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Four year initial teacher education courses have recently undergone radical reform, in particular in relation to the time that students spend in schools. Through the introduction of mentorship programmes, teachers have become very much more involved in training the students whilst they are in school. How do teachers view the changes that have been introduced? Do they agree with the principles and models that guided the developments? Headteachers and class teachers who acted as mentors for students from the University of Reading have supplied some answers. They are very committed to the model of student learning upon which the mentorship programme is built, the belief that schools and the university must work in partnership to implement and further develop the mentorship programme and the view that schools need to adopt a whole school approach to their involvement in initial teacher education. These findings indicate that the teachers agree with the underlying principles that guided the development of the mentorship programme in which they are involved and they are supportive of the resulting changes to school experience.  相似文献   

Uswatun Qoyyimah 《Compare》2018,48(4):571-589
This paper describes research on how curriculum reform provides novel conditions for influencing teacher professionalism. It draws on Bernstein’s theories of the ‘classification and framing’ of curriculum and theories of teacher professionalism to investigate the impact of curriculum reform on teacher professionalism. The research was conducted in Indonesia during the implementation of a school-based curriculum that grants teachers greater autonomy to develop curricula appropriate to their context. A second concurrent reform introduced a character education policy that requires all teachers to address a specific set of values in all classes. Teachers working in public and Islamic private secondary schools were interviewed to investigate the degree of professionalism they exercised when implementing these reforms. Although theories of curriculum reform suggest that the higher degree of autonomy offered by a school-based curriculum has the potential to re-professionalise teachers, this study observed different outcomes for teachers in different workforce environments in Indonesia.  相似文献   

In an effort to make decisions about teacher education policy and practice that were informed by research and evidence, participants in Boston College's ‘Teachers for a New Era’ Evidence Team (http://www.teachersforanewera.org) designed a portfolio of assessments and studies. This article describes one project in the portfolio – a series of surveys that trace teacher candidates' experiences over time and track shifts in these experiences as respondents progress from students during the pre‐service period to teachers in the first few years of work in the profession. The article illustrates how various constituencies in the teacher education programme and the larger university used survey data to guide practice, shape policies, and raise new questions about the curriculum, relationships with schools, and the performance of teachers and their pupils. The article argues that these surveys helped to create a new ‘culture of evidence and inquiry’ within which decisions about local policy and practice were made in the teacher preparation programme and the larger university.  相似文献   

This paper summarises the findings of the research and development project, ‘Supporting Primary Art’ which was established at the Centre for the Study of the Arts in Primary Education at the Rolle Faculty of Education of the University of Plymouth in October 1992 with support and funding from the Calouste Gulbenkian and Paul Hamlyn Foundations. It is the intention of the project to investigate the response of teachers in primary schools to the introduction of the national curriculum in art and, on the basis of the understandings gained, to develop and evaluate appropriate forms of in-service training and support materials to address those difficulties and concerns identified by teachers in meeting the overall requirements of the Statutory Orders for Art. The project has in mind the significant advantage to the development of art and design education in our schools that is presented by the introduction of the national curriculum in art and the opportunities here to reinforce and extend the richness and quality of the teaching of art to a wider cohort of schools. We hope that this report will help LEAs and those involved in the initial, postgraduate and in-service training of teachers in their work in preparing students and supporting teachers to understand, teach and deliver the national curriculum in art.  相似文献   

校本研修与农村学校开展校本研修的现实意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
校本研修是以教师任职所在学校为基本场所,以促进本校教师、学生和学校的发展为本,以结合本校和教师本人的教育改革实践开展研究性学习为基本方式,以建立教师为主体、包括专业人士和学校领导在内的学习型组织为交流平台,以改善教师的教育行动为直接目标,以提高教师的专业修养水平和教育质量为根本目的,促进教师自主成长的一种教师教育形式.在农村学校开展校本研修活动,可以有效地变革传统教研文化的弊端,是实现农村教师专业发展的有效载体,是创造性实施新课程提高教育质量的制度保障,是实现农村学校有特色可持续发展的重要支撑.  相似文献   

美国、英国和澳大利亚三国的教师教育课程设置各具特色,美国注重教师专业化,英国注重合格教师资格标准化,澳大利亚注重专业实践体验化。同时,三国也呈现出发达国家教师教育课程设置上的一些共性,包括创建开放灵活的课程模块,强化大中小学之间的联系,关注实践课程的开设和学生实践能力的培养。三国的教师教育课程设置适应了教育形势发展的要求和世界性教师教育改革的潮流,体现了较高的教师教育课程的研究水平。  相似文献   

