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Popularity bias is an undesirable phenomenon associated with recommendation algorithms where popular items tend to be suggested over long-tail ones, even if the latter would be of reasonable interest for individuals. Such intrinsic tendencies of the recommenders may lead to producing ranked lists, in which items are not equally covered along the popularity tail. Although some recent studies aim to detect such biases of traditional algorithms and treat their effects on recommendations, the concept of popularity bias remains elusive for group recommender systems. Therefore, in this study, we focus on investigating popularity bias from the view of group recommender systems, which aggregate individual preferences to achieve recommendations for groups of users. We analyze various state-of-the-art aggregation techniques utilized in group recommender systems regarding their bias towards popular items. To counteract possible popularity issues in group recommendations, we adapt a traditional re-ranking approach that weighs items inversely proportional to their popularity within a group. Also, we propose a novel popularity bias mitigation procedure that re-ranks items by incorporating their popularity level and estimated group ratings in two distinct strategies. The first one aims to penalize popular items during the aggregation process highly and avoids bias better, while the second one puts more emphasis on group ratings than popularity and achieves a more balanced performance regarding conflicting goals of mitigating bias and boosting accuracy. Experiments performed on four real-world benchmark datasets demonstrate that both strategies are more efficient than the adapted approach, and empowering aggregation techniques with one of these strategies significantly decreases their bias towards popular items while maintaining reasonable ranking accuracy.  相似文献   

Recommender systems play an important role in reducing the negative impact of information overload on those websites where users have the possibility of voting for their preferences on items. The most normal technique for dealing with the recommendation mechanism is to use collaborative filtering, in which it is essential to discover the most similar users to whom you desire to make recommendations. The hypothesis of this paper is that the results obtained by applying traditional similarities measures can be improved by taking contextual information, drawn from the entire body of users, and using it to calculate the singularity which exists, for each item, in the votes cast by each pair of users that you wish to compare. As such, the greater the measure of singularity result between the votes cast by two given users, the greater the impact this will have on the similarity. The results, tested on the Movielens, Netflix and FilmAffinity databases, corroborate the excellent behaviour of the singularity measure proposed.  相似文献   

Musical sequences with actors dancing and lip-synching to songs sung by playback singers are integral parts, particularly of South Asian movies. Fans seek out movies for their songs and they often seek songs of a particular genre. In fact, song and dance sequence of South Asian movies are an industry of their own. Given the huge numbers of movies produced in South Asia over the past decades, most of which are in digital archives, it is an important problem to automatically extract and categorise their musical sequences. This paper proposes a system for musical sequences extraction from movies. Our method invokes an SVM-based classifier and makes as well a novel application of probabilistic timed automaton to distinguish musical sequences from non-musical. Our system analyses both audio and video signals to give a classifier that not only extracts musical sequences from movies but identifies their genre. We achieved a recall of 93.24% with precision of 87.34% in song extraction when applied on 10 popular Bollywood movies. An accuracy of 89.5% has been achieved on Bollywood song genre identification.  相似文献   

Predicting information cascade popularity is a fundamental problem in social networks. Capturing temporal attributes and cascade role information (e.g., cascade graphs and cascade sequences) is necessary for understanding the information cascade. Current methods rarely focus on unifying this information for popularity predictions, which prevents them from effectively modeling the full properties of cascades to achieve satisfactory prediction performances. In this paper, we propose an explicit Time embedding based Cascade Attention Network (TCAN) as a novel popularity prediction architecture for large-scale information networks. TCAN integrates temporal attributes (i.e., periodicity, linearity, and non-linear scaling) into node features via a general time embedding approach (TE), and then employs a cascade graph attention encoder (CGAT) and a cascade sequence attention encoder (CSAT) to fully learn the representation of cascade graphs and cascade sequences. We use two real-world datasets (i.e., Weibo and APS) with tens of thousands of cascade samples to validate our methods. Experimental results show that TCAN obtains mean logarithm squared errors of 2.007 and 1.201 and running times of 1.76 h and 0.15 h on both datasets, respectively. Furthermore, TCAN outperforms other representative baselines by 10.4%, 3.8%, and 10.4% in terms of MSLE, MAE, and R-squared on average while maintaining good interpretability.  相似文献   

