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A sudden change in a person's social life, such as the adjustments caused by COVID-19, can raise social and psychological issues, with people's loneliness and boredom affecting their physical and mental well-being. Cyber ostracism (CO) refers to scenarios in which people feel that others are ignoring them over the internet, e.g., on social networking sites (SNSs) (such as Facebook and Twitter), and placing little importance on their thoughts. The study investigates the mediating role of anger between CO and discontinuous usage intention (DUI) and the moderating role of growth belief. Data were collected during three different periods from 517 Pakistani university students. Statistical procedures were conducted using a Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) and Analysis of Moment Structures (AMOS). The study results reveal that anger mediates the relationship between CO and DUI of SNSs; moreover, growth belief moderates the relationship.  相似文献   

The rapid adoption of social media technologies has resulted in a fundamental shift in the way communication and collaboration take place. As staff and students use social media technologies in their personal lives, it is important to explore how social media technologies are being used as an educational tool. The aim of this paper is to analyse the role of social media, in particular, Facebook, as an educational tool in higher education. Through a review of the literature, this paper explores the myriad ways in which Facebook is being used as an educational instrument for learning and teaching. Multiple benefits of Facebook usage for learning and teaching have been identified such as increased teacher-student and student-student interaction, improved performance, the convenience of learning and higher engagement. The paper also highlights the potential problems and limitations of Facebook usage ranging from educators’ dominance to privacy concerns. Finally, Facebook usage guidelines that can be adopted by educators to encourage social media adoption are proposed. As social media usage continues to grow in higher education, future empirical research is warranted.  相似文献   

Learning and using new technologies by the older people is seen as a demand for their integration in society and as a factor related to active aging. The goal of this article is to understand the attitudes of the elderly towards information and communication technologies in the context of a training course about the utilization of a digital platform. It is the result of an empirical study with a sample of 240 older people registered in the course Tele-Services for the Elderly, that took place in the Centers for the Elderly in the province of Cuenca, Spain. Through a self-administered questionnaire, aspects related to social activity, knowledge and use of the computer and Internet, expectations on learning and use of computer technology, personal competence, and self-concept were evaluated. The results obtained showed relationships between implication in the activities, experience with computers, and belief in the usefulness of learning new technologies. The participants' involvement in the activities was related to greater contact with information and communication technologies (ICT), which, in turn, generated more positive attitudes toward its learning and utility as well as more self-confidence. The elderly said that they enrolled in different activities to learn and to keep their minds active, and they thought of training as a means of social participation and lifelong learning.  相似文献   

Online social networks are increasingly important information and communication tools for young people and for the environmental movement. Networks may provide the motivation for young adults to increase environmental behaviors by increasing their knowledge of environmental issues and of the specific actions they can take to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. This study examined an application within Facebook.com – the largest online social network in the world – that allowed users to post climate change news stories from other websites and comment on those stories. A survey revealed that users of the social networking application reported above average knowledge of climate change science and that self‐reported environmental behaviors increased during young people's involvement with the Facebook application. Focus groups indicated that peer role modeling through interaction on the site motivated pro‐environmental behaviors, that is, behavior that seeks to minimize the negative impact of one's actions on the natural and built world. Participation in a community of like‐minded users spurred many participants to learn more about climate change and do more to limit its impact.  相似文献   

随着信息化进程的加快和互联网的迅速普及,信息技术在促进社会公平和均衡发展方面的潜力已经得到普遍认可甚至推崇,但与此同时,关于信息技术是否可能导致新的不公与不均也出现了越来越多的争论。传统意义上的“数字鸿沟”指的是人们在信息技术使用机会上存在的差异,通常以个人电脑和互联网普及率作为重要测算指标,聚焦“物理接入”层面。“新数字鸿沟”更多关注因计算机或上网技能差异而导致的“技能鸿沟”,以及因网络使用带宽、时长及使用方式差异而导致的“使用鸿沟”。虽然我国在运用信息技术促进教育公平方面取得了很大成效,但已有政策和实践从整体上看还是更多着眼于“物理接入”层面。从“新数字鸿沟”的视角看,按照解决传统“数字鸿沟”问题的惯用路径,仅仅关注“物理接入”已不足以缩小数字差距和促进教育公平,对“技能鸿沟”和“使用鸿沟”的关注应该成为决策者、研究者、学校甚至企业未来制定政策和开展实践的新着力点。  相似文献   

To overcome the digital divide in West Virginia, schools are urged to integrate emerging information and communication technologies (ICTs) such as Web 2.0 and alternative pedagogies to develop students’ twenty-first-century skills. Yet, the potential effects of the digital divide on technology integration have not necessarily been part of planning for professional development programmes. As a first step to identify the potential digital divide between rural and urban school settings, this study examined West Virginian teachers’ Web 2.0 access levels – namely, motivation, physical, skills and usage accesses. Analysis of the survey responses from 161 teachers suggested that the divide persisted at physical and usage access levels, signifying teachers’ unique needs and conditions for the use of emerging technologies. While teachers’ usage access was observed to be a significant factor for their Web 2.0-associated project-based learning, attending professional development programmes seemed to minimally benefit such practices.  相似文献   

