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When a relationship goes sour, one of the first things to suffer is communication. If you can't communicate with each other, then there is no possible way to salvage the relationship. The thing to do is to prevent communication from ever being a problem. One of the most important aspects of this is to learn how to be a good listener. Listed below are a few guidelines to help you achieve this.  相似文献   

The first day of the month of May is known as May Day. It is the time of year when warmer weather begins and flowers and treesstart to blossom. It is said to be a time of love and romance. It is when people celebrate the coming of summer with lots of different customs that are expressions of joy and hope after a long winter.  相似文献   

If there is a future there is time for mending- Time to see your troubles coming to an ending. Life is never hopeless however great your sorrow- If you're looking forward to a new tomorrow. If there is time for wishing then there is time for hoping- When through doubt and darkness you are blindly groping. Though the heart be heavy and hurt you may be feeling- If there is time for praying there is time for healing. So if through your window there is a new day breaking- Thank God for the …  相似文献   

As the pace of life continues to increase,we are fast losing the art of relaxation.1you are in thehabit of rushing through life,being on the go from morningtill night,it is hard to2down.But relaxationis3for a healthy mind and body.Stress is a4part of everydaylife and there is no way to5it.Infact,it is not the bad thing that it is oftensupposed to be.A6amount of stressis important to provide motivation and give7to life.It is only when the stressgets out of control8it can lead topoor performanc…  相似文献   

Here is a good idea for the future cars.There w ill be electronictracks everywhere in the streets.Electronic cars will run on these tracks.A ll the tracks and all the cars will becontrolled(控制)by a great com puter.Forexam ple,ifyou w ant to go to a large fac-tory from your school,you just go out ofyour school and get into one of those carsoutside.Then you press the button for thefactory.A signal(信号)is sent from the car to the central com puter andthe com puter finds the route.The car tak…  相似文献   

WHO Clarifies Smallpox[[医]天花] RecommendationThe World Health Organization is considering allowing a genetic modification of the deadly smallpox virus to be made for research purposes. A WHO spokesman says that though a decision has been made, the controversial policy still needs to pass through a review process.  相似文献   

ASometimes the real world can be a confusing place. It is not always fair or kind. And in the real world there are not always happy endings. That is why, every once in a while, we like to escape into the world of fantasy -a place where things always go our way and there is always a happy ending. We want to believe in fantastic creatures in imaginary lands. We want to believe in magic powers, good  相似文献   

AFTER a relationship has ended, how many times have you found yourself wondering why either of you stayed together so long?Thanks to being able to look back on the situation, it soon becomes obvious that the relationship had gone way past its time. How much better it would be to recognize the first signs of a relationship's end, to be able to mutually acknowledge that your time together is finished?  相似文献   

How would you like an easy way to earn $2,500?All you have to do is to sit around and wait for your meals. There’s a catch however. You have to stay in a chicken cage with a stranger for a whole week. There are no books or television or radio for am usem ent.You can’t leave until the week is up. And a cam era will be recording your every m ove. Two people actually took the job. The idea cam e from Rob Thom pson, a video artist.H e wanted to m ake a film about the way anim als are treated. H is goal was to r...  相似文献   

NOTICE Tomorrow is New Year’s day.There will be no classes.All the teachers and students must attend the song meeting.It will be held in the meeting- hall between 8∶00 and 11∶30 in the morning.And there will be a basketball match between boy- students’team and young men teachers’ team from 2∶00 to 2∶50, a volleyball match between girl- students’team and young women teachers’team from 3∶00 to 4∶00 in the afternoon.People are warmly welcome to watch.Class will be had as usual on …  相似文献   

Jordan is hoping to save the Dead Sea from dying completely by channeling in water from its large and less-salty southern cousin, the Red Sea, its water minister was quoted as saying.Hazem Nasser said Jordan will present a plan to the U. N. Earth Summit in Johannesburg under which it proposes that a canal be built between the two seas to stabilize Dead Sea water levels. The Red Sea lies some 210 miles (340 kilometers) to the south of the Dead Sea. The Dead Sea is threatened because the Jordan River, which flows into it, is being overused for irriga-tion(灌溉).  相似文献   

Happiness pays off, studies show. Psychologists' seeking the real secrets of happiness report that very happy people tend to be more extroverted and agreeable than less happy people. Our findings suggest that very happy people have rich and satisfying social relationships and spend little time alone relative to average people, "write psychologists Ed Diener and Martin E. P. Seligman in the journal Psychological Science.Solid social relationships do not guarantee happiness, but they are a significant contributing factor. The very happy people whom the authors studied all said they had good quality social relationships. However, the authors write, there is no single key to high happiness. High happiness seems to be like beautiful symphonic music-necessitating many instruments, without any one being sufficient for the beautiful quality.Diener defines happiness as "subjective well-being"-in other words, the person evaluates his or her own quality of life. The question to ask is, "is my life going well, according to the standards I choose to use? "If the answer is "yes, "then that person is judged to be happy.  相似文献   