A recommender system has an obvious appeal in an environment where the amount of on-line information vastly outstrips any individual’s capability to survey. Music recommendation is considered a popular application area. In order to make personalized recommendations, many collaborative music recommender systems (CMRS) focus on capturing precise similarities among users or items based on user historical ratings. Despite the valuable information from audio features of music itself, however, few studies have investigated how to utilize information extracted directly from music for personalized recommendation in CMRS. In this paper, we describe a CMRS based on our proposed item-based probabilistic model, where items are classified into groups and predictions are made for users considering the Gaussian distribution of user ratings. In addition, this model has been extended for improved recommendation performance by utilizing audio features that help alleviate three well-known problems associated with data sparseness in collaborative recommender systems: user bias, non-association, and cold start problems in capturing accurate similarities among items. Experimental results based on two real-world data sets lead us to believe that content information is crucial in achieving better personalized recommendation beyond user ratings. We further show how primitive audio features can be combined into aggregate features for the proposed CRMS and analyze their influences on recommendation performance. Although this model was developed originally for music collaborative recommendation based on audio features, our experiment with the movie data set demonstrates that it can be applied to other domains.  相似文献   

In collaborative filtering recommender systems recommendations can be made to groups of users. There are four basic stages in the collaborative filtering algorithms where the group’s users’ data can be aggregated to the data of the group of users: similarity metric, establishing the neighborhood, prediction phase, determination of recommended items. In this paper we perform aggregation experiments in each of the four stages and two fundamental conclusions are reached: (1) the system accuracy does not vary significantly according to the stage where the aggregation is performed, (2) the system performance improves notably when the aggregation is performed in an earlier stage of the collaborative filtering process. This paper provides a group recommendation similarity metric and demonstrates the convenience of tackling the aggregation of the group’s users in the actual similarity metric of the collaborative filtering process.  相似文献   

Modeling user profiles is a necessary step for most information filtering systems – such as recommender systems – to provide personalized recommendations. However, most of them work with users or items as vectors, by applying different types of mathematical operations between them and neglecting sequential or content-based information. Hence, in this paper we study how to propose an adaptive mechanism to obtain user sequences using different sources of information, allowing the generation of hybrid recommendations as a seamless, transparent technique from the system viewpoint. As a proof of concept, we develop the Longest Common Subsequence (LCS) algorithm as a similarity metric to compare the user sequences, where, in the process of adapting this algorithm to recommendation, we include different parameters to control the efficiency by reducing the information used in the algorithm (preference filter), to decide when a neighbor is considered useful enough to be included in the process (confidence filter), to identify whether two interactions are equivalent (δ-matching threshold), and to normalize the length of the LCS in a bounded interval (normalization functions). These parameters can be extended to work with any type of sequential algorithm.We evaluate our approach with several state-of-the-art recommendation algorithms using different evaluation metrics measuring the accuracy, diversity, and novelty of the recommendations, and analyze the impact of the proposed parameters. We have found that our approach offers a competitive performance, outperforming content, collaborative, and hybrid baselines, and producing positive results when either content- or rating-based information is exploited.  相似文献   

Previous federated recommender systems are based on traditional matrix factorization, which can improve personalized service but are vulnerable to gradient inference attacks. Most of them adopt model averaging to fit the data heterogeneity of federated recommender systems, requiring more training costs. To address privacy and efficiency, we propose an efficient federated item similarity model for the heterogeneous recommendation, called FedIS, which can train a global item-based collaborative filtering model to eliminate user feature dependencies. Specifically, we extend the neural item similarity model to the federated model, where each client only locally optimizes the shared item feature matrix. We then propose a fast-convergent federated aggregation method inspired by meta-learning to address heterogeneous user updates and accelerate the convergence of global training. Furthermore, we propose a two-stage perturbation method to protect both local training and transmission while reducing communication costs. Finally, extensive experiments on four real-world datasets validate that FedIS can provide more competitive performance on federated recommendations. Our proposed method also shows significant training efficiency with less performance degradation.  相似文献   

