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Ⅰ.词汇用所给词的适当形式填空 。 1.As for radio stations,m ost people think that Jazz 107.9FM is (real)great. 2.The kids m ake m uch noise in the room .They are too (noise). 3.W e need som e m ore (act)for the talent show. 4.Sanya has (love)beaches.H ow I wish to visit it one day。 5.H arbin is in (north)China. Ⅱ.语法单项选择 。 1.If you want to be thinner and healthier,you’d better eat food and take exercise. A .m ore;fewer B.m ore;less C.fewer;m ore D.less;m ore 2.Is this song popula…  相似文献   

教学目标:   1.知识目标:学习巩固指示代词this,that,these,those的用法.   2.能力目标:使学生能够正确运用指示代词this,that,these,those.……  相似文献   

教学目标: 1.知识目标:学习巩固指示代词this,that,these,those的用法. 2.能力目标:使学生能够正确运用指示代词this,that,these,those.  相似文献   

指示代词是表示指示概念的代词,即用来起指示作用,或用来代替前面已提到过的名词.指示代词与定冠词和人称代词一样,都具有指定的含义.常见的指示代词有四个:this、that、these、those等,它们的用法和区别如下: 1.this和these表示近指,即所指的人或物在时间或空间上离说话人比较近,而that和those表示远指,即所指的人或物在时间或空间上离说话人比较远.例如: This is along ruler and that is a short one. 这是一把长尺,那是一把短尺. Jack likes these story books and Jim likes those picture books. 杰克喜欢这些故事书,吉姆喜欢那些图画书. 注:如果是对比眼前的两件物品,这时this和that没有距离上的差别.  相似文献   

用来指代人或事物的代词叫指示代词。英语中指示代词有this,that,these,those。this(这个)和these(这些)一般指较近的人或事物。that(那个)和those(那些)一般指较远的人或事物。试比较。  相似文献   

am熏is熏are是be动词的现在形式。句子的主语是第一人称单数I时,谓语动词用am;主语是第三人称单数she熏he熏it或Tom熏Lily等单个人名时,谓语动词用单数is;主语是第二人称单数、各人称复数或表示多个人或物时,谓语动词用are。例如:Iamastudent./Youareateacher./She穴He熏Tom熏Lily雪ismyfriend./We穴You熏They熏LilyandLucy熏Manystudents熏Somecars...雪areintheschool.另外,句子主语是指示代词this熏that时,谓语动词用is鸦主语是these熏those时,谓语动词用are。例如:This/ThatisaChinesecar.These/ThoseareJapanesecars.2.this/that熏these/those这四个词都是指示代词,用来指人或物。this和that用来指单个人或物,而these和those用来指多个人或物,且this,these通常用来指近处的人或物,而that,those通常用来指较远处的人或物。例如:Thisisabook.这是一本书。Thatisapen...  相似文献   

闫守来 《新高考》2007,(Z1):110-112
M:So,what do you want to do tomorrow?W:Well,let s look at this city guide here.Uh,here s something interesting.Why don t wefirst visit the art(1)m inthe morning?M:Okay.I like that(2)i.And where do you want to eat lunch?W:Howabout goingto anIndianrestaurant?The guide(3)r one downtownafewblocksfromthe museum.M:Nowthat(4)s great.After that,what do youthink about visitingthe zoo?Well,itsays here that there are some very unique ani mals not found(5)a else.W:Well,to tell the truth,I mnot real…  相似文献   

1 .15 the baby—(wake)or asleeP?2.We日re tlred.Let’5 stoP—(have)a rest.3 .Ensllsh 15 very useful.You ean,t stoP— (Iearn)it.4 .Can you stoP the ehlldren from—(swlm)In th6 Iake?5 .May 15 weak In Chlnese.She 15 trylns_ (study)It well.6 .You need to try—(eat)anything.7.Jaek seems一一‘(tlred)than Tom today.8.Th6 Chlld 15 too youns一—(take)eare of hlrn-- Sslf.9 .The car hlt the young man—(bad).1 0.If you eat leSS food and take more exer一 clse,you Wl!1 be—(health)and—(thln).1 1 .…  相似文献   

1.If they want to loan you money,tell them youjust filed(申请)bankruptcy and you could sure use somemoney. 2.If they start out with“How are you today?”.say,“I’m so glad you asked,because no one these daysseems to care.and I have all these problems.Myarthritis(关节炎)is acting up(发作),my eyelashes(睫毛)are sore,my dog just died.”  相似文献   

