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韩国高职教育中的"产学合作"模式   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
韩国政府和整个社会都十分重视高等职业教育的发展,并在多年的发展中形成了自己的特点,其中“产学合作”是一个成效显著的人才培养模式。文章详细介绍韩国政府、企业以及学校共同联手进行“产学合作”高职教育的情况,并在此基础上分析其特点、发展趋势及对我国的借鉴经验。  相似文献   

全球经济不景气对各行各业产生了巨大的消极影响,但在教育领域我们却看到了韩国政府的坚定与执著。2008年12月,韩国教育科技部高调推出为期五年的“教育福利促进计划”,在经济危机面前,韩国政府给教育吃了一颗定心丸。  相似文献   

韩国教育民主化历程的概述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据历代韩国政府对教育采取的不同政策,本追溯了韩国近现代教育史,并探讨了不同教育政策对韩国教育民主的深远影响.韩国教育民主一直具有浓厚的政治内涵,当今,争取教育民主权利仍是广大教师和家长的迫切愿望。面向2l世纪,韩国政府推行了各项教育改革活动,以创建教育民主制度。  相似文献   

全球化背景下,优质教育是构建21世纪学习化社会的关键。近年来世界各国的教育改革都反映了这一趋势。20世纪80年代以来,韩国政府一直不遗余力地推行教育改革政策,教师教育改革被认为是全国教育改革运动的基石。韩国政府主张,具有高尚道德感和专业能力的教师是实现优质教育的关键。  相似文献   

全球化背景下,优质教育是构建21世纪学习化社会的关键,近年来世界各国的教育改革都反映了这一趋势。20世纪80年代以来,韩国政府一直不遗余力推行教育改革政策,教师教育改革被认为是全国教育改革运动的基石。韩国政府主张,具有高尚道德感和专业能力的教师是实现优质教育的关键。一、韩国教师教育改革的源起与演进  相似文献   

全球经济不景气对各行各业产生了巨大的消极影响.但在教育领域我们却看到了韩国政府的坚定与执著。2008年12月.韩国教育科技部高调推出为期五年的“教育福利促进计划”(Educational Welfare Promotion Plan),在经济危机面前.韩国政府给教育吃了一颗定心丸。  相似文献   

韩国政府从1996年开始历经15年完成了第一、第二、第三阶段教育信息化的综合计划,当前韩国在硬件和软件方面都走在了世界前列,已经发展成为名副其实的信息技术强国,这得益于韩国政府所实施的一系列扶植信息化方面的政策。韩国政府为了继续巩固信息技术强国的地位,2011年在教育领域又推出了强化信息技术发展水平的新举措,即四阶段教育信息化的综合计划。因此,研究韩国教育信息化的最新发展战略,对我国教育信息化战略的制定具有重要的启示。  相似文献   

随着国民经济的不断发展,韩国各经济部门都迫切需要大批的各类高、中级职业技术人才。近年来,韩国政府加强了对职业技术教育的改革,以满足各经济部门对职业技术人才的需求。 (一)进一步发展高等职业技术教育 早在六、七十年代,韩国政府就重视发展短期  相似文献   

2005年韩国政府宣布:在所有公务文件和交通标志等领域,全面恢复使用已经消失多年的中国汉字和汉字标记,以适应世界化的时代潮流,并提出了《推动汉字并用方案》,其目的是为了发展韩国的传统文化、促进韩国与汉字文化圈国家的交流。目前韩国的汉字教育开展得如火如荼,但是由于韩国政府对汉字政策的摇摆不定,在汉字教育过程中呈现了许多亟待解决的问题。  相似文献   

面向21世纪的韩国教育改革   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
改革现行的教育体制,提高教育质量,培养高质量的新人才以能动地迎接21世纪,一直是韩国政府、特别是金泳三政府追求的目标和推行的一项战略。 金泳三总统1993年2月执政一年后不久,韩国政府酝酿已久的教育改革方案终于出台。 一、确定教育改革的5项方针 一是实现多样化的教育,改革过去死记硬背式的教育方式和按国语、数学和英文排列先后次序的教育方式,尤其是改变以考试成绩为主的近乎残酷的升学制度,制定多样化的选拔学生制度,重点培养学生的  相似文献   

This article discusses how in South Korea, English-medium international schools, initially established to educate foreign residents, have recently transformed themselves into private providers of global education for South Koreans. The article explains the social, economic and political circumstances under which the South Korean government has allowed this transformation to take place in response to the forces of globalisation as well as to South Korean elites' educational demand. The article argues that English-medium international schools are elite-class reproducing institutions. The role of English, one of the major imperatives of global capitalism, will also be discussed, as this language has been impinging on South Korea's education and labour market.  相似文献   

