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90年代国内引文分析研究概述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘艳苏  张清 《情报科学》1998,16(5):431-435
通过对1990—1997年《全国报刊索引》(哲社版)摘录的289篇有关国内引文分析研究论文的分析研究,揭示了90年代以来国内引文分析研究的发展状况与研究内容。  相似文献   

This study investigates how business research scholars’ internationalization strategies influence their research performance and how this relationship is moderated by the availability of different knowledge-based resources. The authors analyze citations to journal articles authored by business research scholars with German affiliations and examine how the number of citations is determined by international collaborations and a researcher's knowledge resources in terms of language skills, research experience, and foreign market knowledge. The results demonstrate that the augmentation of complementary knowledge resources (i.e., when researchers lack language skills and foreign market knowledge) positively influences the performance of a collaboration-based internationalization strategy (i.e., collaborations with international researchers). The collaboration-based strategy also improves performance for less experienced researchers, but this advantage diminishes with increasing research experience. The findings provide further insights into drivers of scholars’ research performance and have practical implications for science policy.  相似文献   

Visualizing and mapping the intellectual structure of information retrieval   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Information retrieval is a long established subfield of library and information science. Since its inception in the early- to mid -1950s, it has grown as a result, in part, of well-regarded retrieval system evaluation exercises/campaigns, the proliferation of Web search engines, and the expansion of digital libraries. Although researchers have examined the intellectual structure and nature of the general field of library and information science, the same cannot be said about the subfield of information retrieval. We address that in this work by sketching the information retrieval intellectual landscape through visualizations of citation behaviors. Citation data for 10 years (2000-2009) were retrieved from the Web of Science and analyzed using existing visualization techniques. Our results address information retrieval’s co-authorship network, highly productive authors, highly cited journals and papers, author-assigned keywords, active institutions, and the import of ideas from other disciplines.  相似文献   

There is a substantial amount of public concern about patient safety, as, according to estimates from major studies, hundreds of thousands die in hospitals each year all over the developed world as a result of medical errors that could have been prevented. Unprecedented research commissioned by the EU has found that almost one out of every four families has experienced a serious medical error. Greek citizens concerning about serious medical errors in the hospital environment, were at the top of the list. Greek Ombudsman's report on medical errors has raised the debate among health policy makers as to the appropriate response to the problem. Proposals range from the implementation of nationwide mandatory reporting with public release of performance data, to voluntary reporting and quality-assurance efforts that protect the confidentiality of error-related data. Any successful safety program will first require a national effort to make significant investments in information systems, along with providing an environment and education that enables to contribute to an active quality improvement process. In this paper we propose the development and implementation of Medical Error Reporting Information System (MERIS), in order to identify, collect, analyse and report medical errors and patient adverse events, as a tool for enhancing patient safety and health care quality. We also describe the necessary organisational structure and the infrastructure environment of the system and the barriers to its successful implementation.  相似文献   

The extended unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT2) is less than ten years old and has already garnered more than 6000 citations with extensive usage in information systems and beyond. This research employed cited reference search to systematically review studies that cited UTAUT2 originating article. Based on UTAUT2 usage, the downloaded articles were classified into four categories such as: 1) General citation, 2) UTAUT2 application, 3) UTAUT2 integration, and 4) UTAUT2 extensions. Weber's (2012) theory evaluation framework revealed UTAUT2 as a robust theory on most dimensions except for parsimony arising from the complex model. UTAUT2 extensions emerged as popular UTAUT2 utilization category as researchers extended the model with context specific variables. Finally, UTAUT2 extensions were mapped to Johns' (2006) context dimensions to identify various limitations of the existing technology adoption research and to provide multi-level framework for future researchers with libraries of context dimensions.  相似文献   

张明伟 《情报科学》2000,18(10):927-930
本文试图利用CSCD对我校综合实力量强的第一临床医学院骨干教师梯队所表的学术论文及被引用情况进行调查,以期得出某些有意义的结论,在此基础上对其进行评价。  相似文献   