高考对代词及其同源形容词的作用和功能差别的考查每年都有所 涉及。本文拟对其用法的考查进行分类说明。(加下划线的选项为答案) 一、考查 one(s), that, those, it 的用法 1. (2005 天津) I prefer a flat in Inverness to in Perch, be- cause I want to live near my Mom=s. A. one B. that C. it D. this 2. (2006 江苏) My most famous relative of all, who really left his mark on America, was Rob Sussel, my grandfather. A. one B. the one C. he D. some one 3. (NMET 2002) Meeting my uncle after these years was…  相似文献   

Meeting my uncle after all these years was an unforgettable moment,I will always treasure.A.that B.one C.a D.what(NMET,2002)此题的正确答案为B,这里one作代词,指代a moment,在句中做an unforgettable moment的同位语。—Why don蒺t we take a little break?—Didn蒺t we just have?A.it B.that C.one D.this(NMET,2000)此题的答案也是C项one, 此处one也是代词,代指名词a break。下面就one在中学英语中的常见用法做简要归纳:一、one作人称代词可以笼统的指任何人、某一伙人中的一个或本人。当one笼统地指任何人时,…  相似文献   

Several Reasons to See the World 看世界几个理由 If Iou don't take the first step,you’ll never do it.如果不迈出第一步,你永远不会去做. It's so easy to get stuck in this cycle of "I'm going to go - I can't go right now -l'll go next year," and never get out of it. There is, after all, a lot of logistics that go into getting out there and seeing the places you've always wanted to see. If you're looking for one,there is always an excuse not to get those tickets. But if you decide that you're actually going, everything else has a tendency to fall into place.  相似文献   

1. (NMET 1998) You4ll find this map of great in helping you to get round London. A. price B. cost C. value D. usefulness 2. (NMET 1999) Few pleasures can equal of a cool drink on a hot day. A. some B. and C. that D. those 3. (NMET 2000) If you want to cha…  相似文献   

Once (从前) Jack went to a big dinner party. His coat was not good. When he wentin, no one looked at him and no one gave him food. He was very 1 . 2 he went home,3 his best coat, and then came back to 4 party. Everyone stood up at once andcame 5 him. He was taken 6 the best table. Then Jack put his coat in the food,and 7 , "Please eat, dear coat." 8 people were very surprised (惊奇地) and asked, " 9 are you doing this?" Jackanswered, "I'm asking my coat to eat now. Because you gave this fo…  相似文献   

If you have to miss one meal a day, which meal will cause the fewest health problems if you don't eat it? If they have to make a decision of that type,most people will choose to skip breakfast.However,many experts in the field of health consider breakfast is the  相似文献   

方凌 《今日中学生》2012,(10):25-27
ATeacher:If I laid one egg on this table and two legs in that basket,how many would I have?Pupil:I don’t think you can do it.注:lay(laid)①放、搁,②下蛋。BChild:Worry,worry!Mother:What’s worry?Child:The doctor gave me some medicine and told to take threespoons after each meal.Mother:So?Child:We only have two spoons.  相似文献   

1.these与those these和those以及this和that都是指示代词。these是this的复数形式。those是that的复数形式。these和this指离说话人较近的人或物;those和that指离说话人较远的人或物。例如:  相似文献   

英语中用来指代人或事物的代词叫指示代词。常见的指示代词有this,that,these,those等,它们的用法和区别如下:1.this,these表示所指的人或物在时间或空间上离说话人比较近,而that,those表示所指的人或物在时间或空间上离说话人比较远。例如:This is a green apple and that is a yelloworange.这是一  相似文献   

Ⅰ.单项填空1.—ItCs cloudy outside.Please take an umbrella.—.A.Yes,take it easy B.Well,it just dependsC.Ok,just in case D.All right,you are welcome2.If you go by train,you can have quite a comfortable journey,but make sure you get fast one.A.the;the B.×;a C.the;a D.×;×3.—If the traffic hadnCt been so heavy,I could have been back by6oCclock.—What a pity!Tina here to see you.A.is B.was C.would be D.has been4.Look at the trouble I am in!If only I your advice.A.followed B.would fo…  相似文献   

高考中常遇到的"替代"通常有以下三种一、名词性替代即替代前面的名词词组或它的中心词。替代名词的常用词有不定代词one,ones,it,that,those1.one替代前面出现过的可数名词,以免重复,相当于"a/an+名词",其复数形式为ones,其前可加the,this,these等表示特指。例ButthefingerIputintomymouthwasnottheoneIhaddippedintothecup.2.that既可代替可数名词,也可代替不可数名词,相当于"the+名词";不能用冠词修饰;后面总是  相似文献   

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