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吕晓赞  王晖  周萍 《科研管理》2019,40(4):1-13
基于Web of Science(WoS)数据库,本文运用文献计量学方法和可视化工具对比分析了2009-2016年中美大数据研究论文的跨学科性发展态势,研究内容包括跨学科性(Rao-Stirling Index)测度、核心学科分布以及跨学科性与引用影响的关系,并应用VOSviewer将两国的学科分布进行了可视化呈现。结果显示,尽管中美两国论文的跨学科性都在逐年增强,研究期间美国论文的跨学科性始终高于中国。美国的大数据研究参考的学科数量更多,且学科分布更均衡,涉及的主要学科包括数学与计算机科学、生物医学与健康科学以及社会科学与人文科学;中国的大数据研究涉及学科较少,主要集中在数学和计算机科学领域。论文涉及的学科数量与被引百分位显著相关,美国论文的跨学科性与引用影响之间存在一定相关性,但中国论文的这种关系不显著。  相似文献   

李宁 《科研管理》2019,40(1):1-11
本文利用Scopus数据库收录的1996-2015年科研论文数据分析中国科研产出的学科分布。通过回归分析和差异分析,着重研究中国科研产出学科分布的历史演化特征,并探讨其成因机制。研究发现,在科研产出的学科分布方面,中国与世界主要国家之间存在较大差异,学科间失衡严重。历史演化分析表明中国的科学分布逐渐与世界水平趋同,但尚未达到主流科技大国的均衡水平。本文从历史事件、国家发展战略需求、制度安排、文化因素等方面分析了上述特征的成因机制,特别强调路径依赖的主要作用,并探讨了相关的科技政策问题。  相似文献   

摘要 为研究科学与现有技术对中国传统产业技术创新质量的影响,促进传统产业对科学和现有技术的继承。本文以中药上市企业的中药专利数据为样本,使用零膨胀负二项回归和突变级数法,从静态和动态两个维度分析了中药继承对创新质量影响。发现专利引文数量对创新质量有稳健的消极影响,跨技术领域引证2004年后对创新质量有积极影响,科学引文数量对创新质量随时间由消极影响转变为积极影响,技术标准和古代医药典籍在2003-2004年对创新质量有积极影响,现代医药图书在整体上对创新质量有积极影响。  相似文献   

牛华勇  栾硕  宋阳 《科研管理》2019,40(4):277-288
高等教育国际化绩效与教育质量和人才水平紧密相关,其中商科教育始终位列各类国际化专业之首,因此从此学科切入研究教育国际化问题具有一定的代表性。本文沿用以国际间的双向沟通与交流为核心的商学教育国际化定义,结合商学的学科特点,通过完善和调整已有的高等教育国际化指标体系,构建了包含7项定性指标和15项定量指标的商学教育国际化绩效评价指标体系。本文以32家国内商学院和16家国外商学院为研究样本,通过问卷调查和实地调研收集数据,并采用投入归一化的DEA模型分别从战略、教学、科研、管理和人员5个维度对国内外商学院的教育国际化绩效进行评价和比较。由于教学维度的两项指标存在统计困难,实际收集到的是区间数据,因此在此维度的绩效测度中采用了分别计算绩效得分下界和上界的两组DEA模型。基于绩效测度结果,本文发现:国内商学院和国外商学院在管理和人员两个方面的国际化绩效差别不大,相比于国外商学院,国内商学院在科研方面的国际化绩效较好,但在战略和教学两个方面的国际化绩效较弱,并且在教学国际化程度上具有明显的劣势。鉴于国内商学院在各维度下表现出的绩效损失,本文对其提出如下改进国际化绩效的建议:战略方面,依托地区教育资源及发展优势,积极与境外商学院展开合作;教学方面,深入推进课程的国际化,鼓励外文授课和使用原版教材,大力拓展中外合作办学项目;管理方面,将国际化纳入提拔干部和评聘职称的考量因素,扩大学院自身的书刊资源库,营造良好的国际化氛围;人员方面,引入国际化师资力量,适当提高外教在教师队伍中的占比。  相似文献   

This study investigates how business research scholars’ internationalization strategies influence their research performance and how this relationship is moderated by the availability of different knowledge-based resources. The authors analyze citations to journal articles authored by business research scholars with German affiliations and examine how the number of citations is determined by international collaborations and a researcher's knowledge resources in terms of language skills, research experience, and foreign market knowledge. The results demonstrate that the augmentation of complementary knowledge resources (i.e., when researchers lack language skills and foreign market knowledge) positively influences the performance of a collaboration-based internationalization strategy (i.e., collaborations with international researchers). The collaboration-based strategy also improves performance for less experienced researchers, but this advantage diminishes with increasing research experience. The findings provide further insights into drivers of scholars’ research performance and have practical implications for science policy.  相似文献   