I would like to suggest that for sixty to ninety m inutes each evening all television broadcasting in the U nited States be forbidden by law .Let us take a 1 ,reasonable look at w hat the results m ight be if such a (an) 2 w ere accepted: fam ilies m ight use the tim e for a real fam ily hour. W ithout the dis- traction of TV ,they m ight 3 together af- ter dinner and actually talk to one another. It is well known that m any of our 4 —ev- erything in fact,from the generation gap to the high divorce rate(离婚率...  相似文献   

Ⅵ. Correct the mistakes in the following sentences,if any:(10%)1.No such a recommendation has so far been made by the technicians.2.Medical aid is expected to be arriving within hours.3.They are demanding $20,000 damage.4.It's a long time since you didn't come to see me.  相似文献   

Smile at each other, smile at your wife, smile at your husband, smile at your children, smile at each other-it doesn't matter who it is-and that will help you to grow up in greater love for each other. Mother TeresaMany Americans are familiar with The Little Prince, a wonderful book by Antoine de Saint-Exupery. This is a whimsical and fabulous book and works as a children's story as well as a thought-provoking adult fable. Far fewer are aware of Saint-Exupery's other writings, novels and short stories.Saint-Exupery was a fighter pilot who fought against the Nazis and was killed in action. Before World War Ⅱ, he fought in the Spanish Civil War against the fascists. He wrote a fascinating story based on that experience entitled The Smile( Le Sourire. )It is this story which I'd like to share with you now. It isn't clear whether or not he meant this to be autobiographical or fiction. I choose to believe it is the former.He said that he was captured by the enemy and thrown into a jail cell. He was sure that from the contemptuous looks and rough treatment he received from his jailers he would be executed the next day. From here, I'll tell the story as I remember it in my own words.  相似文献   

原文:Money Can't Buy Everything In The World Nowadays, the desire for money is universal. Indeed, money can buy many things, and people may be in trouble without money. However, there are many things which money can not buy. As a popular saying goes, "Money is not all-powerful." For instance, money can not buy friendship, healthy, happiness, love and so on. Money can not make a happy day long, nor can it make the unhappy day short. For example, people can be pleased with their success. The key to the success is effort, willpower and industry. People won't attain to the achievement if they  相似文献   

Ateam of Japanese and Russian scientists is pursuing a dream of resurrecting (复兴) long-extinct mammoths to roam free in a Siberian safari park(野生动物园) sanctuary. They want to resurrect the animals using the DNA from frozen remains of the ancient beasts, although they have yet to unearth (掘出) usable material in Siberia.But the man who came up with the idea, scientist Kazufumi Goto, will not be deterred(阻止)."It is technically possible (to produce mammoth calves) if we can get healthy DNA, " said Goto, a former professor of reproductive physiology at  相似文献   

One's desire to heal the planet needn't be stopped by death. In Australia, a funeral company is offering the green crowd an eco-friendly coffin in which to make the final exit. The boxes are made of wood fiber, 90% of which is derived from recycled materials; natural glue holds them together. Meanwhile, in the U.S., woodland cemeteries are another way the funeral industry has gone green. Here are a few more paths to an environmentally correct afterlife.  相似文献   

This article is for the purpose of through English words and expressions evolving, the development to release its righteousness, and pointed out that in the specific linguistic environment, the cultural context and under other correlation factor’s condition, how to cause own spoken language to be appropriate. Along with the world economic , the international commercial exchange, the commercial negotiations, the commercial conference grow day by day. But internationally in the commercial human relations activity, "how causes own spoken language to be appropriate" is a big topic.  相似文献   

Most of us are used to the fact that skirts are basically worn by human females. We do not realize that Scotland is the land that has skirts traditionally worn by men and boys. It is, indeed, a practice of the Scottish male not to be embarrassed when he wears the Scottish kilt , which is actually a beautiful skirt.Long ago, in the land, it was common for Scottish men and boys to use skirts. It was mainly male performers that used them. The practice spread far and wide. Later, it gained favour with the Scottish royalty, especially when kilts were used by the Scottish male bagpipers at court. A bagpipe is a blowing instrument.The Scottish kilt is one of the national of Scotland. Therefore, it is not uncommon to see in Scotland a male using it on himself and feeling proud of it.  相似文献   

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