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This case study examines ideas on a thinking curriculum and learning to learn in the context of secondary education, by exploring one subject area- computing studies- at the Scottish secondary 3/4 (S3/S4) level with 14- to 16-year-olds. The infusion approach used in this project combines direct teaching on problem solving strategies, modeling of solution processes, on-going formative assessment, and developing metacognition through processes of reflection, articulation and exploration. The case study provides an example of how these approaches can be interweaved within a problem-based learning methodology for teaching computer programming at an introductory level. The study demonstrates how an appropriate balance can be struck between content objectives and broader educational goals within an infusion approach, resulting in the achievement of successful learning outcomes. Extending the approach to other subject domains could greatly enhance the connectedness of the secondary curriculum, thus enabling students to learn more efficiently. This would require cross-curricular collaborations and a reformulation of existing curricula.  相似文献   

This paper reports students' perceptions of the technological supports that assist problem-based learning (PBL). There are a number of tasks in the PBL processes, which can be supported by technological advances. A Web-based system has been developed to support the problem-based learning strategy. The system provides facilities to both teacher and students to facilitate learning and teaching. These include on-line teaching materials retrieval, a discussion area for problem analysis and brainstorming, a facility for project planning and monitoring, a private group area for the purposes of discussion, a facility for the submission of development work and learning resources, and a posting area to display good work to motivate students. The progress of the students can be monitored and feedback can be given to them. This paper presents a pilot study of student views of and preferences for various technological supports used to enhance learning effectiveness.  相似文献   

Anne Maddison is deputy headteacher, with responsibility for curriculum, at the Milestone School, a special school created recently after the amalgamation of three smaller schools. In this article, she describes the development of an outcomes-based curriculum for pupils with a range of learning difficulties aged from two to 16 years. Anne Maddison sets out the rationale for her work in the context of a need to promote shared approaches to teaching and learning at this newly formed school.
The curriculum development project described here was evaluated using questionnaires, interviews and the analysis of documents and practice as part of a case study in school-based enquiry. Anne Maddison used the outcomes of these processes as part of her Doctor of Education (EdD): Educational Leadership course at Lincoln University.
Since this article was written, the Milestone School has undergone its first Ofsted inspection. The report noted that teaching at the school is 'of very high quality' and the curriculum 'is very good'. Inspectors noted that 'the planning of schemes of work, which are being developed with different subjects being focused on each year, is exemplary, with clear outcomes for pupils of different abilities'. While Anne Maddison's article details the experience of one school, her analysis may be of interest to other school managers, teachers, governors or advisers who are seeking to promote the development of a more inclusive curriculum.  相似文献   

The paper is theoretically grounded in Cultural Historical Activity Theory, which holds that human development is founded within participation in social and cultural practices. In particular, the teaching of literacy is shaped not only by the curriculum as designated by policy makers and the institution in which it is located, but also by the individuals' understanding of what literacy and learning involves and how they act to achieve their goals. The paper explores data from a project that investigated the relationship between classroom talk and the teaching of writing in six early‐years classrooms. Participants' own understandings of teaching and learning need to be taken into account by researchers and policy makers. Cultural Historical Activity Theory has been used to explore the dynamic relationship between activity at societal, institutional and individual levels. It is argued that researchers and policy makers need to take account of the wider socio‐cultural context in planning and evaluating curriculum development initiatives.  相似文献   

网上教学与人的和谐发展初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着信息技术的日新月异和全民学习的社会需要 ,网上教学这一新的远程教育模式在全球范围内盛行。那么 ,如何在我国的网上教学中贯彻人的全面发展的教育目标呢 ?本文旨在对网上教学和人的和谐发展这一新时期面临的新议题作初步的探讨。本文首先描述了现代远程教育的基本原理 ;继而概括了网上教学的基本功能 ;再而分析了网上教学的优势和不足 ;进而探讨了网上学习对人的发展所产生的积极和消极的影响 ;最后 ,文章对如何在网上教学中促进人的和谐发展 ,提出了两项建议 :一是教师通过各种途径促进学习互动 ,包括学生和教材的互动、教师和学生的互动、以及学生和学生的互动 ;二是建立网上教师的岗位规范制度 ,包括对网上教师的知识和素质要求等。作者希望 ,本文能起到一个抛砖引玉的作用 ,引起远程教育工作者对这一新时期的新课题的关注 ,并进行深入研究。  相似文献   

Social work programs undertake to educate competent professionals and to promote critical thinking among students who are expected to become lifelong learners. In addition, programs are called on to develop reliable and valid measures for assessing student learning outcomes and to use assessment results to reflect upon and strengthen curriculum. This study explores the use of a graduate integrative seminar to accomplish these goals. The authors describe the learning and assessment processes of the seminar. The authors used a mixed-method research design to analyze data from students over a 3-year period regarding the effectiveness of the seminar as well as from graduate faculty regarding student achievement of curricular objectives. Results indicate that formative assessment processes promote student learning in a manner that mobilizes students to strive for excellence, and that an embedded measure of learning outcomes in the form of a final integrative project may serve as a rigorous assessment tool.  相似文献   