随着电子商务的迅速发展,推荐系统与算法已经成为理论研究的热点。支持向量机是一种强大的分类工具,由其衍生出的支持向量机回归方法能很好地解决非线性回归问题。文中以电影推荐为例,引入支持向量机回归方法来分析项目的内容,构建用户模型,进而给出推荐。实验结果和理论分析表明这种推荐算法与传统协同过滤算法相比,能够明显提高推荐精度,并显著缩短了推荐所需时间;在大样本量情况下也能同样高效。  相似文献   

A group recommendation system for online communities   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Online communities are virtual spaces over the Internet in which a group of people with similar interests or purposes interact with others and share information. To support group activities in online communities, a group recommendation procedure is needed. Though there have been attempts to establish group recommendation, they focus on off-line environments. Further, aggregating individuals’ preferences into a group preference or merging individual recommendations into group recommendations—an essential component of group recommendation—often results in dissatisfaction of a small number of group members while satisfying the majority. To support group activities in online communities, this paper proposes an improved group recommendation procedure that improves not only the group recommendation effectiveness but also the satisfaction of individual group members. It consists of two phases. The first phase was to generate a recommendation set for a group using the typical collaborative filtering method that most existing group recommendation systems utilize. The second phase was to remove irrelevant items from the recommendation set in order to improve satisfaction of individual members’ preferences. We built a prototype system and performed experiments. Our experiment results showed that the proposed system has consistently higher precision and individual members are more satisfied.  相似文献   

In information retrieval, cluster-based retrieval is a well-known attempt in resolving the problem of term mismatch. Clustering requires similarity information between the documents, which is difficult to calculate at a feasible time. The adaptive document clustering scheme has been investigated by researchers to resolve this problem. However, its theoretical viewpoint has not been fully discovered. In this regard, we provide a conceptual viewpoint of the adaptive document clustering based on query-based similarities, by regarding the user’s query as a concept. As a result, adaptive document clustering scheme can be viewed as an approximation of this similarity. Based on this idea, we derive three new query-based similarity measures in language modeling framework, and evaluate them in the context of cluster-based retrieval, comparing with K-means clustering and full document expansion. Evaluation result shows that retrievals based on query-based similarities significantly improve the baseline, while being comparable to other methods. This implies that the newly developed query-based similarities become feasible criterions for adaptive document clustering.  相似文献   

团体标准作为新兴产业制度安排,对产业发展的指导和引领作用越来越明显。然而,标准在其聚集的技术或制度形式下,往往受限于这些技术或制度,特别是技术标准。面对市场中所流行的"技术专利化、专利标准化"发展路径,通过建立团体专利制度来厘清专利与标准之间的动态转化问题显得尤为重要。  相似文献   

Nowadays, online forums have become a useful tool for knowledge management in Web-based technology. This study proposes a social recommender system which generates discussion thread and expert recommendations based on semantic similarity, profession and reliability, social intimacy and popularity, and social network-based Markov Chain (SNMC) models for knowledge sharing in online forum communities. The advantage of the proposed mechanism is its relatively comprehensive consideration of the aspects of knowledge sharing. Accordingly, results of our experiments show that with the support of the proposed recommendation mechanism, requesters in forums can easily find similar discussion threads to avoid spamming the same discussion. In addition, if the requesters cannot find qualified discussion threads, this mechanism provides a relatively efficient and active way to find the appropriate experts.  相似文献   

In today’s world, knowledge is important for constructing core competitive advantages for individuals and organizations. Recently, Web 2.0 applications and social media have provided a convenient medium for people to share knowledge over the Internet. However, the huge amount of created knowledge can also leads to the problem of information overload. This research proposes a social knowledge navigation mechanism that utilizes the techniques of relevant knowledge network construction, knowledge importance analysis, and knowledge concept ontology construction to generate a visualized recommendation of a knowledge map of sub-concept and knowledge of an article reading sequence for supporting learning activities related to a free online encyclopedia. The results of experiments conducted on Wikipedia show that the proposed mechanism can effectively recommend useful articles and improve a knowledge seeker’s learning effectiveness.  相似文献   

