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大家都知道,无论在大学、中学还是小学,真正进入课堂教学且使用最多的课件制作软件就是PowerPoint2003了。教师在使用PowerPoint2003备课的过程中积累了很多有关PowerPoint2003制作的基础知识技能和经验。那么,对于一些我们想要的动画效果,是不是可以经过巧妙构思之后,用PowerPoint2003就能够实现呢?  相似文献   

PowerPoint是一个专门用来制作演示文稿的工具软件,可用于课堂教学、学术交流、产品展示、工作汇报等场合的幻灯片制作和演示.PowerPoint还可以进行GIF动画的辅助制作。笔者应用PowerPoint和Ulead GIF Animator软件制作了“减数分裂”GIF动画。快速、灵活地体现了细胞在减数分裂过程中染色体和DNA数量、形态、位置上的变化过程.在实际教学中具有较好的应用价值。  相似文献   

黄卫红  石超 《物理教师》2010,31(1):46-46
多媒体课件,特别是Flash动画的使用使我们的课堂教学增色不少.高中物理教师基本能使用PowerPoint制作多媒体课件,应用Flash制作动画的人却不多,但网络上有大量精致的flash动画,完全可以下载后整合到我们的PowerPoint课件中,笔者就如何在PowerPoint中整合、提取flash动画做一简单介绍.  相似文献   

PowerPoint是一个易学易用的应用软件,大多数教师在制作课件时也比较倾向于这个软件,但在使用PowerPoint制作课件的同时,又总是觉得PowerPoint的动画效果过于简单。虽然使用Flash、Authware等软件可以  相似文献   

张远平 《中小学电教》2012,(Z1):128-129
当前,熟练运用多媒体教学软件已经成为教师课堂教学的基本功之一。多数教师都能使用PowerPoint设计和制作课件,因为PowerPoint简单易用,运行方便。但是近年来,Flash课件逐渐成为课件制作的主流。究其原因,一是Flash表现力强,本身就是个设计工具;二是Flash提供actionScript脚本,具有强大的动画制作功能,如能把设计和脚本应用有效结合起来,制作的Flash课件将具有更  相似文献   

1.如何用PowerPoint制作平抛运动打开PowerPoint新建一个演示文稿,使用绘图工具栏中的椭圆工具绘制一个小圆代表物体,选中该物体并复制若干个,按平抛物体的运动走向依次排好(在排列过程中要注意垂直方向做自由落体运动、水平方向做匀速直线运动。先排水平方向,依次对齐即可;之后排垂直方向,注意两物体之间的距离)。设置这些小圆的出现方式:选定这些小圆,单击“幻灯片放映→自定义动画…”,在弹出的对话框中选择“效果”选项卡,在“动画和声音(E)中”选择“闪烁”、“快速”、“无声音”。单击“时间和顺序”选项卡,在“动画顺序(O)”框中…  相似文献   

PowerPoint是一个操作功能较全、不需要掌握编程技巧、简单易学的软件工具。利用PowerPoint备课,不仅快捷简便,而且美观大方,能充分调动学生的学习积极性,拓宽学生的思路,培养学生的思维能力,达到优化课堂教学效果的目的。 例如,用PowerPoint的动画切换功能备课,可以便捷地在学科知识的抽象性和学生思维的形象性之间搭起一座桥梁。笔者在《长方体和正方体的认识》的备课时,为了突破难点,设计了图1所示的由长方体演变成正方体的动画环节:  相似文献   

1前言PowerPoint2000软件是应用最广泛的办公软件之一,它的主要功能是制作幻灯片,它不像Flash软件那样可轻松制作物体沿着特定轨迹运动的动画。但是,笔者经过研究发现,利用PowerPoint2000软件的“自定义动画”功能可制作出令物体沿着一条睦线(如圆周或抛物线)运动的动画效果,这为教师制作圆周运动、抛体运动等方面的课件提供了方便。下面笔者介绍如何用PowerPoint2000软件制作“地球绕太阳公转”的课件。  相似文献   

