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College students graduating in a recession have been shown to face large and persistent negative effects on their earnings, health, and other outcomes. This paper investigates whether students delay graduation to avoid these effects. Using data on the universe of students in higher education in Brazil and leveraging variation in labor market conditions across time, space, and chosen majors, the paper finds that students in public institutions delay graduation to avoid entering depressed labor markets. A typical recession causes the on-time graduation rate to fall by 6.5% in public universities and there is no effect on private institutions. The induced delaying increases average graduation by 0.11 semesters, consistent with 1 out of 18 students delaying graduation by one year in public universities. The delaying effect is larger for students with higher scores, in higher-earnings majors, and from more advantaged backgrounds. This has important implications for the distributional impact of recessions.  相似文献   

高等院校应通过多种途径来营造校园和谐文化氛围,而美术馆则是构建高校校园和谐文化的重要组成部分。充分发挥高校美术馆在高校文化建设中的作用,并将高校美术馆打造成提高当代大学生文化艺术素质的平台,这应是新时代高校发展的重要条件之一,也是我国高校走向世界,与国际对话交流的一种有效途径。  相似文献   

网络信息环境的发展,社会信息量的急剧增长,对现代社会的方方面面正在产生着重大而深远的影响。推进网络明建设,是我国网络事业健康发展的必要保证。高校一定要防止有害信息侵蚀,为学生营造绿色上网环境。  相似文献   

建设社会主义核心价值体系,推动社会主义文化大发展大繁荣,是党的十七大提出的重大战略任务。高校美术专业师生在文化建设中有着特殊地位。应该把对高校美术专业师生的社会主义核心价值体系教育放在更加突出的位置.  相似文献   

艺术文化是大学文化甚至是教育文化的组成部分,而我国现有高等教育存在较为严重的艺术文化缺失现象。艺术文化在高校教育中对学生提高素质、健全意识和创造成果等方面具有的重要价值。因此,艺术文化对于高等教育的重要作用不能被忽视,需要在校园文化建设、师资队伍建设、学生活动引导等方面进行培育,并通过社会服务、人才培养、文化传承等途径来不断彰显高校艺术文化。  相似文献   

大学艺术教育是提升人才培养质量的重要途径。艺术教育具有社会文化改造价值、道德塑造价值以及提升想象力的价值。目前中国高校的艺术教育存在课程设置非科学性与随意性、师资队伍零散性、经费投入过低与基础条件不足等诸多亟需解决的问题。当前需要高校与相关机构澄清艺术教育价值、强化艺术教育管理机构建设;优化课程目标、构建综合化的课程体系;加大专项投入、改善艺术教育环境。  相似文献   

当前高职院校大学生艺术团建设管理不规范、缺乏专业指导,组建一个机构健全、制度完善、排练演出运作规范、具有较高艺术水平、统领校园文化艺术活动的"艺术中心",对切实加强大学生艺术团的建设与管理,有力促进高职院校校园文化建设、丰富校园文化生活、营造和谐校园文化氛围、提升高校的社会形象具有重要意义。  相似文献   

作为培养高等人才的高校,增强美术教育力度,加强美术鉴赏课的教学是非常必要的:通过美术鉴赏课教学能够使学生树立正确的审美观,提高其审美能力;能够开阔学生的眼界,提高其文化修养;能够提高学生的道德修养,是进行爱国主义教育的重要手段。  相似文献   

There is little observational evidence of the effects of interaction between different cultures in international links between higher education institutions. The newly released reports of the attempts by British Officials to reconstruct German universities after 1945 provide a unique record of the problematic areas of tradition and of management in a situation of broad cultural difference aggravated by political stress. The evidence has interesting implications for an evaluation of European institutions and for current experiences in other countries undergoing rapid change.  相似文献   

红色经典艺术是中国共产党艺术实践的结晶,对学生艺术素养、人文精神、道德人格等方面有着深远的教育意义。延安大学借助获批国家红色经典艺术教育示范基地有利时机,大力推进红色经典艺术教育,通过加强领导,健全机构,突出特色,创新活动,引导示范,提升质量等途径建设红色经典艺术教育示范基地,取得了一些成绩,对高等学校红色经典艺术教育有一定的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

In recent years, higher education institutions have been encouraged to engage more strongly with their local communities, and address their historically weak links with their surrounding populations. In the latter part of the twentieth century, a number of community universities were established in the South of Brazil, characterised by democratic local community involvement, expansion of access in non-metropolitan regions, and close ties with local industry. This article analyses these innovative institutions in relation to the complex demands of the so-called knowledge economy and multifaceted relationships between public and private, exploring the ways in which the public good role of universities manifests itself in relation to the local. Given their hybrid nature – independent from the state but with a public good mission – these institutions can be seen to represent a new model of non-state public higher education. Implications are drawn out for the potential role of these institutions in the current policy context of Brazil, and internationally, in light of their context-specificity and the significant challenges from the highly commercialised for-profit sector.  相似文献   