【目的】 为解决审稿专家信息更新不及时、编辑凭经验送审等因素导致拒审的问题,提出一种基于向量空间模型(Vector Space Model,VSM)和余弦相似度的稿件精准送审方法。【方法】 首先,结合文献调研和《数据分析与知识发现》送审情况分析拒审的关键原因;其次,在中国知网中获取该刊审稿专家(155人)近5年发表的全部论文(1805篇),并使用词频-逆文档频度(Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency,TF-IDF)方法计算  相似文献   

Movies and web series are the most popular destinations of crowdfunding, and various approaches have been followed by project initiators. Filmmakers may use specialized or general crowdfunding platforms to raise money, propose fixed or flexible budgets, and use reward-based or equity-based crowdfunding. Crowdfunding may entirely or just partially finance production. To date, no standard model has been used for the production of movies and web series through crowdfunding. Recently, content-based web series on over-the-top (OTT) platforms, such as Netflix and Amazon Prime, have gained popularity. The aim of this study is to fill this conceptual gap and propose a crowdfunding model for movies and web series that can be applied and used to benefit all stakeholders: filmmakers, backers, distributors, platform owners, and the entire future audience. The model consists of nine chronologically interlinked phases and six types of flows: information/content, funds, audition, decision-making, content, promotion, and rewards. The conceptual model proposed herein is based on a critical analysis of the extant literature in the field, mainly qualitative analyses performed on successfully and unsuccessfully crowdfunded and professional films in connection with the current technical platform functionalities.  相似文献   

Task assignment, the core problem of Spatial Crowdsourcing (SC), is often modeled as an optimization problem with multiple constraints, and the quality and efficiency of its solution determines how well the SC system works. Fairness is a critical aspect of task assignment that affects worker participation and satisfaction. Although the existing studies on SC have noticed the fairness problem, they mainly focus on fairness at the individual level rather than at the group level. However, differences among groups in certain attributes (e.g. race, gender, age) can easily lead to discrimination in task assignment, which triggers ethical issues and even deteriorates the quality of the SC system. Therefore, we study the problem of task assignment with group fairness for SC. According to the principle of fair budget allocation, we define a well-designed constraint that can be considered in the task assignment problem of SC systems, resulting in assignment with group fairness. We mainly consider the task assignment problem in a common One-to-One SC system (O2-SC), and our goal is to maximize the quality of the task assignment while satisfying group fairness and other constraints such as budget and spatial constraints. Specifically, we first give the formal definition of task assignment with group fairness constraint for O2-SC. Then, we prove that it is essentially an NP-hard combinatorial optimization problem. Next, we provide a novel fast algorithm with theoretical guarantees to solve it. Finally, we conduct extensive experiments using both synthetic and real datasets. The experimental results show that the proposed constraint can significantly improve the group fairness level of algorithms, even for a completely random algorithm. The results also show that our algorithm can efficiently and effectively complete the task assignment of SC systems while ensuring group fairness.  相似文献   

企业间技术相似性是企业技术情报分析的重要内容.为了给企业在全球范围内寻求技术竞争与合作对象提供有效的决策信息支持,提出基于专利耦合的企业间技术相似性分析方法与流程.首先,综合比较了目前理论研究中的相关方法,指出专利耦合分析能较为准确、实时地体现出企业间的技术相似性.然后,在阐释专利耦合分析基本原理的基础上,对企业间专利耦合强度的计算方法进行改进,以便有效区分多对耦合对象之间耦合强度的差异.再将专利耦合分析与相关分析及多维尺度分析相结合,构建了企业间技术相似性可视化分析与应用流程框架.最后,以平板显示技术领域为例论证了基于专利耦合的企业间技术相似性可视化分析流程与应用效果,为企业相关技术情报分析实践提供参考.  相似文献   

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