职业教育工学结合课程实施的主体要素是学生、教师、学校和企业。工学结合课程实施中的学生主要应关注在校学习与企业工作的过渡,工作体验与知识学习的平衡;教师主要关注鼓励教师参与课程变革,教师专业发展;学校主要是校内实训基地建设和学校文化建设。企业主要是实习基地选择和校企合作长效机制的建立。  相似文献   

The Indonesian government has been struggling to improve the quality of teachers in its public and private schools. Several programmes of teacher education and teacher certification have been designed to enhance teacher quality. However, the programmes do not yet develop effective teachers. Supporting the government programmes, the Tanoto Foundation has facilitated teacher professional development programme since 2010, specifically in elementary schools in the provinces of Riau, Jambi, and North Sumatra. This paper first describes how the Tanoto Foundation has designed and implemented its teacher quality improvement programme for in-service teachers in remote schools in Indonesia and then uses this context to examine to what extent teachers benefited from these programmes. Reported findings broaden our understanding of how teachers can improve their quality via privately sponsored programmes.  相似文献   

Art educators continuously struggle to understand what multiculturalism ‘looks like’ in the art classroom. This has resulted in multicultural art education becoming superficial, in which art teachers guide students through art projects like creating African masks, Native American dream catchers, Aboriginal totems, and sand paintings, all without communicating the context of the art. This type of multiculturalism essentializes cultures, and builds Western, myopic narratives about groups of people, specifically about their ‘Art’. Critical multiculturalism is a power-focused upgrade of multiculturalism that calls for a critique of power and demands recognition that racism and other discriminations are enmeshed in the fabric of our social order. Teaching through a critical multiculturalism framework helps teachers dismantle Western, normalized narratives and produce counter-hegemonic curriculum that contextualizes culture and reveals its fluidity. In this article, the author shares a teacher action research study in which she describes what critical multiculturalism looks like in her art education classroom. The study focuses on ‘being’ a critically multicultural educator versus ‘doing’ critical multiculturalism. Such a position counters the idea that critical multiculturalism is a thing to complete, but instead is an ongoing process that rests on specific ways of thinking and considering the classroom, curriculum, and students.  相似文献   

《教师教育课程标准(试行)》是教育部颁布的我国第一个教师教育课程设置规范性文件,其实践取向的教师职业能力发展导向,对在校师范生职业能力培养提出了更高的要求,师范院校应积极调整教师教育课程体系,用合适的方法把师范生教师职业能力培养做得更加实在,进一步创新师范生教师职业能力培养策略。  相似文献   

This article presents Malaysian student teachers’ reports of using an action, reflection and modelling (ARM) pedagogical approach during their placements in Malaysian primary schools. The ARM approach was designed to support the implementation of the Malaysian primary school mathematics curriculum, which involved changing classroom practice in learning and teaching. It was developed and used during a Malaysia–UK collaborative project to construct a Bachelor of Education (Honours) degree programme in Primary Mathematics for a cohort of 120 student teachers in Malaysia. The three principles integral to the ARM approach were repeatedly made explicit to the student practitioners who were engaged in learning and teaching on the new degree programme. Using findings from surveys carried out with the students at the end of their first and final placements, this article provides examples of the way some of them described ARM and recounted how they had used the approach in the classroom. Four of these narratives are used as ‘vignettes’ to illustrate the students’ perceptions of using new ways of learning and teaching in primary schools and to inform and enable a discussion of the relationship between theory and practice in teacher education.  相似文献   

Two intensive drawing weekends were held to at Bath Spa University College, School of Art & Design – in September 2001 and again in 2002. The weekends are designed as ‘taster’ events for the NSEAD Artist–Teacher Scheme and have been a joint venture between the Society and ‘Power Drawing’ the education programme of ‘The Campaign for Drawing’. The Artist–Teacher Scheme is based on the simple belief that art and design teachers who maintain their own creative practice are significantly more effective in the classroom or studio and more likely to be satisfied with their work in education. The scheme aims to provide opportunities for artist–teachers to review and develop their creative practice in relation to the highest levels of contemporary practice in the contexts of higher education institutions and art museums and galleries. The Campaign for Drawing is led by the Guild of St George, a charity founded by John Ruskin. It aims to promote visual literacy as an integral part of learning at all ages, to investigate the functions of drawing across the curriculum and to develop appropriate learning and teaching strategies. Artist Teachers who have led the weekends include Eileen Adams (Education Programme Leader Power Drawing), Sonia Boyce, Bob Briggs, Peter Feroze, John McNorton, Sheila Paine, Lesley Sanderson and Tom Wood. Over 100 teachers have experienced the drawing weekend to date and another event is planned for 2003.  相似文献   

