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T Y Z O O J H G V BP Q E D R C X G Y JI O P L K U Y T N MC E R G B E A C H JN J Y T R F V B K OI P I K J U Y G B NC F G H B V U J Y TD E V B P A R K G HO P I U Y H K J N M上期答案:mother happy love gife“慧眼小飞侠”:周昊吉林省长春市一汽十四校三(2)班卓翔宇广东省潮州市饶平县黄冈镇师范实验小学602班日文王宇杰安徽省合肥工业大学附属中学小学三(2)班贺钰哈尔滨市动力区中英小学四(3)班伍易柔哈尔滨市道里区河松小学五(2)班WORDS大搜索~~…  相似文献   

Hello,我是怪怪猫,因为我长了一双怪怪眼,总是能在一大堆乱七八糟的字母中找出英语单词,你也能吗?那就来和我比一比吧。这一次,我们要找的可是中秋节里要吃的好吃的哟!快来挑战怪怪猫吧!获胜同学将获“慧眼小飞侠”称号! 怪怪猫的地址:哈尔滨市南岗区阿什河街11 号《小学趣味英语》“怪怪猫”收邮编:150001  相似文献   

You might have never heard of the CERN laboratory,but this is all about tochange.On10th September 2008 the most powerful scientific experiment ever attempted willtake place at this quiet research centre nearGeneva on the border of France and Switzer-land.Buried underground,the Large HadronCollider(LHC)is about to be switched on.In laymen‘s terms,it is a kind of time ma-chine that could open a window on how theuniverse appeared in the first few microsec-onds of its existence.  相似文献   

1 .What tsb!e’5 in布瞻黔舞藻瓤彝_矍麟产耀缪2 .Wh掀15 there in your house that ought to be looked into?3,What kind of table has no legs?4 .What Part of a elock 15 always old?5 .What never asks questions,but gets a Iot of answers?6.WhiCh fOUF letters are the thief afraid of?月白me符客题卡柳息线剪下,寄至南昌市中山路1拍号我们符抽取100右答题正确者,类励精美私品一份。11.罄系刃一.11111大挑战(英文)…  相似文献   

①环伍atgocsuP袖皿功erain‘omes面。?②、。run、but二~walks?廓洲亏③What慈wOwor’肠④环吸at自甲o功加邵加。。。二os:、、?网canyou llever加珊扬f bre翻幻血st?⑤环飞ywas石a斤ajd了害杨夕of7?⑥环吸at招in seas皿s,se~ds.minu把,加亡加t in yrears and凌理s?大挑战(英文)  相似文献   

1 .N劝t dirty.2.环伍at招功eb卫ggestanimaloD功elandZ才3 .W五at can sw众刀祖th口wator? 姗4.W五万c五an而al we call五加‘,ki你,’7万.环吸at dateis‘艺五社d代沮’5 Day,’?缴嗽.舀反A五ouse几1, a room血1.c朋’t cateh a sPoon w五at殆i亡?刻奋“小星星英语乐园”答题卡上期答案:25ge:Te IePhone:Addr曰55:丁,寄至南昌市中山路1”号‘协星星类语乐园”邮编:330008题正确者,类励楷类孔品一资。咨询电话:07夕1一石7召乡17了大挑战(英文)…  相似文献   

1.What is that,when once lost,you can never find again?2.I am something that can run but can't walk, what am I?  相似文献   

Google is launching social search,a newfeature which will allow users to include informationfrom other social networks includingTwitter(即时通讯网站,微博客的典型应用,允许用户将自己的最新动态和想法以短信息的形式发送给手机和个性化网站群)  相似文献   

人生处处是课堂,只要你是有心人。所谓凡人睿语,就是那些心平气和地讲出来,也能让你细细斟酌回味好久的片言只语。  相似文献   

1What's it like being a kidult? One thing is certain-age determining "appropriate behaviour" is losing saliency as a concept. It is no longer age that determines how we act but rather our interests and attitudes.  相似文献   

I'm so hot.Please give me the book.How much is the pencil?I'm swimming.I like reading the storybook.It's 7 o'clock.It's time to get up.  相似文献   

