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以领导模式需要适应现代管理理论的发展为主要线索,从领导素质、领导能力、领导方法等多方面探究新形式下,现代管理理论对领导模式的要求,并提出塑造新型管理模式的建议和初步设想.  相似文献   

课程领导是对传统的课程管理的革新,是一种新的管理理念,它需要一切与课程有关的人员参与课程领导。在传统管理模式下,学校内部实施是等级式的垂直管理模式,扮演的是“工具型组织”的角色。在课程领导下,建立以权力共享和民主参与为基础的自主管理模式,增强学校内部横向沟通,变“工具型组织”为开放的、灵活的、民主的、学习型的组织。校长应扮演设计师、改革规划者、改革促进者、信息反馈者的角色,要求校长必须具备较高的理论素质和较强的专业能力,必须掌握最新的管理和领导理念,  相似文献   

通过对宁波大学"课程与教学论"学术型研究生培养传统管理模式产生原因和弊端的个案分析,探讨了改革综合大学"课程与教学论"学术型研究生培养管理模式的理念与原则,揭示了在综合大学开设师范类"课程与教学论"学科专业必须走以教师教育学院为核心的"集中管理"模式的必然性.文章总结了宁波大学"课程与教学论"学术型研究生"集中管理"模式的改革经验.  相似文献   

历经半个多世纪的研究积淀,西方课程领导理论于近20年间日趋成熟,涌现了创造性课程领导、革新型课程领导、分享式课程领导和批判型课程领导四大代表性理论体系。与1990年之前的研究相比较,西方课程领导研究的逻辑基础与研究范式发生了根本转向:哲学基础由"现代"向"后现代"转换,课程基础由"开发范式"向"理解范式"递嬗,领导学基础从"古典理论"向"现代理论"延展,呈现出一个带有明显时代特征的变化轨迹。  相似文献   

ISO 9000模式在高校质量管理中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
ISO 9000模式是目前世界上流行的质量管理模式之一,吸收了管理科学、系统科学、全面质量管理等现代管理理论的成果。文章根据ISO 9000模式的基本原理和高校质量管理的实践,分析了高校ISO 9000模式的构成,提出了高校实施ISO 9000模式的主要方法和步骤,包括领导决策、建立领导机构和推行小组、明确各岗位职责、贯标培训、建立文件化的质量管理体系、体系的实施、监测和改进等。  相似文献   

“校长合作领导”是西方中小学中一种独具特色的地方性教育实践模式.“校长合作领导”强调校长领导角色不再由一位领导者担任,而是由两位领导者共同或轮流担任;它是分布式领导理论关照下的表现形式之一,也是学校教育改革的必然产物.在实践过程中,“校长合作领导”主要衍生出职责分工型、支持互助型、交替分工型与共同管理型四种模式.这些模式的有效实施依赖于分享学校领导者领导职能、开展学校领导者战略合作、创新学校组织結构和管理方式以及提升学校领导者领导能力四个方面.  相似文献   

本文以模式概念的界定为前提,引出班级管理模式的概念;在价值性原则,有效性原则、主导性原则以及权变性原则的基础上,遵循这些基本要求,尝试从价值取向、组织结构和领导方式三个要素入手,建立班级管理的四种主要模式,并就每一模式的内涵,适用范围及局限性方面加以分析与概括。试图从微观层面,进一步充实和丰富班级管理理论。  相似文献   

领导生命周期理论认为,有效的领导取决于部属的成熟度与领导方式是否相适应。研究生的成长也是逐步成熟的过程,导师应根据研究生不同的成熟阶段,适切地运用命令型、说服型、参与型和授权型四种不同的指导方式。研究生指导过程中还应树立"以生为本"的培养理念,正确认识领导生命周期理论的应用,形成"权变思维"的指导方式。  相似文献   

我国城市社区管理模式的改革已经有相当长的时间,在实践中,各地摸索形成了"上海模式"、"沈阳模式"、"江汉模式"等各具特色的社区管理模式。其中"沈阳模式"被看做是社区自治型治理的代表。城镇化的快速发展,暴露出"村改居"、"城中村"、"城市郊区"等社区管理新问题,因此社区管理的"沈阳模式"需要在社区管理的体制、主体和相关资源方面做出调整,以应对出现的新问题。  相似文献   

针对我国企业领导结构中的“一长三师”(亦称一长三总,即厂长、总工程师、总经济师、总会计师)的领导体制,提出建立增加企业总法律顾问的“一长四总制”的企业的法律决策型管理模式,并分析其必要性、模式特点,提出了当前在建制过程中存在的主要问题及对策。  相似文献   

This study presents the development process of a new model of educational innovation, that involves the use of digital technologies. The model is based on a broad theoretical framework together with research involving this long-term case study. The backbone of the model consists of a fundamental revision of a multi-level Organizational Learning Framework incorporating the influence of the external school context (outside of the school context) and various aspects of leadership. The conceptual model not only clarifies the learning capacity of the teachers and administration, in accordance with the organizational learning approach, but can also be used as a tool for the investigation of planned interventions in line with the ‘learning school’ conception. The incorporation of the concept of leadership practice strengthens the original Organizational Learning Framework on all levels in the school organization. The conceptual model integrates and improves theoretical frameworks for context-conscious leadership, organizational learning and distributed leadership. An important outcome of this study is an increased understanding of the relation between distributed leadership and collective sense-making as an important prerequisite for the incorporation of digital learning materials in teaching practice.  相似文献   