In this article, I intend briefly to present some views of how cultural expressions can be used as a basis of artistic education of an indigenous people in a particular area. In the past 30 years, indigenous peoples have demanded that their cultural expressions (and knowledge) be included in higher education; to achieve this, they have applied diverse strategies. This integration is, however, a complex process, as universities or institutions of higher education often have to follow national programmes and regulations concerning higher education. Nevertheless, many indigenous peoples have attempted, in their regions, to create art programmes for higher education, often as part of another art programme, or as an independent programme. The case that I use in the presentation is based on my work at Sámi allaskuvla/the Sámi University College in Guovdageaidnu (Kautokeino) in the Sámi area of Norway. The main question here is: How and under what conditions is it possible to launch higher art education that has duodji as its foundation? A key question is what the significance of the overall discourse and praxis that has emerged and developed in indigenous societies is when it is transferred to higher education.  相似文献   

高职教育中的美育渗透   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高职教育的发展需要加强人文精神的内涵,其中审美教育是最重要的组成部分之一.审美教育就是要培养健全和谐的人,把审美教育渗透到高职教育的各个方面和环节之中.通过教师的言行渗透审美教育;通过课程教学渗透审美教育;通过开设各类艺术欣赏选修课,帮助学生建立审美意识;通过开展丰富多彩的校园文化活动,引导学生进行审美实践和创美实践;通过创造优美和谐的校园环境渗透审美教育.  相似文献   

There are many studies about the experiences of higher education students, but few analyse their representations of the governance and the management of their institutions. Our study will describe, analyse and compare students' representations of institutional evaluation at three institutions in Portugal and Brazil. Our results, based on an open questionnaire which sought to collect students' views on institutional evaluation, show that students' views are neither homogeneous nor do they simply reproduce the dominant external perspectives on the subject. A significant amount of students thought that evaluation is a legitimate exercise, resulting from a political decision, which is useful to improve the quality of universities and the relationship between students and academic staff. Some students also recognize that evaluation will lead to institutional comparisons, functioning as a mechanism of control, regulation, monitoring, and possibly of standardization. It is also noted to be ‘an impossibility’, since it can never comprehend the existing diversity of institutional performance.  相似文献   

对来华留学生的中华文化认同教育是提升国家文化软实力的重要途径之一.基于浙江省五所高校的来华留学生调查问卷数据分析,目前高校留学生对中华文化的认同总体趋于积极正向,且汉语水平对留学生中华文化认同的影响较显著.针对来华留学生中华文化认同的现状,应在树立文化平等意识的基础上,通过加强语言与文化教学的融合、优化对外汉语教学策略...  相似文献   

张茹茹  王丹 《成人教育》2021,41(2):83-85
近年来,随着国家对素质教育的重视程度逐渐提高,艺术素质教育受到了高度重视,但同时,高校成教学生艺术素质教育也面临着挑战与发展机遇。基于此,通过剖析当前高校成教学生的艺术素质教育现状,对高校成教生的艺术素质教育方式方法提出改进意见,旨在通过艺术素质教育改革推动人才的全面发展。  相似文献   

随着信息时代的到来,网络恶搞之风席卷高校,对当代青年大学生的世界观、人生观、价值观产生了负面影响,在一定程度上降低了大学生思想政治教育的效果。本文分析了网络恶搞的来源及表现形式,从个体心理层面和社会文化层面分析了网络恶搞成因,阐述了网络恶搞的危害及给大学生思想政治教育工作带来的挑战,提出了进一步加强和改进大学生思想政治教育的策略。  相似文献   

Equitable educational access is a hallmark of truly international universities, and higher education institutions operating in an international context have a responsibility to incorporate the principles of equity and justice espoused under international conventions. This paper considers the implications of internationalisation for students with a disability, it focuses on study abroad, exchange and international students travelling to Australia, and Australian students travelling to universities outside Australia. The paper considers the curriculum implications of the internationalisation of education for students with a disability and utilises Murray-Seegert's (1993) ecological theory of diversity to explore the ways cultural factors affect opportunities for inclusion of students with a disability in the higher education sector. The authors also examine the effect of the advance in information technology, the implications for inclusive curriculum, and the complexities inherent in cross-cultural expectations on students with a disability.  相似文献   

从传播学、社会学、文化学视角对高校校园网络文化的传播作出了相应探讨和分析,认为校园网络给高校文化的传播带来了新格局,提出通过加强高校网络文化主体、文化内容及文化队伍的这三个层面的建设,来促进高校校园网络文化科学、合理的发展.  相似文献   

校园周边环境对大学生产生了较大的负面影响。高校应积极应对。加强校园文化建设是有效途径,表现在构建物质文化环境、学术文化环境、社团文化环境、高校管理文化环境等。同时,增强大学生参与改造社会环境的影响力和与环境的互动力是提高其防御能力的根本。  相似文献   

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