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王永吉 《成才之路》2020,(3):122-123
探究性实验教学模式在高中生物课堂教学中占据着重要的地位,对学生学习生物知识也有积极的意义。在高中生物课堂教学中教师要注重引导学生树立正确的探究性实验思维方式,运用科学的实验步骤进行生物实验教学。文章对高中生物探究性实验教学中教师的课堂开展步骤以及模式进行论述。  相似文献   

在信息化社会的今天,信息素养已成为科学素养的重要构成部分。迅速地筛选和获取信息、准确地鉴别信息、创造性地加工和处理信息,将是所有社会成员应具备的、如同“读、写、算”一样重要的、终生有用的基础能力之一。在我国,普及信息技术知识已迫在眉睫,本文就如何培养学生的信息素养提出了自己的看法。  相似文献   

The skill set associated with lifelong scientific literacy often includes the ability to decode the content and accuracy of scientific research as presented in the media. However, students often find decoding science in the media difficult, due to limited content knowledge and shifting definitions of accuracy. Faculty have developed a variety of approaches to increasing scientific literacy, but these approaches often miss out on valuable opportunities to teach core information literacy skills, including accessing original scientific research. We describe a scaffolded assignment using news reports that allows students enrolled in a science course for non-majors to learn about the nature of the scientific research literature, the connection between the popular press and the scientific literature, and the accuracy of popular media reporting of science while developing important information literacy skills. Our experience suggests that students develop information literacy skills associated with finding scientific articles using media reports, actively engage in trying to decode scientific articles, and are willing to thoughtfully assess the accuracy of science reporting in the news despite minimal content training. Moreover, students anecdotally report that the skills developed here are portable to decoding media reports from other academic fields of research, especially the social sciences.  相似文献   

高校毕业生就业信息的收集与运用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
就业信息是高校毕业生求职择业的基础,是通向用人单位的桥梁,是择业决策的重要依据,更是顺利就业的可靠保证。就业信息掌握的多少,在一定程度上决定着大学生能否顺利实现就业。高校毕业生在求职择业的过程中,要学会通过不同的渠道收集就业信息,并科学合理地整理、分析和运用信息,实现就业目的。  相似文献   

Team Teaching     
Several core competencies related to information literacy have been identified by the Association of College and Research Libraries. Students must learn to gather relevant information and communicate their findings effectively. The collaborative activity described here, which could easily be adapted for other disciplines, introduces first-semester freshmen to the standards of professional scientific writing, the different forms of publication, search strategies to effectively find information using a relevant database, and plagiarism. Analysis of our pre- and post-activity assessment demonstrates that students gain both confidence and knowledge on several important skills as a result of this activity. Providing content-relevant information literacy experience lays the foundation for students to be successful consumers of information.  相似文献   

Researchers from multiple perspectives have shown that young students can engage in the scientific reasoning involved in science experimentation. However, there is little research on how well these young students learn in inquiry-based learning environments that focus on using scientific experimentation strategies to learn new scientific information. This work investigates young children’s science concept learning via inquiry-based instruction on the thermodynamics system in a developmentally appropriate, technology-supported learning environment. First- and third-grade students participate in three sets of guided experimentation activities that involve using handheld computers to measure change in temperature given different types of insulation materials. Findings from pre- and post-comparisons show that students at both grade levels are able to learn about the thermodynamics system through engaging in the guided experiment activities. The instruction groups outperformed the control groups on multiple measures of thermodynamics knowledge, and the older children outperform the younger children. Knowledge gains are discussed in the context of mental models of the thermodynamics system that include the individual concepts mentioned above and the relationships between them. This work suggests that young students can benefit from science instruction centered on experimentation activities. It shows the benefits of presenting complex scientific information authentic contexts and the importance of providing the necessary scaffolding for meaningful scientific inquiry and experimentation.  相似文献   

在高校中,图书馆作为情报、资料的中心,既应为教师的教学科研提供充分的资料条件和科研环境,也应成为学生广泛阅读、建立合理知识结构的重要机构,成为学生课堂以外最重要的活动场所,为学生科研能力的提高作出自己的贡献.然而在普通高校中,普遍存在着大学生不会利用、或利用图书馆不充分的情况,这非常不利于学生知识结构的建立和科研能力的培养.这种情况是由多种原因造成的,但其中自有图书馆工作不充分的原因.图书馆应该变被动为主动,有针对性地在学生中进行调查研究和对学生进行如何使用资料的指导性教育,以便更好地为学生的科研能力培养服务.  相似文献   

