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易错易混点1 It depends./It’s up to you./It’s hard to say./I hate to say this.It depends."看情况而定",表示目前还不确定,要看情况发展而确定;It’s up to you."你看着办吧",表示说话者无所谓或无权做出决定,由对方做出决定;It’s hard to say."情况很难预料",不好说;I hate to say this."我不想这样说"。  相似文献   

在英语中,有些动词之后跟动名词和不定式时,意思基本相同,无多大差别.例如:I like swimming in summer.我喜欢在夏季游泳.I didn’t like to swim with you this morning.我不喜欢今天早上和你去游泳.常见这类动词有:hate,begin,dislike,start等.然而,有些动词就不是如此了,它们之后跟动名词和不定式时,意思就不完全相同.甚至截然相反.常见这类动词有:stop,remember,forget,try,regret,go on等等.下面就这类词谈谈自己粗浅的看法.  相似文献   

在学习used to的用法之前,我们一起来看这封信吧! Dear Mrs Smith. I was a student of yours in Grade Nine. I know I used to be quiet in your class, and you never said much to me. But you did something that made a big difference in my life. You see, all through my two years in school, I used to hate reading. Books were just words that had very little to do with me, and I used to be bored by them. I'll never forget the first day of Grade Nine when you took out a thick book and began to read a story to our class.  相似文献   

to有两个基本用法,一个是介词,一个是不定式符号。学生在使用中多写 to或少写 to以及误用 to的情况时有发生。   多用介词 to。例如,误: He went to home yesterday afternoon.正: He went home yesterday afternoon.(分析: home在这儿是副词,前面不能再加 to,类似的还有 go there、 come here不能说 go to there、 come to here)  多用不定式符号 to。例如,误 :I hate to eat meat,because it made me to get fatter and fatter.正: I hate to eat meat,because it made me get fatter and fatter.(分析: make、 let、 ha…  相似文献   

"Hold me." I whisper to him, we are sitting on the roof, watching the sun as it rises. He gasps, probably thinking why I am asking him this, the truth is... I don't even know why, I'm supposed to hate him,  相似文献   

Jerry was the kind of guy you love to hate.Hewas always in a good mood and always had somethingpositive to say.When someone would ask him how hewas doing,he would reply,”If I were any better,I wouldbe twins!”  相似文献   

It's dark and rainy outside. I hate it when the weather is like this. 1 when Mom and Dad are yelling at each other about me. I hate 2 when they do that. It makes me feel so guilty, 3 it's all my fault. But, it isn't this time. This time I don't think it's anybody's fault. It's so easy to get 4 and yell when the weather is like this.  相似文献   

What am I?     
I am old,I am wise(有智慧的). I like to hunt before sunrise. (我喜欢在太阳升起之前捕猎。)  相似文献   

1.用于部分否定的句子中。比较: I do not like any of the films.这些电影中我一部也不喜欢。 I don't like some of the films.这些电影中的某一些我不喜欢。 I don't like some one of the films.这些电影中的某一部我不喜欢。  相似文献   

1.[课本原句]I’d like to trek through the jungle,because I like exciting vacations. 我想去穿越热带丛林,因为我喜欢令人兴奋的假期。  相似文献   

I noticed tonight that the world has been turning While I've been stuck here dithering around Though I know I said I'd wait around till you need me I have to go, I hate to let you down But I can't stop now I've got troubles of my own Cause I'm short on time  相似文献   

房娟 《新高考》2014,(5):30-33
先看2013年高考新课标Ⅰ卷C篇阅读中的一个句子: The report lists ten books, and various authors, which people have lied about reading,and as I'm not one to lie too often (I'd hate to be caught out), I'll admit here and now that I haven't read the entire top ten.  相似文献   

1.我不喜欢游泳,他也不喜欢。 误:I don't like swimming. Neither he does. 正:I don't like swimming. Neither does he.  相似文献   

1.我不喜欢你对她说话的那种方式。误:I don't like the way of which you speak to her. 正:I don't like the way you speak to her. 正:I don't like the way that you speak to her. 正:I don't like the way in which you speak to her.析:当the way(方式、方法)用作先行词时,引导定语从句的in which或 that常可省略。2.这事该受责备的是我。误:It is I who is to blame for it. 正:It is I who am to blame for it.  相似文献   

1.prefer vt.(preferred,preferring)宁愿;更喜欢Which of these two skirts do you prefer?这两条裙子你更喜欢哪一条?I prefer to stay here.我宁愿待在这儿。prefer+n./pron./doing…+to+n./pron./doing…喜欢……胜过/而不喜欢……He prefers coffee to tea.他喜欢咖啡胜过茶。He preferred doing something to doing nothing.他喜欢做点什么,而不喜欢闲着。  相似文献   

满分:100分时间:150分钟听力测试(20分)I.听力测试(20分)第一节交际应答(5分)1.A.I memorize words.B.I am feeling bored.C.I like English very much.2.A.OK.See you.B.Of course,you can.C.It doesn’t matter.3.A.We used to hate gym class.B.We used to walk to school.C  相似文献   

作为及物动词的prefer表示选择和比较,意为"更喜欢"、"宁愿".它常用于以下结构: 一、用于有选择和比较对象的结构中,意为"宁愿(做)……而不愿(做)……". 1:prefer+名词/代词/v-ing±to±名词/代词/v-ing.台: I prefer tea to coffee. 我喜欢茶甚于咖啡. He prefers living in the country to(living in)the city. 他宁愿住在农村,也不愿住在城市. 2.Prefer+不定式+rather than+不带to的不定式.如: I prefer to walk there rather than go by bus. 我喜欢走着去那儿,不喜欢乘公共汽车.  相似文献   

to one's face当着某人的面A:It's hard to tell someone she's wrong to her face.B:Why are you so sad?A:It’S my friend.Joan.She was very rude to her boyfriendyesterday,I told her she was wrong and she started to hate me.B:No.that won’t do!How could she be so narrow-minded?I'll do something for you.A:当着一个人的面告诉她说“她错了”是很难的。B:你为什么这么不开心?A:是我的朋友琼,昨天她对男友非常粗鲁无礼。我告诉她说这样不对,她却开始恨起我来。B:哦,怎么能这样!她怎么能这么小心眼儿?我会帮你的。  相似文献   

1.我住在红军路2号。[误]I live on 2 Red Army Road. [正]I live at 2 Red Army Road. [析]路(街)名与门牌号码连用时,用介词at。2.我喜欢音乐甚于文学。[误]I prefer music than literature. [正]I prefer music to literature. [析]表示“相比较而更喜欢什么”要说“prefer…to”,介词to  相似文献   

Michael is the kind of guy you love to hate.He is always in a good mood and always has something positive to say.When someone would ask him how he was doing,he would reply,"If I were any better,I'd be twins!" He was a natural motivator.  相似文献   

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