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This article describes how a political assemblage currently at work in higher education is re-articulating academic subjectivities. This assemblage draws together entrepreneurial and humanist concepts of creativity into an intellectual resource that can change national economies. Academics are urged to use their creativity to counteract the narrowing funding base of the university. The article first introduces a history of the concept of creativity and explains how governmental agendas for creative industry and creativity in education emerged. Second, it describes a practice-based research project that grapples with the difficulties of knowledge transfer between the ‘creative’ and ‘social science’ academic disciplines. This raises questions about creative knowledge and reveals some ethical tensions in the performance of academic research. The research project is then positioned as a ‘counter-conduct’, used to short-circuit the procedures implemented for the conduct of creative research in the creative, entrepreneurial university.  相似文献   

Globalization or Glocalization? Higher Education Reforms in Singapore   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Globalization and the evolution of the knowledge‐based economy have caused dramatic changes to the character and functions of higher education in most countries around the world. However, the impacts of globalization on universities are not uniform though business‐like practices have been adopted to cope with competition in the global marketplace. The pressure for restructuring and reforming higher education is mainly derived from growing expectations and demands of different stakeholders in society. In recent years, widespread concerns over widened access, funding, accountability, quality, and managerial efficiency are perceived as the prominent global trends related to university education. Because of the divergent political, social, economic, cultural and historical backgrounds, national/local governments may adopt similar strategies in response to pressures generated from globalization. Nonetheless, through a close scrutiny of the ways that national policies are made, we may find that governments around the globe, particularly in East Asia, have tried to make use of the globalization discourse to address/justify the local policy/political agendas. This paper aims to examine the latest higher education reform initiatives proposed by the Singapore Government, with particular reference to reflect upon how the Singapore Government reforms its university systems in the context of globalization. It is argued that the latest comprehensive review of public university governance and funding brings about a changing role of the government in the regulation, finance and provision of higher education in Singapore and eventually alters the state‐university relationship.  相似文献   

运用非结构型问卷对60名有创业意向的大学生关于创业和创业教育的看法进行了调查。结果显示,整体而言,被调查大学生对创业的含义,创业大学生应具备的创业能力及其获得方法,以及高校创业教育的对象、形式和师资等问题有较好的认识,但具体到个人,他们的认识还不够全面和准确,需要进一步学习提高。为了增强高校创业教育效果,从创业教育的指导思想、教育对象、教育形式和师资四个方面提出了建议。  相似文献   

Privatization in higher education is usually understood either as the surge of private institutions or as universities’ growing reliance on private sources of funding or otherwise operating more like firms. Joining the growing literature on university entrepreneurship, this is a case study on the less examined problem of entrepreneurial universities in developing countries. In a period of roughly 15 years, the Pontificia Universidad Católica of Chile, founded in 1888, turned itself from a mostly teaching institution to a research-oriented university, responsible for one-fourth of the Chile’s mainstream scientific output and 40% of all Ph.D.s awarded nationally. Yet, public funding represents today only 17% of its revenues, down from almost 90% in 1972. How such academic development could have occurred as the State withdrew and the market took hold of Chilean higher education after the reforms introduced by the military rule of Augusto Pinochet (1973–1990) is the theme of this work. Universidad Católica’s policies and strategies are described, and the factors contributing to its success, together with their limitations, identified. The case suggests that orientation to the market can be more a means for survival and growth under the pressure of privatization, than a result of a ‘Triple Helix’ strategy of universities, government and industry to generate innovation out of academic knowledge. Secondly, while in the industrialized world, higher education entrepreneurship is associated with knowledge production for economic development (‘Mode 2’), entrepreneurial universities in the context of developing countries may just be finding their way to the academic, disciplinary mode of research.  相似文献   

Several education hubs have emerged in Asia and the Middle East in recent years with a specific focus on cross-border higher education. Through considerable efforts in policy planning and generous funding, these hubs aim to transform a country or city into an eminent destination for education, research, and training. The inherent design of these hubs raises many questions about higher education's contribution to international relations as large numbers of local and foreign actors congregate. Specifically, some education hubs are leveraging cultural heritage and colonial legacy as an instrument of soft power by emphasising shared cultural identities and values. By engaging in cultural diplomacy, education hubs seek to exert influence on the international stage. However, assumptions about shared identities and values as well as the prevailing political climate of the local society present serious challenges for policy implementation. Alternatively, an education hub can also engage with international actors based on an enduring faith in the venture of science to propel the knowledge economy – another kind of norm that underpins soft power. This paper compares Malaysia, Singapore, and Hong Kong as education hubs that engage in soft power and cultural diplomacy.  相似文献   

