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中小学生成长的文化环境日趋多元化、复杂化。本文通过问卷调查的方法收集到大量数据,为教育机构和教育工作者正确认识影视的正负影响,采取有效措施,提供有力依据。在影视的影响势力日趋强大的时代,家庭、学校、社会各方力量必须联合起来,以帮助中小学生在以影视为主导因素构成的现代文化环境中健康发展。  相似文献   

童谣是学生文化的载体,对中小学生的成长有很重要的影响。而近来兴起的灰色童谣凸显了当前中小学生成长的文化环境的缺陷。改造灰色童谣,重视绿色童谣的创作,为中小学生创设良好的文化环境。从而更好地促进其;身心发展。  相似文献   

影视媒介素养是媒介素养最重要的组成部分。当前中小学影视媒介素养教育存在着负面影响比较大、受欢迎的影视作品不足等问题。应当通过把影视媒介素养教育纳入中小学课程教育体系、加强影视市场管理、重视家长的"疏导"作用、推进学校的流行文化建设、多生产中小学生喜爱的影视产品等对策予以解决。  相似文献   

影视艺术院校德育工作的特殊性,是由特殊教育环境和特殊教育对象决定的。我们应研究掌握影视艺术院校德育工作的特殊性,结合学校实际贯彻落实中央关于加强和改进大学生思想政治教育的精神,以提高德育工作的针对性、实效性和吸引力、感染力。一、影视艺术院校德育工作环境的特殊性和工作对象的特殊性1.德育工作面临各种文化思潮的影响和渗透在改革开放和发展社会主义市场经济的过程中,各种社会思潮相继涌现,我们面临着既要积极吸纳世界各国的优秀文化成果,又要区分和清除封建的、落后的文化影响,抵御西方文化的侵蚀和渗透,保持和发展本民族文…  相似文献   

市场经济的发展,生活节奏的加快,特别是影视、网络等现代传媒的普及,传统戏曲日渐失去统领城乡文化娱乐的主流地位,并呈急剧消失和边缘化的状态。影视、流行歌曲、卡通动漫、网络游戏等快餐文化在广大中小学生中迅速流行,而他们对传统戏曲越来越格格不入,戏曲文化意识越来越淡薄。  相似文献   

《传统戏曲进校园》综合实践活动   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、活动的背景 随着市场经济的发展,生活节奏的加快,特别是影视、网络等现代传媒的普及,传统戏曲逐渐失去了城乡文化娱乐的主流地位,并呈急剧消失和边缘化的状态。影视、流行歌曲、卡通动漫、网络游戏等快餐文化在广大中小学生中迅速流行,而他们对传统戏曲越来越隔膜,戏曲文化意识越来越淡薄。  相似文献   

根据国务院的决定,全国中小学今年9月1日起实行5天学习日。为此,国务院办公厅最近发出通知,指出,安排好中小学生节、假日的休息和活动是各级人民政府、各有关部门以及学校和学生家长的共同责任。 通知说,中小学生的节、假日应以休息为主。为使广大中小学生在节、假日中既能得到充分休息,又能参加有益活动,使他们在良好的社会环境中健康成长,地方各级人民政府和教育、文化、广播影视、新闻出版、体育、科技等部门以及各群众团体,要从培养接班人的高度重视中小学生节、假日的休息和活动安排。地方各级人民政府应召集有关部门共同研究、相互配合,根据各有关部门的职责范围制订具体措施。要加强宣传和监督检查,形成强大的社会舆论,  相似文献   

本研究对四川成都11个区县(含一个代管市)近3000名未成年人及其家长、老师进行问卷调查,旨在以影视文化对成都地区未成年人受众影响的综合研究为契机,探索影视发展之路,为未成年人影视受众研究和节目研究做出一定贡献.本研究紧紧围绕当代社会和文化环境,在寻找成都地区未成年人与影视媒介间的相互关系、互动形态和对接途径中,对反映出来的问题提出相应对策及建议,以期引起社会和主管部门的重视,从而为未成年人的身心健康成长提供更好的媒介环境.  相似文献   

陕西省教育厅等部门决定,把观看爱国主义影视作品作为中小学生的“必修课”,把影视教育纳入中小学教学计划,并要求把影视教育与各科教学紧密结合。全省中小学生每学年至少观看4次以上优秀影片,影视教育普及率达到95%以上,并将影视教育记入学生成长及中学生综合素质评价档案。通过每学期看“必看片”,成立影视兴趣小组、  相似文献   

日趋发达的影视传播媒体,‘让当下儿童的阅读生活多被流光溢彩的图像、形象逼真的画面所占据。面对视觉文化时代,人类阅读介质的变化,一些人试图借助现代影像技术的力量将以语言和文字为中心的传统阅读形式取代,  相似文献   

This study focuses on the understudied connection between teachers’ and students’ perceptions of school culture. Utilizing a longitudinal sample of approximately 130,000 students and 9000 teachers in 225 New York City traditional public schools, we investigate how professional culture among teachers intersects with students’ collective emotional engagement—that is, the extent students together view the school environment as trusting and respectful, both between teachers and students and among students (i.e., student learning culture). We find that when the teachers report a strong collaborative culture, believe they have adequate materials, and feel physically safe, students report a stronger and more positive learning culture. Our results thus fill a gap in prior research on school change that has looked at either teacher or student perceptions of school culture but not the two together. Here, because our results demonstrate such a positive relationship between the collective views of teachers and the collective views of students regarding the environment in which these groups work, they suggest new avenues for research to examine how such subcultures within a school may, together, act as critical and interdependent levers for school change.  相似文献   

