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Increased genetic testing in personalized medicine presents unique challenges for couples, including managing disease risk and potential discrimination as a couple. This study investigated couples’ conflicts and support gaps as they coped with perceived genetic discrimination. We also explored the degree to which communal coping was beneficial in reducing support gaps and ultimately stress. Dyadic analysis of married adults (N?=?266, 133 couples), in which one person had the genetic risk for serious illness, showed that perceived discrimination predicted more frequent conflicts about alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency-related treatment, privacy boundaries, and finances, which, in turn, predicted wider gaps in emotion and esteem support, and greater stress for both spouses. Communal coping predicted lower support gaps for both partners and marginally lower stress.  相似文献   

This study investigates the experiences of volunteer Emergency Medical Technicians (EMTs) with respect to stress and coping strategies they employ. Research has shown negative implications of work stress in high-reliability organizations, like paid Emergency Medical Services (EMS). While most first responders in the United States are volunteers, little research has examined how their work stress experiences may differ from their paid counterparts. Twenty-five EMTs working in volunteer fire departments participated in one-on-one interviews. Using an inductive approach, four stressors were identified: types of calls, extensive sense of duty, competency concerns, and knowing the patient. Theory of Conversationally Induced Reappraisals explains the effectiveness of the Formal, Informal, and Escape Coping Strategies identified by participants that mitigated stress. This study concludes with recommendations for volunteer EMS organizations: (a) financial assistance for Employee Assistance Programs, (b) social events that encourage communication and interaction; (c) recommended/sanctioned time off, and (d) a clear recruitment/retention plan.  相似文献   

This study examined how communal coping reveals itself in Palestinian refugee camps and the conditions that promote or prevent its occurrence. Individual and dyadic interviews were conducted with 40 mothers and one of their adolescent children living in Palestinian refugee camps in Lebanon. The results revealed that communal coping existed within the mother–adolescent dyad to a certain extent, but was rare within the larger context of the refugee camps. While families and neighbors did not typically verbalize their hardships and actively cope with them as a group, there was often an implicit recognition that they were all experiencing the same uncertainty and stress. Acting upon their uncertainty as a collective, however, was greatly hampered by mistrust within and outside the camps, due to widespread violence, privacy violations, vying for scarce resources, and disloyalty. Parents and adolescents also engaged in protective buffering whereby they attempted to reduce the stress of the family by keeping stress and fears to themselves rather than communicating about them. Even though protective buffering helped the refugees cope with chronic uncertainty and maintain a sense of normalcy, it prevented them from acting upon the problem as a group. Finally, parents emphasized that the child’s education provided hope for the future. Practical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

This investigation involves the examination of college students' condom self‐efficacy (knowledge and skills regarding condom use) and coping strategies in sexual situations. Results indicate that although students report high condom efficacy, efficacy is weakly correlated with actual condom use. Overall, efficacy is weakly correlated with coping styles in sexual situations. In general, students are opting for non‐communicative ways of coping (e.g., avoidance) in sexual situations as opposed to communicative ways (e.g., discussion with partner) of coping. However, those who report “always” using a condom use communicative coping strategies more frequently than non‐communicative coping strategies. Efficacy is positively related to communicative coping styles versus non‐communicative coping styles. Marital partners differ from unmarried couples in that they use more “planning ahead” coping strategies. Discussion and implications follow.  相似文献   