This paper considers the use of the h-index as a measure of a journal’s research quality and contribution. We study a sample of 455 journals in business and management all of which are included in the ISI Web of Science (WoS) and the Association of Business School’s peer review journal ranking list. The h-index is compared with both the traditional impact factors, and with the peer review judgements. We also consider two sources of citation data – the WoS itself and Google Scholar. The conclusions are that the h-index is preferable to the impact factor for a variety of reasons, especially the selective coverage of the impact factor and the fact that it disadvantages journals that publish many papers. Google Scholar is also preferred to WoS as a data source. However, the paper notes that it is not sufficient to use any single metric to properly evaluate research achievements.  相似文献   

How do the effects of cognitive openness and structural openness on the research impact of business scholars vary over their careers? By analysing a longitudinal sample of 35,296 scholars who published in business and management journals, we show that the cognitive openness and the structural openness of business scholars have non-linear relationships with their research impact. In particular, we found that, whereas moderate levels of cognitive openness and structural openness are desirable for increasing young scholars’ citations, a high level of cognitive openness and a low level of structural openness contribute to senior scholars’ citations. This study contributes to our understanding of different search behaviour across business scholars’ career paths and its implications for scholars’ research impact.  相似文献   

李欣  温阳  黄鲁成  苗红 《科研管理》2021,42(1):20-32
研究前沿是科技创新过程中最具潜力和前瞻性的研究方向,尽早识别研究前沿对科学研究、企业研发资源优化配置、政府创新战略前瞻部署等至关重要。针对目前在研究前沿识别研究中存在的不足,提出一种基于机器学习的研究前沿识别方法。该方法首先通过构建机器学习模型来识别出潜在高被引论文,解决利用引文分析法来识别研究前沿的时滞性问题,并将潜在高被引论文纳入研究前沿识别的高被引论文核心文档集中;其次,以高被引论文核心文档集为数据源,利用聚类分析法识别出研究前沿主题,并对研究前沿主题进行对比和评价分析,进而识别出研究前沿;最后,以太阳能光伏电池研究领域为例进行了实证研究,验证了该方法的可行性和有效性,为研究前沿识别提供了新的研究方法。  相似文献   

In 2019, the International Journal of Information Management (IJIM) celebrated its 40th year of publication. This study commemorates this event by presenting a retrospect of the journal. Using a range of bibliometric tools, we find that the journal has grown impressively in terms of publication and citation. The contributions come from all over the world, but the majority are from Europe and the United States. The journal has mostly published empirical articles, with its authors dominantly using quantitative methodology. Further, the culture of collaboration has increased among authors over the years. The journal publishes on a number of including managing information systems, information technologies and their application in business, technology acceptance among consumers, using information systems for decision making, social perspectives on knowledge management, and information research from the social science perspective. Regression analysis reveals that article attributes such as article order, methodology, presence of authors from Europe, number of references, number of keywords, and abstract length have a significant association with the citations. Finally, we find that conceptual and review articles have a positive association with citations.  相似文献   

基于ESI的中国农业大学植物与动物科学学科竞争力分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
基于ESI数据,以计量学理论为基础研究了进入ESI前1%(top1%)的中国农业大学植物与动物科学论文数、总引用量及其排名变化和高被引论文情况,并与国内外部分研究机构进行对比分析。从学科生产力、学科影响力、学科发展力、学科创新力四个方面对中国农业大学植物与动物科学的学科竞争力进行了定量分析与客观评价。结果表明,中国农业大学植物与动物科学的学科生产力、学科影响力水平较高,处于快速提升的阶段;学科发展力、学科创新力处于低水平,还需大幅提升。总体来看,中国农业大学植物与动物科学的学科竞争力已经初步形成并处于继续提升中,有望成为世界一流学科。  相似文献   

Criticism is mounting on business schools for their excessive focus on research and the relative neglect of teaching quality. This paper shows that if students have imperfect information about teaching quality and if business schools differ in their research productivity, the least productive schools would do as much research as the top-tier ones only to manipulate students’ expectations. In turn, the most productive schools might resort to excess research in order to signal their type in the eyes of prospective students. Since resources are limited, they also tend to neglect teaching quality. Such a situation is socially inefficient as compared to the perfect information case.  相似文献   