One of the greatest challenges instructors face is getting students to connect with the subject in a manner that encourages them to learn. In this essay, we describe the redesign of our Developmental Biology course to foster a deeper connection between students and the field of developmental biology. In our approach, we created a community of scientific practice focused on the investigation of environmental impacts on embryonic development and informed by popular and scientific media, the students' own questions, and the instructor. Our goals were to engage students in meaningful ways with the material, to develop students' science process skills, and to enhance students' understanding of broad principles of developmental biology. Though significant challenges arose during implementation, assessments indicate using this approach to teach undergraduate developmental biology was successful.  相似文献   

体育理论课是体育专业的一门专业理论课,学好该门课程时掌握体育教育的理论与方法,提高学生的实际工作能力有着重要意义.本课题通过更新教材内容,运用启发式教学,采用多向信息传递,学讲结合等几个方面的改革,增强了教学效果.  相似文献   

建构主义理论运用于科学教学的15条原则   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
随着建构主义理论在科学教育领域中的运用与逐渐流行,一种基于建构主义的新的科学教学模式正在兴起。这种教学模式要求在科学教学中,应把科学知识的学习看作是学生主动建构知识的过程;应把科学探究作为学生建构科学知识的最重要的学习方式;应充分发挥学生在学习中的自主性,视学生为科学知识的主动建构者;承认学生的原有知识经验在学习中的重要性,了解并正确处理学生的前概念;运用概念转变策略,帮助学生实现概念转变;引发学生的认知冲突,激起学生科学探究的欲望;发挥教师的指导作用,为学生的知识建构提供支持条件;提供真实的情境,让学生获得经验,在情境中建构知识的理解;鼓励学生发问,提出开放性问题,让学生在问题解决中建构知识;开展多种形式的对话,在对话中建构知识;鼓励学生合作与交流,为知识的社会建构提供机会;鼓励学生反省,学会自主监控学习过程;重视学习方法指导,为学生知识建构提供认知工具与策略;提供学习资源,让学生参与寻找用于解决问题的信息;采用形成性评价,强调学生在学习过程中的表现。  相似文献   

姚婕 《成才之路》2020,(2):90-91
信息技术是一门综合性实践课程,学生在课堂上不仅要学习计算机的操作技巧,还要学会运用信息技术解决生活中的实际问题。在信息技术教学中,尊重学生主体地位,激发学生智慧互动,是每一位教师都应该认真思考的问题。文章结合课堂教学案例,对信息技术课堂教学的互动进行探讨,以提高信息技术教学质量,提升学生学科素养。  相似文献   

梁一帆 《怀化学院学报》2006,25(12):162-165
培养终身学习者是高校教育的中心任务,而终身学习的基本要素是信息素养。探讨大学生信息素养与英语教学综合技能培养相融合的有效性。首先阐述大学生信息素养在当前信息社会势在必行,然后介绍为西华大学2005级非英语专业部分学生设计的一次上网搜索信息及交流信息的实践活动及其延续效应。由此产生的教学意义是大学英语教学的重心须从记忆型教育转向信息型教育;英语教师应树立信息教育观念、不断寻求自我发展,鼓励并指导学生学会学习。  相似文献   

The current study compared the effectiveness of two methods in biology teaching that are based on the science-as-inquiry approach: visits to authentic university laboratories (AULs) and analyzing adapted primary literature (APL). The methods’ effectiveness was measured in terms of high-school students’ increased understanding following a 6-week intervention that emphasized five major aspects of the nature of science (NOS): the tentativeness of scientific understanding, the cooperative nature of the scientific process, methodological diversity, the sociocultural embeddedness of scientific knowledge, and the aims of scientific inquiry. A quasi-experimental, pre-post control design was applied, utilizing quantitative evaluation methods. Findings indicate that teaching NOS in biology high-school classes using science-as-inquiry methods is an effective approach for enhancing NOS understanding. Both of the proposed methods appear to be promising; however, the AUL method was found to be more effective for enabling advanced-level high-school biology students’ understanding of these NOS aspects. In conclusion, both AUL and APL are potentially effective methods that can be adapted for teaching various biology subjects in different cultural contexts.  相似文献   

