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汉英口译作为明示-推理交际过程,主要涉及说话者、译员和受话者三方的明示和推理。由于交际各方语言和思维方式不同,译员在口译过程中必须注重汉英语言结构上的差异、译语表达及受话者的需求,以求最好地传递说话者的信息和交际意图,提高口译的质量和听众满意度。因此,口译教师在教学中不但要培养学生中英句子结构快速转换能力,同时也要注意在动态的交际中进行口译教学,而不是单纯依靠口译结果进行学生能力评估。  相似文献   

理解能力在语言交际活动中占有举足轻重的地位。它包括接受性理解和能产性理解。接受性理解指参与交际者被动地接受信息的心理过程;能产性理解指参与交际者能动地接受信息并创造性地使用已有知识参与交际的心理过程。在语言交际过程中,这两个心理过程是继续听、说、读、写、译的基础,是进一步提高语言表达能力的重要途径。因此.研究理解能力在语言交际活动中的作用和地位.以及影响语言理解的因素.就显得非常重要,它有助于加快理解能力的培养速度。从而快速提高交际能力。  相似文献   

从传播学的角度论述口译的传播本质,即信息的传播。通过对口译传播模式的分析和解读,试图阐释译员在口译传播过程中的能动性和相对操控权,并引入"把关人"理论,分析译员作为把关人在口译传播中的重要作用,为口译这一特殊交际活动的信息传播研究提供新的视角。  相似文献   

论词语语用意义的交际价值   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
语用学将词语意义的生成和确立看成是一种社会行为,因而十分关注话语上下文、语境和社会文化等因素,充分注意交际双方在动态的社会交往过程中对词语在会话中含意确立的磋商、推理和建构。因此,词的语用意义常因人因事而异,具有附属性、体验性、不明确性等三大特点,且在言语交际中的表达功能和作用方式各不相同,具有不同的交际价值。  相似文献   

文章分析了口译课上学生出现的大量错误,指出语言错误已成为口译课必须解决的问题,认为“口译”+“高级口语”是口译课在课时有限的条件下切合实际的课程模式。口译教学的定位是:评估学生能力;培养正确表达习惯;为进一步发展奠定基础。  相似文献   

口译是典型的跨文化交际行为,了解和避免跨文化语用失误可以提高口译的质量,保证跨文化交际活动的顺利进行。试以语用学的语用失误理论为指导,讨论口译中语用失误的现象,分析原因,总结应对策略。  相似文献   

In recent years, semiotics has become an innovative theoretical framework in mathematics education. The purpose of this article is to show that semiotics can be used to explain learning as a process of experimenting with and communicating about one's own representations (in particular ‘diagrams') of mathematical problems. As a paradigmatic example, we apply a Peircean semiotic framework to answer the question of how students develop a notion of ‘distribution' in a statistics course by ‘diagrammatic reasoning' and by forming ‘hypostatic abstractions', that is by forming new mathematical objects which can be used as means for communication and further reasoning. Peirce's semiotic terminology is used as an alternative to concepts such as modeling, symbolizing, and reification. We will show that it is a precise instrument of analysis with regard to the complexity of learning and communicating in mathematics classrooms.  相似文献   

在经济全球化的今天,口译是人类高效沟通的桥梁;口译教学也成为外语教学的热点之一。通过问卷、访谈等形式对英语专业毕业生进行调查,对其修习完口译课程的收获、口译技能的实用情况等多方面的信息进行分析,探讨本科口译教学的多重功能和不足,在此基础上,试提出将口译教学延伸到课堂外的四部曲,以期优化本科口译教学,培养出更多优秀人才来满足社会需求。  相似文献   

介绍在大学英语教学中以汉英口译为教学手段以提升英语能力的汉英口译训练模式。这种语言输出活动以精读教材和文化与交际知识为源语内容、集知识和技能的掌握为一体,学生同时进行汉英口译,并有电子文本给出词语核对提示,使学生在口译过程中自主纠错提高。该模式以课文和词语应用为主,有利学生扩充积极词汇,提高口语能力;且系基于自主学习的设计,故有较高的学习效率。  相似文献   

"口译"是一种特殊的语言交际行为,口译交际是在不同语言文化的交际者之间清除语言障碍、实现思想文化交流的有效手段。与其它交际方式相比较,口译交际具有五个方面的特殊性,即:语言的简洁性;译员素质的综合性;内容的被动性;环境的现实性和效果的即时性。  相似文献   

关于口译过程的研究比较普遍的是把口译分成理解与表达两个阶段。这样的口译过程分段,不利于译员对口译的认识与把握。意义建构理论下的口译过程研究,从口译过程的本质出发,将口译过程分成意义建构与意义制造两个阶段。意义是口译的核心。传统的口译理解与表达同样离不开意义,理解是对意义的理解,表达是对意义的表达。口译新的分段认为口译首先是译员在原语语言的激发下,结合情境和个人阅历进行的意义建构,然后再从目的语听众的角度出发结合情境及听者的阅历使用语言进行意义激发与制造。  相似文献   

双语之间快速准确的转换是口译的要旨。二语习得理论中的输出假说能够解释和指导口译中译入语和译出语之间的转换。语言输出自动化能够有效保证口译交际的质量。口译中语言输出自动化的提高贯穿于口译教学和口译实践。  相似文献   

江晓梅 《培训与研究》2010,27(6):127-129
本文运用思维导图的基本理念尝试对口译笔记策略进行认知分析,指出口译笔记策略充分运用形象化的策略(如斜式结构、字词、线条、数字、代码、图像等)使抽象的思维过程得以清楚展示,突出信息结构,让重点和关键信息清晰陈列,使各个观念之间的逻辑关系更加明晰,使信息以最自然的方式进入大脑,从而更有利于信息的存储和提取,促进口译任务高质量的完成。  相似文献   

