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有个学者曾经这样写到母亲:当我求学北京之后,母亲每天都关注北京的天气。父亲说,看北京的天气预报是母亲一天中最重要的事。在蜀中的母亲,居然能像把脉般把出北京的气  相似文献   

母爱如一江春水,绵延无尽;母爱如一股清幽的泉,涓涓流淌。母爱伟大,那是因为母亲善于表达,是因为母亲有许多表达的机会,而那藏得最深的父爱却无法像母爱般被轻易表达出来。尽管父亲有太多太多表达不出的爱,但一切都躲不过子女们  相似文献   

彼岸轻提 《高中生》2013,(13):12-13
5月的阳光一如母爱般温暖,母亲的节日也在这样的温暖中悄然来临。又是一年"母亲节",谨用10首金曲,向全天下的母亲们致敬。  相似文献   

在分分秒秒组成的时间长河里,有的时刻那么平淡,平淡得让我们想不出它是怎样过去的;有的时刻那么绚烂,绚烂得至今依然能让我们用心跳去应和。——题记(一)也许是三月,也许是四月。雨像一位喋喋不休的老者,把一些纷纷扬扬的语言,洒进大地的每一个角落。路边撑着伞沉思的母亲,被几朵落花打醒。孩子如羔羊般温驯,伏在  相似文献   

蔡璐 《当代学生》2011,(12):42-43
我读过史铁生的文章,那是一种如肃冬里的枯干枝丫般冷寂到美的文字,长久的阅读使我逐渐捕捉到了这些文字的精髓——母亲。这位频繁出现在其文字中的女人是一位沉默坚忍的母亲,她的一生像杜鹃啼血般短暂却触目惊心。我曾久久不能明悟,这位母亲为何频频包容儿子的急  相似文献   

母爱,似三月阳光,似四月和风,轻柔体贴,细致入微。但这个世上,还有一种爱,似腊月飞雪,似一月寒风,严厉而厚重。没有母亲的爱直接,也没有老师的爱细腻,没有朋友的爱温馨:但它如岩浆般炽热,如蓝天般广阔,如大山般沉重,它就是——父爱。  相似文献   

母爱像滋润的春雨,润物无声,绵长悠远;母爱像和煦的春风,挡去朔风雪花,带来春光无限。为了展示母亲们抚养、教育子女所付出的辛劳,在康乃馨飘香的日子里,记者专访了几位特殊的母亲,用她们的故事编织成美丽的花环,奉献给节日里的母亲们,以表达对所有母亲的敬意。  相似文献   

他们在海边拾掇贝壳他们在沙滩上建造小屋他们赤条条的像泥鳅般在沙上打滚太阳烧焦了他们的背他们的母亲站在老远一只手遮着太阳,一只手挥动着喊着他们的名字而潮水来了他们和潮水一道向岸上赛跑又转过身来手和脚拍打着浪花向着潮水游过去……野孩子们@邹荻帆  相似文献   

四月,我随母亲到万物复苏的大地里来补种小麦。母亲扛着镐,我背着麦种,一前一后。一望无边,鸟儿在头上高歌,太阳刚刚露出了半边脸,小草像我一样,对这片生我养我的土地,是那么陌生,一切都很新鲜,偷偷地从地下探出头  相似文献   

敖幼祥 《红领巾》2010,(5):44-45
白河般清澈的大眼睛,伏牛山般挺拔的鼻子,朝气秀美的面庞就像南阳一样充满活力……这就是迎着新世纪曙光诞生的我——张宸瑞。  相似文献   

Mother's social support, their instrumental use of extended family members and of professionals for help, and their sense of personal control were examined as predictors of parenting skill in 3 groups of low-income women. Separate regression models were generated for black adult mothers, white adult mothers, and black teen mothers, all of whom had at least 1 infant. Black teen and white adult mothers who sought help with child-rearing problems from extended family members were more skillful parents. Among white mothers, use of professionals for help with child-rearing problems and mothers' sense of internal control were also significant predictors. Black adult mothers' parenting skill was predicted only by locus of control. These prediction models suggest that in 2 of the groups, social ties to significant others were the linkages through which child-rearing information flowed to affect parenting behavior.  相似文献   

格里菲斯把所有事情都盘算好了。她2001年4月毕业于匹兹堡大学,她给自己定了个目标:在工会找份工作。  相似文献   

This research highlights the learning of female offenders on a 20-day tailor-made experiential adventure education course (Women in Action) delivered by Outward Bound New Zealand. The aims of the course were to increase self-awareness, to develop an understanding of the concept of choice and self responsibility, to improve communication skills and to effectively influence others. Twenty-seven women were interviewed immediately after the course and 14 of these, three months post-course. Most women indicated that their self-confidence had increased and they had become more self-aware. Key factors in facilitating learning opportunities for the women were the instructors and the course environment both physical and social. The holistic course approach provided physical, creative, emotional and reflective opportunities, enabling all the women to develop personally. The challenge of applying their learning on return to prison was highlighted by some participants.

Never did I think that

My life could be changed

In so many ways.

But the challenges I've faced

From being here Lord I Know

That I can make it.

Cos I gotta keep on

Moving on in life

Won't let my spirit fall

Walk on walk on.

Some people tell me

I'd never change.

But now I've seen the light

More clear in every kind of way

I'm alive today

No more worries on my shoulders

I'm gonna make it

Oh yes I am.

Cos I gotta keep on

Moving on in life

Won't let my spirit fall

Walk on walk on.