在知识经济的时代,专利权无疑成为企业重要的竞争资源,许多企业积极申请专利保护,期待专利权带来的效益,唯专利权亦需支付昂贵的成本,其是否对企业绩效具有正向影响是值得探讨之问题,过去未曾有系统性的研究,为厘清此一问题,本研究以台湾1000大制造业为研究对象,搜集2004年至2007年公告之专利权数及专利权种类,分析企业所投入之专利权与企业绩效之关系,研究结果显示专利权数与企业绩效之营业收入、税后纯益有显着的正相关且具有递延效果,其中发明专利与企业绩效之影响大于新型、新式样专利,此现象值得台湾制造业省思。  相似文献   

As university involvement in technology transfer and entrepreneurship has increased, concerns over the patenting and licensing of scientific discoveries have grown. This paper examines the effect that the licensing of academic patents has on journal citations to academic publications covering the same scientific research. We analyze data on invention disclosures, patents, and licenses from the University of California, a leading U.S. academic patenter and licensor, between 1997 and 2007. We also develop a novel “inventor-based” maximum-likelihood matching technique to automate and generalize Murray's (2002) “patent-paper pairs” methodology. We use this methodology to identify the scientific publications associated with University of California patents and licenses.Based on a “difference-in-differences” analysis, we find that within our sample of patented academic discoveries, citations to licensed patent-linked publications are higher in the three years after the license, although this difference is not statistically significant. We then disaggregate our sample into (a) patented discoveries that are likely to be used as “research tools” by other researchers (based on the presence of material transfer agreements (MTAs) that cover them) and (b) patented discoveries not covered by MTAs. Citations to publications linked to licensed patents in the latter subset (not covered by MTAs) are higher for publications linked to licensed patents, and this difference is statistically significant. In contrast, licensing of patented discoveries that are also research tools is associated with a reduction in citations to papers linked to these research advances, raising the possibility that licensing may restrict the flow of inputs to “follow-on” scientific research.  相似文献   

Jun Suzuki 《Research Policy》2011,40(7):986-1000
There is a considerable volume of prior research on the relationship between innovation and patents. Those research studies reveal that patents contain a great deal of noise, and unless a correction is made in terms of the value of individual patents, a simple count of the number of patents does not constitute a very useful indicator. From research that has been conducted for the purpose of finding such an indicator to show the value of individual patents (that is, research to identify the characteristics of valuable patents), many kinds of value indicators have been proposed. Nevertheless, research hitherto has focused primarily on business or private value derived from the possession of patents, and little attention has been paid to value in terms of technical knowledge or social value. In a survey of inventors conducted by RIETI in 2007, terminology describing broad concepts was used when questioning inventors about the value of individual patents, and this has provided an excellent opportunity to analyze the multiple factors lying behind the value of patents and how they impact one another.The purpose of this research is to use data from the RIETI survey of inventors and structural equation modeling methods to elucidate the relationships between the technological and business value of patents, and the latent factors that influence them. The findings show that a scientific-technological motive for inventors would have a positive effect on both the business and technological value, meanwhile, the monetary or promotion motive would not have any direct effects on the value of a patent. The model also suggests that academic linkage would have a strong positive effect on the technological value but a weak negative effect on the business value. Furthermore, these relationships differ more markedly according to technological field.  相似文献   

目的】采用H指数和二八法则基于文献的被引频次来划分出期刊文献的核心区,为科研工作者提供一种把握研究热点的新方法。【方法】 以WoS中收录的84种的图书情报学期刊15592篇文献为研究样本,并采用H指数和二八法则基于文献的被引频次来划分出期刊文献的核心区。【结果】采用二八法则划分文献核心区,其核心区文献量占总文献量为6.12%~48.61%,均值为33.81%;而采用H指数划分文献核心区,其核心区文献量占总文献量为0.56%~26.09%,均值为7.80%。对学科采用二八法则划分文献核心区,其核心区文献量占总文献量80%的文献量为38.05%;采用H指数划分文献核心区,其核心区文献占总文献量为0.67%。核心区文献篇均被引频次为H指数划分大于二八法则划分。【结论】采用H指数划分期刊文献核心区比二八法则更具集中趋势,故而H指数能更好地划分出期刊文献核心区。  相似文献   

