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时空的语言是几何,天文学的语言是微积分,量子力学要透过算子理论来描述,而波动理论则靠傅立叶分析来说明。数学家研究这些科目,最先都由于其本身之美所感召,但最后却发现这些科目背后,竟有些共通的特性。这个事实说明了看起来并不相关的科目,它们之间有甚多交缠互倚的地方。  相似文献   

二十一世纪的医疗注重以下几个方面1、抗衰老和预防因生活习惯不良造成的疾病;2、提高生活质量;3、利用基因技术的个性化医疗;4、提供方便快捷的医疗方式;5、再生医疗技术的研究开发。  相似文献   

数学教育与文化是不可分离的.东亚各国是一个多元文化的群体.尽管如此,各国仍享有相似的文化特征,如教育体系以及对教育所持的文化信念等.本次会议具有特殊的意义,围绕东亚及东南亚地区的文化,鼓励存在差异,寻求共同理念,促进相互交流.  相似文献   

二十一世纪的医疗注重以下几个方面1、抗衰老和预防因生活习惯不良造成的疾病;2、提高生活质量;3、利用基因技术的个性化医疗;4、提供方便快捷的医疗方式;5、再生医疗技术的研究开发。  相似文献   

金秋十月,一年一度的中国教育国际论坛在北京落下了帷幕,本次论坛以其鲜明的主题性、学术性、权威性给关注教育、关心国家发展的人们留下了深深的思考,如石击潭水,激起一波又一波理性探索改革的浪花。 为期3天的活动共有两万多名来自北京和其他省市自治区的教育界人士和其他各界群众参加了国际论坛和国际教育展。其中,在国际论坛的活动中,来自中国、美国、德国、英国、澳大利亚、新西兰、泰国、韩国、印度、马来西亚、孟加拉、荷兰  相似文献   

2004年12月23日,在国家科学技术奖励办公室举办的科技奖励国际论坛上,中国气象局局长、中国科学院院士、地理学家秦大河研究员做了《全球气候与环境演变及对策》的专题演讲。秦院士从20世纪70年代后期一直致力于雪冰与气候环境变化研究。80年代到90年代,他参与国际南极科学考察研究,对深入理解南极冰雪特征区域和全球气候变化以及人类活动的关系做出了贡献九十年代在中国西部逐步开展现代冰雪过程、大气降温作用的研究。秦院士是我国近代雪冰物理和生物地球化学过程地理研究的开拓者,近年正在主持中国气候环境演变科学报告和中国气象事业发展战略研究等多项研究工作。  相似文献   

中法数学教育具有很多共性,也存在很多个性的地方,相互借鉴是必由之路.特别是新一轮以AI为代表的新技术革命的到来,数学的基础性、工具性作用日益凸显.通过教育学习数学,进而掌握数学,运用数学精确的定量描述和严密的逻辑推理,为科技奠定必要的基础,或者直接作为科技的工具,从幕后到台前直接为社会创造价值.法国把"抽象"的数学与AI两者紧密联系起来,而AI是继蒸汽机、计算机、互联网之后的又一次科技革命.这无疑为我们提了醒:数学大有用武之地.  相似文献   

透过第三次国际数学及科学研究看美国数学教育   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文通过对第三次国际数学及科学研究中对美国数学教育的现状的评估结果的分析,与中国目前的数学教育状况进行比较研究。就当前素质教育中如何改革评估办法、如何改革教学内容、考试方法、提高教师专业水平、普及数学观念等问题提出了自己的看法。  相似文献   

全球3000多位学者以线上线下相结合的方式参与了第14届国际数学教育大会(ICME-14).本届大会上,中国学者向全世界呈现了中国数学教育立足强基、发展特色理论与创新实践的道路.国内外学者一同交流探寻未来全球数学教育的新领域与新风向.同时,大会还省思了数字媒体时代下数学教育的机遇与挑战,探讨了数学教育领域如何更好地推进...  相似文献   

第39届国际数学教育心理学大会于2015年7月13-18日在澳大利亚塔斯马尼亚州霍巴特市召开.大会主题是“攀登高峰,架设桥梁”.为方便国内数学教育工作者了解此次会议的核心内容,对第39届国际数学教育心理学大会的主题报告和研究型论文报告进行综述和分析,以期国内读者能够掌握数学教育研究领域的国际最新动态.  相似文献   

Despite years of research, there remains serious concern regarding the engagement of students in science, mathematics and technology education. In this paper, the authors explore how narrative pedagogies are used in science, mathematics and technology in order to make the subjects meaningful. The paper focuses specifically on the role and aesthetic nature of narrative as a pedagogical approach in these school subjects and between school sectors. Case study methodology was used to compare the findings of two independent studies investigating the role of narrative-based pedagogies in mathematics and science (first author) and technology (second author). Based on this comparison, this paper proposes two perspectives on narrative-based pedagogies that deal with the connection of students with the subject: inward-looking that situated the learner within the story generated around artefact creation, and outward-looking that situated the stories of the content into students’ lifeworlds. The use of this comparative lens enabled a higher level of analysis that could not have been achieved by each research programme, generating a broader narrative that provided deeper insight into the teaching and learning experience.  相似文献   

为了提高全民的整体素质,尤其是在科学、技术和数学方面的创新能力,澳大利亚继推出“加强澳大利亚人的能力”计划之后又提出了一个为时7年的“澳大利亚学校科学、技术、数学创新计划”。本文着力于对整个计划的形成和运行模式的分析,并通过对这一计划的剖析反思科技创新能力的培养问题。  相似文献   

