的具体行为特征及其对幼儿课堂行为所造成的影响,从教师的教学态度、教师人格、师德修养和教学技能四个方面揭示两类教师课堂行为差异产生的原因,据此提出几项解决这一问题的针对性策略:改革教师选拔制度;加强教师自身修养;提升专业素养;改革教师评价制度。  相似文献   

沈丹 《广西教育》2013,(45):69-69
课堂评价的目的是为了促进教师的教与学生的学,在课堂评价中,应该以学生的发展为中心,及时、客观地进行评价。评价方式可以是学生之间的评价,也可以是教师对学生的课堂表现作出的定性评价。但是在当今课堂,有两种不太正常的评价现象:一种是一味地表扬鼓励,即使是非常一般性的回答教师为了追求课堂气氛,也来个“你真棒”;再一种就是忽视课堂评价,对学生好和不好的表现统统视而不见。这样的评价手段都是不可取的。本文结合教学实际对数学课堂评价作出一些简单的思考,与大家共勉。  相似文献   

教师专业发展取向的观课活动   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
基于教师专业发展取向的学校同事互助观课活动是教师在职继续教育的一种有效的校本培训方式。互助观课的目的随观课者而定 ,观课的中心内容随观课目的而定。观课前首先要有明确的目的 ,进而确定出观课重点。在观课策略方面 ,一些观课内容可由观课教师和被观课教师共同商定 ,观课期间应围绕中心做好观课记录 ,观课后讨论要针对课题和学生而不是被观课教师 ,最后结论应由观课双方共同完成而不是由观课者单方来作。学校应积极创造有利于观课活动开展的氛围 ,建设良好的观课文化。  相似文献   

This paper examines the significance of live video classroom observations of teaching practice to reduce reactivity (the observer effect) so as to obtain more credible observational information for teacher professional development in a secondary school in the largest city in southern China. Although much has been discussed regarding the use of remote live video classroom observation for professional development, the advantage of remote live video classroom observation in reducing reactivity has often been overlooked. Using the case study method, the research reported here focuses on two components: conducting live video classroom observation and the use of the live video classroom observation in reducing reactivity. This paper suggests that live video classroom observation is effective in reducing reactivity and helps avoid subjective judgement and increase feedback sources, thus providing a solution to compensate for the limitations of traditional classroom observations.  相似文献   

Classroom observations have been increasingly used for teacher evaluations, and it is important to examine the measurement quality and the use of observation ratings. When a teacher is observed in multiple classrooms, his or her observation ratings may vary across classrooms. In that case, using ratings from one classroom per teacher may not be adequate to represent a teacher’s instructional quality. Drawing on the Measures of Effective Teaching (MET) dataset, this study examined the variation of a teacher’s classroom observation ratings across his or her multiple classrooms. The results indicate that the math classrooms accounted for 4.9 to 14.7% of the variance in the classroom observation ratings and English language arts (ELA) classrooms accounted for 6.7 to 15.5% of the variance in the ratings. The results of this study suggest that teachers’ multiple classrooms should be taken into consideration when classroom observation ratings are used to evaluate teachers in high-stakes settings.  相似文献   

The chairman, Dr. Hubalek, asked for comment and discussion on the Paper. The majority of delegates felt that it was an excellent one, agreeing with the main observation. Mr. Ericsson (Sweden) raised the point of teacher training films, which he thought were divided into two categories; (a) special training films and (b) classroom observation films. He felt that unless those films in the second category were edited as a kind of documentation, the better method of classroom observation would be through the medium of television and video-recordings. Dr. Cappel (Germany) spoke about a similar situation in his country. Because of the number of classroom films available, he felt that the need in Germany was far greater for film than video-recording, as it could be shown to a large assembly of 300–400 students compared to a smaller group of approximately 16 students. Several delegates expressed the opinion that both types of recording of classroom situation should be available, 16mm film and video-recording.  相似文献   

