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The government publications are an unexplored facet of Pakistan librarianship. Ineffective bibliographical control affects their sales and distribution. The publications are sold either directly by the Manager of Publications or through agents. Most libraries catalogue and shelve them as they do books. Some maintain a separate catalogue and a few institutions have a combination of the two approaches. AACR is used. Documents are arranged in alphabetical order by issuing agency, followed by individual titles arranged by year of publication. Special libraries devoted to finance and banking make the most use of government publications. A “Public Documents” course is mandated to be in the curriculum of six library schools in the country, but only the University of Karachi offers this course.  相似文献   

For the Federal government of the United States, freedom of information policy is expressed in statutory law — the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), enacted in 1966, being the first such expression in this regard. Other transparency laws would follow. The FOIA, however, was legislated in the face of considerable opposition by the executive branch. No department or agency supported the legislation, and the President signed it into law with no small amount of reluctance. This climate of opinion resulted in a hostile environment for the initial administration of the statute. To maintain faithful administration of the FOIA and to preserve its purpose, congressional committees found it necessary to conduct vigorous oversight of its implementation and, on occasion, to take remedial action by amending its provisions. Those amendments are reviewed here, the most recent development occurring in the closing days of 2007. Related legislative activities during the 110th Congress (2007–2008) are also examined, as well.  相似文献   

This article analyzes the utility of policy principles advanced by professional associations.  相似文献   

Two disparate trends have influenced Canada's long history of examining and developing government information policy. First, various publishing policies of the 1960s and 1970s recognized the public's right to government information. This trend culminated in freedom of information legislation in 1983. Following a transitional period in the mid-1980s, the advent of a corporate resource approach to government information resulted in information policies that emphasized information resources management, cost recovery, and commoditization. Recent attempts to merge the inherent contradictions between the concepts of the public's right to government information and information as a commodity have resulted in policy that leaves much to individual interpretation.  相似文献   

Information policy research is a critical tool in the arsenal of library and information science researchers. As developments occur in information access, use, technology, and management, information policies require more attention and research. The article describes the nature of government information policy and policy research, characteristics of policy research, and examples of research methods and approaches that can be used. The differences between textbook-based policy research and how policy research might be implemented in action are also discussed, as are the inter-connectedness of information policies and ways to describe impacts of information policies. The article recommends that researchers and professionals give greater education, training, and professional association attention to using policy research on a day-to-day basis.  相似文献   

图书实行政府采购应注意的问题   总被引:16,自引:3,他引:16  
近年来,一些地区对图书馆购置图书实行了政府采购,本文就笔者所在图书馆两年来政府采购图书值得注意的一些问题做了阐析,并提出了改进意见。  相似文献   

CoPI: the Coalition for Public Information, has been formed to ensure that the developing information revolution benefits all sections of society. Its early dialogue with Government is of great potential value to learned and professional publishers, addressing such issues as efficient access to official documents and the current restrictions imposed by crown copyright. CoPI's Manifesto also calls for citizens of the future to be equipped to deal with information overload – an essential skill needed to recognise, the high quality refereed work of academic publishers'.  相似文献   

推进我国政府信息化的若干政策建议   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
西文主根据我国政府信息化的实际情况,借鉴发达国家政府信息化的经验,从政府信息化领导与规划,政府信息基础设施建设,政府信息资源开发利用,公务员队伍建设,政府再造等方面,提出了推进我国政府信息化的若干政策建议。  相似文献   

Traditionally, librarians were the steward and guardian of information. Today, the role is changing and librarians must also be the steward and guardian of the ethical use of information technology. This article looks at the ethical challenges of information technology, considers principles to guide students, and discusses the ways that librarians might respond.  相似文献   

信息技术的发展在给人类带来进步的同时,也带来生存压力、道德缺失、发展失衡等负面影响.可以说信息环境的形成是依靠信息技术的发展,信息技术的发展之路必须要正视其两面性,应以人类根本利益为归宿,重视构建人文科技,促进人与自然和谐发展.  相似文献   

关于政府信息公开目录的若干思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文就政府信息公开目录的有关建设和发展问题提出了自己的建议和见解.作者首先讨论了政府信息公开目录的标准规范问题,指出我国政府信息公开目录建设应走标准化、规范化、科学化的发展道路.随后首次提出了政府信息公开目录建设的近期、中期和长远目标,分别为各单位的目录建设、国家目录体系建设和我国政府信息资源定位服务系统建设.接着重点讨论了目录体系中的信息分类系统,最后就有关电子目录与纸质目录的区别等有关问题提出了自己的观点和看法.  相似文献   

工业时代 ,拥有 80 %以上社会信息资源的政府 ,用户对其信息利用率仅为 1 0 %。信息时代的“数字政府”运行刚性的程序化与模式化是政府运行科学与高效的技术保障 ,但从总体上讲 ,“数字政府”仍然改变不了最终由人操作的结局 ,因为数字信息平台是否运转 ,为什么运转 ,数字信息的收集、公开等仍需要人的能动作为。那么 ,“数字政府”信息如何公开呢 ?本文从法律角度作了分析  相似文献   

政府信息公开与国家档案馆的角色定位   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
政府信息公开是法治社会和民主政治的重要标志,对规范政府行为、维护公民权利、推进民主建设和促进社会和谐具有十分重要的意义。国家档案馆作为政府信息查阅场所是一种现实的选择,但却面临困境。当国家档案馆被纳入政府依法行政框架和信息社会的网络环境之下时,公共服务应当成为国家档案馆角色定位的新视角。  相似文献   

英国政府网站网页归档项目是世界范围内少数专门针对政府网站网页进行归档的项目,近年来该项目发展十分迅速,目前已经归档超过5000个政府网站,并形成了系统、完备的工作模式。我国自2020年开始规范政府网站网页归档工作,但因缺乏项目实践基础而在工作中仍存在诸多疑问。因此本文通过思考借鉴英国政府网站网页归档项目,结合国内相关工作的开展情况,提出完善工作的建议,以推动我国政府网站网页归档工作正常、有序开展。  相似文献   

Operating of the laws on right to information is related to effective management of government records and information having social value. This article contains the relation of government records and records management considering the role of records management at institutions in execution of law on right to information in Turkey, and the evaluation of Turkish Law on the right to information that came into force in 2004 in view of records management and archival approaches.  相似文献   

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