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橄榄球运动具有团体性项目中最为激烈的对抗性,这导致橄榄球运动员出现运动损伤的风险是显著的,因此如何针对橄榄球运动损伤进行有效预防成为教练员和运动员们所关注的内容。该研究主要基于英语文献,对橄榄球项目的运动损伤特征、影响因素及监控策略进行了梳理与分析,研究表明(1)橄榄球运动员的损伤类型、部位和严重程度具有明显的橄榄球专项特征,依据橄榄球运动员主要损伤类型、部位及严重程度采取针对性的预防措施能够降低球队的伤病风险;(2)橄榄球运动员运动损伤的影响因素主要包括伤病史、比赛与训练负荷、竞技水平、年龄与性别、接触动作、球员位置以及疲劳,依据运动损伤影响因素对训练和比赛过程进行合理控制能够减少运动损伤对球队整体竞技能力的影响;(3)橄榄球运动员的损伤监控策略主要包括运动损伤预筛查、建立运动损伤监测系统以及进行多学科合作参与,通过对橄榄球运动损伤监控策略的应用和探索可以从根源上提高橄榄球队的运动损伤监控效果。  相似文献   

目的:探索江苏省橄榄球运动员运动损伤及康复服务保障的现状。方法:对81名现役橄榄球运动员以横断面的形式在全省范围内进行了运动损伤及康复服务保障的现状调查,内容包括年龄、性别、运动年限、运动等级、运动损伤、康复保障和满意度等。结果:共统计81名江苏省橄榄球运动员,其中男运动员38人,女运动员43人,平均19.0±3.0岁。总计损伤260处,损伤率100.0%,平均损伤3.2处;最容易受伤的部位为踝关节(16.8%)、膝关节(14.1%)、肩关节(9.9%)、腰椎(8.0%)、手掌/手指(8.0%);运动员在专项训练(71.6%)和比赛(70.4%)中受到运动损伤的概率非常高;队医在运动损伤的治疗中占据着很重要的部分,也很受运动员信任(76.5%);而队医数量相对来说并不能够满足治疗运动损伤的需求;关于康复服务保障,各部门之间团队合作(60.5%)还是比较欠缺的,导致运动员损伤未恢复就归队训练(48.1%)甚至进一步加重伤势(46.2%)、带伤训练(53.1%)的情况还是十分普遍的;运动员对于医疗和康复保障的满意度很高(97.5%),但也表示了需要更加专业的团队等理性诉求。结论:江苏省橄榄...  相似文献   

橄榄球是目前国家体育总局小球运动管理中心所要重点发展的项目,但其激烈性、对抗性可导致多种运动损伤的发生。为了防止过多橄榄球运动损伤的发生,我们通过查阅大量文献资料以及随队参加全国比赛的实践经历,系统阐述橄榄球运动员颈部的损伤的机制,以及相关诊断知识与防护措施。通过分析损伤机制我们发现可以通过增加肌肉力量、完善技术动作和使用护具的方法对橄榄球运动损伤进行防护,并且起到了很好的效果。  相似文献   

本研究目的是探讨应激、竞赛焦虑、心境状态、社会支持和运动损伤的关系。具体研究假设为:(1)足球运动员和橄榄球运动员应激和竞赛特质焦虑水平越高,运动损伤率和损伤程度可能越大;(2)较高竞赛特质焦虑水平和较差的心境状态可能增加运动损伤率或加重损伤程度;(3)健康的社会支持体系将有助于处理生活压力,进而减少损伤率和减轻损伤程度。  相似文献   

采用文献资料法、问卷调查法、专家访谈法及数理统计法,以2006、2007及2008级60名山东体育学院运动训练专业橄榄球专项学生为研究对象,对橄榄球专项学生参加橄榄球运动产生运动损伤的常见部位、受伤原因进行了调查与分析,结果表明:山东体育学院橄榄球专修学生的运动损伤部位主要有膝、踝、颈、肩等;损伤的性质以急性损伤为主;损伤的主要原因是技术动作不正确、准备活动不充分、局部负担过重等。  相似文献   