For educational technology integration in content disciplines to succeed, teachers and teacher educators need clear standards delineating why, how, where, and how much educational technology they should include in their teaching. This paper examines the visions offered by current science, mathematics, and educational technology standards for educational technology integration in K-12 schools. Since national assessments exert a profound influence on what teachers and students choose to teach and learn, the vision of educational technology use supported by national assessments is also examined. The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Standards (NCTM, 2000. Principles and Standards for School Mathematics. Retrieved April 6, 2002 from http://standards.nctm.org), the National Science Education Standards (National Research Council (NRC) 1996. National Science Education Standards. Available at http://books.nap.edu/catalog/4962.html), and the National Educational Technology Standards (International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) 2000. National Educational Technology Standards for Students: Connecting Curriculum and Technology, ISTE, Eugene, Oregon) provide different visions of educational technology use in the classroom. In addition, the current technology use policies for national assessments in science and mathematics, in particular the college admission tests (ACT, SAT I and SAT II subject area tests), Advanced Placement (AP) course assessments, and the Praxis Series assessments indicate that while mathematics assessments often recommend or require the use of educational technology, few science assessments permit the use of educational technology by students. Recommendations are offered for science educators regarding teacher preparation for the technology-rich classrooms of the future.  相似文献   

There is growing concern about falling levels of student engagement with school science, as evidenced by studies of student attitudes, and decreasing participation at the post compulsory level. One major response to this, the Australian School Innovation in Science, Technology and Mathematics (ASISTM) initiative, involves partnerships between schools and community and industry organisations in developing curriculum projects at the local level. This project fulfils many of the conditions advocated to engage students in learning in the sciences. ASISTM is underpinned by the notion of innovation. This paper describes the findings of case study research in which 16 ASISTM projects were selected as innovation exemplars. A definition of innovation and an innovation framework were developed, through which the case studies were analysed to make sense of the significance of the ideas and practices, participating actors, and outcomes of the projects. Through this analysis we argue that innovation is a powerful idea for framing curriculum development in the sciences at the local level that is generative for students and teachers, and that these ASISTM projects provide valuable models for engaging students, and for teacher professional learning.  相似文献   

Disagreements exist among textbook authors, curriculum developers, and even among science and mathematics educators/researchers regarding the meanings and roles of several key nature-of-science (NOS) and nature-of-mathematics (NOM) terms such as proof, disproof, hypotheses, predictions, theories, laws, conjectures, axioms, theorems, and postulates. To assess the extent to which these disagreements may exist among high school science and mathematics teachers, a 14-item survey of the meanings and roles of the above terms was constructed and administered to a sample of science and mathematics teachers. As expected, the science teachers performed better than the mathematics teachers on the NOS items (44.1 versus 24.7%, respectively) and the mathematics teachers performed better than the science teachers on the NOM items (59.0 versus 26.1%, respectively). Nevertheless, responses indicated considerable disagreement and/or lack of understanding among both groups of teachers concerning the meanings/roles of proof and disproof and several other key terms. Therefore it appears that these teachers are poorly equipped to help students gain understanding of these key terms. Classroom use of the If/and/then/Therefore pattern of argumentation, which is employed in this paper to explicate the hypothesis/conjecture testing process, might be a first step toward rectifying this situation.  相似文献   

数学·技术·数学教育   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
数学可以部分地理解为是对数、逻辑、空间和结构的功能和模式的研究.技术发展和数学发展之间的联系贯穿整个历史.无论是以手持还是以计算机操作平台为基础,类似电子制表、动态几何系统、统计分析系统以及计算机代数系统等技术都提出了关于数学活动本质的问题.在广泛应用新技术以促进数学学习的准备中,有两个实际问题需要解决:教师的专业发展和恰当的教学资源的获得.  相似文献   

美国的数学与科学技术高中是以数学与科学技术为学校主题或特色的磁石学校,也是吸引该领域出类拔萃学生的一种选拔性高中或英才学校。其课程设置围绕其鲜明主题分必修课、选修课、科研实习课程与大学预科(AP)课程等四类,语言、人文社会科学及数学与科学技术等三组,具有深度与广度结合、学术性与职业性连接、统一标准与自主弹性兼顾等特色,体现着追求平等与卓越合一的教育理念与因材施教的精神。这对我国高中课程改革特色的凸显具有一定启示。  相似文献   

基于现代信息技术的理科数学课程改革与创新   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
高等院校理科专业数学课程内容、结构、组织、实施、评价等不同程度地存在较多问题。解决问题的有效途径是充分运用现代信息技术,创造性地整合数学课程内容与课程实施环境。需要转变传统观念,创造基于现代信息技术改革数学课程的基本条件,重组数学课程,构建网络环境下的学生自主学习方式,促进学生高级思维的发展。  相似文献   

Mike Pinter  Linda Jones 《PRIMUS》2019,29(9):982-996

We describe a successful collaboration between mathematics and psychological science faculty members to create a learning community for our students that linked sections of introductory mathematical reasoning and psychological science courses. The students in our learning community were in their second or third semester. The learning community is designed so that, throughout the semester, students regularly move across the border between the two linked disciplines by completing common assignments, including a group project. We modified our existing course topics and frameworks to be intentional about building connections between the courses.  相似文献   

探讨了在高等师范院校数学教育专业开展数学科技活动 ,培养学生创新意识和实践能力的可行性 ,并在实践的基础上探讨了活动的具体形式、内容以及需要进一步解决的问题。  相似文献   

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