Social Networking Sites (SNSs) such as Facebook are one of the latest examples of communications technologies that have been widely-adopted by students and, consequently, have the potential to become a valuable resource to support their educational communications and collaborations with faculty. However, faculty members have a track record of prohibiting classroom uses of technologies that are frequently used by students. To determine how likely higher education faculty are to use Facebook for either personal or educational purposes, higher education faculty (n = 62) and students (n = 120) at a mid-sized southern university were surveyed on their use of Facebook and email technologies. A comparison of faculty and student responses indicate that students are much more likely than faculty to use Facebook and are significantly more open to the possibility of using Facebook and similar technologies to support classroom work. Faculty members are more likely to use more “traditional” technologies such as email.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to present a review of Facebook as an educational environment, as research on its use within education is relatively new. The study is categorized into six sections: Facebook users; reasons people use Facebook; harmful effects of Facebook; Facebook as an educational environment; Facebook??s effects on culture, language, and education; and the relationship between Facebook and subject variables. Additionally, the study compares Facebook usage in Turkey to its use on a global scale. To conclude, there has been a serious lack of research on Facebook??s use as an educational resource, as current literature reflects how Facebook might more readily be utilized as an educational environment. Finally, the study ends with practical recommendations for researchers and educators.  相似文献   

Social websites like Facebook enable users to upload self-created digital images; it is therefore of interest to see how gender is performed in this domain. A panel used a literature review of pictorial features associated with gender traits, and a sample of Facebook pictures to assess gender stereotypes present in Facebook images. Traits emerging in greater prominence in pictures of males included active, dominant, and independent. Those prominent with female users included attractive and dependent. These findings generally conform to gender stereotypes found in prior research and extend the research regarding stereotypical gender traits displayed in professional media depictions to self-selected social media displays. They also extend the research on gender differences in impression management generally, in both interpersonal communication and social media, to include gender-specific traits that are part of young mens and women's impression management.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the effects of social–structural factors (age, ethnicity and gender) on university students’ use of web‐based instruction. The study uses data from registration questionnaires of students at the Open University of Israel. During the period between 1995 and 2002 there has been a continuous increase in the proportion of students who use the Internet and email for study purposes. However, a significant minority (one‐third of the students) are still not Internet users. Previous studies have referred to the digital divide in terms of differences in access to the relevant hardware and explained it mainly by social and structural factors. Current research tends to focus on the digital divide in terms of use rather than access, and explains it mainly by micro, individual and situational characteristics. The present study shows that structural factors such as age, gender and ethnicity also play a significant role in the continuous existence of the usage gap. The social and educational implications of this gap are discussed.  相似文献   


As developed countries struggle to find suitable living arrangements for their ageing populations, many elderly citizens are becoming increasingly marginalized and isolated. In similar circumstances, younger people would use digital technologies to stay occupied and connected, but few elderly citizens have this capability. Our research investigates the ways that the social wellbeing of elderly citizens, wherever they reside, can be enhanced by their use of information and communications technologies (ICT), particularly digital technologies. A 2-year action research study of the social use of ICT by residents in aged-care facilities was conducted in order to determine how developing digital capabilities could enhance their wellbeing. Research interventions included the establishment of computer kiosks in aged-care facilities and weekly classes for developing ICT skills. As their digital capability improved, many of the elderly residents were observed to engage in meaningful computer-based activities of their own choosing. A set of themes among these activities was identified: connection, self-worth/esteem and personal development, productivity, occupation, self-sufficiency, being in control, and enjoyment. Our results are consistent with recently reported domains of social wellbeing among recipients of community-based aged-care services: (a) social participation and involvement, (b) occupation, (c) control over daily life and (d) dignity.  相似文献   

The vast majority of university students have profiles on social networking sites (e.g., Myspace, Facebook) (Salaway et al. 2008). However, it is yet to be determined what role this rapidly evolving method of communication will play in an academic setting. Data for the current study was collected from 459 university students and 159 university faculty members. Participants’ opinions regarding faculty/student interaction on social networking sties (SNSs) were analyzed. Over one-third of the students and a quarter of the faculty participants reported that it is inappropriate for faculty members to have accounts on SNSs. Significant disagreement existed between the faculty and students, as well as among the faculty and among the students regarding what constitutes appropriate professional professor/student interaction on SNSs.  相似文献   

In recent years, the huge success of social network sites (SNSs) has principally been determined by their ability to link people and their respective relationships. These relationships allow people to access different resources, information, emotional and social support, entertainment, as well as providing them with the opportunity to extend personal social ties. This paper investigates the way in which SNSs are used by emerging adults, defined as young people in the transition from adolescence to adulthood, and particularly those in their last year of high school or at university. The study focuses on different types of social capital and on the use of SNSs by emerging adults during this transitional phase in maintaining and developing relationships. Data collected from a questionnaire administered to 927 emerging adults show, first of all, the relevance of different types of social capital (bridging, bonding and maintaining) based on the student's position (high school, university first‐year student or university student). Second, the data analysis indicates that SNSs can be conceived as part of functional organs that support emerging adults in their ability to connect and to be connected to a social network and to develop and maintain it over time.  相似文献   