A comprehensive view of science and technology in curricular reforms and materials is needed to promote public understanding and participation in science issues. This paper presents the results of an analysis of the treatment of the nature of science and technology in science curricular materials in India. Textbook sections on the conceptions of mechanics are the basis for this analysis. A contextualized curriculum for schools is offered as a more productive approach to learning and exploring science concepts, processes, and science-and-technology issues. The controversial Sardar Sarovar Hydro-Electric Project in India is used as an exemplary case that can further this effort. The paper concludes that a contextualized curriculum is potentially quite powerful for addressing the nature of science and technology in school curricula and materials.  相似文献   

教材的主要职能在于传递知识,知识内容是教材的核心。因此,想要深入分析教材存在的深层次问题需从微观的知识内容层面入手。现有采用统计关键词频次的内容分析,无法解释教材的知识内容结构及各部分内容之间的联系等问题,而采用语义图性质的概念图又难以保证教材分析结果的客观性。可见,如何客观地可视化表征教材知识内容是从知识层面分析教材的关键。知识建模图是严格按照操作规范绘制而成的,包含教学内容知识点及其关系的知识结构隶属图,不同的绘制者针对相同内容所绘制的知识建模图具高度一致性,其可作为分析教材内容的客观工具和基础数据。因此,基于知识建模图为数据基础,提出了分析教材知识内容新理路,即分析教材的目标定位准确性、知识点类型分布、知识建模图形态结构、目标知识点与先决知识点的紧密性、例题与习题知识点的一致性等方面的特征,可准确揭示教材定位是否适切、教材内容能否达成课程目标、组织方式是否恰当、内容编排能否促进目标知识点的学习、事实范例的选择是否有助于知识点的迁移与能力的提升等问题。基于知识建模图的教材知识内容分析理路,可成为今后教材分析的一种新思路,对有理有据地分析、优化教材的组织结构和内容体系,具有积极意义。此外,采用该理路分析教材,还利于学科知识建模图的积累,并且这些学科知识建模图可广泛应用于教学资源聚合、校本课程优化、教育数据处理、个性化学习推荐和教师教学增效等方面。这对加快智能教育从感知智能向认知智能的转变与演进,具有一定的促进作用。  相似文献   

21世纪对于大学英语课程改革的重要目标就是培养大学生的英语自主学习能力。任务型教学以学生作为教学的中心,强调“做中学”的理念,通过学生的交流合作达到学习的目的。研究结合高职英语教学的实际,对比传统的教育教学模式,来探讨任务型教学模式对于高职学生自主学习能力的影响。  相似文献   

In this paper I begin by outlining the key characteristics of a view of learning that has been pre‐eminent in the past 30 years in the United Kingdom. The focus of this discourse has been less upon understanding the processes and practices of learning as a complex process and more upon improving the efficiency and effectiveness of the curriculum and of teaching to meet taken‐for‐granted needs. Making use of two case studies, I exemplify a connective approach, as a transaction with the environment, which acknowledges both the contextual and incremental character of knowledge‐making, and the interplay between different cultural factors and influences, including discourse and identity, that play‐upon learning. This recognises the importance of all the different learning opportunities available to young people while lending support to claims for approaches to both the design of the curriculum and teaching that allow young people to learn in formal and informal contexts.  相似文献   

In this article we review the evidence of the impact of lesson study on student learning, teacher development, teaching materials, curriculum, professional learning and system enhancement. We argue for lesson study to be treated holistically as a vehicle for development and improvement at classroom, school and system levels rather than as a curricular or pedagogical intervention. We illustrate the need for this approach to evaluating lesson study through a complex case exemplar which used Research Lesson Study (a form of lesson study popular in the UK and Europe) to develop learning, teaching, curriculum and local improvement capacity across schools initially involved in a two‐year mathematics curriculum development project that later evolved into three self‐sustaining, voluntary lesson study school hubs in London. We discuss resulting changes in culture, practice, belief, expectation and student learning. We argue as a result for greater policy level understanding of this expanded conception of lesson study as a vehicle in classroom, school and system transformation.  相似文献   

在信息过剩的网络资源条件下,促进学生理解是教学过程中一个核心目标。基于知识理解的网络课程设计,是以呈现衍生性论题、公开的理解目标、层次化的理解活动,实现引领理解的导航以及促进理解的持续性评价,来呈现学习内容的网络课程模式。  相似文献   