We report a naturalistic interactive information retrieval (IIR) study of 18 ordinary users in the age of 20–25 who carry out everyday-life information seeking (ELIS) on the Internet with respect to the three types of information needs identified by Ingwersen (1986): the verificative information need (VIN), the conscious topical information need (CIN), and the muddled topical information need (MIN). The searches took place in the private homes of the users in order to ensure as realistic searching as possible. Ingwersen (1996) associates a given search behaviour to each of the three types of information needs, which are analytically deduced, but not yet empirically tested. Thus the objective of the study is to investigate whether empirical data does, or does not, conform to the predictions derived from the three types of information needs. The main conclusion is that the analytically deduced information search behaviour characteristics by Ingwersen are positively corroborated for this group of test participants who search the Internet as part of ELIS.  相似文献   

It has been shown (Lawrence, S. (2001). Online or invisible? Nature, 411, 521) that journal articles which have been posted without charge on the internet are more heavily cited than those which have not been. Using data from the NASA Astrophysics Data System (ads.harvard.edu) and from the ArXiv e-print archive at Cornell University (arXiv.org) we examine the causes of this effect.  相似文献   

[目的]对WoS和CSCD数据库中1000篇肿瘤类高被引文献的特点进行分析,以期为杂志组稿约稿提供依据。[方法]分别检索2005-2014年间WoS和CSCD数据库中年被引频次前50的肿瘤类文献,分析其第一作者、总被引频次、发表后1~5年内被引频次、文章类型、作者单位、基金情况、学科分布、研究内容和研究方向等,并对其进行统计分析。[结果]WoS数据库中高被引文献的被引频次远高于CSCD数据库[(29218.5±16693.9)次vs. (552.3±308.7)次]。高被引文献中,论著类文章占比重较高(72.8%),且在文章发表后5年内,年被引频次波动不大。流行病学研究、大型临床多中心试验研究、指南类文章以及知名专家述评是被引用的热点文章。[结论]国内外文献学术质量仍存在较大差距。杂志组稿应从流行病类文章、知名专家述评以及多中心临床试验入手,以提高整体被引频次以及学术质量。  相似文献   

中国大数据政策体系演化研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
在大数据快速发展的背景下,制定科学、合理的大数据政策体系,支撑大数据高质量发展变得日益迫切。本文通过构建“政策工具-政策主题词”二维分析框架,对2000年以来国家层面有关大数据发展的政策文本进行了分析,从大数据政策的演进脉络、政策关系网络、政策主题词演进态势以及政策工具的使用情况等四个方面探究了大数据政策文本内容。研究结果表明:我国大数据政策发展,大致经历了从强调基础设施建设到关注产业培育与创新,再到构建大数据政策体系的发展过程。在发展的不同阶段,政策主题词与当时的经济、社会、国际环境密切相关。目前我国已经初步建立起大数据政策网络体系,但整体还处于初步发展阶段,大数据政策的顶层设计还不健全,现有政策工具中知识产权保护类政策工具和政府采购类政策工具使用较少等,仍需要进一步加强完善。  相似文献   

【目的】 探究参考文献各指标与论文被引频次之间的关系,为撰写高被引论文、科学评价计量学指标等提供参考。【方法】 以2013年Web of Science中凝聚态物理学科下的12种期刊共计8847篇论文为样本数据,利用负二项回归模型测度了参考文献的4类指标与论文被引频次之间的关系。【结果】 在控制期刊影响因子的前提下,12种期刊的代表时间维度的普赖斯指数都与论文被引频次之间存在显著的正相关关系;在大多数期刊中,参考文献的数量和表征跨学科性的香农指数也对论文的被引频次有显著正影响;而表征论文质量的篇均参考文献被引频次中值与论文被引频次之间的相关关系不明确。【结论】 参考文献的一些指标可能影响论文的被引频次,结合实证结果,对科研工作者合理利用参考文献产出高质量论文提出相应建议。  相似文献   

The paper delineates and explains an emerging, but significant, form of digital information seeking behaviour among information consumers, which the authors have called ‘bouncing’. The evidence for this behaviour has emerged from five years of deep log analysis studies – an advanced form of transaction log analysis – of a wide range of users of digital information resources. Much of the evidence and discussion provided comes from the scholarly communication field. Two main bouncing metrics were applied in the log studies: site penetration, which is the number of items or pages viewed in a session, and return visits. The evidence shows that (1) a high proportion of people view just a few items or pages during a visit to a site and, (2) a high proportion of visitors either do not come back to the site or they did so infrequently. Typically those who penetrated a site least tended to return the least frequently. These people are termed ‘bouncers’. They bounce into the site and then bounce out again, presumably, to another site, as a high proportion of them do not appear to come back again. Possible explanations – negative and positive, for the form of behaviour are discussed.  相似文献   