伤病是运动员体育人生的最大障碍,许多才华横溢的运动员因为伤病而早衰早退,但运动训练中伤病又难以避免。因此,伤病后的康复是每个运动员必须面对的课题。本专栏节选2012年度国际上关于运动损伤康复的有关文章,分别为青少年体育运动中团队项目与个人项目受伤风险的不同;教练员对运动员运动损伤后压力一相关成长的认知;运动损伤后心理干预的作用;运动中股后肌拉伤的概率、机制及风险因素。从不同角度给广大运动员及教练员以启示与借鉴。  相似文献   

长宁中学获得上海区冠军 美式橄榄球因为它够劲道够刺激而成为美国第一大运动、强壮的运动员们戴上头盔、披上战袍、就如古时出征的士兵.充满阳刚.万众瞩目。其实在美国.这些优秀的橄榄球运动员在少年时代都曾接受过最有效的橄榄球训练方式.那就是——腰旗橄榄球。  相似文献   

不管是成年人还是青少年,不管是业余体育爱好者还是专业运动员,在体育运动中都有受伤的风险.国外研究发现,在所有青少年的伤病中,由运动引起的占11%.随着青少年运动员运动水平的提高,由运动引发的伤病也随之增多.在众多对体育运动优、缺点的评估中,运动损伤开始成为主要评价因素,尤其是处于生长发育阶段的青少年运动人群.考虑到运动损伤的发生会对运动员的成绩产生巨大影响,甚至给运动者带来永久性伤痛,因此,运动项目的规则制订越来越受到重视,比如体操、游泳和一些重竞技运动项目.然而,一些人们熟知的球类项目如足球、手球和篮球等,由于参与人数多,依然存在大量的运动损伤,因此,本文运用数理统计法、实地调查法等,通过调查上海市杨浦区足球、手球和篮球项目302名(足球运动员152名,手球运动员94名,篮球运动员56名)青少年运动员的运动损伤情况,分析青少年运动员运动损伤的发生机理,旨为完善运动损伤的防御措施,更好地保护青少年运动员的成长.  相似文献   

为预防、减少或避免我国冰雪项目青年运动员的运动损伤,运用运动医学领域中研究流行病的方法,对我国冰雪项目青年运动员的运动损伤特点及致因进行研究.研究结果表明,我国冰雪项目青年运动员运动损伤发生率较高,男性运动员运动损伤的发病率高于女性,运动损伤具有重复性和多发性的特点;青年冰球运动员和自由式滑雪运动员运动损伤发生率相对较高;膝关节、腰背部和踝关节是运动损伤的高发部位;运动损伤的类型呈现多样化,扭伤、擦伤、挫伤及摔伤较为常见;冰雪项目青年运动员的伤病以急性损伤和中、轻度损伤为主;动作技术失误是导致我国冰雪项目青年运动员运动损伤的主要致因.  相似文献   

田径高水平运动员运动损伤风险因素的评估与对策分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过文献资料调研、专家访谈、问卷调查、逻辑分析和统计处理等方法对田径运动员运动损伤风险因素进行研究,从6个维度:身体形态与机能因素、身体素质因素、训练组织因素、心理因素、环境因素和自我管理因素等进行评测,结合帕累托分析和列表排序法对运动员致伤风险因素进行评估,并提出了田径项目高水平运动员损伤致伤主要风险的预防对策,以期为田径运动员回避和降低损伤致伤风险,保证正常训练和比赛提供参考.  相似文献   