自媒体在改变着人们的生存方式,"微博时代"交流方式的"虚拟场"溢出到现实域,自媒介似乎是一种隐喻,用强大有力的方式在暗示、表征这个世界的变迁或对社会心理结构的冲击。"微时代"的网络文化认同、道德与秩序改变着心灵的体验方式和生活的维度,"湿性社会"的黏合力构建在社交网络熟悉度弥合中的朋友圈,体现了数字化延伸的人脉。微博的"快表达"呈现交流节奏的提升,"人人是记者的时代"成为一种"身份认证"和舆情导向的可能,提升了话语权与表达权。  相似文献   

Although many universities use social media to interact with stakeholders, little is known about the underlying mechanisms. Drawing on theories of self-presentation and community engagement, we develop a theoretical model to explain these crucial outcome factors. We then test the model based on secondary data from 159 universities. Our findings reveal the double-edged nature of community size: universities with a strong reputation tend to have more Facebook fans, but having many Facebook fans has detrimental effects on individual fan engagement. Furthermore, the frequency of updates is a crucial factor, as too frequent and too infrequent updates lead to lower levels of fan engagement. We discuss theoretical implications for online communities and derive implications for social media managers.  相似文献   

老龄问题是当今世界的重要社会问题之一。养老不仅仅是经济养老,而且是精神养老。通过对城市老年人的调查,发现城市老年人心理需求主要有社会生活心理需求、家庭生活心理需求和性心理需求。这些心理需求具有年龄效应、性别效应、文化程度效应、婚姻状况效应和养老方式效应。因此,对于不同需求的老年人应该有不同的社会政策和社会服务。  相似文献   

近些年来,我国企业的社会关系网络在企业的发展壮大过程中起着愈发重要的作用,而企业为构建社会关系网络的支出当中所包含的相当数量的灰色支出也越来越引起人们的关注.本文当中首先探讨了关于企业的灰色支出的概念及其两个主要特征,并从企业灰色支出的对象的角度将其分为纵向和横向两个维度.然后利用房地产行业上市公司所公开的年度财务报告中的相关数据,采用实证分析的研究方法对当今中国宏观市场经济的重要支柱产业之一的房地产行业的灰色支出与经营业绩是否具有相关关系进行了实证分析.实证研究的结果表明:与本世纪初房价相对稳定上升的阶段相比,近年来房价飙升阶段房地产行业的灰色支出与企业的经营业绩有着密切的正相关关系.  相似文献   

With numerous benefits of utilising mobile social network sites (SNSs) for learning purposes, limited studies have been conducted to determine the factors that influence the adoption of mobile SNSs in facilitating learning. Accordingly, the main purpose of this study is to explore the determinants of students’ behavioural intention to use mobile SNSs for their pedagogical purposes by utilising an extended version of Technology Acceptance Model. Furthermore, the moderating effect of users’ experience on their behavioural intention was investigated. Using a structured questionnaire, data were collected from 600 students from top-five public universities of Malaysia. The results revealed perceived task-technology fit as the great predictor of users’ intention and perceived usefulness. Although the moderating impact of students’ experience on the model found to be positive, it was not supported in this study. The contributions of this study both to the literature and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

Internet use may be helpful in maintaining older adults’ independence, social connectedness, and quality of life. High levels of technophobia (fear of modern technologies or discomfort with them), however, may constrain older Internet users’ online activity and limit the benefits they derive therefrom. The literature on technophobia in later life tends to focus on nonusers and ignore older individuals who already use advanced technologies. Relying on an online survey of 537 Internet users aged 60 and up, this study explored the extent to which technophobia constrains older users’ online activity. The results demonstrated varying levels of technophobia among users and significant associations between technophobia and Internet use patterns, including type and complexity of use. Technophobia also correlated with users’ education, perceived health and well-being: Technophobes tended to be less satisfied with their lives—a correlation that remained significant even after controlling for background variables and online activities. The findings suggest that technophobia plays a role at both the first and second levels of the digital divide among seniors. They also indicate that technophobia may be a risk factor in later life, suggesting that older users ought to be taken into account in planning measures to reduce technophobia among seniors.  相似文献   

Emerging social media that build on digital technologies are reshaping how we interact with each other. Religious education and identity formation within these new cultural flows demands recognition of the shifts in authority, authenticity, and agency that are taking place, as well as the challenges posed by “context collapse.” Digital storytelling is one mechanism by which religious educators can help people to apprentice into practices shaped by a commitment to human freedom and relationality, rather than to public performances of hatred.  相似文献   

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