PowerPoint课件设计制作中的问题分析及改进对策   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
本文分析了目前在课堂教学中广泛使用的PowerPoint课件在设计制作方面存在的问题,从PowerPoint基本特性分析、PowerPoint课件定位、PowerPoint课件设计制作中应该遵循的原则规律等方面入手,寻求改进PowerPoint课件设计制作中存在问题的方法及对策,从而提高PowerPoint课件设计制作水平,使PowerPoint课件真正成为广大教师教学工作中的得力助手.  相似文献   

PowerPoint是一个幻灯演示文稿制作软件,若能灵活运用,也可制作出较为理想的多媒体课件。下面以PowerPoint2000为例介绍一些实用技巧。一、自动显示标题的设计方法1.插入“艺术汉字”,输入所需显示的文字内容,调整好颜色、大小等属性。2.执行自定义动画命令,选择“右侧飞入”。3.在自定义动画命令的“时间”选项卡中,选择“前一事件0秒”播放动画。这样进行该页画面时,艺术汉字标题即时动态显示出来。二、动态画线的设计技巧1.利用画三条线的方法,画一个三角形ABC。2.把线段AB设为“向下擦除”动画效果;线段BC…  相似文献   

There is accumulating evidence that animations aid learning of dynamic concepts in cell biology. However, existing animation packages are expensive and difficult to learn, and the subsequent production of even short animations can take weeks to months. Here I outline the principles and sequence of steps for producing high-quality PowerPoint animations in less than a day that are suitable for teaching in high school through college/university. After developing the animation it can be easily converted to any appropriate movie file format using Camtasia Studio for Internet or classroom presentations. Thus anyone who can use PowerPoint has the potential to make animations. Students who viewed the approximately 3-min PowerPoint/Camtasia Studio animation "Calcium and the Dual Signalling Pathway" over 15 min scored significantly higher marks on a subsequent quiz than those who had viewed still graphics with text for an equivalent time. In addition, results from student evaluations provided some data validating the use of such animations in cell biology teaching with some interesting caveats. Information is also provided on how such animations can be modified or updated easily or shared with others who can modify them to fit their own needs.  相似文献   

为使PowerPoint课件满足化工实验多媒体教学的要求,利用PowerPoint中的绘图功能、ActiveX控件功能与VBA混合编程,在PowerPoint课件中实现与Excel电子表格等外部文件的数据交换和化工实验过程的动态仿真。基于VBA技术的PowerPoint课件生动直观,动画逼真、交互性强,具有动画模拟实验操作、动态显示实验数据、即时记录实验数据以及及时纠正误操作等功能。  相似文献   

This study examines the effects of including interactive graphic organizers into a whole-class PowerPoint lesson as an instructional approach intended to improve student engagement and generative learning in schools. A software application was developed and integrated into PowerPoint that makes it possible for the instructor to fill in empty graphic organizers during PowerPoint projection mode. The participants were 152 fourth-grade students selected from three schools that were grouped in four classrooms. Each classroom was divided in two groups—graphic organizer and content-based. The graphic organizer group was taught using an 11-slide PowerPoint presentation on a social study topic that included two empty graphic organizers plus two additional slides explaining how to make a comparison. The content-based group was taught using the same presentation but without these additional slides plus a set of questions students had to answer as a class activity. The lessons were recorded and the verbal statements between instructor and students examined using the Flanders Interaction Analysis System. Results indicated significant differences in how instructors and students interacted in each group, including more questions asked by teachers (d?=?1.99) and more students participating in the classroom discussion in the graphic organizer group (d?=?1.76). Learning outcomes showed that the graphic organizer group outperformed the content-based group on a memory test (d?=?.45) and a comprehension test (d?=?.44). These results encourage the use of graphic organizers as an instructional approach, and are consistent with a generative theory of learning.  相似文献   

While researchers are examining the role of playing games to learn, others are looking at using game design as an instructional tool. However, game-design software may require additional time to train both teachers and students. In this article, the authors discuss the use of Microsoft PowerPoint as a tool for game-design instruction and the philosophical justifications for its use. They examine the research that has been conducted using homemade PowerPoint games in the classroom and detail how the implementation of the games has evolved in a manner that reflects the Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge framework.  相似文献   