What distinctive leadership changes does the private sector bring to the running of public sector educational services? This paper contributes to an understanding of the issues raised by this question by studying the senior management of a private company running services for an English local education authority. The paper explores evidence of modernizing leadership, as well as the extent to which a traditional public ethos is sustained or re‐interpreted within modernization. Analysis is based principally on interviews with senior management, but is also informed by the larger data set collected as part of the case study of this public‐private partnership. The paper suggests that modernizing leadership, as understood in terms of the dominant policy discourse, is not found in its pure form, but is modified by a continuing orientation to an older public ethos. A model is proposed—an adaptive public service model of leadership—which reflects the style of leadership forged by senior management. Issues, dangers, paradoxes, and contradictions inherent in the model and the practice it represents are highlighted. The model is not put forward as an ideal to follow, but as a means of highlighting the issues that arise where modernization and older ideals of public service encounter each other.  相似文献   

重视和加强教育领导学的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教育领导就是确定教育组织的发展方向与共同愿景,对全体成员施加积极的影响,使其积极主动地为实现组织目标而努力工作的过程与活动。带领、指导、教育、劝说和激励等是施加影响的重要手段。教育领导学是研究与提高教育领导活动的合理性、科学性和有效性相关的一般性的主要的领导问题的理论体系。我国的教育领导学研究应主要包括学科性质、基本要领领导行为、领导能力等内容,并且要采取适当的措施,加强教育领导学的学科建设与推广工作。  相似文献   

Over the past two decades, debate over the most suitable leadership role for principals has been dominated by two conceptual models: instructional leadership and transformational leadership. This article reviews the conceptual and empirical development of these two leadership models. The author concludes that the suitability or effectiveness of a particular leadership model is linked to factors in the external environment and the local context of a school. Moreover, the paper argues that the definitions of the two models are also evolving in response to the changing needs of schools in the context of global educational reforms.  相似文献   

教育组织领导是为了实现组织决策而采取的合适的领导方式、激励模式和沟通方式;教育组织的控制是通过对教育组织及其成员行为的监督、检查和调节,使组织及其成员按照既定的目标努力,或根据发展的需要调整目标或纠正组织及其个人的行为偏差。  相似文献   

Promoting the development of educational leadership in higher education is essential for strengthening the quality of teaching and learning. Additional research is needed to conceptualize educational leadership, especially within informal roles. We analysed how faculty members in an academic development program conceptualized educational leadership. Five key characteristics emerged that inform the development of educational leadership capacity in postsecondary contexts: affective qualities, mentoring and empowering, action-orientation, teaching excellence, and research and scholarship. Three characteristics of academic programs aimed at developing educational leadership were also identified: funding and resources to implement a change initiative, building interdisciplinary communities, and embracing identity.  相似文献   

李政涛 《教育研究》2012,(3):4-11,34
当代中国社会发展需要一把教育的尺度来衡量,并以此作为判断当前社会发展状态的基本标尺之一。教育尺度的引入将改变研究思路,带来新的思维方式;改变研究问题,拓展研究视野;改变研究立场,确立当代中国社会发展研究中的教育学立场。"教育尺度"视域中的"教育基础"涉及人口、教育机构、社会对教育的支持以及政府领导与管理教育事业的方式等。"在中国"研究"教育基础"更能凸显"中国自觉",为人类社会发展中教育尺度的形成与运用提供"中国参照系"下的"中国道路"和"中国模式"。  相似文献   

女性的教育参与,体现出教育公平与社会公平的社会价值,体现出为女童发展树立榜样的教育价值,体现出女性潜能全面开发的发展价值。调查发现,乡村女教师人数在教师总数中所占比例呈上升趋势,但县镇学校女教师所占比例大,乡村屯学校女教师所占比例小:乡村女教师担任学校领导职务的人数少,即使有,也多担任学校中层干部或副职;女教师主观能动性发挥不充分,教育参与意识弱,参与能力有待提高。为提高乡村女教师的教育参与度,应当从法律、政策、社会文化以及教育资源分配等方面采取积极措施。  相似文献   

Despite the ‘practice’ turn in the broader management literature, very little work in educational administration has engaged in a theoretical discussion about what constitutes leadership practice. Theoretically informed by the French sociologist Pierre Bourdieu, this paper contributes to the long-established critical tradition in the educational administration literature, to argue that: (i) ‘leadership’ is a label of the managerialist project of the state; (ii) leadership should be thought of as a disruptive practice; and (iii) Bourdieusian theory can enable this thinking, but not as it is frequently mobilised in the educational administration literature. The alternative put forth in this paper is not merely replacing one external narrative (managerialism) with another (Bourdieusian), but rather advancing a theoretical position on what is leadership that paves a way forward for a research programme.  相似文献   

我国校长培训内容乏善可陈,需要改变。本文首先介绍由结构领导、人性领导、政治领导、文化领导和教育领导构成的学校领导五向度模式的来历;再从课程原理和追求优质学校教育的改革目标要求学校领导再造两个角度,进一步论述基于该模式建构校长培训课程的理据;最后阐述建基于该模式的校长培训内容体系的组成部分,供教师教育机构和培训者参考使用。  相似文献   

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