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This article focuses on coordination between governance actors in higher education. The object of the study is a department at a public university, seen as a multi-project environment. The purpose of this article is to illustrate and analyze project governance as a tool that allows departmental management to coordinate with the authorities, the board and the management at different levels at the university. The importance of project governance as a coordination tool relates to the expected function of project governance to coordinate with governance actors and to project governance implementation, which affects relationships between actors. Another finding of the case study is the importance of accountability both for functionality and for the implementation of project governance, and, by extension, for coordination with governance actors.  相似文献   

This study identified decision-making profiles of students who make a choice of a major in higher education. These profiles were examined in a sample of Belgian students at the end of Grade 12, when the educational system expects that these adolescents choose a specific major. Using latent class cluster analysis on adolescents’ scores for coping with career decisional tasks (i.e., orientation, exploration, decisional status, and commitment), four clusters were identified. As expected, these profiles paralleled Marcia’s (1966) identity statuses (i.e., the achievement, moratorium, foreclosure, and diffusion status). Results provided support for the external validity of the identified clusters through differential associations with several person variables (i.e., career decision-making self-efficacy, career choice anxiety, and decision-making style) and with academic functioning in higher education (i.e., commitment, academic and social adjustment). Implications for current educational research and research on career decision-making are discussed.  相似文献   

The study is an analysis of gender and power in British universities. It draws from a lifetime of experience of the difficulties encountered by those women who do reach senior decision-making positions in academic institutions, in the UK and overseas. It spans a period of forty years which begins with women as an unassimilated minority among student populations and moves to an analysis of their opportunities for shared control beneath the glass ceilings of the levels they attain as established academics. A survey of the incumbents of senior management roles in universities reveals few women. Fewer attain honorific positions. Suggesting that the observations made represent an improvement on the past, the paper presents two case studies of the implications of senior administrative work for academic women's professional lives. The first is of a small university weighted in favour of a narrow band of technological disciplines and the second a large mainstream university with many women staff. From here, commenting on external influences in Britain and elsewhere, the paper concludes by suggesting: ways in which women's leadership in academic institutions might be encouraged; the role of the professional bodies in monitoring and promoting this; and the learning required by women themselves to become effective as leaders for change once in position.  相似文献   

中国近代学制的建立与发展极大地推动了高等教育的现代化进程,并在此期间受到了许多西方包括日本等国影响,但学术界对其发展过程是依附还是借鉴分别持不同观点。通过分析中国近代高等教育学制的嬗变来反思中国高等教育的现代化进程,势必对高等教育未来的发展有所帮助。  相似文献   

高校学术人员参与管理和决策的调查与研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
对高校学术人员参与学校管理和决策活动情况的调查分析显示,当前我国高校管理中存在学术权力与行政权力失衡,行政权力代替学术权力等问题。解决对策是充分发挥学术委员会等学术组织的作用,调动学术人员的积极性和主动性;耦合学术权力与行政权力,建立符合高校实际的二元权力决策模式;健全教职工代表大会制度,建立有效的监督机制;管理重心下移,进一步整合院系学术权力与行政权力。  相似文献   

高教大众化与高教结构调整   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
文章论述了我国高等教育大众化的根本目的,指出,企图仅依赖普通高校的扩招来实现我国高教大众化不仅不现实,也不能适应社会对多层次、多类型人才的需要。面对国际竞争,结合我国实际,应当发展多种形式的高等教育,高等职业技术教育就是其中重要的一种。  相似文献   

教育分权与大学自主   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
赋予大学更多的自主权,是当今政府在分权政策指导下对公立大学进行改革所达成的共识。从形式上看,这似乎是对大学作为学术性组织自身逻辑的一种观照。但就实质而言,政府在分权政策指导下对大学自主的定位是为了摆脱目前的财政危机,是基于经济利益的市场本位,是新公共管理理论的价值取向在高等教育领域的反映,与学术本位的大学自主存在着内在冲突。  相似文献   

阐述了e-学习的理论内涵,介绍了高等教育领域e-学习的表现形式,论述了高等教育e-学习的特点,指出了e-学习对传统的高等教育的模式、教育思想与教育理念产生的冲击,是对传统教育模式的补充。  相似文献   

Women in higher education   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
The high level of admissions of women into higher education in Japanis analysed in the context of examining revised views about the highereducation of women resulting from changes in the traditional view of therelationship between higher education and social values. Despite the shiftin womens educational expectations, there is still clear evidence that agender track continues; typically men congregate in four year institutionswhilst women focus on Junior Colleges and on particular courses of studydeemed to be appropriate for women. The gender track is furtherdemonstrated by detailed studies of the Junior College and the WomensCollege. Womens employment opportunities are shown to have been affected byrestrictive attitudes of employers which tended in the past to impose onwomen particular modes of employment. The reasons for the emergence of achange in these attitudes in the latter part of the 1980s are explored andthe impact of the Equal Employment Opportunity Act of 1986 is examined. Thearticle concludes by considering the wider implications for women, both inthe work-place and in society more generally, of these developments. It isnoted that highly educated Japanese women tend to hold more conservativevalues and may see their education as an expression of their social statusrather than a way of increasing their earning power. The recentestablishment of a number of courses in Womens Studies may well have aninfluence upon future developments in ideas about women and higher educationin Japan.  相似文献   

语言教育与文化相辅相成、密不可分。如今高职英语教学中普遍缺失文化元素,语言知识和文化渗透并未得到同步。该文以对语言与文化关系的论述为基础上,深入探索了语言教育和文化教育的变迁以及文化教育融入英语语言教育的重要性,论证了在英语教育中融入文化元素的具体途径。  相似文献   

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