This study explores elementary teachers’ social understandings and employment of directives and politeness while facilitating inquiry science lessons prior and subsequent to their participation in a summer institute in which they were introduced to the scholarly literature on regulative discourse (directives used by teachers to regulate student behavior). A grounded theory analysis of the institute professional development activities revealed that teachers developed an increased awareness of the authoritative functions served by impolite or direct directives (i.e., pragmatic awareness). Furthermore, a comparative microethnographic analysis of participants’ inquiry-based classroom practices revealed that after the institute teachers demonstrated an increased ability to share authority with students by strategically making directive choices that were more polite, indirect, inclusive, involvement-focused and creative. Such ability led to a reduced emphasis on teacher regulation of student compliance with classroom behavioral norms and an increased focus on the discursive organization of the inquiry-based science learning/teaching process. Despite teachers’ increased pragmatic awareness, teacher–student linguistic relationships did not become entirely symmetrical subsequent to their participation in the summer institute (i.e., teacher authority was not completely relinquished or lost). Based on such findings, it is argued that teachers need to develop higher levels of pragmatic awareness to become effectively prepared to engage in language-mediated teacher–student interaction in the context of inquiry-based science classroom discourse.  相似文献   

Interactivity is defined by Henri (1992) as a three-step process involving communication of information, a response to this information, and a reply to that first response. It is a key dimension of computer-mediated communication, particularly in the one-on-one communication involved in an electronic mentoring program. This report analyzes the interactivity between pairs of corporate research scientists (mentors) and university biology students (protégés) during two consecutive implementations of an electronic mentoring program. The frequency and structure of the interactions within each pair were examined to provide context: 542 messages were posted among the 20 mentors and 20 protégés. These messages were formed into 5–10 threads per pair, with 3–4 messages per thread, indicating a high level of interactivity (there were more responses posted than independent messages). Mentor–protégé pairs rated as effective by both mentors and protégés posted more messages overall, had well-structured threads, had protégé and mentor postings that were similar in topic coverage and message length, and had little overt “management” behavior by mentors. However, there appears to be no clear recipe for successful interaction. Not only are there a variety of factors at play in developing an online relationship in this context, but mentor–protégé pairs can falter at various stages in the process and in various ways.  相似文献   

The integration of history into educational practice can lead to the development of activities through the use of genetic ‘moments’ in the history of mathematics. In the present paper, we utilize Oresme’s genetic ideas – developed during the fourteenth century, including ideas on the velocity–time graphical representation as well as geometric transformations and reconfigurations – to develop mathematical models that can be employed for the solution of problems relating to linear motion. The representation of distance covered as the area of the figure between the graph of velocity and the time axis employed in these activities, leads on naturally to the study of problems on motion by means of functions, as well as allowing for the use of tools (concepts and propositions) from Euclidean geometry of relevance to such problems. By employing simple geometric transformations, equivalent real life problems are obtained which lead, in turn, to a simple classification of all linear motion-related problems. When applied to a wider range of motion problems, this approach prepares the way for the introduction of basic Calculus concepts (such as integral, derivative and their interrelation); in fact, we would argue that it could be beneficial to teach the basic concepts and results of Calculus from an early grade by employing natural extensions of the teaching methods considered in this paper.  相似文献   

文章通过分析口译和口译教学的特点,结合本科院校口译课程设置情况,提出了本科阶段的口译课程应该实行以技能训练为导向的教学模式,并指出口译是一种综合能力的培养,口译教学改革是一个系统的工程,口译教师应该加强自我训练,担当起口译人才培养的重任。  相似文献   

随着高职教育改革的不断深化,教育理念不断引入,教学方法不断创新,教材编写工作也亟需赶上改革前进的步伐。然而目前高职类教材编写存在不少弊端,尤其是高职口译教材现状不理想,整体呈现"数量少"、"取材杂"、"理念旧"、"定位乱"的现象。针对现状进行具体分析,尝试对高职口译人才目标进行正确定位,提出从三个角度"应用加活用"、"素养加涵养"、"证书加经验"出发,进行教材编写理念的探索。  相似文献   

The purpose of the present article is to give an account of the emergence of knowledge pertaining to the transition from arithmetic to algebra in the course of a debate in a grade 7 classroom. This debate follows two other instances of work: (1) the adidactic interaction between each student and a given problem, (2) the adidactic interaction of each student with the procedures generated by other students during stage 1. The two kinds of processes – adaptation to a milieu and social interactions – play a critical role in the change of “rationality” required for the move from arithmetic to algebra. Both the design of the initial mathematical problem given to the students and the organization of the interactions leading to the debate under study in this article are based on this hypothesis. The research presented in this article is set in a broader work of didactic engineering that aims at studying didactic conditions for making a connection between arithmetic practices and algebraic practices.  相似文献   

In recent years, closing down private higher education institutions (HEIs) has become a serious problem in China. It seems that doubt is cast on the rationality of private HEIs and severe competition contributes a lot to their development. Many problems in the process of self-development are caused by both internal and external factors. From the perspective of sustainable development and the healthy development of students, priority should be given to the evolution of an idea to provide a positive environment for the development of private HEIs. This paper is an effort to deal with the statement that higher education in China is a seller's market and aims to do an objective estimate of the development space for private HEIs. In addition, it shows a clear understanding of establishing the prediction system for relevant issues of private higher education to guarantee the sound development of private HEIs. Translated from Gaodeng Jiaoyu Yanjiu 高等教育研究 (Journal of Higher Education), 2006, (5): 46–53  相似文献   

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