There is a high incidence of injuries in rugby union due to the physical nature of the game. In youth rugby union, there are large variations in injury rates reported. Our study investigated the rates of injuries in school-level rugby union players in Australia using the consensus statement for rugby union injuries. Injury surveillance was conducted on 480 rugby players from 1 school in Queensland, Australia. Injury data were collected using paper-based injury recording forms during the 8-week rugby season using a “medical-attention” injury definition. In total, 76 players sustained one or more injuries, with a total of 80 injuries recorded. The overall injury rate was 31.8 injuries/1000 match player hours (95% CI, 25.4–39.4). Concussion had an incidence rate of 6.0/1000 match player hours (95% CI, 3.5–9.6). The incidence of upper limb and lower limb injuries were 9.1 and 9.9/1000 match player hours, respectively (95% CI, 5.9–13.5 and 6.6–14.5). The older age divisions had higher injury rates and most injuries occurred while tackling or being tackled. The injury rates observed in this sample of Australian school rugby union players provides direction for future studies to enable informed decisions relating to development of injury prevention programmes at this level of rugby.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to define the incidence and nature of match injuries sustained in men’s international under-20 rugby. The study comprised an 8-season prospective study of 16 international under-20 rugby tournaments. Procedures complied with the consensus statement for epidemiological studies in rugby. Outputs included players’ mean age, stature and body mass and incidence, severity, location, type and cause of match injuries. The overall incidence of injury was 49.7 injuries/1000 player-match-hours (backs: 48.3; forwards: 50.9) with a mean severity of 32.2 days-absence (backs: 29.4; forwards: 34.4). There were no significant changes in incidence or severity of injury over the study period. Shoulder/clavicle (18.3%), head/face (16.4%), knee (13.7%) and ankle (13.7%) were the most common injury locations and ligament sprain (35.4%), haematoma/bruise (15.9%), concussion (12.5%) and muscle strain (11.2%) the most common types of injury. Being-tackled (29.2%), tackling (24.0%) and collisions (14.3%) were the most common events leading to injury. The results confirm that international under-20 rugby has a high incidence and severity of injury but the incidence is half that reported for senior international players. There was no significant change in the overall incidence of injury at the Under-20 level in the period 2008 to 2016.  相似文献   

Artificial rugby union playing surface installation is increasing. This prospective cohort study aimed to examine the effect of playing surface on match injury types within 157 players of two UK professional rugby union clubs playing 209 matches (96 on artificial surfaces and 113 on grass) over three seasons. There was no difference in overall injury risk between the two playing surfaces with injury incidence on artificial 80.2 (CI 69.9–91.7) and on grass 81.9 per 1000 match-hours (CI 72.2–92.5), with an incidence rate ratio (RR) of 0.98 (CI 0.82–1.17). There was a higher rate of concussion (RR 0.52, CI 0.34 – 0.78) and chest injuries on grass (RR 0.26 CI 0.07, 0.95), and a higher rate of thigh haematoma (RR 2.25, CI 1.05–4.82) foot injuries (RR 4.12, CI 1.10, 15.40) and injury to players being tackled (RR 1.46, CI 1.00, 2.15) on artificial. Whilst there was no higher injury risk for matches played on artificial versus natural grass surfaces, the higher incidence of concussion and chest injury on grass, and the higher rate of foot injuries on artificial surfaces may be related to tackle and footwear-to-surface interface factors.  相似文献   

Hamstring strains are one of most common sports injuries. The purpose of this literature review is to summarize studies on hamstring strain injury rate, mechanism, and risk factors in the last several decades with a focus on the prevention and rehabilitation of this injury. Hamstring injury commonly occurs in sporting events in which high speed sprinting and kicking are frequently performed, such as Australian football, English rugby, American football, and soccer. Basic science studies have demonstrated that a muscle strain injury occurs due to excessive strain in eccentric contraction instead of force, and that elongation speed and duration of activation before eccentric contraction affect the severity of the injury. Hamstring strain injury is likely to occur during the late swing phase and late stance phase of sprint running. Shortened optimum muscle length, lack of muscle flexibility, strength imbalance, insufficient warm-up, fatigue, lower back injury, poor lumbar posture, and increased muscle neural tension have been identified as modifiable risk factors while muscle compositions, age, race, and previous injuries are non-modifiable risk factors. The theoretical basis of some of these risk factors, however, is lacking, and the results of clinical studies on these risk factors are inconsistent. Future studies are needed to establish the cause-and-effect relationships between those proposed risk factors and the injury.  相似文献   