In Australian schools, one significant component of whole-school learning in sexuality education is to provide students with developmentally appropriate curriculum and learning opportunities, with the intention of influencing positive health and well-being. In the situation where the usual classroom teacher is under-prepared or unwilling to teach sexuality education to their students, the use of external providers who are experts in puberty and sexual health is crucial. While the provider is a key influential factor in any sexual health programme, reliance on external providers for the provision of sexuality education in regional Australian cities is not well documented. This mixed-method study aims to address this gap in the literature with a specific focus on Ballarat, where the provision of sexuality education, particularly in primary schools, is heavily reliant on several external providers. Participant schools highlight the need for further positive synergies between the classroom teachers, external agencies and the accessibility of a rigorous curriculum to sustain the delivery of an effective programme to young people in schools.  相似文献   

In the 70 year history of Islamic schools in North America, there is yet to be an accredited teacher education programme to train and professionally equip Islamic school teachers with an understanding of an Islamic pedagogy. Arguably, there has been an imbalance of energy placed on curriculum development projects over the considerations of teacher training. From my experience working as a teacher trainer/education consultant for Islamic schools for the past 10 years, it is evident that the underlying assumption for many school administrators is that a State/Ministry certified teacher who is Muslim will know how to teach ‘Islamically’. The aims of this paper are to first establish some semblance of what it means to teach Islamically or, more accurately, to teach through an Islamic pedagogy. From this framework, the crux of the paper is to present findings from a series of focus groups with Islamic school educators about their teacher training needs. The findings of this study establish the need for a formal teacher education programme in Islamic pedagogy within an established faculty of education. Such a programme would achieve three major ends in cultivating the stewardship of Islamic schools in North America: 1. Define and establish Islamic education as a valid and relevant pedagogical model that can contribute to the broader discourse of alternative, faith-based education;

2. Standardise the pedagogy and curriculum of Islamic schools based on the principles of education in Islam and to make both contextually relevant;

3. Contribute to raising the standards of Islamic schools through a teacher education programme at credible faculties of education where ongoing research and development will also be supported.


This inquiry aims to explore the disconnect between the disability studies in education (DSE) perspectives on inclusive schooling held by a group of dually certified inclusive educators and the everyday, lived experiences of these same teachers who find themselves teaching students with labelled disabilities within the confines of the special education bureaucracy. Through a collaborative inquiry circle (with a teacher educator who is a faculty member in a dual-certification programme informed by a DSE perspective and seven teachers who are graduates of this teacher education programme), this study aims to: (1) articulate the dominant narratives or storylines about disability in education that may ‘discipline’ teachers' practice within the special education bureaucracy; (2) illustrate some of the ways in which teachers do resist and transgress the discursive structures of schooling in ways that enable them to ‘restory’ disability in education; and (3) explore the implications of this work for preparing teachers to be dually certified, inclusive educators of all children in public schools.  相似文献   

高职高专师范生是未来教师预备队中的一支重要力量,加强高职高专师范生教师职业道德教育,让他们养成良好的教师职业道德,是使他们较好较快地向教师角色转化的关键环节。加强教师职业道德课程建设是促进师范生职业道德养成的根本途径。  相似文献   

英国为提高基础教育质量,积极推动各大学在U-S模式下开发职前教师教育课程。英国职前教师教育课程开发注重大学与中小学之间的合作,不断适应合格教师知识与能力要求,并制订理论知识与实践知识相统一的"平衡性"课程计划。英国职前教师教育课程开发给予我们很好的启示:一是大学应与中小学校紧密合作;二是应适应中小学教师补给的实际需求;三是应体现职前教师知识与能力的新要求;四是应体现理论知识与实践知识的"平衡性"。  相似文献   


The paper describes the setting up and implementation of an initiative in social education in Dudley, jointly supported by Dudley LEA and The Social Morality Council. The programme developed out of earlier work in the authority including the production of a syllabus in social education for 13‐18 year olds and was in direct response to the perceived needs of schools. Work was undertaken in several schools with a special emphasis on establishing links between schools, the community and employers and was monitored by surveying the views of parents, pupils, teachers and employers. The report describes the development of the role of advisory teacher, of involvement of various external agencies, the production of resource materials and summarizes the evaluators’ key ‘findings’ resulting from the project. This information, it is hoped, may be of interest to other schools and LEAs which may be considering a social education programme.  相似文献   

Professional development school (PDS) contexts are increasingly being viewed as powerful sites for the preparation of future teachers in the USA. One of their documented strengths is in the fostering of preservice teachers’ inquiry within collaborative frameworks that result from the partnerships between university teacher education programmes and schools. This article focuses on one inquiry-based PDS programme, describes five inquiry projects carried out by interns in the programme, and presents interns’ perceptions on engaging in inquiry during their yearlong internship. The discussion that follows explores the potential of the inquiry approach in PDS contexts to reform the teacher education practicum.  相似文献   

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