如何实现可持续商业模式创新一直是理论和实践的双重难题,企业社会责任嵌入商业模式创新被认为是一条可行路径。但现有研究对“企业社会责任是如何嵌入以及怎样影响商业模式创新的”等问题仍然知之甚少。本研究通过对万达集团文旅业务的纵向案例分析,揭示了企业社会责任嵌入商业模式创新的机理。首先,企业社会责任嵌入是一个“从边缘议题到核心议题、从传统慈善观到创造共享价值理念”的过程;其次,本文揭示了企业社会责任嵌入、企业生存危机和商业模式创新之间的复杂机理。商业模式创新伊始并不必然需要企业社会责任介入,但会激发企业社会责任萌芽,为企业社会责任嵌入提供必要前提。企业生存危机是企业社会责任嵌入商业模式创新的触发器;最后,本文回答了企业社会责任嵌入对商业模式创新的影响。企业社会责任嵌入提高了商业模式的稳健性,是企业在企业生存危机下重塑商业模式的重要途径。研究发现解释了企业社会责任嵌入的内涵,揭示了企业社会责任嵌入商业模式创新的过程黑箱,回答了企业社会责任与商业模式创新相互循环促进的复杂嵌入机理,为相关研究议题提供了结构性理论假设,有助于更多企业通过企业社会责任嵌入实现可持续商业模式创新。  相似文献   

利用WoS数据库对全球北极主题研究文献进行收集,对收集到的文献按被引频次进行统计分析,具体分析北极研究文献的总体被引情况、低被引频次文献情况,得到北极研究文献的半衰期。从文献出版年、研究领域、国家和机构角度重点分析了北极研究高被引文献的文献分布情况和被引情况,对中国北极主题研究文献做了具体分析。以归纳总结目前北极研究的重点、热点和薄弱环节。  相似文献   

This paper applies network analysis to a citation database that combines the key references in the fields of Entrepreneurship (ENT), Innovation Studies (INN) and Science and Technology Studies (STS). We find that citations between the three fields are relatively scarce, as compared to citations within the fields. As a result of this tendency, a cluster analysis of the publications in the database yields a partition that is largely the same as the a priori division into the three fields. We take this as evidence that the three fields, although they share research topics and themes, have developed largely on their own and in relative isolation from one another. We also apply a so-called ‘main path’ analysis aimed at outlining the main research trajectories in the field. Here we find important differences between the fields. In STS, we find a cumulative trajectory that develops in a more or less linear fashion over time. In INN, we find a major shift of attention in the main trajectory, from macroeconomic issues to business-oriented research. ENT develops relatively late, and shows a trajectory that is still in its infancy.  相似文献   

王圣慧  张玉臣  易明 《科研管理》2017,38(3):144-152
面对高度不确定的环境,企业为何以及如何进行内部创业的问题一直悬而未决。本研究基于精益创业视角,运用扎根理论分析和归纳了内部创业的动机和过程,构建了"公司内新创事业"和"公司外衍生创业"双路径下的内部创业动态过程模型。具体而言,(1)外部环境变化引发组织变革,形成自下而上的创新,导致内部创业活动的发生;(2)在"公司内新创事业"路径下,围绕验证性学习的内部孵化策略能够降低产品生产过程中的浪费;(3)在"公司外衍生创业"路径下,采用开放式创新战略来弥补企业内部资源和技术的不足。采用双路径进行内部创业活动能有效降低风险。本研究不但丰富了内部创业相关理论,同时对企业采用精益创业方法进行内部创业具有指导意义。最后,文章讨论了可能存在的局限性及未来研究的方向。  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2023,52(8):104829
Systematic evaluations of publicly funded research sometimes use bibliometrics alone or bibliometric-informed peer review, but it is not known whether bibliometrics introduce biases when supporting or replacing peer review. This article assesses this by comparing three alternative mechanisms for scoring 73,612 UK Research Excellence Framework (REF) journal articles from all 34 field-based Units of Assessment (UoAs) 2014–17: REF peer review scores, field normalised citations, and journal average field normalised citation impact. The results suggest that in almost all academic fields, bibliometric scoring can disadvantage departments publishing high quality research, as judged by peer review, with the main exception of article citation rates in chemistry. Thus, introducing journal or article level citation information into peer review exercises may have a regression to the mean effect. Bibliometric scoring slightly advantaged women compared to men, but this varied between UoAs and was most evident in the physical sciences, engineering, and social sciences. In contrast, interdisciplinary research gained from bibliometric scoring in about half of the UoAs, but relatively substantially in two. In conclusion, out of the three potential sources of bibliometric bias examined, the most serious seems to be the tendency for bibliometric scores to work against high quality departments, assuming that the peer review scores are correct. This is almost a paradox: although high quality departments tend to get the highest bibliometric scores, bibliometrics conceal the full extent of departmental quality advantages, as judged by peer review. This should be considered when using bibliometrics or bibliometric informed peer review.  相似文献   

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