Laceration injuries account for up to 23% of injuries in rugby union. They are frequently caused by studded footwear as a result of a player stamping onto another player during the ruck. Little is known about the kinetics and kinematics of rugby stamping impacts; current test methods assessing laceration injury risk of stud designs therefore lack informed test parameters. In this study, twelve participants stamped on an anthropomorphic test device in a one-on-one simulated ruck setting. Velocity and inclination angle of the foot prior to impact was determined from high-speed video footage. Total stamping force and individual stud force were measured using pressure sensors. Mean foot inbound velocity was 4.3 m ? s?1 (range 2.1–6.3 m ? s?1). Mean peak total force was 1246 N and mean peak stud force was 214 N. The total mean effective mass during stamping was 6.6 kg (range: 1.6–13.5 kg) and stud effective mass was 1.2 kg (range: 0.5–2.9 kg). These results provide representative test parameters for mechanical test devices designed to assess laceration injury risk of studded footwear for rugby union.  相似文献   

Abstract We investigated the relationship between skill qualities and contact injury risk in professional rugby league players. Sixty-six professional rugby league players aged 23?±?4 years (mean?±?s) participated in this three-year prospective study. Players underwent assessments of tackling proficiency, dual-task draw-and-pass proficiency, reactive agility, pattern recall, and pattern prediction. The frailty model was applied to calculate the adjusted risk ratios of injury. When the players' age and playing position were adjusted in the frailty model, the risk ratios showed that reactive agility was a predictor for the risk of injury. Players with reactive agility decision times of >80?ms had a lower incidence (relative risk?=?0.68, 95% CI 0.47-0.98, P?=?0.04) of injuries than players with reactive agility decision times of ≤80 ms. Although there was no relationship between injury and the majority of skill qualities (P?=?0.47-0.93), players with poor reactive agility performances (specifically longer decision times) had a lower risk of injury, suggesting that poor perceptual skill is protective against contact injuries in professional rugby league players. These players might inadvertently avoid the heavy collisions that result in injury, or at best result in partial contact that does not result in exposure to the full force of a tackle.  相似文献   

运动员在训练和比赛过程中遭遇的伤病风险属职业风险范畴,虽属个人风险,但具有社会性,运动员伤病风险应纳入社会保险保障范围。肇因于运动员"伤与病"的纠缠,运动员伤病风险的社会法规制路径一直摇摆不定。随着运动员职业化改革的推进,运动员伤病风险与工伤保险的同构性以及与医疗保险的异质性共同昭示了运动员伤病风险的工伤保险保障路径。社会法规制效果的彰显需要通过运动员伤病风险保障的理念更新、规范创制和制度协调共同推进。  相似文献   

运动员在训练和比赛过程中遭遇的伤病风险属职业风险范畴,虽属个人风险,但具有社会性,运动员伤病风险应纳入社会保险保障范围。肇因于运动员"伤与病"的纠缠,运动员伤病风险的社会法规制路径一直摇摆不定。随着运动员职业化改革的推进,运动员伤病风险与工伤保险的同构性以及与医疗保险的异质性共同昭示了运动员伤病风险的工伤保险保障路径。社会法规制效果的彰显需要通过运动员伤病风险保障的理念更新、规范创制和制度协调共同推进。  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to determine the ability of individuals with a cervical spinal cord injury to achieve and sustain a cardiorespiratory training intensity during wheelchair rugby. Nine wheelchair rugby players completed a continuous peak exercise test on a SciFit Pro I arm ergometer with stage increases each minute to determine peak heart rate and power output. Approximately one week after peak exercise testing, heart rate was recorded (every 5 s) during three regularly scheduled rugby training sessions. Data were analysed to determine the number of continuous minutes that participants spent above 70% of heart rate reserve under various rugby training activities. The percent of time spent at or above 70% heart rate reserve varied across participants and conditions. Continuous pushing was the least variable training condition among participants with the sample averaging greater than 73% of time above the target heart rate. Scrimmage training was highly variable across participants with a range of 0% to 98% of time above the criterion. Results of this study indicate that wheelchair rugby training enables some participants to reach a training intensity associated with improved cardiorespiratory fitness, and that the type (or kind) of training activity dictates the extent to which individuals sustain such a threshold.  相似文献   

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