宋范成大有一首《白云泉》诗,全文如下:“龙头高啄嗽飞流,玉醴甘浑乳气浮.扪腹煮泉烹闘胯③,真成骑鹤上扬州.”④此诗前两句描写白云泉的外形、水质,后两句想象饮用此泉水的感受,唯独“烹闘胯”一语颇为费解,故《范石湖集》书末校记日:“胯’,(清)黄(昌衢)刻本作‘勝’,是.”⑤这种说法是不妥当的,理由有二:一、从版本的角度来看,在范成大诗集现存的几个明抄本以及作为整理本底本的清顾氏爱汝堂刻本均作“胯”⑥,影印《诗渊》⑦、《吴都文粹续集》选人此诗亦作“胯”⑧,唯有清黄昌衢刻本作“勝”,而黄刻本出现较晚,且讹误颇多,据这样的版本改“胯”为“腾”,殊为不妥;二、从诗意的角度来看,“闘勝”虽可通,但“闘勝”与“烹”相属,则于意未安.点校者之所以定“味腾”为是,实因点校者未解“闘胯”之义而误校.那么,“闘胯”究竟是什么意思呢?  相似文献   

长云同志: 你在来信中提出一个问题:“怎样把经济报道写得更生动些,更活跃些,更显得有血有肉?”对此,我想谈谈自己的感受。要把经济报道写活。涉及的方面很多,包括在题材上要“抓活鱼”,内容上要敢于触及现实经济生活中的矛盾,形式上要改进生产,会议的老一套报道程式等。在这里,我想先谈其中的一个方面,即处理好报道中“骨头”和“血肉”的关系,力求使经济报道丰满一些,引人入胜一些。有些通讯员的来稿主  相似文献   

招标采购“十’’严   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
招标采购要做到“十”严:严格遵守法律规章;严格执行预算编制;严格项目审批责任;严格履行职能职责;严格专业队伍管理;严格规范操作程序;严格招标采购纪律;严格履行合同约定;严格评委资格条件;严格内部监督机制。  相似文献   

美国对伊拉克的侵略非但没有阻止、反而刺激了伊朗加速其核计划。伊朗的考虑是,它拥有核威慑比没有核威慑更安全  相似文献   

中国武术的国际“仕途’’   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2006年年底,几经努力之后,国际奥委会终于同意:2008年8月21到24日,在北京奥运期间举行“北京2008年奥运会武术比赛”。北京奥组委执行委员魏纪中对记者说,“国际奥委会给了我们一个特殊的照顾,这是过去从来没有过的。”[第一段]  相似文献   

中华书局点校本《宋史》卷二六五《吕蒙正传》载:蒙正初为相时,张绅知蔡州,坐赃免.或言于上日:“绅家富,不至此.特蒙正贫时勾索不如意,今报之尔.”上命即复绅官,蒙正不辨.后考课院得绅实状,复黜为绛州团练副使.及蒙正再入相,太宗谓日:“张绅果有赃.”蒙正不辨亦不谢①.  相似文献   


The sources and chemistry of waxes likely to be encountered in art objects are briefly reviewed and their gas-chromatograms are illustrated. Examples of the identification of waxes and wax-mixtures in a variety of objects are described, and the advantages for this purpose of gas-chromatography over infrared spectroscopy are indicated.  相似文献   

’93、’94的期刊出版业蔡健光1993年,我国期刊出版事业,认真贯彻中央“两手都要抓,两手都要硬”的指示精神,在面向市场,进行期刊改革的探索上,取得了一些进展。一、坚持正确的舆论导向期刊出版是引导社会舆论工作的一个重要方面,富有鲜明的政治色彩和时代...  相似文献   

目前,笔者有幸参加上海市政协好新闻的评选,经十多名评委反复筛选,再郑重投票,最终推选出额定的数篇优秀文稿。其中,以反映政治、经济和社会生活见长的解放日报的通讯《教育的困惑》以全票当选,而以科教文为特色的文汇报却以通讯《沪郊农业要走向大市场》博得众多评委的青睐。这一评选结果揭晓后,上述两大报的评选代表几乎异口同声地笑着向对方说:“我们这篇通讯本该是贵报写的!”这句就评选结果而发的感慨性的笑话,颇值得回味。它一方面反映出在当前激烈的新闻竞争中,各个新闻单位都在紧  相似文献   