教师教育校本培训与同事互助观课浅论   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
观课分为三种类型:作为研究方法的观课、作为考评的观课和同事互助观课,其中“同事互助观课”可以作为校本培训的一种机制。同事互助观课有助于培养教师实际解决课程教学问题的能力,提高教学水平,改进教学行为;有利于鼓励教师审视提升自己的经验,整合教育教学中那些“不确定性”的知识,有效解决从理论到实践的转移问题。为提高观课质量和效果,要在观课的态度、目的、内容和观后的讨论技巧等方面进行培训,注意消除教师的观课心理压力,适当引进专业指导。  相似文献   

课堂观察的方法与工具,需要在观察前进行整体设计。只有根据观察主题与任务选择合适的方法与工具,课堂观察和观察后的评课、议课才能有的放矢。当前中小学的课堂观察准备过程必须要明确其类型,确定其原则,掌握其基本流程;这样才能进行精准、有效的研究,为直接提高课堂教学效益发挥其应有的作用。  相似文献   

Classroom experience is shaped by a number of factors. In this paper, we report a classroom observation study in China, illustrating regional variation in students' classroom learning experiences. Through comparing and contrasting observed classroom practices in three different regions in China (Chongqing, Hong Kong and Shanghai), the paper provides an analysis of the variation in classroom learning experiences of primary school students in China. Our empirical classroom observation data illustrates some key differences in the pedagogy, the use of classroom activities, and the implementation of the curriculum between individual schools. More substantial differences in classroom practices are found when comparing schools from different regions than those within a given city, leading us to conclude that regional impacts on student experience appear to be more important than within-city factors such as the location of a school or its level of facilities.  相似文献   

Summary In this paper we have examined the uses to which direct observation has been put in the study of classroom processes, and taken note of several observation systems possessing a variety of distinct attributes. Problems encountered in the use of observation, chiefly those of obtaining accurate and stable measures, were explored.Future developments in direct observation procedures seem likely to center around several foci. Knowledge about classroom behavior, its correlates, and its effects requires replication and comparison among studies. Inventing new systems prohibits these comparisons. Therefore, users of direct observation are likely to become more interested in the basic dimensions underlying their observational data. This should facilitate the development of sound, behaviorally based instructional theories.Basic instructional dimensions can also be used to generate new observation systems, which are syntheses of the major components of existing systems and which therefore will allow comparisons to these systems. However, these dimensions will be delimited only if researchers take the trouble to investigate and report them.Finally, the use of observation in research and evaluation should increase particularly to measure process variables intervening between the application of a treatment or a new program and outcome variables. As more educators become aware of the potential information available from observation, and as our knowledge of observation system variables increases, observation seems likely to become a standard procedure in classroom evaluation studies and field research.
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Observation directe du comportement en classe

Smartphones are developing rapidly and continually with new features that make them widely used in many contexts. This paper is to reflect on students’ behaviours of using smartphones spontaneously (unplanned use) in the classroom, in a university in Dubai city in UAE. This reflection shall address the following questions: How can the instructors integrate smartphones into the classroom? How will they know that the students are using their phones in a way that relates to and enhances their learning? What are the implications and restrictions? The answers to these questions will illustrate that smartphones should be utilised as teaching tools since they support students’ learning; and therefore, should be allowed in the classroom.  相似文献   

Preservice teachers were randomly assigned to 1 of 2 observation conditions: technology-supported practice in observation (TSPO) plus standard classroom placement observation, n = 31, and classroom placement observation (control), n = 31. Over a 10-week term, TSPO students augmented their classroom placement observations of their mentor teachers by engaging in technology-supported construction and video analysis of those mentors' teaching, while control students engaged in only the classroom placement observations. The authors used an online, computer-supported instrument that elicited written responses during observation of 3 different teaching videos to assess the participants' ability to identify, interpret, and analyze evidence of exemplary teaching. TSPO students significantly outperformed controls on all 3 video tests. Implications of these findings for teacher training in both traditional and online education programs are discussed.  相似文献   

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