李明华 《中国德育》2006,1(11):36-39,74
中学生违法犯罪已成为当前一个令人关注的社会热点问题。中学生违法犯罪主要原因是中学生身心发展失衡、教育失调和社会文化失范。要预防中学生违法犯罪,就要建立一个多环节、多层次的预防体系,包括组织网络体系、维权保护体系、教育监护体系、法律保障体系和理论研究体系。  相似文献   

建设学校文化,必须坚持以人为本,坚持以学生为主体,用尊重人,理解人,关心人的原则建立价值观体系,应当动员全体师生参与学校文化建设,加强引导,形成学校的特色文化。  相似文献   

The adjustment of non-English speaking immigrant students to learning was explored by comparing the learning characteristics of immigrant students with those of a matched group of Canadian students. Eleven immigrant students and eleven Canadian students from three grade 4 classrooms in three schools in a large Western Canadian urban school system were assessed on academic achievement, attitude to school, English proficiency, academic self-concept, and quality of teacher-student interaction. Data on attitudes of teachers toward immigrant students and on attitudes of parents of immigrant students towards the mother culture and learning in a second culture were also collected. Results indicated that immigrant students did not differ significantly from Canadian students on any of these variables. Findings were supported by other Canadian studies on immigrant students and the research on second language learning. The adjustment of immigrant students to learning appeared to be dependent upon three factors: length on time in the second culture, the proportion of immigrant students within a classroom, and the cultural harmony in both home and school settings.  相似文献   

依据“新基础教育”研究性实践的经验,借鉴文化发展心理学和生态学的研究观点,本文着重探讨了以学生发展工作为主题的学校文化生态建构问题。学校文化生态建构的目标是培养学生自我完善的价值取向。为实现这一核心目标,学校文化生态建构必须充分考虑儿童发展和文化运作的机制。敏锐觉察儿童发展的势头,顺势开发儿童潜能,将学生组织建成文化生态系统,让学生在文化活动中建构自己的发展。本文从学校文化生态组织、学校文化生态能源及功能、学校文化活动设计角度和主要活动形态几方面探讨了学校文化生态建构问题。  相似文献   

本科生提前进入实验室开展科研活动当前受到各高校广泛关注。华中农业大学将实践创新能力培养作为高素质创新人才培养的关键,设立创新基金,构建创新平台,营造了浓厚的创新氛围,大力推进了本科生的科技创新活动,并受到相关部门和社会的好评。以学生组建小组开展水面垃圾清理收集船的制作为例,就本科生开展科研训练,提出了在科技创新活动中要紧扣兴趣驱动、过程体验、学术交流三个要点。  相似文献   

Thao  Yer J. 《The Urban Review》2003,35(1):25-42
This article examines how home and school factors affect the education of Mong students in the U.S., a group that, by in large, is not faring well academically. The study is based on related research and interviews with teachers, students, and the parents of a group of Mong elementary school students in northern California. The findings reveal that Mong students' negative schooling experiences are exacerbated by the mismatch between the home and school culture, by misconceptions and labeling by parents and teachers, and by issues pertaining to their attempts to assimilate into American society. Therefore, Mong students experience a culture clash at home and at school. Conversely, Mong students are empowered by a culturally relevant curriculum, and a school environment that values their culture, and that utilizes their parents as resources. Hence, they need more support from both parents and teachers.  相似文献   

Since the 1970s, school effectiveness research has looked for process-variables filling the black box between mainly structural school features and cognitive outcomes in students. Two concepts came to the fore: school climate and school culture. Both concepts are currently used interchangeably, although it is open to debate whether both are actually the same thing. Because of the way culture and climate are defined and subsequently measured, we propose school culture is a better frame from which to study school effectiveness. This article goes through the premises of perceptual measurement usually overlooked in climate research, and we demonstrate empirically by means of very basic and simple methods and techniques that perceptual measurement and measurement based on assumptions are different approaches and might yield totally different results on an aggregated level. We conclude by demonstrating how culture can be probed and integrated in the models traditionally used in school effectiveness research in an advantageous and theoretically sound way.  相似文献   

This paper explores the link between teacher research and whole school change. As the authors investigated three US schools described as having close ties between teacher research and school culture, they discovered that moving teacher research out of individual classrooms and into entire schools is astonishingly difficult work filled with paradox and seeming-impossibilities. They offer six key paradoxes and conclude that when these paradoxes are managed, teacher research has the potential to affect both the culture of schools and the experience of teaching and learning for students and teachers alike.  相似文献   

柔婉清雅又丰厚多姿的吴地民间音乐对于当代中学生来说既熟悉又陌生,优秀吴文化传承的根应该在学校,研究吴地民间音乐融入中学校园,要从挖掘地方音乐教学资源入手,加强吴地音乐的课程化研究,在交流与实践中引导学生在熟悉的旋律中引起亲切的情感共鸣,让吴方言的民间曲调、歌谣能代代传唱下去,在全球化过程中留下吴文化的精、气、神,留住民族的根。  相似文献   

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