针对现实生活中存在的盗版产品与正版产品可能同质同价的问题,运用博弈论优化方法,建立了由正版厂商、盗版厂商和政府组成的信息产品市场的两阶段Stackelberg产量博弈模型,分析了正版厂商采取不同反复制策略时的市场均衡情况,以及社会福利最大化目标下政府的最优监管政策和正版厂商的策略选择。研究表明,正版厂商和政府在反盗版力量配置上存在此消彼长的博弈关系:当正版厂商采取强硬态度阻止盗版厂商的复制和进入时,政府将搭便车,放松或放弃监管;当正版厂商对盗版采取适度容忍态度时,政府将主动加强监管。作为正版厂商,采取主动的反复制策略总是有利的。政府应鼓励正版厂商积极提高反复制技术水平,并加强与企业的合作,共同打击盗版。  相似文献   

【目的】分析Web of Science(WoS)数据库中论文文献级别用量指标(使用次数)与被引频次的分布情况及其相关性,以揭示论文使用与被引的规律及相关关系。【方法】 收集2013~2015年WoS数据库收录信息科学与图书情报学领域被引频次TOP5%、使用次数TOP5%论文数据,分析文献类型,被引频次和使用次数的年度表现及其相关性。【结果】 被引频次TOP5%、使用次数TOP5%以及两者重合文献主要类型均为Article。使用次数(180天)和被引频次三年间差异显著:前者2015年>2014年>2013年(均为P<0.05),后者表现相反。使用次数(2013年至今)、使用次数(180天)和被引频次弱相关(均为P<0.05);各年度中除2015年外均有相关性。【结论】 引文时间窗口越长,论文被引频次越高,一定时间内学者们更倾向于使用较新的文献;也揭示了论文使用与被引之间存在的共性,这种共性和引文时间窗口有关。  相似文献   

王晨  曾骞 《大众科技》2014,(3):15-17
碎纸片的拼接复原在司法鉴定,历史研究等众多领域中都具有极其重要的作用。针对条状和粒状碎纸机碎纸的拼接复原问题进行分析、建模,讨论单面及双面打印碎纸片复原的情况。用扫描技术提取出碎纸片的像素矩阵,将图像信息转化为数字信息,并将取出的像素矩阵转化为0-1矩阵,对碎纸片边界进行分析、分类、匹配。其中,根据矩阵之间的相关程度进行聚类,边界的匹配程度以欧式距离加以度量。另外,0-1矩阵的使用减少了计算量,提高了匹配准确性和匹配效率。  相似文献   

This article analyzes the relationship between the usage of Internet-based technologies, different types of innovation, and performance at the firm level. Data for the empirical investigation originates from a sample of 7302 European enterprises. The empirical results show that Internet-based technologies were an important enabler of innovation in the year 2003. It was found that all studied types of innovation, including Internet-enabled and non-Internet-enabled product or process innovations, are positively associated with turnover and employment growth. Firms that rely on Internet-enabled innovations are at least as likely to grow as firms that rely on non-Internet-enabled innovations. Finally, it was found that innovative activity is not necessarily associated with higher profitability. Possible reasons for this and implications are discussed.  相似文献   

To improve search engine effectiveness, we have observed an increased interest in gathering additional feedback about users’ information needs that goes beyond the queries they type in. Adaptive search engines use explicit and implicit feedback indicators to model users or search tasks. In order to create appropriate models, it is essential to understand how users interact with search engines, including the determining factors of their actions. Using eye tracking, we extend this understanding by analyzing the sequences and patterns with which users evaluate query result returned to them when using Google. We find that the query result abstracts are viewed in the order of their ranking in only about one fifth of the cases, and only an average of about three abstracts per result page are viewed at all. We also compare search behavior variability with respect to different classes of users and different classes of search tasks to reveal whether user models or task models may be greater predictors of behavior. We discover that gender and task significantly influence different kinds of search behaviors discussed here. The results are suggestive of improvements to query-based search interface designs with respect to both their use of space and workflow.  相似文献   

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