This study is designed to explore how the ecological context of teacher education influences affect South Korean teacher educators' professional development. Research findings reveal that South Korean teacher educators' concerns about their professional development are mainly related to conducting research influenced by global, political, social, and institutional influences together. The global influences permeate lower contextual levels in order and appear as concrete policies affecting teacher educators' work. As a result of an environment that favors academic achievement in various levels of the ecological contexts of teacher education, South Korean teacher educators desire more international academic communication.  相似文献   

Despite South Korea emerging as one of the new players in the international education market over the last decade, our knowledge of the extent of international students’ satisfaction studying in South Korean universities is modest. To fill this research gap, our study used 873 valid survey responses from international students originating from 69 countries studying at 62 Korean universities. An exploratory factor analysis was first used to extract a set of important factors from a number of variables. Then an ordered-logistic regression was conducted to identify factors influencing international students’ overall satisfaction. A number of recommendations and areas of intervention have been identified ranging from learning experience to living and support services. Equally important, this study confirms the validity of the hypothesis that international students from the East Asian cultural sphere attain more satisfaction than other international students who are more culturally dissimilar from members of the host population. The findings of this study contribute to the overall effort of raising student satisfaction and thereby supporting the enrollment of additional students and managing attrition and retention problems through continuous improvement.  相似文献   

Stephanie K. Kim 《Compare》2016,46(1):116-135
Under the slogan of internationalisation, Korean universities have opened international colleges as a way to better attract and accommodate foreign students. However, due to a lack of foreign student recruiting capability, the majority of the students who enrol at one such international college are not foreign, but Korean. Contradictions arise when the English-language medium enforced by the foreign faculty members of the college conflicts with the linguistic practices of the mostly Korean student body. This article uses an international college in South Korea as a case study for the examination of the role of English on student life at Asian universities pursuing internationalisation strategies via the recruitment of foreign faculty members. Paradoxically, by establishing an international college that aggressively enforces the English language medium, the Korean university has created an environment where students avoid using English at all.  相似文献   

Adult education in South Korea has been faced with rapid change under globalization since the 1990s. This article tries to describe the current situation of South Korean adult education and to point out emerging problems. Many problems experienced in South Korea are appearing in other countries, as some of them have been caused by globalization. Therefore, international co-operation is required to resolve those problems and deal with the future of adult education.  相似文献   

This article addresses mathematics education in one of the most closed countries in the world, North Korea. It is known that ideology permeates all aspects of life in North Korea, but how exactly do the ideological and substantive mathematical components interact in mathematics education there? What concrete form does this interaction take in actual everyday teaching practice? This article seeks to answer these questions based on interviews with former North Korean mathematics teachers and students who have found a refuge in South Korea. With their help, we attempt to analyze the everyday life of North Korean schools, by reconstructing their concrete features and the routines of North Korean mathematics education.  相似文献   

从"平等"到"追求卓越"——浅析韩国义务教育理念变迁   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
韩国自20世纪40年代实施义务教育制度以来,一直将平等作为义务教育的实施理念。而进入21世纪,韩国两度颁布《国家人力资源开发基本计划》,宣布要成为人力资源强国,其义务教育理念也随之改变。本文对韩国义务教育理念的变迁过程进行分析,以期为我国义务教育研究提供借鉴。  相似文献   

The study investigated the stakeholders’ perceptions of South Korea’s higher education internationalization policy. Based on the research framework that defines four policy values—propriety, effectiveness, diversity, and engagement, the convergence model was employed with a concurrent mixed method sampling strategy to analyze the stakeholders’ perceptions. According to the findings, the stakeholders perceived that the government’s internationalization policy to date has contributed to the international competitiveness of Korean universities by and large in a quantitative manner. Their views however signaled that the government should consider the quality and identity of Korean higher education institutions when designing and implementing internationalization policy. Based on the implications that the findings have in the policy context, this study suggested two points for future policy research into Korean higher education internationalization: (1) develop a glonacal definition of world-classness for Korean universities and (2) build up a mixture model of centralization and decentralization for the government-university relations, which encourages internal self-governance of Korean universities.  相似文献   

韩国之所以能成就举世瞩目的“汉江奇迹”,成为经济发达、工业化程度较高的“亚洲四小龙”之一,与韩国政府大力发展职业教育、努力促进产学合作密不可分。借鉴韩国政府推动产学合作的成功经验,完善政策法规,加大经费投入,加强“双师”队伍及实训基地建设等,是促进我国高职教育改革发展的有效对策。  相似文献   

The last few decades have witnessed a broad international movement towards the development of inclusive schools through targeted special education funding and resourcing policies. Student placement statistics are often used as a barometer of policy success but they may also be an indication of system change. In this paper, trends in student enrolments from the Australian state of New South Wales are considered in an effort to understand what effect inclusive education has had in this particular region of the world.  相似文献   

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