(Poem by T - Women in Action participant)

冲破大风雪,我们坐在雪橇上, 奔驰过田野,一路上欢笑。 那铃声响叮当,令人心情多欢畅。  相似文献   

Research Findings: This study expands on previous research (Bus & van Ijzendoorn, 1988, 1992, 1997) establishing an association between the quality of mother-child interactions and reading behavior during a joint book-reading task. In a sample of 58 mother-child pairs, the quality of the relationship between mothers and their children at 36 months old predicted the amount and quality of literacy information shared during a joint book-reading task in 1st grade. Other variables related to reading behavior were also examined but were found to be less predictive than maternal sensitive responding.

Practice or Policy: Learning to read is a complex social phenomenon that involves more than the mastery of isolated academic skills. This study supports the idea that early literacy emerges in part from a relational system involving caregiver-child interactions that have properties not directly involving print. The importance of examining the quality of the relationships between caregivers and their children when supporting reading-related pursuits is discussed.  相似文献   

The mothers and fathers (n?=?43) of third- and sixth-grade children were asked to assess their child’s academic potential in comparison with the child’s earlier competence and with that of her/his peers. In the interpersonal domain, the mothers’ and fathers’ perceptions of their child’s academic potential were related to each other, especially in mathematics, already when the child was in the third grade. Conversely, in the intrapersonal domain, the mothers’ and fathers’ perceptions were more consistent when assessing the sixth-grade than the third-grade children’s academic potential. These findings suggest that the normative feedback received from school tends to unify parental perceptions of their child’s academic potential as the child proceeds through school, even when the parents assess their child’s individual advancement.  相似文献   

Tactile contact with an infant plays an important role (though one largely overlooked by researchers until recently) in the development of synchronous interactive dialogues between caregiver and child. Dyads in which one or both partners are deaf present a unique opportunity to examine the use of touch as a means of optimizing or enhancing communication when the number of available sensory channels is restricted. Touch in these dyads may play an important role in eliciting visual attention, in alerting the infant that signed communication is forthcoming, in assisting the infant to achieve emotional regulation, or in simply maintaining contact even when the deaf child has looked away from the partner. The data presented here represent one attempt to investigate the role of touch in relation to deaf infants and deaf parents, for whom it may play a particularly salient role. Both deaf and hearing mothers were observed in videotaped face-to-face interactions with their infants (also either deaf or hearing); maternal behavior was coded for each event during which mothers initiated tactile contact with the infant and was classified according to intensity, location on the infant's body, and type of touch (e.g., active vs. passive). Results of this study indicate that deaf mothers may be especially responsive to the tactile needs of their deaf infants, as shown by qualitative differences in their behavioral interactions with 6- and 9-month-olds. However, hearing mothers with deaf infants also appear to be incorporating more active forms of touch in their interactions, although they tend to rely on longer durations of tactile contact than do the deaf mothers.  相似文献   

Young children are at significant risk of exposure to intimate partner violence (IPV), and vulnerable to exposure-related psychopathology, yet few studies investigate the effects of exposure to IPV on children under the age of 5 years. The current study investigated the role of maternal PTSD symptoms and parenting strategies in the relationship between mothers’ IPV experiences and psychopathology in their young children, ages 3–6 years in a community-based cohort of 308 mother-child dyads at high risk for family violence. Data were collected from 2011 to 2014. IPV history and maternal PTSD symptoms were assessed by self-report questionnaires. Children’s symptoms were assessed with a developmentally-sensitive psychiatric interview administered to mothers. Punitive/restrictive parenting was independently-coded from in-depth interviews with mothers about their disciplinary practices. Hypothesized direct and indirect pathways between physical and psychological IPV, maternal PTSD, maternal parenting style, and children’s internalizing and externalizing symptoms were examined with mediation models. Results indicated that neither physical nor psychological IPV experienced by mothers was directly associated with children’s symptoms. However, both types of victimization were associated with maternal PTSD symptoms. Examination of indirect pathways suggested that maternal PTSD symptoms mediated the relationship between mothers’ psychological and physical IPV experiences and children’s internalizing and externalizing symptoms and mothers’ restrictive/punitive parenting mediated the relationship between mothers’ psychological IPV and children’s externalizing symptoms. In addition, there was a path from maternal physical IPV to child externalizing symptoms through both maternal PTSD symptoms and restrictive/punitive parenting. Findings highlight the importance of supporting parents in recovering from the sequelae of their own traumatic experiences, as their ensuing mental health symptoms and parenting behaviors may have a significant impact on their children’s emotional health.  相似文献   

落地就会跑, 胡子一大把。 不管见了谁, 总爱喊妈妈。  相似文献   

To evaluate effects of an alternative public school for pregnant teenagers in New Haven, CT, medical and school records were reviewed for a 1-year birth cohort of 230 adolescent mothers. Nearly three-quarters of all school-aged primiparas who were enrolled in the city's public schools when they became pregnant attended the alternative school. Because of summer vacation, however, students who conceived in January through April began attending later in pregnancy than did those who conceived in May through December; these mothers were significantly more likely to deliver a preterm, low-birthweight infant. No such seasonal effects were found for other teenagers in the city who were not enrolled in public school at conception. Positive birth outcomes for early program attenders are similar to those reported for a nurse-home-visitation program. The results suggest that school programs have considerable potential to be an effective service delivery model for providing prenatal intervention to adolescents.  相似文献   

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