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请大家看下面的例子(同意异形句)。1·I wish I could fly to the moon by spaceship one day.2.I wish I could fly to the moon in a spaceship one day.译:但愿有一天我能乘宇宙飞船飞向月球。上面两句中用  相似文献   

1.some day,one day,the other daysome day(可合写为someday)意为“总有一天”、“有朝一日”。例如:I hope to see Niagara Falls some day.我希望有一天去观看尼亚加拉瀑布。one day意为“某一天”,它既可指将来的某一天,也可指过去的某一天。例如:One day,he happened to meet his cousin and then talked a lot.一天,他在街上偶然遇到了他的表兄,他们在一起谈了很多事情。I wish I could fly like a bird one day.我希望有一天我能像鸟一样飞翔。the other day意为“几天前”、“前几天”,主要用于过去时态。例如:We visited Haiwa…  相似文献   

在英语学习中,我以经典儿歌《拍手谣》为基础,编成琅琅上口的韵律词,使同学们在快乐的情境中学习英语词汇,提高口语表达能力。You clap one,I clap one,one child fly inthe plane.You clap two,I clap two,two children playthe game.You clap three,I clap three,three childrenclimb a  相似文献   

89.我当时很累了,几乎连眼睛都睁不开。误:I was so tired that I could hardly keep my eyes opening.正:I was so tired that I could hardly keep my eyes open.析:此句要注意open的两个不同用法:(1)open用作动词,表示“开”“睁开”,是非延续性动词,所以不说keep one’s eyes opening,否则指的是“睁开”这个动作在  相似文献   

1 .it代替的是前面提到过的同一事物 ,而one代替的是同类事物中的“一个”。例如 :①IneedabikebutIhavenomoneytobuyone .我需要一辆自行车 ,但没钱买。②IneedthebikebutIhavenomoneytobuyit.我需要那辆自行车 ,但没钱买。句①中one指的是任何一辆自行车 ,此处不能用it代替 ,  相似文献   

我能要一个球。I can juggle one ball.我能要两个球。I can juggle two balls.我能要三个球。I can juggle three balls.  相似文献   

1)everyone意思与everybody相同,指“每人,人人”。只用来指人,不可与of短语连用。作主语时,谓语动词用单数。如: Everyone was wearing their shorts.每个人都穿着短裤。I would like everyone to be happy.我希望人人都幸福。2)every one“每个”,既可指人,也可指物,其后  相似文献   

Meeting my uncle after all these years was an unforgettable moment,I will always treasure.A.that B.one C.a D.what(NMET,2002)此题的正确答案为B,这里one作代词,指代a moment,在句中做an unforgettable moment的同位语。—Why don蒺t we take a little break?—Didn蒺t we just have?A.it B.that C.one D.this(NMET,2000)此题的答案也是C项one, 此处one也是代词,代指名词a break。下面就one在中学英语中的常见用法做简要归纳:一、one作人称代词可以笼统的指任何人、某一伙人中的一个或本人。当one笼统地指任何人时,…  相似文献   

A Number Song     
请跟我一起说,请跟我一起做:One two,one two,I can do.Three four,three four,I will show.Five six,five six,I like cakes.What nice cakes!Seven eight,seven eight,How big the lake!Nine ten,nine ten,A running hen.大家跟我从一数到十:one,two,three,four,five,six,sev  相似文献   

如果有一天你想要哭,呼唤我。我无把握把你逗笑,但我会和你一起哭泣。如果有一天你想要逃避,尽管呼唤我。我无把握阻止你,但我可以和你一起离开。如果有一天你不想听任何人的话,呼唤我。我保证会在你身旁,并且保持安静。但如果有一天你呼唤我,而没有回应。快来到我的身边,也许,我需要你。If one day you feel like crying...Call me.I don't promise that I will make you laugh,But I can cry with you.If one day you want to run awayDon't be afraid to call me.I don't promise to ask you to stop...But I can run wit…  相似文献   

一、后接动词原形后接动词原形,表示“宁愿做某事”。如:I’d rather be told the truth than be lied to.我宁愿听真话,不愿被欺骗。I’ve already seen that film,so I’d rather see another one.我已经看过那部电影了,所以还是看部别的吧。I’ll go if you’re going.If no  相似文献   

不定冠词与数词one都可表示“一”的意思,前者可视为后者的弱式。如: I have a(one) brother and two sisters.我有一个兄弟和两个姐妹。  相似文献   

1、因为爱你所以爱你。Because I love you,so I love you. 2、因为你爱我所以我爱你。Because you love me,so I love you. 3、因为世界上没有人比我更爱你。Because no one in the world love you more than me. 4、因为无时无刻想着你。Because I miss you every moment. 5、因为你的温柔体贴。  相似文献   

你的眼睛就像天边的两颗星:一六一小;就像十六的月亮:白多黑少。Your eyes are like stars in the sky;one bigger,one smaller;and like full moon-with more white than black in it.第一次我去看河马,我吐了。第二次你去看河马,河马吐了。First time,I went to see the hippo,and I vomited.Second time,you went to see it,it vomited.  相似文献   

<正>一、作宾语动词不定式常放在一些动词后作宾语,例如:I’ve just watched a TV programme about space. I hope to walk on the moon one day.我刚看了一个有关太空的电视节目。我希望有一天能在月球上行走。—Please stay with me this weekend.——这周末请跟我待在一起。—I’m sorry, but my father and I planned to visit Beijing a long time ago.  相似文献   

An attempt 试穿 1. Could you try it on please?How is it?请试穿看看好吗?如何? 2. I like this one. May I try it on?我喜欢这一种,我能试穿吗?  相似文献   

1.用于部分否定的句子中。比较: I do not like any of the films.这些电影中我一部也不喜欢。 I don't like some of the films.这些电影中的某一些我不喜欢。 I don't like some one of the films.这些电影中的某一部我不喜欢。  相似文献   

Young Love     
I day at ember school one was a nice day. We were sitting outside and the students were practicing when along came a Chinese teacher I knew. I asked her what she was doing and she said, "I'm looking for lovers." I asked if she had found any and she said no, but she would find one. I said I didn't think so and she insisted, "Yes, I will find one." I told her she would not find one but she might find two.  相似文献   

Little Rhymes词语串串记新学期第一天,已来到,Cindy早晨(morning)起床(bed)早。吃完饭,背书包(bag),骑自行车(bike)到学校。见同学,把“喂”(hello/hi)叫,谈论作业做多少。见(meet)老师,问个好(good morning),跟随老师来报到。英语课,学得好(well),下午(afternoon)放学往家跑。晚(evening)饭后,把书找,背诵英语找诀窍。记单词,编歌谣,英语学习记得牢。Hello你好Hello,Hello.How are you?I’m fine.I’m fine.And I hope that you are,too.你好,你好,你的身体好不好?我很好,我很好。我希望你也好。One two一二One,one,one,One,one,one…  相似文献   

1.我每周回家两次。误:I go home two times a week.正:I go home twice a week.析:用英语表示一次两次时,要用once、twice,而不用one time、two times。但  相似文献   

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