Universities are engines of the knowledge-based economy, both as sites of knowledge production and exploitation. Over the past two decades a “Third Mission” for universities has been articulated, alongside teaching and research; and this third mission is understood as commercial engagement. While growing literatures on the entrepreneurial university and university entrepreneurship have emerged, they are broadly conceptualized and overly fragmented. In this article we advance the concept of entrepreneurial architecture as an analytical framework to understand the organizational dynamics of the contemporary university and fuse two dominant discourses on the entrepreneurial evolution of higher education. We offer a pragmatic approach for institutions to respond to the challenges of the Third Mission.  相似文献   

高等教育市场化是当代西方高等教育发展的重要趋势,20世纪80年代撒切尔政府开始大幅削减高等教育经费,英国高校为求生存不得不走向市场化改革之路。英国高等教育市场化趋向表现为:实行高等教育成本分担,改革高等教育拨款方式,拓宽高等教育筹资渠道,建立创业型大学等。这些举措既弥补了高等教育经费的不足,也极大地增强了高等院校的活力和独立性。  相似文献   

Sou Kuan Vong  Wai Ming Yu 《Compare》2018,48(5):785-800
Consequences of competition for global university rankings, such as changes in funding modes, have been extensively discussed in the field of higher education. However, few studies have reviewed its implications on knowledge production. This study provides a contextualised method for theorising the implications of this competition on the development of East Asian higher education, specifically teacher education. It identifies the new forms of knowledge being produced in two teacher education institutions in Hong Kong and Macau by reviewing the publications of new recruits in a five-year period. The study considers the following variables: author(s), date and form of publication, abstract, title, keywords, journal name, language, data source, research context and methods. The findings show that the dominant publication trends are towards quantitative research and multiple authors. Psychological research is the most popular area and studies of other long-term issues in teacher education are being marginalised.  相似文献   

创业型大学与创业教育有着天然的渊源。创业教育是创业型大学的应有之举,创业型大学为创业教育提供了得天独厚的发展优势,二者的有效融合是创业教育与大学创业行为可持续发展的关键。创建创业型大学是高职院校转型发展的理性选择之一,必须不失时机地建立“创业中心”和“创业实体”,完善与专业相结合的创业教育课程体系,建设创业型师资队伍,推进创业教育再上新台阶。  相似文献   

Over the last few decades, globalization and ever-increasing demands of the knowledge-based economy have caused higher education in most countries around the world to undergo significant transformation. Notwithstanding the dramatic changes in higher education, it is clearly noticed that the influence of the European higher education models is still present despite the fact that the American model has then become dominant on higher education in Europe or even worldwide. The changes have been seen in the evolutionary roles of universities, which share the common trend from traditional missions of teaching and research to the third mission for economic development. Despite various viewpoints about the third mission, the common one concerns the entrepreneurial role of university for socio-economic development, underlying the concept of entrepreneurial university in which the collaboration between university and external stakeholders is emphasized. This paper is aimed to present a review of the taxonomy of the three European higher education models, namely the Humboldtian, Napoleonic, and Anglo-Saxon model, which is followed by a discussion on the emergence of the Anglo-American model of higher education. The paper then presents the third mission in relation to the roles of a university in developed countries, which is followed by the elaboration on the transformation from mode 1 to mode 2 in knowledge production, and a pathway toward entrepreneurial universities.  相似文献   

MIT与沃里克大学:创业型大学运行模式的比较与启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,创业型大学概念被引入我国,但对其模式含义的理解却一直存有争议。本文通过对MIT和沃里克大学这两个典型案例的对比,认为知识和研究成果的商业化是创业型大学的主要特征,但由于不同大学的研究实力、经费渠道和文化背景不同,创业实现方式也有很大的不同。MIT的创业起点是知识,沃里克大学是社会需要;MIT采用主导式的创业战略,沃里克大学采用变革式的创业战略;MIT是"自下而上"的服务型创业方式,沃里克大学是"自上而下"的公司型创业方式;MIT采用的是事业部制的组织结构,沃里克大学采用直线职能制的组织机构。从借鉴的意义看,MIT的创业模式适合于研究型大学,沃里克大学则适合于非研究型大学。对于那些有意向创业型大学迈进的我国地方高校,其运行模式应该以应用研究为起点、以本地区产业发展为服务对象,采用"自上而下"的统一创业文化,创建集学术和创业于一体的组织架构。  相似文献   

国外创业型大学研究热点探析:共词可视化视角   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
结合当前国际教育前沿理论,运用科学计量学中的可视化技术,对国外学者从1990-2007年间对创业型大学的研究状况进行了关键词共词分析,并绘制出其知识图谱。该图谱形象地展示出,当前国外创业型大学的研究领域存在着四大主流知识群。知识群1的研究主题主要集中在"大学创业、技术转移"领域;知识群2的研究主题主要反映为"官-产-学"的三螺旋系统;知识群3的研究主题主要汇聚在"大学-产业的创新、创业绩效"领域;知识群4的研究主题主要集中在"企业家成长"等方面。最后,本文对创业型大学的未来发展进行了展望。  相似文献   