越王勾践卧薪尝胆,矢志复仇,是青少年熟悉的故事。“卧薪尝胆”后来就成为人们用以刻苦自励,发愤图强的成语. 但在中学历史课本中,讲吴越争霸时,只说勾戏舔尝苦胆,而不说卧薪尝胆这个成语。这是有道理的.吴越争霸,勾践“尝胆”,最早见于西汉司马迁写的《史记·越世家》,说勾践“置胆于坐,坐卧即仰胆,饮食亦尝胆电”.而“卧薪尝胆”这个成语直到宋朝才出现。此成语最早见于北宋苏轼的《拟孙权答曹操书》  相似文献   

浊浪排空、惊心动魄的日子已成为过去,时间也许可以把一切伟大与平凡、成功与失败都化作沉淀。然而,作为历史的见证人,时代的记录者,那没有见过的大汛,没有见过的大灾,却让我们这些记者刻骨铭心,终生难忘。今年夏天,由于受厄尔尼诺现象的影响,长江流域气候反常,种种迹象早就预示着今年将是继1995年之后的又一个大汛之年。起初,我们这些二十多岁的年轻人几乎是怀着急切的心情盼望着大汛的到来,摩拳擦掌,跃跃欲试,大有“唯恐天下不乱”之势。这大概是记者的职业病;巴不得出点什么大事,好出新闻,上要稿、重稿。市领导要求…  相似文献   

1998年的负重身影正悄然向历史的厚壤隐去,1999年的报春钟声快要在举世期盼中敲响了。诞生于“八五”末期的本刊已经走过了4个年头。4年来,我们深知在出版资源并不丰厚、经济文化都欠发达因而竞争力相对薄弱的边地广西,创办这样一份必须向全国觅取信息、资源和市场以求生存与发展的高品位现代出版刊物,无异给自己了一道极大的难  相似文献   

’96想法本期截稿之时,正值江泽民同志接见《解放军报》社师以上干部讲话发表。江泽民同志强调指出,办好新闻工作,“首要的一条,就是必须坚持鲜明的党性原则”,“在政治上,必须头脑清楚”。江泽民同志的指示对我们今年的编辑工作具有根本性的指导意义,在新的一年...  相似文献   

北京青少年’94—’97读书工程苏志军1994年6月10日,北京市隆重地推出了“北京市青少年’94—’97读书工程暨‘读百卷书、激爱国情’大型读书活动”。这是由中共北京市委宣传部、市政府文教办、北京市新闻出版局、教育局、高教局、文化局、广播电视局、首...  相似文献   

时下,新闻界存在着这样一种不良现象:当一个地区、一家企业经济效益红火时,记者如云,络绎不绝,而一旦效益不佳,滑入低谷时,就难觅记者的踪影。有人将这一现象称为“嫌贫爱富”。 坚持正面宣传为主,固然要多报道一些经济发达的地区、经营效益好的企业,以指导和推动经济全面发展,但经济欠发达的地区、暂时处于低谷的企业不等于不能从正面去宣传,况且它们也更加需要宣传,今年春节期间,《新华日报》组织记者到贫困地区采访,特别是到一些贫困户家中采访,了解他们的生活状况和困难。这组稿件  相似文献   

湖南岳阳石油化工总厂供排水厂的职工把黄正元登在报刊上的小文章称为“火柴盒”,一句话新闻称之为“火柴棍”。黄正元听到大家这样称呼他的文章,心里感到美滋滋的。因为他认为“火柴盒”和“火柴棍”都能擦燃发光发热,以小见大,滴水映大海,同样能对两个文明建设起到促进作用。黄正元是供排水厂厂长办公室企业经营管理员兼厂企业管理协会秘书。为了宣传党的方针政策,促进改革工作,他自觉地利用业余时间为新闻单位撰写稿件。1985年,他写了近百篇稿子,投寄后,石沉大海,但他不灰心,认真找原因,努力学习。为了提高  相似文献   

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