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"子猷访戴"是宋代诗画中的热门题材.在宋人题"访戴图"诗中,诗人们或触画生羡向往画境,或咏叹故实发表议论,或借题发挥感慨人事,或评议画家称美画作,既注情于画内,亦寄怀于画外,不拘一格,诗情画意相得益彰,极大地延展了画作的意蕴,同时也丰富了子猷访戴故事的内涵.宋代诗画艺术中的"子猷访戴"热,是特定的时代风气和士人风气所致,亦与宋代文艺风尚及山水画艺术本身的发展密切相关.  相似文献   

秦是中国封建官职体系建设的重要时期,但过去由于资料匮乏,无从知其详。《睡简》的出土,使我们得以一窥秦官面貌,澄清了一些模糊认识。我们选取了几个官职名称,联系其他秦汉史料,略作梳理。  相似文献   

Ian D. Clark 《Minerva》1974,12(4):416-432

近五百年来玉米在中国境内的传播   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
玉米是16世纪中期传入中国的重要农作物,在近五百年的传播历程中,形成东南海路、西南陆路、西北陆路三条入境传播路径。本文在肯定三条传播路径并存的前提下,指出经由东南海路一线完成的传播空间在国内占主导地位,且无论经由哪条路径,以移民为主要形式的人口流动是推动玉米在中国境内传播的主要动力。并强调经由三条玉米入境传播路径形成的传播区域与中国自然地理格局十分吻合,这样的结果与作物在传播历程中通过环境适应,选择适宜生存的品种直接相关。  相似文献   

先秦"故事俗赋"钩沉   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文对先秦时期 (或成书于西汉而源于先秦时期 )的讲诵故事类“俗赋”和相近作品进行了勾稽 ,对其文体特征进行了分析。认为讲诵故事是早期俗赋的主要职责之一 ,韵诵是其主要传播方式 ,文体上整齐和谐的节奏和韵律是这种传播方式的反映  相似文献   

清晨5时45分,当你打开收音机将指针拨到中波1530或调频107,收音机内当即飘溢出一串温柔而甜美的声音:“各位收音机前的新老听友,大家早上好!欢迎收听城市之声康大夫热线节目……”随着这段“开场白”,今天清晨的康大夫热线节目便正式开始了!这档节目是浙江人民广播电台城市之声  相似文献   

黄巧灵摄影作品选 Selected Photographic Works by Huang Qiaoling 宋城集团董事长黄巧灵,不仅在建造景物上成绩卓著,先后在杭州建起了宋城、杭州乐园、美国城、山里人家等主题公园,而且在摄影艺术上展示出不凡才华。他先后游历考察数十个国家,8年来拍摄了10万张照片,其多部主题摄影集正在筹划出版。造景需要文化,文化深化了景物内涵。一个有良好艺术修养的人,其造景必然别具匠心。  相似文献   

《明清进士题名碑录索引》进士籍贯刊误述论   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
《明清进士题名碑录索引》是学界进士群体社会史研究的重要参考书。众多学者根据该书所载明清进士的籍贯进行分省、分地区统计,以期发现古代人才的地理分布规律。但是,该书进士籍贯的刊误,却在很大程度上影响了人们统计结果的准确性。这些刊误,主要表现为省际进士籍贯刊载互误和省内籍贯刊误两大类,它们有些是延续自《国朝历科题名碑录初集》,有些则是其在编纂过程中新产生的。  相似文献   

本文通过对<仪礼>乐制顺应礼仪主体和主题的论述,通过对变异乐礼文字的比较解读,解析礼乐仪节蕴藏的调理人性、和乐君臣情感、维系社会稳定的调节功能,揭示以乐师、乐器为载体的礼乐文化所负载的鲜明的刚性等级秩序,以及乐礼在具体使用过程中灵活变通的柔性原则和人文关怀的和谐理念.  相似文献   

2002年3月8日,国家档案局邀请文物鉴定委员会专家组,确定了首批48件国家级珍贵遗产档案,江山市<清漾毛氏族谱>位列其中.<国家档案报>公布名录并配以副标题"藏在深闺人未识,件件档案值万金".清漾,这个江郎山下只有百十户人家的村庄,突然成为众多的媒体和研究者关注的焦点.<人民日报><解放日报><文汇报><浙江日报>纷纷撰文介绍.……  相似文献   

The Queen Elisabeth Contest is one of the most prestigious competitions in classical music. For both the artists who participate and for the public, it is important that the ranking of the finalists be affected as little as possible by exogenous factors relating to the organisation of the competition. Still, it is impossible to control for all contingencies. Thus, the ranking can be expected to deviate from that obtained in a hypothetical full-information assessment process. As such, the ranking may be unfair to the candidates and inefficient in providing information to the consumer. Deviations from the full-information ideal may result from self-selection of candidates, from positive information at the margin, and from differences in circumstances. Analysing data on all piano and violin versions of the Contest over the period 1956–1999, we find strong evidence of biases in the rankingprocess. Confirming previous research, we find that musicians who perform later in the final week or later on a given day in this week (on average) obtain a better classification. Further, in the piano competitions women obtain lower rankings and, prior to 1990, finalists from the Soviet Union obtained higherrankings than average. The jury appreciates innovation in the sense that musicians who perform a more recently composed concerto obtain a higher rank. Finally – especiallyfor violin – the candidate's decision to perform a popular concerto leadsto a lower ranking.  相似文献   

《唐律》立法精妙,"一准乎礼",对于"不孝罪",既列举有细致的原则性规定,又在具体司法实践中,区别对待,审慎抉择。虽然难免出现礼法原则之矛盾冲突,但也含有相当的实事求是、平等主义因素,不仅为后来诸朝的立法司法活动提供了成功经验,更对中华传统家庭伦理的涵育养成产生了深远影响,值得今人重视。  相似文献   

This paper examines the experience of 25 large U.S. orchestras over a 21-year period for the presence or absence of the cost disease. Appropriate measures of input and output are discussed. Measures of productivity, compensation per worker, and unit labor costs are calculated and compared to similar measures for the manufacturing sector. The history of ticket prices and attendance is reviewed, and price and income elasticities of demand are estimated. The relationship between all these variables is explored, and some policy recommendations are offered.The author is grateful to Professor William Baumol and two anonymous referees for their helpful comments. She also wishes to thank Heather Dinwiddie and Dan Patterson of the American Symphony Orchestra League for making the orchestra data available. Support for this project was provided by a grant-in-aid of research from Indiana University Southeast.  相似文献   

山东地区文化遗产保护过程中,社区内外民众积极参与、通力合作已经成为文化遗产保护中必不可少的力量。社区内部民众的主动参与,从确立社区民众的文化自觉、完善社区民众的参与机制、注重对社区传承人的保护和拓展文化遗产产业链来实现。社区外部民众的积极参与,从提高外部民众参与积极性、保障外部民众知情权力、创新外部民众参与合作手段和注重外部民众的教育效果来实现。  相似文献   

Despite a substantial literature on the economics of the arts, there has been virtually no analysis of the role of criticism in the market for the arts. This paper discusses a number of problems which emerge in attempting such an analysis.  相似文献   

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