"归化"是指在翻译过程中采用一种流利通畅的文体,以最大限度地降低外语文本对目标语读者的陌生、疏远感的翻译策略。"异化"特指在翻译过程中,把源语的词汇、句式、语法,文化特点原封不动地引入目标语中,在目标语读者群中产生疏远、陌生的效果。我们在处理汉语商标英译时应遵循归化与异化理论,采用如下对策:重文化,满足不同民族消费心理;体现商标的中华民族文化意蕴;注重语义、语用、功能对等。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:  When students come to class, they bring with them the most powerful processor known to man—the human brain! Our job as teachers is to discover and implement practices that will make the most effective use of those brains. The human brain is a very powerful processor of sensory information, especially with regard to the sense of vision. We can harness the power of the "seeing" brain to enhance students' learning by providing ("feeding") our students with concrete experiences that are replete with information-rich visual explanations, such as images, diagrams, graphs, video clips, animations, anthropomorphic images, cartoons, samples, demonstrations, experiments, and performances of our subject matter, rather than relying on word-only (verbal and/or text) explanations. As far as our brains are concerned, the old saying "A picture's worth a thousand words" is really true! Thus, the focus of this teaching tip is to explore the benefits and practical aspects of "feeding" visual explanations ("food") to the sensory portion of our students' brains to enhance their learning and to encourage others to not only use visual explanations in their teaching, but also to develop visual explanations specific to their subject matter and to share them with others. This article also provides students and instructors alike with 3 animations, in QuickTime format, and a PowerPoint presentation containing a number of example visual explanations. These materials are available as supplementary materials on the journal website and can be downloaded for free educational use.  相似文献   

For more than 20 years, two courses, History, Education, and Guidance of the Deaf/Hard of Hearing and Introduction to Instructional Methods for the Deaf/Hard of Hearing, have been taught at Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania using a traditional lecture format. A state grant provided funding to explore the use of technology to teach online courses to college-age learners who are deaf, hard of hearing, or hearing. Saba Centra software was used as the online tool for the synchronous presentation of course content, which included PowerPoint lecture material, text chat opportunities, sign language-interpreted video, and other forms of class participation (e.g., signaling for questions raised, responding in a "yes/no" format). The present article covers recent successes and challenges in offering online courses in a "virtual classroom" format to deaf and hard of hearing learners, as well as hearing learners, from a qualitative research perspective.  相似文献   

Slideware applications (e.g., PowerPoint) have become more prevalent in instruction across disciplines. This is especially true at post secondary institutions where many instructors are using slideware as a sole instructional tool. This study evaluated the relative effectiveness of scientific visualization in two PowerPoint delivery strategies on science learning for preservice teachers. Twenty-five preservice teachers enrolled in an undergraduate introduction to science education class were stratified into two PowerPoint delivery strategies. The strategies were: PowerPoint with instructor voiceover narration and PowerPoint without voiceover. Post-test Mann-Whitney U suggested no differences (p > 0.05) in science learning across the two strategies. Further, eye tracking analysis suggests voiceover guides the PowerPoint user to graphics and text, but voiceover does not significantly affect learning. Results suggest immediacy with technology doesn't necessarily produce meaningful learning. Good teaching still is the key component of meaningful learning.  相似文献   

为了增强学生的学习兴趣和主动参与精神,我们可以运用PowerPoint做出多层次和交互性强的课件,提高教学效率。于此,阐述了课件的设计思路,以实例介绍了如何运用PowerPoint制作多层次、交互性强的课件,并对该课件进行评析。  相似文献   

在利用PowerPoint教学课件进行讲课时,为了更好的指引学生或者强调所讲内容,教师们往往会使用PowerPoint的实时圈点功能。但是,PowerPoint的实时圈点功能有一个较大的局限和不足:没有提供如直线、方框、圆圈、椭圆等规则图形的圈点功能,而只提供了涂鸦式画线圈点的功能。为此,该文设计并利用VB实现了一个规则圈点工具,有效的弥补了PowerPoint的这一不足。该规则圈点工具的使用,将能大大的提高教师利用PowerPoint课件进行多媒体辅助教学的效率和学生听课的效果,从而提高教学质量。  相似文献   

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