高校专业资料室是一个院系学术科研发展的最前沿阵地,是为教学和科研提供第一手资料的重要场所。本文针对高校资料室目前的状况和发展存在的问题,提出了改进高校资料室建设和管理的对策,以使资料室更便捷、更有效地成为师生学习的平台。  相似文献   

徐学福 《教育科学》2006,22(2):20-23
根据教学论,科学教学中的“探究”可有三层含义:作为教学目标,指学生应掌握的科学探究技能,要理解的科学探究特性;作为教学原则,指激发学生积极探究未知、主动建构意义的基本教学要求;作为教学方法,指学生在教师指导下所采用的类似科学探究过程的学习方式或程序。  相似文献   

随着科学技术的飞速发展,多媒体对数学教学的辅助作用也日益突出。将多媒体信息技术融于数学教学课堂,利用多媒体信息技术图文并茂、声像并举、能动会变、形象直观的特点为学生创设各种情境,可激起学生的各种感官的参与,调动学生强烈的学习欲望,使学生乐意并有更多的精力投入到现实的、探索性的数学活动中去,让学生由听数学转为做数学,从被动接受变为主动构建,从而使学生学会思考、学会学习、勇于创新。  相似文献   

In order for students to truly understand science, we feel that they must be familiar with select subject matter and also understand how that subject matter knowledge was generated and justified through the process of inquiry. Here we describe a high school biology curriculum designed to give students opportunities to learn about genetic inquiry in part by providing them with authentic experiences doing inquiry in the discipline. Since a primary goal of practicing scientists is to construct explanatory models to account for natural phenomena, involving students in the construction of their own explanatory models provides a major emphasis in the classroom. The students work in groups structured like scientific communities to build, revise, and defend explanatory models for inheritance phenomena. The overall instructional goals include helping students understand the iterative nature of scientific inquiry, the tentativeness of specific knowledge claims (and why they should be considered tentative), and the degree to which scientists rely on empirical data as well as broader conceptual and metaphysical commitments to assess models and to direct future inquiries.  相似文献   

Five teachers were interviewed as to their perceptions of the effect of an intervention to teach scientific literacy on learning in subsequent biology courses. The sample consisted of 450 students who had a literacy course in ninth grade and had completed tenth-grade biology. At the end of the academic year the biology teachers were interviewed and asked to compare the biology students who had the literacy course to students they had taught in earlier years. The biology teachers concluded that the literacy course did have an effect on students' subsequent ability to learn biology. The strength of the effect varied according to level of biology. Students had a better understanding of the nature of science and better laboratory and process skills. They were also better at analyzing data. The advanced and intermediate biology students were more creative, more likely to take risks, and engage in hypothetical thinking than other groups of students that the teachers had taught. Although the purpose of the literacy course was to teach literacy skills the advanced students retained a substantial amount of content material that was applicable to biology.  相似文献   

结合教学实例,分析角色扮演教学法的概念及实施的步骤,运用角色扮演活动进行教学,可以促使学生进一步认识并掌握生物基本概念,充分体现学生的主体,促使学生学会沟通与合作,培养学生各种能力.  相似文献   

Two reasons are suggested for studying the degree of conceptual integration in student thinking. The linking of new material to existing knowledge is an important aspect of meaningful learning. It is also argued that conceptual coherence is a characteristic of scientific knowledge and a criterion used in evaluating new theories. Appreciating this ‘scientific value’ should be one objective when students learn about the nature of science. These considerations imply that students should not only learn individual scientific models and principles, but should be taught to see how they are linked together. The present paper describes the use of an interview protocol designed to explore conceptual integration across two college‐level subjects (chemistry and physics). The novelty here is that a single interview is used to elicit explanations of a wide range of phenomena. The potential of this approach is demonstrated through an account of one student's scientific thinking, showing both how she applied fundamental ideas widely, and also where conceptual integration was lacking. The value and limitations of using this type of interview as one means for researching conceptual integration in students' thinking are discussed.  相似文献   

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