Hi,同学们好,我是蹦蹦鼠。和你们一样,我对精彩的网络世界充满了好奇。我的老师也经常让我在学习新课文前上网搜集一些有用的资料和图片。这不,经过一段时间的锻炼,我对上网查找资料、发E-mail、网上发表作文等上网知识已经比较精通啦!所以,《小学生语文学习》开办“网络天空”这个新栏目,就让我来当主持人。同学们,欢迎你们常来看看,给我多提意见呀!  相似文献   

为了对异质异构数据资源进行语义集成并提供统一的智能访问接口, 利用语义Web技术发布机器可理解的数据资源及其之间的关系, 以支持智能搜索等功能. 介绍了中医药智能搜索引擎TCMSearch, 该搜索引擎的核心为一个集成语义知识库, 该知识库利用领域本体来表示中医药领域的实例及其之间的关系. 首先, 针对普通文本, 系统采用了机器学习的方法对其进行语义标注; 对于关系型数据库数据, 则采用了语义映射的方法统一其语义信息. 然后, 系统为集成的数据资源构建了一个语义索引, 该索引采用本体语言RDF/OWL进行表示, 从而支持一些强大的推理功能, 如类层次关系推理和实例关系推理. 最后,通过利用该语义索引以及其支持的推理功能, 系统能够在集成知识库的基础上提供智能化搜索, 如关联搜索、语义图浏览以及实例推荐等新功能.  相似文献   

(一)Colors Lisa is twenty this year. She works in a clothes store. She has a small red car. One day, she goes home in the car. At a crossing, the engine(发动机)dies and she can't start the car. A lot of cars stop behind her car and the traffic lights(交通灯)turn from red to green, from green to yellow and then red again. Lisa has a look at the cars behind hers and feels very sorry. Then a policeman comes and asks kindly, "Which color do you like, Miss?"  相似文献   

A)用正确的介词填空。1. Welcome____our class. 2. It's very kind____you. 3. They are going to Shanghai____air. 4. If you don't work hard, you will fall____others. 5. It's usually quiet here____Sunday morning. 6. This factory has been opened____over twenty years.  相似文献   

The last month and a half of the semester is the time when students make their biggest--and most costly--academic mistakes. So, in the spirit of an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, here are our 10 best tips on what to avoid as the semester slowly winds down:  相似文献   

一、词形变换。A.写出下列词的反义词。1. big ____ 2. light ____ 3. full ____ 4. new ____ 5. long ____ 6. right ____ 7. same ____ 8. easy ____ 9. late ____ 10. cheap ____ 11. take ____ 12. close ____ 13. teach ____ 14. buy ____ 15. black ____ 16. come ____ 17. these B.写出下列名词的复数形式。  相似文献   

请根据B句的答语,每空填一个单词,完成A句的问话: 1 .A:name? B: JimGreen. 2.A:___the boy? B:He,5 thirteen. 3.A:you? B:Class one. 4 .A:·she? B:Tearn Two. 5 .A:I? B:Row Three. 6.A:〕the twins? B:Grade One.7 .A:their? B:Luey and Lily.8 .A:their friends? B:Liu Ying and HanMeiinei.9 .A:name? B:Our teaeher,snamei、Mi;,Wang.10.A:___you_? B:I,m in No.5 Middlesehool.11 .A:___today? B:I,m on duty.12.A:t玩ball? B:It,5 behindthedoor.一1 3.A:「thecat? B:Mimi.14.A:girl Luey? B:Tlle one in…  相似文献   

美国一著名网站对以三位殿堂级乐坛歌后进行了网上投票,结果综合指数排名最好的还是这位以拥有超高音著称的“花蝴蝶”玛丽亚·凯莉。  相似文献   

Everybody loves a bargain. One person's useless, ugly, or broken object can be another person's bargain. That is why so many Americans do not throw things away. They put them outside their house. They put on a For Sale sign. And, as simple as that, they have a yard sale. In some parts of the country, such a sale might be called a garage sale(现场旧货出售) or a moving sale. Whatever the name, the activity is the same. People sell things they no longer want.  相似文献   

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