Models and Modelling: Routes to More Authentic Science Education   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
It is argued that a central role for models and modelling would greatly increase the authenticity of the science curriculum. The range of ontological states available for the notion of model is outlined, together with the modes available for their representation. Issues in the selection of models for and the development of modelling skills within the model-based curriculum are presented. It is suggested that learning within such a curriculum entails: acquiring an acceptable understanding of what a model is and how modelling takes place; having a developed capacity to mentally visualise models; understanding the natures of analogy and of metaphor, processes which are central to models and modelling. The emphases required in teaching for this learning to be supported are discussed. Finally, implications of the model-based curriculum for teacher education are evaluated. It is concluded that a great deal of detailed research and development will be needed if the potential of this change in emphasis within the science curriculum is to be realised.An earlier version of this paper was given at the International Conference on Science and Mathematics Learning held in Taipei, Taiwan, 16 December 2003.  相似文献   

In this study, it is argued that Heidegger’s philosophic pedagogy—the realization that we are always already philosophical (ontological) beings—should constitute an integral part of a school-based approach to initial teacher education curriculum. Beginning teachers need to be equipped with an intimate understanding of a teacher’s world to experience the unified nature of this world and experience disruptions and perplexity within it to learn to renew their attunement to the unity of this world. This can only be done by being immersed within the praxis of teaching from the very start. Clinical experience and coursework should not be treated as two separate domains that are somehow externally interlinked. The starting point and the unit of analysis for the curriculum should be the teacher’s world. Clinical experience and coursework can then become meaningful distinctions and moments within a holistic understanding of this world.  相似文献   

目前我国国内对活动课的理解,大致有活动课程说、活动教学方式说、活动教学说、活动教育说四种。中学学科活动课,从课程的维度来说,它属于学科课程,从教学方式的维度来说,它属于活动教学方式,学科活动课是一种学科课程的活动教学方式。必须根据各门学科课程的基本理念、课程目标来设计与组织学科活动课,同时,必须发挥活动在学生认识、情感和个性行为发展中的重要作用,构建学生的主体性学习活动,通过活动促进学生的主动发展。  相似文献   

虚拟仪器技术在电子技术课程设计中的应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
以虚拟万用表系统的设计实现为例,具体阐述了如何将虚拟仪器技术引入课程设计、进行"软硬结合"。实践表明,这种形式的课程设计极大地调动了学生的学习兴趣,提高了学生参与的主动性和积极性,提高了课程设计的完成质量。同时学生的优秀设计又可以服务于实验室建设,为后届学生提供参考并在此基础上开设新的实验项目。  相似文献   

Assessment is a key process in assuring quality education but how is it linked to the scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL)? How can we join teaching and learning to the assessment process rather than view it as a stand-alone component in course and/or program development? This paper explores the relationship between assessment and the SoTL in an effort to identify a systems approach to program management practices. The goal is not to dismiss the value of mechanics and tools in assessment but to highlight the value of building an assessment process that brings together the respective components of assessment with the scholarship that constitutes teaching and learning and an understanding of assessment as learning. Incorporating the use of curriculum maps and Fink’s taxonomy of significant learning advances a framework-driven practice that supports assurance of learning.  相似文献   

This article begins with a brief summary of the findings of a recent research project that surveyed the content of the art curriculum in a selection of English secondary schools. The research findings suggest a particular construction of pedagogised subjects and objects rooted in ideas of technical ability and skill underpinned by a transmission model of teaching and learning. Drawing upon psychoanalytic and social theory reasons for passionate attachments to such curriculum identities are proposed, when in the wider world of art practice such identities were abandoned long ago. Working with the notion of the subordination of teaching to learning and the difficulties of initiating curriculum practices within increasingly complex social contexts, the article argues for learning through art to be viewed as a productive practice of meaning‐making within the life‐worlds of students. The term, ‘encounters of learning’ is employed to sketch a pedagogical quest in which an ethics of learning remains faithful to the truth of the learning event for the student.  相似文献   


Systematic changes to higher education curriculum typically occur within the extended timeframes of formal curriculum review processes. Programmes need to be reviewed periodically for internal and external accountability or to determine whether the curriculum has lost its coherence due to the accumulative effect of continual small-scale changes. These programme reviews often lend themselves to the introduction of innovations in teaching and learning however experiences suggest that these innovations are often short-lived. Even with well-thought-through project plans, adequate funding and staffing, and robust project evaluations, a curriculum innovation may fail to take hold and continue beyond the short-term. In this article we work towards developing a general framework that identifies the various factors and drivers that are essential to sustain important curriculum innovation beyond the short-term. The framework is developed from an analysis of several curriculum innovations related to the embedding of graduate attributes to highlight the important factors necessary to ensure longevity in important developments in teaching and learning.  相似文献   

为了使课程学习对学生产生深远影响,以有意义学习分类法为理论依据构建课程目标。首先介绍有意义学习分类法的内涵、特点与优势;然后以工程图学课程为例,详细阐述有意义学习分类框架下课程目标的构建方法与步骤。教学实践结果表明,基于有意义学习分类法的课程目标能有效地延伸、拓展学习的影响力,促进学生对生活价值与意义的探索。  相似文献   

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