Globalization in higher education and the replacement of state funding of universities with “revenue substitution” strategies in western countries have resulted in an increasing number of universities in these countries participating in what has come to be known as transnational knowledge transfer without being better informed about the cultural contexts in which this knowledge is applied, resulting in many program failures and resistance in the recipient countries. One reason for this neglect is the difficulty involved in identifying which aspects of culture to select for study before implementing educational innovations in a recipient country. The study reported in this paper was undertaken as a curriculum inquiry to identify those aspects of culture, which affect, influence or mediate curriculum, pedagogy and teacher learning in South Asia, where an increasing number of western expatriates are engaged in international curriculum work. Three aspects of culture—namely, concepts of self, discursive practices and indigenous approaches to learning—which emerged as having significant influence on curriculum and teacher learning, and may help expatriate educators to provide educational experiences that are grounded in the cultural realities of South Asia are discussed. The paper draws briefly on post-structural, postcolonial theories, and enunciations of critical pedagogy to reflect on culture, education and resistance in international academic relations.  相似文献   

为了应对欧洲高等教育财政紧缩政策以及大学间日趋激烈竞争的严酷生存环境,欧洲部分大学通过一系列的组织转型和内部变革,造就了一种全新的大学发展模式:创业型大学。欧洲创业型大学的兴起,为当前我国面临同样处境的高职院校培育创业型院校提供了有益的启示。  相似文献   

The article studies the differences in knowledge production between academic researchers. In this perspective, it attempts at first to answer the following question: what factors explain differences in knowledge production between Canadian researchers in natural sciences and engineering? After a presentation of some of the empirical evidence related to this first question, a distinction between two types of academic institutions, entrepreneurial versus non‐entrepreneurial universities, is introduced. Drawing from this distinction, four empirical models are suggested to test differences in knowledge production between entrepreneurial and non‐entrepreneurial researchers. The results show, first, that funding, time devoted to teaching activities, research team and individual attributes have a similar but differentiated impact on knowledge production of entrepreneurial and non‐entrepreneurial researchers. Second, there are some unbalanced effects of the variables co‐operation, time devoted to research activities, academic fields and university size on the knowledge production of Canadian researchers on natural science and engineering.  相似文献   

创业型大学视角下的创业教育具有人才培养目标的针对性和实用性强,教育模式呈多元化、开放式,课程体系完善、实践性突出,创业文化氛围较为浓厚等特征。我国高校现行的创业教育体系还存在着未能与学科专业教育有机融合,开放性不够、实践性不强,教师缺乏创业素养、教学模式与授课方式单一,创业教育顶层设计不足、缺乏强有力的组织运行机制等问题,必须从树立创业型人才培养理念,构建与创业型人才相适应的创业教育课程体系,提高师资队伍的创业素养,搭建开放式、多元化的创业实践平台,建立网络型创业教育与研究组织机制,塑造创新创业校园文化等方面完成创业型大学创业教育体系的构建。  相似文献   

创业教育正在全球兴起并广泛开展,创业能力的培养也成为高等教育人才培养的重要目标,如何实现大学生创业能力的提高成为高校探讨研究的重要内容之一。本文从大学生如何通过自我学习提高自身的创业能力方面论述了大学生创业能力培养的有效途径。  相似文献   

《建立创业型大学:组织上转型的途径》一书从大学的知识、教学、组织等因素展开,通过对强有力的驾驭核心、拓宽的发展外围、多元化的资助基地、激活的学术心脏地带、整合的创业文化的转型途径来阐明创业型大学的建成。该书总结出了20世纪晚期大学对多样化的社会需求所作出的“创业型反应”,对指导其他大学的改革具有重大的理论指导意义和借鉴价值。  相似文献   

试论我国建立创业型大学的路径选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着我国高等教育改革的逐步深化,建立创业型大学为大学的改革提供了一种新的有效的发展范式。创业型大学依靠五个核心要素开展创业行动:强有力的驾驭核心、拓宽的发展外围、多元化的资金来源、激活的学术心脏地带、整合的创业文化。建设创业型大学的路径就是要走一条产学研相结合的发展道路。  相似文献   

培养具有创业能力的大学生是高等教育改革的重要内容。河南高校多属地方性院校,在就业形势日趋严峻的今天,创业教育问题亟待解决。新乡四所高校的调查样本分析结果显示:多数大学生认识到创业的重要性,但准备创业或真正创业的却凤毛麟角。究其原因,创业教育师资匮乏、创业教育课程体系不完善、创业实践活动少等因素成为制约大学生创业的瓶颈。经过对创业教育存在问题的分析,针对问题提出促进河南地方院校大学生创业教育对策,以期对中国地方院校大学生创业教育有所裨益。  相似文献   

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